
The title of the music

Hello! I am back! Well ready to update another chapter. Since my characters name for the main role(male) are always the same. Might as well, I write something really different. Well I will write about TVXQ again but I miss them as five. So bare with me I will still include JYJ as TVXQ because I miss them really damn much, so it will not be Yunho, Jaejoong or Changmin. Debating now whether to add at least one of them. Okay I have wrote the draft of the story but honestly I don't know if I should write a TVXQ or SS501? Or do both? Goodness, I have to write it first to see how it goes. As you know Yoseob's Caffeine, well the tuning, I will write angsty-fluffy today? Is it okay? My mood has been really down these past few days. 


"Damn it! Where is he?! Where is the son of the ?!" Jessica screamed at the Groomsmen. It was indeed an ugly sight for everyone. The wedding that which was going to happened turned a real dissapointing one. Seohyun, the bride could not helped but burst into tears. 4 Groomsmen who kept their head down in embarassment, the 8 other sisters has became really berserk. It had became chaotic. Seohyun could not control her tears, the wedding guest looked at her in pity well soon the guest began to leave leaving with sympathatic words for her to be strong while Seohyun could only nod her head while her favourite Yoona onnie, hold and hugged her. 

Yoochun could not do anything but looked at his bestfriend. He was kinda reluctant to announced to the bride the truth, but when he had looked the sight of her, she was just a messy bride at just a messy state. He went to his bestfriend and took over the place of Yoona, his younger sister. "Yoochun oppa, it hurts so badly... Why didn't Jaejoong oppa appeared? His parents were here just now... But he wasn't at all...." she murmered in between her tears. As she murmured a few things soon enough she did fell asleep. It was then, he had no choice but to carry the messy bride to her house. The house where her other 8 onnies, including his younger sister live in. In the car, the silence was really unbearable. It was really uncomfortable, the smiling Tiffany had the worse look that he had seen in many years, she was frowning at not only him but the other 3 groomsmen, the journey home although it was a short journey, it made it looked like hours because of the glares of her other onnies. Yoochun carried the bride to her room which was shared with Hyoyeon.

To think it was over, it wasn't, although the 8 girls were younger than them. They surrounded them demanding every truth and evidence that they ever wanted. Yoona soon turned her head to her older brother. Strangely, he has been silent before the wedding had even started and even after Jaejoong had proposed to Seohyun. Yoona walks towards her older brother. "Oppa, we have to talk. I need to know the truth, please. I know you have feelings for her after I introduced her to our family and even after Jaejoong wanted to be with her so badly." She signalled her older brother to the balcony. Both of them walked to the balcony, the night which indeed thought to be really warm had became really cold. "The truth now."Yoona begged her older brother. He doesn't know if it was even the right time because if he knew that the ugly truth would hurt anyways. "He had to run away. I just found the truth today too. Jaejoong had to run, he was already in trouble with the law. The four of us had no choice but to tell the police to avoid the trouble." He mumbled. Thank goodness it was really audible for Yoona to hear every word. "What was the problem? Oppa, damn it tell me now, I don't want to loss my best friend..." Yoona screamed loudly that it did gained the attention of others that was inside the house. He let out of a sigh. "He was involved in the scamming business that was recently reported. I swear, he only left a voice message, he told us that even his parents would not know of his whereabouts. I have a feeling he would be caught in Italy tho'. We have warned him a million times not to get involved with it." he slowly revealed. Just then, a broken glass was heard. They knew it was wrong. Seohyun was fully awake. Leaving the glass on the floor and ignored, she ran back to her room and locked the door.

They went towards the door, knocking it profusely, the only thing that they heard was a few things crashing and breaking in the room but they knew that the maknae would not be stupid enough to do something terribly wrong. For the whole night they heard ripping and things being thrown across the room.But slowly the noise died down after Changmin, Yunho, Junsu and Yoochun himself left. 

The next morning.

