Too Late

The title of the music

Sorry had to do another Jaejoong and Seohyun one shot. Anyway, enjoy! I spent two days completing this!

Too Late(Jaejoong/Seohyun)

“Sica-onnie, you do know what they say about hooking best friends and brother together? The relationship does not work!” Seohyun whined towards her Jessica onnie who was apparently desperate to hook her younger brother with Seohyun. “But Hyunnie…  give him a chance. How about you? You seem to have a crush on Jaejoong oppa’s brother. He is our other bestfriend. Isn’t it the same if you and Jaejoong Oppa’s brother hooked up? Jaejoong oppa’s brother seems fond of you too.” Jessica countered. Seohyun went from red to a deeper scarlet of red. Her natural blush was so obvious. “Onnie, Hyunjoong oppa is different. He is even manlier and he treats me like a lady. So that’s why I’m fond of Jaejoong oppa’s brother.” Seohyun mumbled and she hid herself in the scarf that was given to her by her Jaejoong Oppa. Jessica could only continue teasing her and as well as complaining that it was kind of wrong liking a bestfriend’s brother. She continued teasing until they heard the door of their dorm being knocked.

Seohyun got up and opened the door. “Oh Hello, Jaejoong Oppa and Hyunjoong Oppa, come in! Let’s get started on the revision that was given to us microeconomics class. Jessica onnie and I have been waiting for you for a long time.” Seohyun invited them in. “Ice Princess, Hello! How was the date that I set for you? Does he matched you?” Jaejoong asked. Seohyun widen her eyes. She swore that she did not know that her onnie recently had a date. Onnie, you owe me an explanation and the details of your date. She mouthed to her onnie. Jessica could only nod as she suddenly had turned a scarlet red too. “Donghae oppa is perfect! It’s the first time that I did not had to do my glaring games while on the date.” Jessica chirped. “Well, that’s what he told me. He enjoyed the time and I supposed he is waiting for your phonecall.” Jaejoong replied.

“Yah Oppa, we can talk about Jessica onnie’s date later. We have this complicated assignment that was given to us by the professor. Thank God, you brought Hyunjoong Oppa! He could helped out with our assignment!” Seohyun exclaimed as she pulled Hyunjoong’s hand brought him to the dining table which was now converted to a study table. Their notes were scattered all over. Piles of textbooks stacked up. Hyunjoong could only smile at Jaejoong as he mouthed to him, Thank you, Jaejoong ah! Thank You!

Jessica and Jaejoong looked at the both of them disappear from their side. “Seriously, what does she see in Hyunjoong, Sica? I don’t get it! I tried to be like him but he stills sees him instead of me.” Jaejoong mumbled. Jessica could only look at him feeling really sorry while patting on his shoulders as encouragement not to give up. I know I will not give up on her. He mouthed to Jessica. Jessica could only give him a smile and did the “fighting” action that Seohyun would always give to anyone who was in need of support. “Come, let’s study. I will talk to you later.” Jessica said. Jessica indeed felt really sorry for Jaejoong. It has been like eight years she was aware of Jaejoong’s feelings towards Seohyun since they were in high school.

“Hahaha! Thank you, Hyunjoong Oppa! I can finally solve this question! I didn’t realised that it was actually simple!” Seohyun giggled. Jaejoong could only fixed a fake smile while looking at the two. He did somehow admitted that he did regret introducing his brother to her because it was completely obvious that he was also smitten by her when they first met. “Says from the person who got the scholarship at your current school at a young age!” Hyunjoong joked. “Ya Oppa! I got the scholarship through hard work! I really work so hard to get it!” Seohyun complaint.  “Says the person who skipped two levels of high school.” Jaejoong joked along. Seohyun pouted and whined again.  Well, she would really say that she doesn’t know how to do the aegyo but what she was doing now was the other perceptions of her aegyo. “Aigoo, Hyunnie! I still can’t get over your aegyo despite me living with you!” Jessica cooed as she pinched Seohyun’s cheeks. Once Jessica was done, there was still the visible marks. “Ouch! Onnie, I did not do anything!” She whined as she begun pouting again. She breathe through her nose as it was an identification that she was angry.

