Secret Love

The title of the music

Okay It's double update I guess! Wohoo! Double update as I promised. Well, I was actually debating to post an angsty chapter or filled with fuff but it has been a long time I  have updated angsty however I will give it a miss until I want to. Or when I feel so loveless. Sigh. So it shall be fluff. I guess. Well I love Goo Hara's Secret Love. I guessed why this has been related to Beast. I guess. Okay. I am not making sense. I have not been sleeping well lately, however I shall write about Seohyun and Yoseob then.

Secret Love

Seohyun came into the dorm with an angry face. She felt like stabbing someone at the moment but NOOOO, that is not totally her image, "Maknae~ah, what's wrong? Is everything okay? How was the new drama filming?" Her onnies surrounded her, well she just bursted into tears. "Onnies, my filming was distrupted, I really worked hard for that scene, it was doing great until someone came in and made a big fuss about it?" Seohyun complained.  Her onnies had to soothe her down. "Maknae, who distrupted the filming? Is it Leeteuk oppa? Changmin Oppa? Kyuhyun Oppa?" Seohyun shooked her head as she continued crying. "Onnie, if I told you this, I think you will kill me for not telling you... It's my boyfriend, well, you didn't know well except Hyoyeon onnie about him." She just left her other onnies completely shocked. 

Soon after absorbing what she had just said, the other onnies except Hyoyeon bursted into laughters. She could not believe it that her onnies could not believe her and thought that she was just lying. She went to her room and just slammed the door. It was totally unlike her, but she had a really rough day today and to make matters worse was that her onnies laughter echoed through the room. "You guys should not have laughed at her like that?! What she was saying was true! I was the one who set her up on the date with someone. But it seems like you don't want to know who the person is. You should at least remained calm and tell me. The truth is that she is currently in a secret relationship."  Hyoyeon confronted the others members. Soon they looked at one another with guilt. "Maknae~ah, we are really sorry... Really sorry. I know we should not act like that but we need to know who and he must be taught a lesson. Please open the door..." TIffany pleaded. Well, it's true what fan says, Tiffany is exactly like umma to her. Well the others followed her behind and mummered their sorries.

Soon the door swung open. Well, Seohyun did not look alright at the moment, her eyes were red. "Will this really ruined my career? Like what happened today? Will it be in the news? I don't want my ratings for my first drama to drop." She questioned them while the other members hugged her.


"Yoseob~ah! You should not reacted like that! Why did you punched our maknae like that?! It's just a drama! Your girlfriend will not fall for our maknae, they are just best friends. If this comes out from the media, how are you going to explained to them? I suggest you call her because she ran out of the filming location fuming mad?" Doojoon lectured him. Well it has been enough that he had heard the story the nth time. "Oh Yoseob hyung you are here? Thank god for my bestfriend a.k.a your girlfriend, she helped treated the wounds on my face. Well she's just angry with you. Just apologized okay?! I am not stealing your girlfriend or anything. I am helping you and her..." Dongwoon pleaded.

"Why on Earth did I did that?! I am such a babo. A real one." he thought to himself.


"Okay Hyun~ah, whatever it is, it will not be a real. I will just kiss above your lips to look as if it is like a real kiss but it isn't okay?" Dongwoon reassured her. Well, she just nodded her head, she knew that she could trust Dongwoon since they have been friends since his Beast Debut. "Okay, Action!" The director announced. It was half and hour to the recording. Everything seems to be perfect, well she had been practising the lines with her onnies or not other oppa from SM Entertainment. She saw how absorbed they were looking at her act. Well, Leeteuk , who apparently took the day off from the army brought his sister along. 

It was then almost the kiss scene when suddenly, someone dragged her out of the filming side while the camera recorded everything that happened. Well not only that, it left an injured Dongwoon at the filming side. "Yoseob Oppa, why on earth did you do that?" she questioned him. A serious look appeared on her face. "I would not allow you to film the drama anymore. I can't stand it. Well, I'm okay if he kisses you on your cheek but not your lips. It's just that I don't trust you!" He argued back. Well, she could not control anymore but a slapped appeared on his face. She soon packed up her things and apologised to the director. Well she gave the excuse that she was not well, and explained that it was too much of a burden for intimate scenes for the day.

She packed up her things, well everyone including the director wrapped up for the day, he realised that Dongwoon had just left him too because of his sudden actions. There was left was her Leeteuk oppa, his noona might have left feeling the dissapointment. "Yang Yoseob, I would wish to talk to you now in the car, follow me." Leeteuk demanded. Once he reached into the car, Leeteuk could not do anything but just examined him from head to toe and then followed by a glare. "What were you seriously thinking?" Leeteuk raised his voice in the car. Thankfully no one did not noticed nor saw them. "I'm sorry, Hyung. But I was afraid that you might not like it, as her friend and your friend, I had to do what I had to do..." He explained before Leeteuk cutted him off, " I want the real truth now,..." Leeteuk demanded. He let let out a big sighed and explained to him that he was in a real secret relationship with Seohyun. "Well, Seohyunnie, is like my younger sister, I know I shouldn't do this, but if you didn't had told me earlier you would have failed the 4 steps interview. But since you hurt my baby sister, you have to find your way but to apologized to her. Her other 8 sisters and I nor the Kyu-line or fanboys who are being friendzoned will not helped you. You just have to explained yourself to the media." Leeteuk expalined to him before dropping him off at his dorm.


"Manager hyung, I am ready for the press conference of what happened today. I know it had spread to the media already." Yoseob flipped his phone leaving his manager a voice mail. 



"Maknaeee~ah, have you seen or read the newspaper? Your boyfriend will eplained himself. I think you should also explained yourself together with him of what will happen. I know you are a forgiving person, maknae..." Tiffany persuade her. Well the other members could just agree. Soon within a few hours the breaking news had changed,


Well, she knew tha she had to phone him. "Oppaaa, I know what you did was wrong. I understand how you feel, but please trust me in this filming. Well the company has finally agreed that I could finally reveal my secret status." She begged him while crying. "Hyun~ I'm really really really sorry. Let me make it up to you. I will agree with your drama but let's just reveal this SECRET LOVE of ours. I'm just outside of your dorm,  you can help me open the door, I can't stand it, a week, not holding you. please." Yoseob persuaded her. She did open the door. 

"Hyun, I know you are still mad at me..." But he was cutted. Seohyun hugged and kissed him. And agreed on telling the world of their SECRET LOVE.

After a few weeks, the news did not died down but everyone finally accepted the new idol couple. 

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HogMyWarts #1
Chapter 3: Dongwoon and Seohyun <3
Please make another oneshot with this pairing.
DramioneSeoexo #2
Chapter 18: Wohoooo i love your Fanfiction! By the way i am new member! :-D
Chapter 30: WOW Micky!! il be waiting
CRAZYinlove16 #5
Chapter 17: love the update seojae <3
Eycha_sk11 #6
Chapter 29: Aww I miss seojae ff! ^^ thanks for update ! ^^
ambai90 #8
Chapter 28: haha can imagine N holding luhan hand and kris towering over the deer!!
im glad seohan have collab last year !!
hope more seohan moment in 2014
CRAZYinlove16 #9
Chapter 28: hahahaha Kris is really mad to Luhan.... i agree it was really awkward Kris would be better since his tall just like Seohyun anyway love the update.. please make again a story of SeoJae and SeoKris <3
Eycha_sk11 #10
Chapter 28: HAHAHAHA OMG YESS! its soooo awkward luhaaannn! Hahaha yeah I think Kris or Minho could do better! Muahahah