Because I'm Crazy

The title of the music

Authors note

Hey anyone a fan of Power Rookie, Double A?! Okay now I shall write a request given by one of the readers. I'm sorry for those who requested Nickhun and then Woohyun. I will write them on a another chapter. Okay, back to what I was saying... I love the song, Because I'm crazy because it gives a bad boy image... So today's pairing would be Dongwoon and Seohyun couple. My favourite couple from the SNSD/Beast.

Okay here goes. Thank you for subscribing! Please comment and send more request as you wished.

Because I'm Crazy.

The story.

Everyone thinks that she was perfect, she had the perfect family, perfect friends but except her. She has a reputation, everyone wants to be like her, everyone wants to be part of her life but the thing that kept for her going was her best friend, Dongwoon. Although Dongwoon was her hoobie there was a lot of things they shared. Although she may look naive and she is really is. She doesn't realised that there were few people who do like her, there was some people from the same SM company who likes her, it was from Super Junior Kyuhyun to Donghae and then to DBSK Changmin. Not only that, there was Jinwoon, Yonghwa and even Dongwoon's hyung, Yoseob who spends the most time with him.

There is a secret that she herself doesn't know but it was very obvious to her unnies who spend time with her. Dongwoon actually do like her. No, he love her so much. The first time he laid his eyes on her, he thought that Seohyun was a very boring person to be with but when she did a variety show, We Got Married with her so called fake husband, Yonghwa. That is when he realised that she was not boring, she has a loving and giving heart to help anyone in need. He then started to hanged out with Seohyun more. There was once that the another time SNSD and Beast had the same schedule, Dongwoon had became "crazy". It amazed his hyungs. They did not even realised that he had kept his games and read a book. It was one of her favourite book that he always see her reading. As he read from chapters to chapters his gaming addiction had died down. He flipped and concentrated on reading the book. Once he had done, he would share some reviews which did amazed Seohyun. Seohyun on the other hand was amazed and they did hanged out once in a while until they became best friends.


It was the day that the 91'line were hanging out. It was a small party but their disguised had to make sure that there was actually no one who could actually noticed them... Seohyun was with her bestfriends, there was the cute Nicole, Hara, Minho, Minhyuk, Jungshin and Dongwoon. They were actually in disgusied but eventually even without make up there were still fans coming up to her and asking for her autographed and pictures. It was simply becuase she had a naturally beauty that is recognizeable even to everyone.

She sighed as the next one came to her. It made her feel that she had no space to roam about with her friends. Soon they came to this very cute restaurant at nearby place that it was not that famous to the public. Although she could not stand the smell of Soju there were at least 4 of them who drank it. They played a game, though she was not good with games which does include alcohol in it, she still ended up playing with it. It was the third round of the game and Seohyun had lost the game. She was supposed to drink a bottle of soju. Although Nicole, Hara and Minho could hold the number of soju they had to drink and not getting drunk. She was about to cry. Dongwoon could feel that she could tear up any minute after that...

Dongwoon: Please don't ruined Seohyun's innocent image, just let me drink this whenever she losses...(grabs the cup of soju and drank it...)

Dongwoon gave her a wink and ensure that everything was okay. They had to do it again and again. It was the fifth time Dongwoon had to drank the soju again because Seohyun had lost twice and he had lost another three times for himself. It was then he had could not consumed anymore soju as he felt drunk. The group then left in seperate ways. They had to take a cab and find a way back home without causing any trouble with the media.

Seohyun: Dongwoon, let me help you and send you home...                                                                                                                                        

Dongwoon nodded and walked wobbly. He could not make any sense he was dancing and he was not aware of the surrounding. Seohyun had no choiced but to put his hand around her neck to keep his balance from falling. Although his touched did finally flutter her abit. In her mind there were questions, "Why is he such a pabo? Why do I feel this?" As they walked she took aware of her heartbeat, it would somehow increased and decreased. To her it was not normal. There was something wrong with her.

Dongwoon: Seohyun-ah~~~You smell good! Why can't you know my feelings for you?(he was then giggling to himself)

Seohyun blushed as she heard him saying that to her. She would think that it was a joke. When they reached the dorm, to her suprised her no. 1 fanboy opened the door, Yoseob.