Hyunjoong could only chuckle looking at her and her hair and then bringing her to a hug. It was definitely a sudden hug. Jaejoong could only gape at the scene. His eyes showed hurt when he sees his brother hugging her. Well, there he saw his brother, Hyunjoong looking at him straight in to the eye smirking at him. He could not look at his brother’s eyes. His head looked on the floor. “Yah Oppa! Why did you do that?” She asked. “Seohyun~ah! I can do that because I’m your boyfriend. Don’t tell me we have to hide our relationship with them too? It’s been four months we have been together so they have the right to know!” Hyunjoong exclaimed. They turn looking at Jessica and Jaejoong. It was really evident that Jaejoong was completely hurt and Jessica on the other hand was really shocked.

“I’m really sorry, onnie and oppa! Jessica onnie, I’m sorry that’s why I had to reject your younger brother. Jaejoong oppa, I’m sorry that I did not…” Seohyun was trying to apologized, just then, Jaejoong raised both his hands to hear her explanations. He walked away from the couple towards the door to leave. Just then when he shut the door, he sprinted away, far away from the dorm. He reached the rooftop of the building whenever he wanted to be lonely. “ARGH!! I should have known about their relationship! Hyunjoong, I hate you! I hate you!” he screamed at the top of his voice while clutching on his chest. Yes, it did hurt. Hurt was killing him softly. “Calm down, Jaejoong. There’s surely a way that you can get the girl. That’s patience.” He told himself that. He looked at his own reflection through the glass panels, giving himself a very determined look and then he left for his best friends’ dorm again.

Just as he reached his best friends’ dorm, he opened the door and there was a worried looking Seohyun sitting on her armchair. Well he mentally thanked that Hyunjoong had left the dorm. She went towards to him and pulls him to a hug. “I’m sorry, Oppa. I’m really sorry. It’s my fault for not telling you about my relationship earlier.” She sobbed into his chest damping his polo tshirt. Of course, he would do what he always do when he sees Seohyun crying, patting her head and whispering to her ear that it’s okay.


Two months later…

It has been two months and Jaejoong was still waiting for the day, being patient. Of course, he would still spend time with Seohyun as well as Jessica. His feelings did not fade away. Not even a tiny bit. There were days that Hyunjoong would join them but whenever Hyunjoong hanged out with them. They tend to part because Hyunjoong would bring her out for dates separating her from Jaejoong and Jessica. Jessica would then have to leave early leaving the poor Jaejoong alone because she would have to meet Donghae in the afternoon and have dinner with him.

When Jaejoong is alone, he would spent time drinking and then heading back home where he would later then meet his brother. However when he reached home, this time is different. “No, Hyunnie. I said no… I don’t care if he is your best friend. My answer is no!” Hyunjoong just hung up the phone.

Hyunjoong would walk towards him, “I don’t want you to meet my girlfriend. She’s off limits.” Hyunjoong snarled at him. He could smell the liquor that his brother had been drowning on. “Seohyun is my bestfriend, Hyunjoong. I deserved the right to see her. I’ve been friends with her for more than 8 years.” Jaejoong countered. “Oh ya, “best friends”. Well, Seohyun’s “best friend” I am fully aware of your feelings for her when you even introduced her to the family. You would just remained as her “best friend””Hyunjoong indicated while laughing hysterically, going to his room, slamming the door to his face. He felt his phone vibrated. “Hyunnie… Are you okay?...  Do you need me? Okay I will come and find you. The usual spot, okay?” he put down his phone and grabbed his jacket.

Well, the place that he was meeting her was a coffee shop far away from her dorm that the two would usually go when they were trying to hide from Jessica when she was on her period because, oh boy, it is really ugly when she’s pms~ing. She waited for him and smiled when he saw him walking towards the entrance of the coffeeshop. He saw her and pull her to a hug. Well her eyes. She looked like she had cried again and her hair was messy but she failed to fake a smile because he knew that deep inside she was upset and angry towards his brother. “Hyunjoong oppa has been controlling me. He says he does not trust me anymore even when I’m with you.” She mumbled, wiping the tears.  Jaejoong could only pat her while she continued crying. It did hurt him a lot to see the girl he loves crying. Slowly, she falls asleep on his shoulders. Well he watched sleep an hour. Two hours. Time was ticking away very fast. He knew that he had to carry the girl back to her dorm.

