Prison Cor


Prison Cor

Lucky warriors and U-Kiss finally arrived that Prison Cor.The place looks very very scary.

"Euww...So scary..."YoungHim hid behind MiAh,she is scared of scary places.

"Don't worry.Okay,EunMi and SunMi,What do you know about the place?"Soohyun asked the two.

"Okay,from our point of view,there are 10 gaurds gaurding the building.There are 14 of us but excluding EunMi,YeoShin,Kevin and myself who doesn't know how to attack,10 of you will take down all the gaurds."SunMi explained to them.

"I'll take down all..."YoungHyun said,putting on her gloves and taking her weapons.

"YoungHyun..."EunMi said.

"Look,you want to finish this fast right?!"YoungHyun hissed.

But before MiAh can say anything,YoungHyun had already disappeared.

"Oh my ing crap...She's gone."Miah told them.

They were hiding behing a large boulder.The peeked out of their hiding spot to see what was happening,and 5 gaurds were shot down.

"Come to mama..."YoungHyun said to herself.She took 5 arrows and shot it at the 5 gaurds who were standing at the back of the prison building.They were the ones on the lookout,and YoungHyun knew she had to take them down first.

"5 of the gaurds have been shot down.But what about the other 5!"YoungHim said feeling all excited.

"Kiss this es."

And YoungHyun shot the rest down.

She jumped out of her hiding spot,landed a perfect land at signaled U-Kiss and her sisters to come.

"Hey guys..!"YoungHim said hello to her people with a smile on her face.

"Princess YoungHim!What are you doing here?"One of the villagers asked.

"We'll explain later,first we need to bring you people to a safe place."MiAh told them and they quickly escaped before getting caught.

"Wait where's YoungHyun?"Hoon looked around.

"YoungHyun!"SunMi shouted.

"Can't you give me a break!"YoungHyun jumped out of nowhere scaring everyone and hissed back at them.

"Princess Young.."

"Save it peeps.Now follow me."


After walking for a few miles,they came across Paradise Fall.

"Go in quickly!"MiAh told the villagers and each of them went in one by one.

"You people will stay here untill we save Neverland.This place will provide you with everything,but whatever you do,do not step out of this place,you got that?"YoungHim told the villagers.

"Does anyone know how to get to the Lost Ruins?"Eli asked.

"Hey you boys are the sons of the Black Wends,why must we tell you!"One of the villagers spoke.


"YoungHyun,Calm down."JinAh was trying to chill YoungHyun down.

"We don't know how to get there but we know a nation that can help."

"Tell us."U-Kiss said.

"Princess YoungHyun's nation,the demon-vampire nation.They were once rulers of the Lost Ruins,until Serenity took the place away from them.That place was very special to them.Many of us like to visit that place for vacation,but because of Serenity's orders,the nation was angry and therefore had a bad truce between them"

"So that's the reason why I was taken away."younghyun whispered.

"That place was very nice back then,until Serenity's soldiers destroyed it.It's original name was Damonty.The demon-vampire nation was about to make you their princess untill Serenity came and took you away.Now they hate us."

YoungHyun was already pissed off,pissed of at Serenity.

"YOU ING SERENITY!!HOW Can they...."YoungHyun's voiced trailed off.

"YoungHyun...I'm so sorry..."EunMi apologised.

"It's not your fault,it's Serenity's but for the sake of these villagers and you girl,I'll help but,not for Serenity and I'll never forgive them."

"Princess YoungHyun,one more thing,your grandparents would love to see you.They'll even tell you how to get to the Lost Ruins."

YoungHyun just nodded.

"Okay boys and girls,let's move out!"Soohyun said.


I hope this chap was good.Comment plz!!!I'm gonna get writer's block soon!!AnnYeong!!

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Chapter 20: Oh my gurrr. Update soon!~~
Azngurl8048 #2
Please update more, Author-nim!
I've been waiting for it~
kpopmusiclover #4
Hi:) new reader and subscriber here ^^ ur story is so AWESOME!!! <3 hehehe pls update soon!! I really can't wait!! :D
FlyaAr #5
Sure...Welcome,I'll send u the application form when I have the time.
awesome_stuff #6
hi new reader/subscriber ^^ i luv your story >< and i just notice that chunji does look a bit like kevin ( i do not know why all koreans look the same ><) but can i actually apply ?
FlyaAr #7
@YuukiMassu:Wow,you're the earliest applicant ever.Well first come first serve and well,congrats you may have Ricky !!Geez,but the thing is that the plot is actually Teen Top is the Dongsaengs to U-kiss.They're brothers!!In addition to the girls,each 13 girls will have to choose 1 boys from U-Teen!(Ukiss+TeenTop=U-Teen/Kiss-Top)
UWAH!! I AGREE!!! CHUNJI DOES LOOK ALOT LIKE KEVIN!! xD (That's actually the reason why I liked Teen top! xDD) <br />
Aww.. Chunji's taken already?! xDD Can I take Ricky? LOL!<br />
<br />
Question: 12 more applicants? Does those twelve already include us?<br />
and this might sound selfish but can we apply for Teentop too even though we're already chosen for Ukiss? =D
Correction: I meant chapter 8. ^ ^
Awww.. Love is in the air~ =3♥<br />
Love the small Young-hoon convo at chapter 4! x3♥<br />
I'll try and advertise your story together with mine! =)<br />
Update soon! =D