The door could not be opened. Usually for her 8 onnies, they knew that the maknae would wake up being cheerful at 7am in the morning, cooking them breakfast. They sighed and looked at the clock. 9 am.... Soon it became 10am and 11am and then noon. The door was still locked. They knew that something was definitely wrong, Seohyun would usually nagged at her onnies if they missed breakfast but it turned out completely different. "I guess I have to call Yoochun oppa again, make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." Yoona announced and she dialed her older brother's number. Soon within a few minutes he arrived in a jiffy. Yoochun looked around but it was just the house was just filled with sad expression. He did knocked her door a few times. "Seohyun~ah, your favourite Yoochun oppa is here, please open the door... Please..." he emphasize the word favourite although he knew that the word did sting him. He heard murmurs and cries once again. "THAT DOES IT! I'M GOING TO BREAK THE DOOR OPEN!" he thought to himself. With a few kicks the door swung opened. It took her other onnies by suprised but it did happened. 

They went in and saw scattered photos of her and Jaejoong all over the room, the memories and gift such as the fluffy white bear that she used to sleep with, ripped. A couple of numbers of photo frame shattered into pieces. Seohyun was just lying down, she was still in her wedding gown, her veil removed but her hair was messy. He wrnt towards her and hugged her. "Seohyun~ah, oppa knows you are not sleeping. I know you very well, come let's go out. I will bring you to somewhere I can make you really happy again." he said. Soon enough she was able to stand up again. Seohyun pulled his hand and brought towards the car, "You are not changing..." She gave a bloodshot look into his eyes... "Okay let's go, with the wedding dress of yours." He chuckled trying to make her laugh abit but it was just silent.

They reached the amusement park. It was indeed weird to see someone who is like Yoochun wearing ordinary clothings but on the other hand, there was a messy bride, her makeup smudged, her hair which used to be tied up to a pretty bun was let lose, showing off the the curls. Everyone who saw them was filled with curiousity, they kept pointed at the couple. Some even thought that it was pretty romantic that the man was like a knight and shiny armor saving her from her wedding. Some of them took pictures of them holding hands and him supporting her. "Seohyun~ah you are still pretty like always, but aren't you going to removed that horrible smudged make up? You don't look really pretty like now" he . Soon she bursted into laughter running to the ladies with the help of some people around her to remove the makeup. she came out with just her bareface. "Oh wow.... She's even prettier without makeup. Why didn't I realised this?" He thought to himself again. She just let out a small smile at him.

"Seohyun~ah so what do you want to do after this since we are here? We should be here earlier but look we spend until 5.30pm. The park is about to close. I am all yours today." he declared. He then heard the giggles that he was yearning for. "Okay, Oppa. Let's go shopping. I think I want to get out of this dress...." she said. He then smiled at her without thinking he kissed her forehead. It did leave her to shock because the day before she was left at the alter and today, her feelings were messed up. "Oppa is sorry for doing that, but let's buy something you want. I told you to change! Well even that with you constantly refusing to wear heels but sneakers.... " He argued back playfully, he then sticked out his tongue at her. The atmosphere didn't changed once they reached the shopping mall, it was the same, people were just in awed looking at the two. He then brought her to the nearest boutique, thank god, he felt that it did matched her style.

She then began to scanned through some of the clothings on the rack. But it did not matched honestly. Like to her, it did not matched her, because it was either too revealing or too small, well it did fit but due to height, it felt that it was too short. "I may have something that would matched your girlfriend's liking." The saleslady approached Yoochun with a dress. It was short but not that short that it will revealed her thighs and it was casual, perfect for every occassion. "Okay, I will show her this dress....Seohyun~ah, since oppa is buying you something, I have a request, please wear this. I know it will suit you. " He pass her the dress. She took it from him and within a few minutes she came out, the saleslady was right. It was pretty on her, well not as pretty compared to the wedding dress but really perfect for her.

It was then her stomach began to grumble. Then, his too. They just bursted into laughter and embarrassment. "Sir, what you did for your girlfriend was the most romantic thing I could imagined." The saleslady exclaimed to the the both of them. Seohyun could not do anything but hid her flushing red face onto the paperbag that that consist of her wedding gown.