“Oh my god… What happened, Jaejoong? I have been trying to reach her?” Jessica whispered trying not to wake the younger girl up. He placed her on the bed. “Outside. Now. I need to know what happened, even in the dorm, she’s been distancing herself from me.” Jessica pleaded. They walked out to the main room. “Her relationship with Hyunjoong isn’t working well.” Jaejoong answered. Jessica widened her eyes before Jaejoong could continue his explanation. “I knew it… I knew that he is such an . I’m sorry but your brother is an .” Jessica fumed. “Sica~Ah, please listen. He is aware of my feelings for her. He wants her to cut connections with me. He has warned me just now to see her again.” Jaejoong choked.  “So what are you going to do?” Jessica asked. Well, she hold his hands as encouragement. “I will now, do my very best to steal her from my brother.” He grinned. “Well, I will help you. I’m sure you will need reinforces so I will call our girls to help you. I’m sure they are will be more than willing to help you.” Jessica nodded.

The next few days, the same thing happened, the couple seemed to argue more and more. Of course, Jaejoong would rebel against his brother into seeing her. He would be there for his comfort. Jaejoong would listen to her, give him shoulder and let her cry on it. He would then kissed her forehead and telling her that it would be over soon. “Jessica onnie, this is taking forever. Is Jaejoong oppa afraid? If he isn’t doing anything, let us control the situation! It’s obvious Seohyun has been looking really depressed. She’s not herself”Yoona complaint as they were watching the situation from a distance. Almost every day. It did felt like tape recorder that went wrong. 

Jessica could nod her head. Well if knight and shining armour isn’t going to do anything, we should break prince charming and the princess apart. She thought. “Okay, let’s break Hyunjoong and Seohyun up since Jaejoong is taking forever.” Jessica agreed. The 7 girls cheered. Well that’s when they started planning. Two teams – 1 team to hook Jaejoong and Seohyun up. 1 team to break the heartless soul of Hyunjoong.  The next day, things went completely wrong with the Hyunjoong and Seohyun situation, Seohyun’s onnie would sarcastically talked to Hyunjoong. They would say mean joke in front of him. That’s when Hyunjoong could not take it any longer and dragged her out to talked to her. He was humiliated by the girlfriend’s friend. “I can’t take it anymore. You will have to cut connections with your close friends too!” Hyunjoong roared. The girl could only widen her eyes and shake her head. “NO! I can’t take this relationship anymore. You are a control freak. Let’s break up! Maybe Jaejoong oppa is an even better gentleman than you! I should have realised his feelings for me earlier.” Seohyun screamed. It was so obvious that there was tears in her eyes. She was tearing up so badly. “You can’t do that! I can assure he is as bad…” Hyunjoong countered. Before he could finish what he wanted to say. He was punched to his face.

“Jaejoong!” She sobbed as he went to her hug her. “Don’t worry! He will be okay… Are you okay? He asked. She could only meekly. “Am I too late? Too Late to say I love you? I love you.” Jaejoong confessed. He kissed her all over her face. “No, you are not. I love you too. I’m such an idiot. Right? I’m sorry.” She apologised as she kissed his cheeks and then went back to hugging him tightly and cried.

“WE DID IT, GIRLS! Let’s hit the club later at night!” Jessica rejoiced as the 7 girls nodded their heads.


There it is. Sigh. I think I should write a sequel on Caffeine too. Will write it over the weekends. Anyways, have a great weekend! God bless!


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HogMyWarts #1
Chapter 3: Dongwoon and Seohyun <3
Please make another oneshot with this pairing.
DramioneSeoexo #2
Chapter 18: Wohoooo i love your Fanfiction! By the way i am new member! :-D
Chapter 30: WOW Micky!! il be waiting
CRAZYinlove16 #5
Chapter 17: love the update seojae <3
Eycha_sk11 #6
Chapter 29: Aww I miss seojae ff! ^^ thanks for update ! ^^
ambai90 #8
Chapter 28: haha can imagine N holding luhan hand and kris towering over the deer!!
im glad seohan have collab last year !!
hope more seohan moment in 2014
CRAZYinlove16 #9
Chapter 28: hahahaha Kris is really mad to Luhan.... i agree it was really awkward Kris would be better since his tall just like Seohyun anyway love the update.. please make again a story of SeoJae and SeoKris <3
Eycha_sk11 #10
Chapter 28: HAHAHAHA OMG YESS! its soooo awkward luhaaannn! Hahaha yeah I think Kris or Minho could do better! Muahahah