I don't know

The title of the music

Okay you know that song, I don't know by Apink. Well, I will write a Changmin and Seohyun. OMG?! Okay this year very busy. I'm preparing for O levels that means I can't go to lots of concert like I used to. Sob Sobs. But I will still try to write. Thank you for subscribing. I'm still very new to this fanfic thing but hopefully I could master it soon.

I don't know

Seohyun was this pretty girl. She was rich, pretty, kind and many more. She had a wonderful boyfriend, Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun had a friend, Changmin. He was more like a best friend for Changmin. Although she was every boy's dream to be with her. It was also a secret that even Changmin had to keep it a secret to his bestfriend himself. It was more like love triangle. Everytime, Seohyun would have to hang out with Kyuhyun, Changmin would disappear to thin air. Changmin always thought that he would get the girl first but he was wrong, Seohyun was with Kyuhyun by then he wanted to introduced himself to her.


Seohyun was a new student that had entered the university, she did looked very lost. She was wondering around the campus aimlessly until she bumped into the floor. Her was on the floor, her books, file and an identification was all over the floor. The man was rather tall, he was grumbling about her spilling coffee on his shirt. She took out tissues from her back.

Kyuhyun: YA! Weren't you watching where you were going?

Both of them were still compiling whatever notes and it was when Seohyun passed a packet of napkin to him to wiped out the stain. She had look down as she did felt very apologetic. Kyuhyun went closer to her and took the tissue. But then, everything stood silent like the time was not moving at all. It just took a little while to smell her perfume. It smelt very sweet like a both mix of honey and roses and other flowers. She did smell like a garden filled with beautiful flowers.

Kyuhyun tried to look at the apologetic girl and tried to get her attention. Slowly there were tears out of her eyes, she felt very sincere then she did looked up at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun was very amazed at the girl. "Such a pretty girl...." he thought... Her features did remind him of angel that had fallen from the skies of heaven.

Kyuhyun: I'm sorry... Why do you cry?                                                                                                                                                                                                  Seohyun: I am really really sorry... I will pay for your shirt. Sorry for making you angry...

Kyuhyun wiped Seohyun's tears, it did caused her to flinch at first but he did wiped her tears.

It was then she left hurriedly, she could not face him every again. She did felt very embarassed until she bumped into Changmin.

Seohyun: I'm really sorry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Changmin: It's okay! You are new?! I'm Shim Changmin. Let me show you the way...

He lead her to the classroom. She did felt so thankful.


So as Kyuhyun was very close to Seohyun, there were days that Changmin did felt very lonely. He was desperate for a girl who he can't even have. He did tried to date but no one were that awesome like Seohyun. The more he was distant to her, the more he wanted her. It became an unfortunate day that Seohyun's family became out of business and the only thing that the family could support her was to get married to Changmin who was suprisingly a business son from a rich family whatever terms and condition Seohyun had to break up with Kyuhyun and had to marry with Changmin.

Seohyun: Omma, why?! I don't want to meet him. I think I don't know him. What if he is not the man for me?

Seohyun was whinning she did disagree because she did not know the person yet. However, Changmin was really hoping that the girl would be Seohyun because his dad did say it is his old friend's daughter. The only girl who was rich was Seohyun.

It was the day of the meeting, they had to wear hanbok to greet the two family. She did looked very pretty in the hanbok, her swollen eyes was covered up by the make up. She was very polite, she greet her future in laws and finally she did recognized a familiar looking face. Changmin... "No, it can't be him..." she ensured herself. The two families brought together the daughter and the son. It was quite suprising for Seohyun of course. She did not expect that she was supposed to be married off with Changmin, her boyfriend's bestfriend. They soon had the time to talk.

Changmin: Seohyun, I'm really sorry, I did not know about this?                                                                                                                                                         Seohyun: It's okay oppa, I guess I have to tell Kyuhyun oppa about this. That I am engaged. I think it's time that I have to learnt how to love somebody...

