Torman:City of Snakes


Torman:City of Snakes

"Come on guys,lets hit the road to Torman"YoungHyun said as she fetched her friends.

"So this place.Is it a City or village or what?"Hoon asked.

"It's a city,formerly its a village but because snakes are a prize possesion,they become rich therefore built into a city."YeoShin explained.

Hours later,they finally reached Torman.

"Okay everybody,stay close."MiAh told them."Where the hell is YoungHyun and this time Eli?"

"Hide!"A voice said.

"What?!"EunMi asked.

"Hide you freaking dumb people!Take a tree nearest to you."The voice said again.

"Who's that?"Kevin asked the voice.

"YoungHyun,you idiots!"

"Where's Eli hyung?"DongHo asked.

"He's with me!This place is full of Brewendicians.They come to this city to buy snakes."YoungHyun told them.

"How are we gonna get in?"JinAh said.

"Not we,but AJ."

"Me?Why me?"AJ asked,confused.

"You people really have short-term memory don't you?"YoungHyun hissed.

"Ohh the necklace Ida gave me.What do you want me to shapeshift to?"AJ asked.

"Into a Brewendicians.Say it in your mind!"YoungHyun instructed him and he did what he was told and SUCCESS!

"What now?"

"Bring Corax along with you.Corax can blend in with you cause they don't know him."YoungHyun said.

"Me??How can they not know it's me?"Corax said.

"You're not a Nervendicians,nor a prisoner.AJ just becareful,they can ask you any questions.If they asked whose the young boy,just say he's your son bringing him out."

"Okay!"The both of them said and they headed of.

"Are you sure this would work?"Eli asked.

"Yes.I've been in this situation many time.But I failed."

"Okay Corax,how do we know where's the gemstone?"AJ asked.

"The tigers eye is most probably hidden in a cave."

"There's so many caves!"

"Hold on."

"Corax!"YoungHyun exclaimed.

"What happened?"Kevin asked.

"I'm connecting with him through my mind,keep quiet!"

"Noona!There's so many cave,how do we know which cave holds the tigers-eyes?"Corax said in his mind.

"The cave which holds the tigers-eyes has a cobra snake at the entrance."

"Found it!"

"Now communicate with it."


"Great job Corax come on lets go!"AJ praised Corax.

Minutes later,they came out.

"Great job boys!"MiAh said.

"Not to great,you've been compromised."Eli warned them.

"They they are!Get them!"A Brewendician shouted.

"You guys go,me and YoungHyun will take them all."Eli instructed them.

"Becareful Corax,bring them to Sunder.We'll meet you there."And YoungHyun hugged her brother.

Both Eli and YoungHyun took the highest spot and took out their archery and began to shoot the soldiers down.As they were shooting,YoungHyun got hurt.

"HEY!"YoungHyun shouted.

"YoungHyun!"Eli shouted.

"I'm fine,Eli look out!"She warned Eli.

"Hold on there YoungHyun,just few more."Eli said.

And once Eli was done with the rest,he brought YoungHyun down.An arrow was struck on YoungHyun left shoulder.And the arrow has the same end as Eli's.

"Oh my...There's no way this arrow can be taken out."Eli said.

"I'm fine,the rest are meeting us at Sunder.Let's go."YoungHyun stood up and as she walked a few steps she fell back down.

"Eli,do me one favour,push the arrow further in."


"You do want me to live right?If so,push the arrow further in.Don't worry,I don't feel anything."

Although Eli didn't want to,he knew that he still have to save her because without her,they wouldn't know how to get to the Lost Ruins and that he just lost someone he had feelings for.

Eli hesitated for awhile and then pushed the pushed the arrow in.Although YoungHyun Whimpered as Eli pushed the arrow,he still did it.

"Okay,the end's out.Now what?"

"Break the end."

And Eli broke it.YoungHyun pulled the remaining stick out and she stood up.

"Let's go!"YoungHyun announced.

"What taking them so long!"Corax was pacing up and down.

"Stop pacing up and down before I puked."Hoon said.

"Noona!"Corax shouted as soon as he saw YoungHyun and Eli.

But as they approached nearer,they saw blood on YoungHyun's left shoulder.

"YeoShin unnie heal it."EunMi told her sister.

"I don't know."

"Kevin,you do it.Just put your hands on my shoulder and heal it."YoungHyun told Kevin.


As Kevin was healing YoungHyun's injury,light appeared and the process was done.

"What scar was that?"YoungHim asked.

"Lost count."YoungHyun replied.

