

YoungHyun stood up from where she was sitting and spread open her arms wide.As she was maintaining that posture,two pair of wings grew from behind her shoulder blade.Her wings were just like Kevins,except that it was completely black and that there were some tint of gold on the tip of the feathers and the wings were slightly bigger from Kevin.

"YoungHyun..You have wings..."YoungHim said,not believeing what was happening right infront of her eyes.

"Noona..I thought you didn't have wings?"Corax asked his sister.

"It's time I told you another secret."YoungHim told them,and everyone all sat down.

"Kiseop has wings too,but the chances he can use the wings is very limited.Same for me.Kevin is an exception.He's a full angel.Both me and Kiseop are just angels by blood or contract.See the tattoos inscribed on Kevin's wings?Those are blessing marks to indicate you are a full angel and has the power to use them.See my tattoos?Those are single symbols,they don't connect.It will also drain my energy very fast if I were to fly all the time.Simillar to Kiseop.Just Kiseop can use his wings longer than me."

"That is the reason why you said you can't teach me to fly."Kevin spoke,breaking the silence among them.

YoungHyun nodded."Another thing is,my wings aren't attached to my back.It has to be grown.See this necklace I'm wearing round my neck?This prism necklace is what enables me to have wings.Without this,I'm wingless."

"Damn,your life is ed up girl."AJ joked.

"Hah,I guess you can put it that way.Anyways.where's the gemstone Kevin?"YoungHyun asked.

Kevin took out a small purple gemstone out from his pocket and handed them over to YoungHyun.

"Well,time to search for the other13 more Gemstones huh?"YeoShin said.

"Yeap!That mean we better keep moving and stop wasting time."MiAh replied,then everyone started moving upwards.

"Girls!Look!The rose is changing colors again!It's turning red!"SunMi told her sisters."How much time do have left now YoungHyun?"

"Not much,The next color is gonna change once we find the next two gemstone."

"But we can't move fast not with thi speed we are going through."Eli said.

"Don't worry,I have an idea!"Corax shouted.

"What idea do you have?MiAh asked him.

"Look at where we are!"

"Huh..?"Kiseop scratched his head in confusement.

"We're under Doberve,and under Doberve is where Phoenix Horses roam!"Hoon exclaimed.

"Hoon hyung is right."Corax said.

" But how are we gonna get a troop of Phoenix horses?"Soohyun asked.


YoungHyun's whistle brought a troop of Phoenix horses to them.And not wasting any second,all 15 of them hopped on to the horses and followed Hoon to their next destination,Lake Parich,where the next gemstone,Lapis Lazuli was lying.As they were travelling at fast speed,YoungHyun explained to them that Werewolves roam that place.Only creatures that have werewolves in their blood can enter.Which means,AJ can enter like he's one of them.


Till the next Chapter!






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Chapter 20: Oh my gurrr. Update soon!~~
Azngurl8048 #2
Please update more, Author-nim!
I've been waiting for it~
kpopmusiclover #4
Hi:) new reader and subscriber here ^^ ur story is so AWESOME!!! <3 hehehe pls update soon!! I really can't wait!! :D
FlyaAr #5
Sure...Welcome,I'll send u the application form when I have the time.
awesome_stuff #6
hi new reader/subscriber ^^ i luv your story >< and i just notice that chunji does look a bit like kevin ( i do not know why all koreans look the same ><) but can i actually apply ?
FlyaAr #7
@YuukiMassu:Wow,you're the earliest applicant ever.Well first come first serve and well,congrats you may have Ricky !!Geez,but the thing is that the plot is actually Teen Top is the Dongsaengs to U-kiss.They're brothers!!In addition to the girls,each 13 girls will have to choose 1 boys from U-Teen!(Ukiss+TeenTop=U-Teen/Kiss-Top)
UWAH!! I AGREE!!! CHUNJI DOES LOOK ALOT LIKE KEVIN!! xD (That's actually the reason why I liked Teen top! xDD) <br />
Aww.. Chunji's taken already?! xDD Can I take Ricky? LOL!<br />
<br />
Question: 12 more applicants? Does those twelve already include us?<br />
and this might sound selfish but can we apply for Teentop too even though we're already chosen for Ukiss? =D
Correction: I meant chapter 8. ^ ^
Awww.. Love is in the air~ =3♥<br />
Love the small Young-hoon convo at chapter 4! x3♥<br />
I'll try and advertise your story together with mine! =)<br />
Update soon! =D