Changmin just nodded. Though it was sad for him to see the girl sobbing to herself, he did tried to calmed her down. He did realized something to, it was like the first time he had met Seohyun and she was crying because of that incident in the past. Although he was not calming her like how closed tightly her bodies reached his while her head cries on his shoulder, he could smell that sweet gentle smell of her perfume but this time the smell was different from the last time. It smelt that she was very confused.

The next day...

It was the day that Seohyun had to prepare herself for a break up. She did prayed for things to end smoothly. It was the start of the second term of the university. Kyuhyun and Seohyun did not meet for a week. She know that this was going to be hard for Kyuhyun but she did knew it was the best for both the families. Today was an exception, Seohyun would always take public transport to school no matter how much her parents pastered her to used her car, it was the day that Changmin and Seohyun went to school today. It was an agreement to satisfy her parents. They did talked in the car but it became awkward again when he finally talked about Kyuhyun.

She was really really early. Usually she would be an hour early but today she was two and a half hour early. It was then two warm pair of hands covered her eyes.

Kyuhyun: Guess who?

Seohyun just removed his hands away from her.  She did really looked very dull. She looked very gloomy as she looked at him. She wanted to say something but words could not come out of .

Kyuhyun: What is it, Seohyun?                                                                                                                                                                                                              Seohyun: I'm sorry oppa. I think it's better if we two break up. It's done. I'm seeing someone...                                                                                                          Kyuhyun: Who?

Seohyun just walked away from him. She had tears breaming out from her eyes. She did looked very depressed. She cried until someone handed a tissue to her. She just accepted without looking who the person is.

Changmin: Don't cry, you don't look pretty when you cry. Let's not go to class, let's excused ourselves. Come have fun! I bring wherever you want to go...(he dragged her arm)

Kyuhyun on the other hand watched the girl was being dragged by a man but he could not have a glimpse of the man that she was with. He did follow behind them.

Changmin had brought her to the amusement park, shopping mall and even the library. Everywhere they went, it was pretty unlucky that Kyuhyun could not get a glimpse of whom Seohyun was with. They did had so much fun. It was the first time Seohyun cried after being on the break. It was time when Kyuhyun gave up and wanted to just meet his bestfriend and tell him about the problem. He did went to his house. And waited for him.

As he was waiting for him, the pair had went for dinner. It was the time when Changmin had to confessed his through feelings.

Changmin: Seohyun.... I have to confess something, I do have feelings for you since you entered the school. The reason when I was not close to you before was because Kyuhyun had you. You were with Kyuhyun. I could not do anything. Kyuhyun was my best friend so I just let him off to be with the girl of my dreams. Right now, I know you may hurt me from saying this, but I love you. I really do...( tears trickling down)

Seohyun watched him feeling shocked. She could have said something about the first time they hanged out as a group. So she did gained confidence.

Seohyun: I love you too oppa. My heart feels confused. I really do. I do miss you alot.

After the dinner, Changmin had asked if she would want to meet his parents and she agreed.

Seohyun: Your parents are really nice... They make me feel very welcome...

When they reached at Changmin's house, as they were making their way to the doorstep. Kyuhyun did noticed that Changmin was with a girl. But that girl really looked very familiar. It was almost time when Kyuhyun wanted to greet him. And it made him very fuming mad. He did punched him. His vision was very clear.

Kyuhyun: You?! You?! You are dating Seohyun, my girlfriend?! I can't believe this! You are my bestfriend, you, you we are done!

Just about when Kyuhyun wanted to beat him again.

Seohyun: Oppa stop it! HE IS MY FIANCEE!

Kyuhyun just ran off giving her glare, it did give her the chills.

Seohyun pulled Changmin into the house and applied first aid on him. Seohyun could not help to feel very sorry. Changmin went closer to Seohyun to cheer her up but she could not help but to tear about it. She was feeling scared. She could not help it by wetting his shirt again. Changmin wiped her tears..."It will be me okay, trust me..."

