Mission Five - Yoon Doojoon

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels

- Yoon Doojoon -


I walked out from the office and headed to my own car. I felt the urge to get out of the office so sudden.


I was analyzing the overall of the case with Yoseob on the small meeting room earlier. We sorted out the cases one by one, making time line on every case and putting down the details of the case. Dongwoon and Kyuri helped us out with providing information that they could get. But at the day grew older, I felt that I needed to go out and cleared out my mind for a while. The case was so tangled and met dead-ends until I didn’t know what to think anymore. So I told Yoseob that I went home before him.


I reached my car and looked up to the sky. It was night already and the sky was clear enough to see the stars. I smiled to see them. Somehow the night sky was reminding me to Aegi. I was so sure that she would love to look up to the sky to see the stars. The night sky, moon and the stars were her favorites.


I gasped when I realized that I was thinking about Aegi. I dropped my gaze and shook my head. I didn’t know why I was thinking about her again. We were closed before. But we were changed a lot.


I exhaled and opened the door then got in. I the car and drove it away. I was thinking on where I would go for now as I drove. Some places came in mind. But then, I decided to go to my favorite place, the soccer field.


I parked my car outside the field and came out from my car. Since it was night, no one used the field anymore. But there was a ball there. I smiled to see it then jogged toward the field. I took the ball and started to play with it, juggling it with my feet and kicking it. Soccer would always be my most favorite sport.


But then, I accidentally kicked the ball too hard. The ball flew away, out of the field. And as I followed the ball’s direction, I heard a girl screamed.




And I heard a sound of falling bicycle. I grinned to hear it.


It turned out that I hit a girl who rode a bicycle with the ball. I quickly rushed to the girl.


“I’m so sorry.” I said as I arrived on the girl’s side. “I don’t mean to hit you with the ball.” I straightened up her bicycle and kneeled to check on the girl.


This girl had a long wavy hair with brownish color. She was pouting as she cleaned up her hands. She looked cute and innocent but also looked mature somehow.


“Are you alright?” I asked.


The girl looked up. But then, she gasped as she saw me. “Yoon Doojoon?”


I frowned as I heard my name came out from a girl like her. I didn’t think that I had met her before.


She smiled widely. “It’s me. Do you remember?”


I tilted my head. I could recall who she was.


“I’m Park Jin Eun.”


I was shocked when she mentioned her name. “Park Jin Eun?” I repeated the name as I helped her to get up.


I did remember Park Jin Eun. She was the first batch of Special Force team along with me and Aegi. She was an agent like me and Aegi. We were graduated together from the academy. She used to work on the end line as a computer specialist. But I heard that she resigned from Special Force and moved somewhere else.


But that Park Jin Eun that I knew was so different from this one.


Park Jin Eun from three years ago was someone nerdy. She had this big black trimmed frame for her glasses and she used braces for her teeth. Her hair was never properly fixed even though she was tying it into a ponytail. I never noticed about her too much. But I knew that she used to hang around with Aegi.


But this girl…


I looked at her from top to bottom. She got silky long wavy hair with no glasses and braces. She was using a short skirt, pink polo shirt and baseball jacket. I must admit that she got long legs.


“You are Park Jin Eun?” I asked again.


The girl nodded.


I smiled. “Wow, what happen to you?”


She smiled widely. “I just get rid of my glasses and braces then fixed up my hair.”


I just nodded but smiled to see her. “But you look nicer now.”


She chuckled.


“I heard that you were quit the force after our first case. What happen?”


She smiled. “Well, I just wanted to find new job. I guess our case at that time made me realized that I’m not meant to be a police agent like you.”


I nodded. “Yeah, I guess that case brought changes to us all.” I dropped my gaze. “Aegi has changed too since that time.”


“Ah…” She said as she expressed her disappointment. “But you’re still working there, right?”


I looked up to her again and nodded. “Yeah.” I smiled. “I’m a team leader now.”


She looked amazed. “Wow. That’s good to hear.”


“But Aegi is a team leader too now. I guess both of us are the ones that left from the first batch.”


Jin Eun smiled softly. “But how are you and Aegi now? Do you still date her?”


I smiled and shook my head. “We drew apart ever since that case. I guess you can say that we’ve broke up.”


Jin Eun put on a concern and pity look on her face. “Aww…” She rubbed my arm. “Too bad. You and Aegi were great couple back then on the academy.”


I just curved my lips. I and Aegi were dating back when we were still at the academy until we handled the first case. But after that case, everything had changed between us.


“Thanks, Jin Eun.”


She just smiled then lowered her hand.


“By the way, are you back in town now?”


Jin Eun nodded. “Yeah.”


“What do you do now?”


“Well…” She tilted her head. “I run a business.” She paused. “A family business.”


I just nodded.


“Hey, why don’t we go somewhere to have a drink? It has been so long since we met. So I think it’s great to go somewhere and talk about our life.”


I chuckled to hear that. But I guessed it was also a nice idea to hang out with an old friend and talked. I was thinking to take Aegi along. But I guessed she didn’t want to be bothered since she was investigating a case with Gikwang. And somehow I felt that she would enjoy her time with Gikwang more than her time with me.


I smiled to Jin Eun. “Let’s go.”



From Author:

Update again~ Doojoon this time~ Hehe~

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~