"Okay troops let's rest before we continue tomorrow."MiAh said

"Well,tomorrow we have to search for the 3rd gemstone which is called Sugilite.It's at Doberve.City of Angels?"

"Noona?"Corax asked his sister,wanting her to explain.

"Can you?"Eli asked YoungHyun.

"I can..For a while."

"Doberve,city of angels,that was where Kiseop,Kevin and I were originally from.The battle took place at the courtfield.It was also where the three of us were taken.DongHo was also from there,but he was taken away at a very young age.But his vampire had the same contract with the angel,just like Kevin's."Before YoungHyun can even finish explaining she passed out.

"She's tired,let her rest Corax.Eli,take care of her and Corax."Kiseop said.

"Is she gonna die?"Corax asked.

"No,she's a demon-vampire.We never die,and so will you.Come on,we've got a long way to go tomorrow.Get some sleep."Eli told Corax,and Corax took a spot beside his sister and hugged her.

YoungHyun woke up few hours later.She felt a body close beside her,and she saw it was Corax.As she looked around,she saw everyone sleeping,except Eli.No sign of him.YoungHyun gently place Corax to an apporiate position to sleep and went to look for Eli.

Eli was sitting at a large boulder staring at the big moon and the stars.In his hand was the ring Ida gave him.He promised that he'll make YoungHyun fall for Him,and he will do what he has promised.

"Hey there...Can't sleep?"

"Oh,YoungHyun.Yeah,what about you?"

"Rest to much,not good for me."


"So what are you doing?"

"Staring into space."

"Thanks for pushing the arrow."

"Oh,that was nothing,I can't leave you with that arrow hanging out of your shoulder,right?"


"Why so gentle tonight?"

"Because of you."

"Me?What did I do?"

"These past few weeks you've been so kind to me.I've never had this feeling when I taken away."

"Your grandma told me that when you first came into Voitala you fell for me."

"What?No.."YoungHyun lied.

"Don't lie."

"Fine,I did.But..."

"Do you still like me?"



"Because my feelings are numb."

"Than what can make your feeling to be not numb?"

"I don't know."


They kept quiet for a while.As they were keeping quiet,Eli played with the ring,an intention to capture YoungHyun's attention to the ring.

"Hey what's that?"

"This,oh...It's nothing."Eli said

"Come on tell me."





"Alright,I'll tell you.This ring was given to me by your grandma."

"Why did she give you that ring?

"When your grandma told me that you fell for me,I was shocked and guilty that I didn't know you back then.But when I saw you for the first time,I fell for you."



"To be honest,confess."


"Confess now."

"Okay.I like you."

"I like you too."

"What?You do?

"But my feelings is this numb,so I can only feel like this for now.If we continue like this,maybe my feelings will be not numb."

"So can I put that ring?"

"You may."


Oh yeah!!I made another couple and that lucky person is me!!!Next to or three chapter will have another couple so stay tune and Annyeong!

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Chapter 20: Oh my gurrr. Update soon!~~
Azngurl8048 #2
Please update more, Author-nim!
I've been waiting for it~
kpopmusiclover #4
Hi:) new reader and subscriber here ^^ ur story is so AWESOME!!! <3 hehehe pls update soon!! I really can't wait!! :D
FlyaAr #5
Sure...Welcome,I'll send u the application form when I have the time.
awesome_stuff #6
hi new reader/subscriber ^^ i luv your story >< and i just notice that chunji does look a bit like kevin ( i do not know why all koreans look the same ><) but can i actually apply ?
FlyaAr #7
@YuukiMassu:Wow,you're the earliest applicant ever.Well first come first serve and well,congrats you may have Ricky !!Geez,but the thing is that the plot is actually Teen Top is the Dongsaengs to U-kiss.They're brothers!!In addition to the girls,each 13 girls will have to choose 1 boys from U-Teen!(Ukiss+TeenTop=U-Teen/Kiss-Top)
UWAH!! I AGREE!!! CHUNJI DOES LOOK ALOT LIKE KEVIN!! xD (That's actually the reason why I liked Teen top! xDD) <br />
Aww.. Chunji's taken already?! xDD Can I take Ricky? LOL!<br />
<br />
Question: 12 more applicants? Does those twelve already include us?<br />
and this might sound selfish but can we apply for Teentop too even though we're already chosen for Ukiss? =D
Correction: I meant chapter 8. ^ ^
Awww.. Love is in the air~ =3♥<br />
Love the small Young-hoon convo at chapter 4! x3♥<br />
I'll try and advertise your story together with mine! =)<br />
Update soon! =D