She continued to cry until she fell asleep. The next day. Both of them went off to school. It was scary, she was all alone not exactly alone. She did have friends,lots of friends but the fact that Kyuhyun might appear and hurt Changmin worried her. There were icy glares as they saw the two of them. She could not help but tried to stay out.

It happened for three years...

The friendship were very cold... But there was once she waited in school for Changmin. They were an officially a couple now. Kyuhyun went out of the school. He somehow dropped out of school to where, they didn't know where to.

As time was almost up, Seohyun did wait for Changmin, she waited for him. "Where is he?" she thought. Suddenly someone grabbed her and she was unconsious...

She did wake up and found herself in a familiar room that she used to be in the past. "Where am I? I know this place very well..." she did recalled. She was tied up to a chair. She screamed and screamed. It seems like everything was black. The aura of the room was creepy, there were pictures of her hung everywhere in the room. Most of them were pictures with Changmin. But with Changmin, there was an "X" put on his face. Suddenly a man came out of nowhere. "Kyuhyun.... Is that you?" She questioned... There was a grin on his face. She was positive it was him.


Changmin was already worried of her. He was caught up with a lot things in the campus. He waited anxiously. He did asked around where she was. No one exactly knew where she was until she saw her phone. It was lying on the floor. He tried to guessed what had happen as he walked around the corrider, he saw a familiar looking swiss army knife. "No, it can't be..."

He drove to Kyuhyun's house as fast as he could. His house, there were a few things and there was his mother that he had not seen for three years since the incident happened. Of he dating Seohyun and become a future husband to be of her. His mom opened the door hugging him. "Aunty, have you seen Kyuhyun?" She just shake her head no. His mom had tears in her eyes. She said that Kyuhyun had left. He became very rebellious and had hurt his parents alot. She then gave him her address.

Seohyun was in danger. She did not know what Kyuhyun had in mind. He touched her face. She did flinched. She flinched again, he was fuming mad, he had no choice but to slapped her hard. She had tears in her eyes.  But thankfully Changmin was there to rescue. The house was pretty deserted to Changmin. He was shocked when he saw pictures of her and him. It had no choice but the things Kyuhyun was doing was pretty mental. He was not at the right of mind.

They were fighting and Changmin had tried to self defence himself but it did not occur to him that the swiss army knife could hurt anyone even being lying down. He was forced to the ground by Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun wanted to stab Changmin but Changmin kicked him away with force which he was thrown to Seohyun who was still tied onto the chair. But then, it was too late. Once then, the army knife had pointed to Seohyun's chest. Changmin ran to Seohyun. "Oppa, I really love you too..."she whispered to Changmin. Changmin kissed her hoping that she would stay strong but there it was the last time he could kiss her. She lost her breath and finally she can't wake up.

Kyuhyun had ran away. He was eventually caught by the police. Changmin could not hold anymore. He was in grief. Everytime, the parents had asked how Seohyun had died, "I don't know but I do love her very much...." He teared up... again...

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HogMyWarts #1
Chapter 3: Dongwoon and Seohyun <3
Please make another oneshot with this pairing.
DramioneSeoexo #2
Chapter 18: Wohoooo i love your Fanfiction! By the way i am new member! :-D
Chapter 30: WOW Micky!! il be waiting
CRAZYinlove16 #5
Chapter 17: love the update seojae <3
Eycha_sk11 #6
Chapter 29: Aww I miss seojae ff! ^^ thanks for update ! ^^
ambai90 #8
Chapter 28: haha can imagine N holding luhan hand and kris towering over the deer!!
im glad seohan have collab last year !!
hope more seohan moment in 2014
CRAZYinlove16 #9
Chapter 28: hahahaha Kris is really mad to Luhan.... i agree it was really awkward Kris would be better since his tall just like Seohyun anyway love the update.. please make again a story of SeoJae and SeoKris <3
Eycha_sk11 #10
Chapter 28: HAHAHAHA OMG YESS! its soooo awkward luhaaannn! Hahaha yeah I think Kris or Minho could do better! Muahahah