
The title of the music

Hey! I'm back. I've been really really busy the entire year. Oh my god. Well, I shall write my next story which consist of my exo main biased. HEHEHEHE! LAY~! However I will be using NU'EST sleep-talking. I really enjoy that song. Well, I did actually written a chapter based on NS-Yoong and Jay Park If you love me. The story was actually done but I had to delete it before clicking to un-hide the chapter. Well, it didn't made any sense. And whatever I wrote that time, I did not had any inspirations to write that chapter. I woke up and brainstormed this chapter in the middle of the night. hehehe. I hope you Enjoy.




"Zhang YiXIng, I love you..." a girl in a white dressed confessed, her face was covered with tears. She pecked her lips against his....BRINNNNGGGGGGG!!!! "ARGHHHH! Not again..." Lay woke up. HIs alarm clock had woke him up. He groaned and grumbled at the same time, well, he could slept longer but he had promised that during his university 3 months break that he would helped his father in managing the small music business. Well, his parents were not that rich neither were they poor. They were mostly stable. He got dressed as he head down to have the usual breakfast with his family. "Good Morning, YiXing..." his grandfather greeted him. Lay was not a morning person, so to be more polite he bowed at him while giving his grandfather a slight smile.  "I see you been having the same dream over and over again, Yixing... Why don't you tell Grandpa what's wrong?" his grandfather asked.


"You may not understand Grandpa... Probably won't. I, myself don't even understand it... Well, there is this beautiful lady in my dream. She looks really surreal. She looks really beautiful... No, she is really b-beauitful... She may be in trouble." Lay confessed  "What's her name then if you said that she's in trouble, my grandson..." Lay just let out a huge sigh. "Seo Ju Hyun... But she likes to be called Seohyun." It was then the tea cup that his grandfather was holding shattered to the floor. IMPOSSIBLE.. Mdm Seohyun passed away 30 years ago, his grandfather thought. "Appa, don't worry about the glass pieces, it's not your fault.. I forgot to tell you that it was hot." Lay's mother quickly picked up the glasses pieces, cleaning up the mess. Lay eyed his grandfather actions. Well, it did shocked him. Well he knew something too. "Grandpa, is it okay if I talked to you in the living room, please?" Lay begged his Grandfather. He brought him to the living room. "YiXing, my grandson, I'm sure you want to know. Do you know why you are called Yixing? Well, that was the name of my father, Yixing. He was great man, YiXing. I do know Seo Ju Hyun if you are asking..." Lay eyes widden."Please do tell me about her, Grandpa! Please!" Lay eyes widden as his grandfather confessed. "From what I know, YiXing. She was your greatgrandfather's lover but due to the fact she came from a rich family, your great grandfather and her weren't able to get married.. She had to be marry off another man that was your greatgrandfather's bestfriend, Xi Luhan. Your greatgrandfather, of course did got married to a woman who was not of his choice, well but your greatgrandmother did understand the love that the two had. Well, they did remained friends for a long time...", Lay eyes widden again, "Grandpa, what do you mean by did?", his grandfather chuckled. My grandson is at age that he understand life & death situation but now he is so cluess, his Grandfather thought to himself. "They passed away, my boy. Before you were even born.."


"AISH!! This is even more confusing, what does she want to do with me? I can't simply fall in love with Seo Ju Hyun right? Unless that was her great-grandaughter. Does she have one? Who apparently has the same name as me?" Lay thought the whole day. "YiXing... YiXing... YiXing... Don't daydream. Are you sick, my boy?" His father placed his hand on his forehead. "YiXing, please check these instruments for me, they have to be delivered to the Young Miss Seo." His father pointed to the instruments. There was name tags indicating the full name of the customer... He would not checked the tag and just checked the musical instruments but this time he did not had no idea why but he did. It did caught his eye, Seo Ju Hyun. Was fate playing with him? Did the dream had a hidden message? He shrugged whatever he was thinking off. After checking that the musical instruments that was not defective. He slumbered himself to sleep.




He came back to the time where she last saw her. That girl. Seo Ju Hyun.  “YiXing Oppa, there you are. I miss you. I have been finding you everywhere.” She ran towards him, hugging him and then giving a peck on his lips. It was a long hug.  “Seohyun , what year is it? Why do you dressed like this?” he asked her. “What do you mean, YiXing Oppa? I always wear like this. Did you fell asleep while reading a book? You are really forgetful, it’s 1940!” she . He was indeed shocked. “YiXIng, Seohyun, oh there you are… I’ve been looking all over for you. YiXing, you have sand in your eyes. You sleep too much. Here’s a mirror.” Luhan came running to them. He grabbed that mirror while looking at his own reflection. He was not looking at himself. Well, he did realise his great- grandfather did looked like him, he studied himself briefly. Yes. He realise he was learning about his great-grandfather. “YiXing, you look at yourselves in the mirror too much.” Luhan commented.


Meanwhile back to reality…


A young lady dressed simply went inside the shop. “Good morning, Mr Zhang. I am Seo Ju Hyun.  I am here to collect those musical instruments that I ordered from you. “ She greeted Mr Zhang with smile while bowing to him. “Oh come in Miss Seo, your instruments, my son, YiXing is checking them now. You may enter that room” He guided her to the door where Lay was supposedly checking out the instruments. “Well Miss Seo,  just to let you know that YiXing really does not quite like being called YiXing because when we moved back to Korea, there were a few people who can’t pronounced his name properly so he tends to respond to Lay more. She nodded her head as she walked to the room.