Yoseob: Oh Seohyun, what are you doing her?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Seohyun: Oppa, please helped me he is really drunk...

Yoseob then nodded as he helped her to bring the drunk maknae into his room that he had shared with Dongwoon. Dongwoon was still laughing at himself. He began to be a bit violent towards his favourite hyung, Yoseob.. but he didn't mind him.

Yoseob: Seohyun, how did he became drunk?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Seohyun: We were playing a game and then he just kept on drinking on my behalf... He said weird things about his problems.... (She said in a serious tone)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Yoseob: Erm, Seohyun you should know that when man are drunk they do not lie...

She then excused herself..."So it's true then...." she thought to herself. She made her way back home by a cab. Thank god it was only a few kilometers away but she took the cab for safety measures. It was then when she reached home, she was surrounded by her unnies.

Jessica: Maknae ah, how was it?

She just shrugged her shoulder and said that she was very sleepy.

The next day...

She was awoken by her 8 unnies. She was wrong about the media. She reached for the computer and saw it on the news. "Beast maknae, Dongwoon admitting of liking SNSD maknae, Seohyun"

the article continued. Dongwoon was spotted with SNSD Maknae, Seohyun while walking back to his dorm. Apparently, Dongwoon was drunk and the poor innocent maknae, Seohyun had no choiced but to bring him home. What about Yonghwa? How would Yonghwa react to this.

There was a video attached to it and it was what Dongwoon was saying to her.

She felt very suprised until she did recieved a message from him, himself.

From Dongwoon

Seohyun, I am really sorry... I was really drunk. Let me respond this scandal to the media. It's all my fault. I have talked to Lee Soo Man.

She teared. She said that it was also her part and she felt that she herself was irresponsible for the mistake. There was a Beast press conference. There were sones who bashed Dongwoon and he did felt sorry for him. She was there in disguise. An actually disguise which she made her covered her whole face with a sunglass and scarf. As the question began to be more personal, she stood up and shouted across someone, " Please don't say that..." She removed her disguised. SOnes were amazed it was actually her. She stood up and went up to the microphone.

Seohyun: Dongwoon is innocent, it's a mistake that we made. We should have not played with alcohol so please forgive him. He was being a man and tried to protect my image, to Dongwoon. "Pabo, why do you do that?" Please continue supporting Beast... He is also the man that I realised that is the man who takes care of me and I love you...(She walked away with tears and smudging her make up)

It was then they realised that it was just a common thing. Dongwoon was a man. He was really crazy and was really under her spells that he wanted to protect a woman that he had loved for a very long time. He walked towards Seohyun and gave a hug. The hug that she felt from him was compeletly different. It made her think that she really needed him in her life. He then kissed her cheeks before giving a peck on her lips.

Dongwoon muttered something which she could hear visibly"," I love you because I'm crazy... and I love you with all my heart...""

Soon people cheered and realized people do make mistakes and they did support the couple.

The End.

Sorry, I made the story to cheesy. Hope you will still enjoy! reading! I will try my best to continue writing!


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HogMyWarts #1
Chapter 3: Dongwoon and Seohyun <3
Please make another oneshot with this pairing.
DramioneSeoexo #2
Chapter 18: Wohoooo i love your Fanfiction! By the way i am new member! :-D
Chapter 30: WOW Micky!! il be waiting
CRAZYinlove16 #5
Chapter 17: love the update seojae <3
Eycha_sk11 #6
Chapter 29: Aww I miss seojae ff! ^^ thanks for update ! ^^
ambai90 #8
Chapter 28: haha can imagine N holding luhan hand and kris towering over the deer!!
im glad seohan have collab last year !!
hope more seohan moment in 2014
CRAZYinlove16 #9
Chapter 28: hahahaha Kris is really mad to Luhan.... i agree it was really awkward Kris would be better since his tall just like Seohyun anyway love the update.. please make again a story of SeoJae and SeoKris <3
Eycha_sk11 #10
Chapter 28: HAHAHAHA OMG YESS! its soooo awkward luhaaannn! Hahaha yeah I think Kris or Minho could do better! Muahahah