The Beginning


The beginning

" this is how the potion works...No wonder it always explode!!"YeoShin said while reading and walking.Yeoshin is reading a book about healing potions since she does healing and all those stuff.She's the fifth eldest.

"Unnie,you better..."EunMi tried to warn YeoShin who was gonna crash into YoungHyun.EunMi is the sixth eldest,she also does healing and does battlefield strageties with her second sister,SunMi.YoungHyun is the youngest.She has the worst temper ever.She always very silent and doesn't give a damn about other people.


"Sorry YoungHyun!!I didn't"YeoShin was stuttering because YoungHyun was holding her dagger,pointing at her neck,with the sharp ending poking her skin.

"You'd better watch where your going."YoungHyun hissed at her unnie.She didn't even bother calling her unnies,unnies.Remember,she doesn't give a damn about anyone.

"O-okay..."Yeoshin said.

"What happened??I heard a loud sound."MiAh said,while running down the stairs to look what had happened.MiAh is the first eldest.She only knows how to use the Archery.

"Nothing happened unnie!!"YeoShin replied,cheerfully even though YoungHyun had just scared her.


MiAh,SunMi,YeoShin and EunMi all stopped what they're doing and ran towards where the sound came from.

They stopped infront of YoungHim's room.

"YoungHim??!!Are you okay??!!Open this door and let us in!!"MiAh shouted while banging the door.

JinAh then came to see what was happening.

"God...What's with all the shouting,crashing and banging?It's early in the moring."JinAh said,while approaching them.


MiAh,SunMi,YeoShin,JinAh,EunMi all looked at each other and gave a look that read "OBVIOUS" on their faces.

"YoungHyun."MiAh,SunMi,YeoShin,EunMi and JinAh said in unison.

YoungHim then came out with a make-up set in her hands.

"So this was what your screaming about.A make-up set."EunMi said,with a tone called "Unbelievable".

"NO!!!No,No,No,no,no,no!!"YoungHim was saying "No" repeatedly"

"Erm...How many times are you gonna say no??"YeoShin said,while calming YoungHim whose gonna blow up any moment.

"Unnie!!!!!!!!!MY FAVOURTIE MAKE-UP HAS FINISHED!!!!!"YoungHim cried.

"Okay,okay,we'll go buy a new one later okay??"SunMi said,while hugging YoungHim.

"Gomawo Unnie!!"YoungHim thanked her unnies and used another make-up.

Now YoungHim is always very cautious of her fashion.

"Breakfast is ready girls!!"Their mom called out to them.

"Yay!"MiAh,SunMi,YeoShin,EunMi,JinAh and Younghim then headed downstairs to the breakfast area.

And they were all so shock.

Why?Because their maknae had eat way before them.

"This is not a nice maknae at all."EunMi muttered.

"Glad you know..."YoungHyun said and smirked.

As the 6 unnies were taking their seats,YoungHyun left and went into the practice area and practice her fighting skills.YoungHyun don't mostly practice unless something bad is gonna happen.And she already knows what will happen.YoungHyunis the only one among her sisters to have powers.Not just one but 5 powers.

" Soohyun hyung!!I need help!!"Kevin was calling Soohyun,who was just beside him.Kevin was doing his work when he got stuck on a question.What work he was doing?Well,Kevin spends his time doing potion,healing and all those stuff.

"What??!!I don't do potions or healing,I do Swords or Martial Arts.Hi-ya!"Soohyun is the first eldest and most playful brother ever.

"Yah hyung!!Stop hi-yaing here if not you're gonna break everything here.Now help me get a potion glass."

"Fine..."Soohyun said,walking towards the cabinet,taking a potion glass.

"Thanks hyung!!"

After everything's done in the potion lab,they went up to the living room where the rest of the brothers were.

"Hey kevin!!How's the potion?"Kiseop asked.He's the second eldest,most funniest,but he doesn't remember his past.

"It's done Hyung!!"

"Great..."Eli said sacastically.Eli is the third brother.He is bad tempered too,but still respectful.

"Don't be rude to your donsaeng Eli."Hoon scolded Eli.

"Sorry Kevin.Please forgive me."Eli apologised.

"No harm done Eli hyung.I'm a demon to,right?It makes us same."Kevin said.



Hey guys,so this is what the princesses and princes were doing before the war.

Next chapter well,I can't say.

I can't be sure with you peeps that the conversation would be in every chapter.So please forgive me.I hope this chapter will give you a clear idea of how each siblings interact with one another.

POVs will be lesser this time.Not sure about this too,but who cares.

About YoungHyun's powers,it'll be explained,I think maybe next chapter,or later on..

Kiseop's past will be mentioned,well,later on too.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!I hope it's long enough!!Annyeong!!

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Chapter 20: Oh my gurrr. Update soon!~~
Azngurl8048 #2
Please update more, Author-nim!
I've been waiting for it~
kpopmusiclover #4
Hi:) new reader and subscriber here ^^ ur story is so AWESOME!!! <3 hehehe pls update soon!! I really can't wait!! :D
FlyaAr #5
Sure...Welcome,I'll send u the application form when I have the time.
awesome_stuff #6
hi new reader/subscriber ^^ i luv your story >< and i just notice that chunji does look a bit like kevin ( i do not know why all koreans look the same ><) but can i actually apply ?
FlyaAr #7
@YuukiMassu:Wow,you're the earliest applicant ever.Well first come first serve and well,congrats you may have Ricky !!Geez,but the thing is that the plot is actually Teen Top is the Dongsaengs to U-kiss.They're brothers!!In addition to the girls,each 13 girls will have to choose 1 boys from U-Teen!(Ukiss+TeenTop=U-Teen/Kiss-Top)
UWAH!! I AGREE!!! CHUNJI DOES LOOK ALOT LIKE KEVIN!! xD (That's actually the reason why I liked Teen top! xDD) <br />
Aww.. Chunji's taken already?! xDD Can I take Ricky? LOL!<br />
<br />
Question: 12 more applicants? Does those twelve already include us?<br />
and this might sound selfish but can we apply for Teentop too even though we're already chosen for Ukiss? =D
Correction: I meant chapter 8. ^ ^
Awww.. Love is in the air~ =3♥<br />
Love the small Young-hoon convo at chapter 4! x3♥<br />
I'll try and advertise your story together with mine! =)<br />
Update soon! =D