There he saw a young man who looks like the same aged as her or slightly a year older. Well, she studied his features. “I’m ..hungry..too…” he mumbled out. She chuckled at him. It did amaze her. Never was she attracted to the man whom she barely knew who was soundly asleep.  I have a feeling we will be great friends or maybe more, Lay-ssi, she thought to herself.  She walked out of the room. “Miss Seo, so how is the instruments? Did you manage to meet my son?” Mr Zhang asked. Well she just let out a giggle. “Call me, Seohyun, Mr Zhang. I do know that my dad and you are good friends. Sadly, Lay-ssi was sleeping. It is okay, Mr Zhang. Why don’t we have tea with you and Mrs Zhang?” She asked Mr Zhang politely.


“Okay sure, Seohyun. I will ask Mrs Zhang to make tea and join us. Just make yourself feel at home. You are welcome to play any instruments here.”  She thought back of what she did in the room. She knew that she never acted that way before. Was she falling for him at first sight?  She only could recall looking through her grandma’s photo album, she knew she had seen him before. She remembered that she saw him while going through a photo album. It did looked like the same person though. She thought to herself while holding that black-and-white photo of her great-grandmother and man. She kept that photo after a few times her other relatives telling her close resemblance with her great- grandmother.


Meanwhile in the deep slumber….


Every minute that passed by, it felt like a year passing by. Well, it was true. Most probably, it was because that everything that Lay was dreaming of was the stories that his great-grandfather was telling him.


It was then the next thing he knew, he saw the same girl crying. “What happened?” he asked. “Oppa, I’m getting married. Not to you. I love you so much. My father does not approved us. He wants me to marry your bestfriend, Luhan. The son of the huge fishing port industry.” She told him in between her tears.  He knew that it was not his body reacting, he knew that when one’s dreaming the person himself could control his actions and what he wants to say to another person. “Luhan Hyung, loves you more than you think. He loves you as much as I do love you. Please accept the marriage.” He pleaded her. She did looked shocked, her fist balled up hitting his chest as she cried even more. “I can’t believe you. You wouldn’t fight for us, Oppa. I hate you! I hate you!” She shrieked at him. He gave her a long hug. “I did fight for you, I will always fight for you no matter what. I love you and I will always will. It’s not our time to be together but I’m sure that somehow one day, we be with one another even if we are not in this world anymore. That’s what I believe.” He confessed.

“Oppa, you promised whatever you say?”

Back to reality…

Seohyun went back into the room. Maybe it was time that she woke him up. Well her mornings was spent well at the Zhang.  “I promised… I’m hungry. I want goguma.” he mumbled out word for word. She laughed this time a little loudly.  Cute, she thought. Soon, he began stirred up a bit because of her laughter. “Lay-ssi, Lay-ssi, Lay-ssi, Please wake up.” He still felt really sleepy. Lay then stared at Seohyun. He begun rubbing his eyes a few time. “I’m actually here to collect my musical instruments that I ordered from Ahjussi.” She said trying her best to avoid the awkward situation. “I’m sorry, I have not introduced myself. I am Seo Ju Hyun. Call me Seohyun. You must be Lay.  Am I right?” She introduced herself, letting out her right arm for a handshake. He nodded his head. “I’m sorry for the awkward situation. I am Lay.” He introduced himself, just then he heard his stomach grumbling loudly. “Not only you have a cute personality but you are shy too. Sleep-talking that was cute.” She blurted out. She covered . Damn, that didn’t just came out from my mouth, she thought to herself.

He laughed at her. “Well, I am actually really hungry. Would you like to join me for lunch? I know this good goguma around the corner.” He asked. She nodded. “I do love goguma! I really do a lot. ” She exclaimed.  “I believe we can be great friends or maybe more, Seohyun. “ he confessed as he offered his hand.

After that day onwards, it indeed was true whatever the great-grandfather was conveying the message. They became to the best of friends and then lovers. It was then he realised that love does truly never dies, it found a way back in a different way.

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HogMyWarts #1
Chapter 3: Dongwoon and Seohyun <3
Please make another oneshot with this pairing.
DramioneSeoexo #2
Chapter 18: Wohoooo i love your Fanfiction! By the way i am new member! :-D
Chapter 30: WOW Micky!! il be waiting
CRAZYinlove16 #5
Chapter 17: love the update seojae <3
Eycha_sk11 #6
Chapter 29: Aww I miss seojae ff! ^^ thanks for update ! ^^
ambai90 #8
Chapter 28: haha can imagine N holding luhan hand and kris towering over the deer!!
im glad seohan have collab last year !!
hope more seohan moment in 2014
CRAZYinlove16 #9
Chapter 28: hahahaha Kris is really mad to Luhan.... i agree it was really awkward Kris would be better since his tall just like Seohyun anyway love the update.. please make again a story of SeoJae and SeoKris <3
Eycha_sk11 #10
Chapter 28: HAHAHAHA OMG YESS! its soooo awkward luhaaannn! Hahaha yeah I think Kris or Minho could do better! Muahahah