


Soohyun and JinAh in one tree.

Kiseop and MiAh in one tree.

Eli and YoungHyun in one tree.

AJ and Dongho is one tree.

Hoon and YoungHim in one tree.

Kevin and SunMi in one tree.

Yeoshin and EunMi in one tree.

"What's the trouble?"Hoon asked YoungHim.

"I don't know.But whatever it is,YoungHyun is here.She's our best fighter."YoungHim replied him.

*Why do I have this feeling when I with her?*Hoon thought.

"Shh...I hear someone coming."EunMi whispered.

It was the Black Wends.

"Oh my freaking...Are they looking for you?"AJ asked YoungHyun,whose just beside them.

"Their not only looking for me,their looking for you boys too."YoungHyun replied.

"JinAh!!My dagger!!"SunMi called for JinAh,pointing at her dagger.

"I don't know how to get it!"JinAh whispered back."Hold on."

"Oh ...SunMi's dagger...Here hold this Eli."YoungHyun passed all her weapons to Eli to hold while she go and get SunMi's dagger.

"Oh my god...YoungHyun's gonna take the dagger.She can get caught.!"MiAh shouted softly.

"What the hell are you doing!"Eli said.

"Getting the dagger!"

"Just leave it!"

"I can't it's my Unnie's!"

YoungHyun had reached the ground,and now she's hiding behind a tree.

"I'm gonna kill you SunMi..."YoungHyun said to herself.

She look to see if anyone was gonna caught her.So far,the Black Wends are looking away.


And she came out of her hiding place and creeped up to the dagger and picked it up,but she got caught already.

"There she is!"One of the guards caught sight of her and tried to cuff her.

"No!!YoungHyun!!"EunMi cried.

" got me..."YoungHyun said sarcastically.


"But you lost me...."And YoungHyun kicked him in the abdomen.The guard fell onto the ground,whimpering in pain.

"Get her!!"Bone said.

All the guards then surrounded YoungHyun.

"Trapped but Free."YoungHyun said.

And YoungHyun kicked a guard in the face,next hit one guard in the back,dislocating his spine."Oh yeah!"

"She's good..."Eli said.

Next YoungHyun used the dagger and stab the rest of the guards down.

"We'll get you soon YoungHyun!!"Bone said,riding his horse back to Equitola.

"Great job YoungHyun!!"Soohyun praised her.

"Thanks!"SunMi thanked her dongsaeng.

"Whatever."YoungHyun replied.

"Are you this rude?"Eli asked her.

"Hold on...Get a cloth from my bag."YoungHyun asked.

"Are you hurt?"Eli asked.

"Yup!That damn guard pierced an arrow onto my hand.See!"YoungHyun showed her injured hand with a smile on her face.

"Here's the cloth."EunMi passed her a cloth and she wrapped it around her hand.

"Sorry..."SunMi apologised.

"Nevermind,at least we got rid of those bastard,if not we'll be hanging on the trees like monkeys!"YoungHyun replied.

"So where are we gonna go?"Kevin asked.

"We're gonna save our parents."MiAh said.

"Can we help?"Dongho asked.

"No..."MiAh said.

"Come on let us help."Hoon said.

"Please noona!!"Dongho said,using his aegyo.

"That aegyo's not gonna work,plus this is not my choice to let you follow,it's YoungHyun's."MiAh replied.

"Please noona let us help!!"Dongho again,used his aegyo.

YoungHyun was too busy to answer Dongho because she's putting on her weapons.

Once she's done,she looked at Dongho and walked away with no answer.

"Blue eyes..."EunMi said.

"What??"Eli asked.

"I said Blue eyes."EunMi repeated.

"Why blue eyes?"Eli asked again.

"YoungHyun's showing Blue eyes."JinAh replied.

"What does that mean?"Kiseop asked.

"Means you guys can follow."MiAh said."Now can you guys hurry,YoungHyun is already way ahead of us."

"YoungHyun,we're we gonna go first?"EunMi asked YoungHyun.



Okay..I did 4 chapters in a day again so I may be getting writer block,so dont pressure me!I hope you love these 4 new chappies!!(Chapter 5-8)

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Chapter 20: Oh my gurrr. Update soon!~~
Azngurl8048 #2
Please update more, Author-nim!
I've been waiting for it~
kpopmusiclover #4
Hi:) new reader and subscriber here ^^ ur story is so AWESOME!!! <3 hehehe pls update soon!! I really can't wait!! :D
FlyaAr #5
Sure...Welcome,I'll send u the application form when I have the time.
awesome_stuff #6
hi new reader/subscriber ^^ i luv your story >< and i just notice that chunji does look a bit like kevin ( i do not know why all koreans look the same ><) but can i actually apply ?
FlyaAr #7
@YuukiMassu:Wow,you're the earliest applicant ever.Well first come first serve and well,congrats you may have Ricky !!Geez,but the thing is that the plot is actually Teen Top is the Dongsaengs to U-kiss.They're brothers!!In addition to the girls,each 13 girls will have to choose 1 boys from U-Teen!(Ukiss+TeenTop=U-Teen/Kiss-Top)
UWAH!! I AGREE!!! CHUNJI DOES LOOK ALOT LIKE KEVIN!! xD (That's actually the reason why I liked Teen top! xDD) <br />
Aww.. Chunji's taken already?! xDD Can I take Ricky? LOL!<br />
<br />
Question: 12 more applicants? Does those twelve already include us?<br />
and this might sound selfish but can we apply for Teentop too even though we're already chosen for Ukiss? =D
Correction: I meant chapter 8. ^ ^
Awww.. Love is in the air~ =3♥<br />
Love the small Young-hoon convo at chapter 4! x3♥<br />
I'll try and advertise your story together with mine! =)<br />
Update soon! =D