To her it did felt like old times, the catching up with the exception of her wearing the wedding dress and her Yoona onnie. That was what they did in high school. "Thank you, Yoochun oppa, I really did enjoyed today." She let out a small smile and sighed again and came into the house. She saw her other onnies looking through the window but sighed in dissapointment that they did not do anything really intimate. The house soon was slightly bright than before which was really dull. "Seobaby, we missed you.... You know what?! All of us spend the day cleaning and refurnishing your room again. Your things that you cherished with Jaejoong oppa. We had no choice to discard it to somewhere that you would not be able to find it again." Taeyeon the oldest one announced to her. Seohyun just nodded her head.


"Hyung, where did you go? The entire day you just switched off your phone?! What's up with that creepy smile. You were supposed to cheer up Seohyun not go on dates with other girls. You know how upset she is...." Changmin nagged at his hyung. "Will you stop nagging at me, maknae?! I did not took other girls on date, I took Seohyun out to play and cheer her up..." He explained back. "Well, that explains alot, then. I know more than the other hyungs know, hyung..." he whispered to him. Well that did left him really dumbfounded.

After 2 years from that incident...

"Maknae, are you sure you are completely over Jaejoong oppa? I don't know if Yoochun oppa is the one for you..." Jessica exclaimed. Seohyun just shocked, she then looked at Jessica intensively. "Onnie, I did not say anything about Yoochun oppa, what he is not the one for me? I don't think he is interested me. All I said was that maybe it's about time for me to open up to boys again. I'm willing to accept any blind date you set for me from now on, look at you, onnie is definitely happy with Jay oppa. I need my happiness too!" Seohyun explained to the others too. "What's with Yoochun oppa anyway? I think he sees me as a younger sister..." she explained once again. The other onnies could only look at one another nervously. "Jessica onnie, it's your fault, you shouldn't blurted out Yoochun oppa's name. She is going to suspect soon." Yoona mouthed to the ice queen.

"Well this it! Seohyun~ah, I have a perfect blind date for you." Yuri released her frustration. It was about the time she knows the truth. "Really? Onnie how is he like?" Seohyun questioned. "He is like Yoochun oppa, but smarter and his personality will definitely matched yours..." Yuri exclaimed. "Set me up then!" But when she went to her room, the other onnies, could only knocked Yuri's head to know if she was thinking well..."Don't worry, Don't worry, it will come out as plan... It is really him..." Yuri reassured them.

The day of the blind date came by so fast. "No maknae, where this! Put that clothings away..." Tiffany whined to her. It was indeed really strange. It did felt for her that the blind date was really important. "Yoochun oppa, I'm going for my blind date, wish me luck!" she texted him. She did looked even prettier than her wedding. She then came to the private room of a restaurant that her onnies reserved. She was about to apologized to her date, but something kept hanging, her blind date. "Yoochun oppa?" she let out a squeaked.  "Like what your onnies, say I am just like your Yoochun oppa, but the fact that I am your Yoochun Oppa. My personality definitely matched yours and I have became even smarter than before.." He exclaimed as he pointed to himself from head to toe showing off his wittiness. "How confident are you, oppa?" she teased showing a bit of her aegyo.

"You don't need to know, Seohyun~ah, you definitely became my Caffeine... My addiction to you."He declared before kissing her. "Aish oppa, you became smarter but mushier too?" She claimed.  It was then they hugged and had the best night of their lifes.

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HogMyWarts #1
Chapter 3: Dongwoon and Seohyun <3
Please make another oneshot with this pairing.
DramioneSeoexo #2
Chapter 18: Wohoooo i love your Fanfiction! By the way i am new member! :-D
Chapter 30: WOW Micky!! il be waiting
CRAZYinlove16 #5
Chapter 17: love the update seojae <3
Eycha_sk11 #6
Chapter 29: Aww I miss seojae ff! ^^ thanks for update ! ^^
ambai90 #8
Chapter 28: haha can imagine N holding luhan hand and kris towering over the deer!!
im glad seohan have collab last year !!
hope more seohan moment in 2014
CRAZYinlove16 #9
Chapter 28: hahahaha Kris is really mad to Luhan.... i agree it was really awkward Kris would be better since his tall just like Seohyun anyway love the update.. please make again a story of SeoJae and SeoKris <3
Eycha_sk11 #10
Chapter 28: HAHAHAHA OMG YESS! its soooo awkward luhaaannn! Hahaha yeah I think Kris or Minho could do better! Muahahah