Cast a Spell


Cast a Spell

Next morning,YoungHyun woke up late.

",I woke up late.But who cares."YoungHyun said to herself.

She made her bed,did some light wash up and went to have breakfast.

As usual,breakfast was late.

Breakfast was late because their maid is away for 3 days for some family business and she'll be coming home that afternoon.So for now,their mom makes the breakfast,but she's busy so she takes a long time to make breakfast.

"Breakfast is served!"

YoungHyun is always the first to be at the breakfast table,but she never waits for her sisters.She always finishes fast,and do her daily routine after that.

"Early for breakfast as always."MiAh muttered.

"Early bird gets the worm."YoungHyun answered back.

~~~YoungHyun's POV~~~(FlyaAr)

This is weird,yesterday I had a vision that Nervender will be attacked,but today I had a vision that Nervender will be safe.But since my visions are never wrong,I'll just leave it and relax.

~~~POV Ends~~~

~~~Wizard's POV~~~

Finally!!It worked!!Now we can carry on with our plan!!

"Sir,we can carry on with our plan."The wizard announced.

"Great!Send the spies and troops to their respectful places where we have place them in Nervender,and we'll strike when they are sleeping."The sir said,evily.

~~~POV Ends~~~

"Guys,Father want us to attack Nervender along with the army."Soohyun said to his brothers.

"Did I hear you wrongly??Attack Nervender?"Kiseop said.

"Father's orders,we'll attack at midnight,capture all the Nervendicians and lock them away,capture the King and Queen as well as their daughters."Sooghyun voice fell sad when he said the last word.

"I'm not gonna capture the princesses,they're way too good."Kevin said.

"Me too..."Eli agreed.

"If we don't follow orders we'll get killed."

"Than we run away..."Hoon suggested.

"Great idea hyung!"Dongho agreed.

"I agree with Hoon"Kiseop said.

"Fine,we'll run away.Into the forest of Nervenders."


So the story starts next chapter.I did 4 chapter's in a day,and soon I'll get writers block.If I have that,please don't pressure me to update fast.^^

Thnks guys and Annyeong!!

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Chapter 20: Oh my gurrr. Update soon!~~
Azngurl8048 #2
Please update more, Author-nim!
I've been waiting for it~
kpopmusiclover #4
Hi:) new reader and subscriber here ^^ ur story is so AWESOME!!! <3 hehehe pls update soon!! I really can't wait!! :D
FlyaAr #5
Sure...Welcome,I'll send u the application form when I have the time.
awesome_stuff #6
hi new reader/subscriber ^^ i luv your story >< and i just notice that chunji does look a bit like kevin ( i do not know why all koreans look the same ><) but can i actually apply ?
FlyaAr #7
@YuukiMassu:Wow,you're the earliest applicant ever.Well first come first serve and well,congrats you may have Ricky !!Geez,but the thing is that the plot is actually Teen Top is the Dongsaengs to U-kiss.They're brothers!!In addition to the girls,each 13 girls will have to choose 1 boys from U-Teen!(Ukiss+TeenTop=U-Teen/Kiss-Top)
UWAH!! I AGREE!!! CHUNJI DOES LOOK ALOT LIKE KEVIN!! xD (That's actually the reason why I liked Teen top! xDD) <br />
Aww.. Chunji's taken already?! xDD Can I take Ricky? LOL!<br />
<br />
Question: 12 more applicants? Does those twelve already include us?<br />
and this might sound selfish but can we apply for Teentop too even though we're already chosen for Ukiss? =D
Correction: I meant chapter 8. ^ ^
Awww.. Love is in the air~ =3♥<br />
Love the small Young-hoon convo at chapter 4! x3♥<br />
I'll try and advertise your story together with mine! =)<br />
Update soon! =D