Mission Twenty Two – The Rescue

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels


- Yang Yoseob -


I quickly stepped on the brake after speeding away. Earlier, I caught a glimpse of a strange guy came to Doojoon's car and tried to open the car. The car’s door was opened. So, I just thought that I couldn't let him getting away with Doojoon's car.


My car stopped and I quickly came out from the car. I didn't bother to close the door. I dashed to the guy and caught him before he ran away. I was sure the guy would be running away since he saw me using Police's bullet-proof vest. I pinned his arm to the back and banged him to the trunk cap of car.


"What do you want to do with my boss' car?" I asked him as I held him down.


When I did that, I smelled alcohol from his body. I also noticed his worn-out clothes. So I thought that he wasn’t one of Kang Heejoon’s men. Probably he was just a homeless guy who passed by and saw Doojoon’s car.


"I-I don't do anything," he said to defend himself. "I just found this car here. The door is unlocked. So I open it."


"But it's not yours," I said. "So, you're underarrested with theft charge."


I saw Hyunseung came to my side.


"I'll handle him," Hyunseung said calmly as he took out his handcuff. He held the Thief's hand and cuffed it.


I moved back to give Hyunseung a space to arrest the thief. Hyunseung cuffed the thief's hands and took him away. I saw Moon came. She was looking at the thief as he passed then looking back at me with a questioning look. It seemed that she was asking why I caught the guy.


"He tried to steal the car," I told Moon.


Moon just exhaled then looked at the car. "Is this really Doojoon's car?" She asked.


I looked back to the car. "I'm sure," I said then pointed at the car's plate number. "This is his plate number."


Moon just nodded then walked to the passanger front door. "I wonder why he parked his car far enough from the address that he gave us." She turned to look at the pier.


"I don't know," I said as I looked at the pier too. Then I looked back to Moon. "I'm sure he wanted to tell us something but he doesn’t want anybody to find it before us."


“But I must to admit that it’s a careless move,” Moon said as I walked to the driver side.


“I’m sure he has a consideration for it,” I said before I looked at the car again.


The door was opened since the homeless man already opened the door earlier. So I looked around, trying to find something that Doojoon left behind. Moon was also entered the car on the passenger’s front door. She opened the drawer on the dashboard and searched on it. When I looked at the back seat, I found Doojoon's phone.


"That's his phone," I said to Moon as I sat on the seat and stretched my hand to the back seat to get the phone.


I managed to reach it and took it. So, I sat back to the seat. I pressed the button to activate the screen. But Doojoon locked his phone with 4 digits PIN.


"His phone is locked," Moon said. "Do you know his PIN?"


I looked at the phone for a while and thought for a while. I had never seen Doojoon's PIN to unlock his phone. In fact, I had never seen him locking his phone with PIN. So, I didn’t know his PIN. But Doojoon wasn't someone who used many combinations for his passcode. So, his PIN might be something that simple but meaningful for him.


I tried to put his passcode for his apartment. But it was false. I put his date of birth for the second attempt. But I failed again. And I only had one chance left before the phone was locked completely.


I lowered the phone to think for a while.


Doojoon was someone who treasured his friends the most beside of his family. Amongst all of his friends, Aegi was the one that he treated very differently. He argued a lot with her but he also cared about her the most. Recently, because of Kyuri and Moon, I also found out that they were a couple before and they were officially married. But I realized something. Ever since we worked together with Aegi’s team, I had noticed that he was actually treated Aegi differently from the other girls who were closed with him. And I also realized that his apartment's passcode was Aegi's romanization name if you typed the name with ABC's keypad on the phone. So, his PIN number must be related to Aegi.


But then, what is the numbers combination that he used for the PIN?


It must be something that I ever knew about Aegi. I was sure that Doojoon would pick the combination that both of us or probably the other members knew. I tried to remember every numbers that related with Aegi. But I didn’t think that Doojoon would be picked Aegi’s social numbers.


I looked at Moon. "Ya, Moonie." I called her.




"Aegi's birth date is August 17th, right?"


Moon nodded. "Yeah," she said. "Why?"


"Nothing," I said then looked at the phone again.


I was thinking that Doojoon probably used Aegi's birthday for his PIN since Aegi was the woman that he loved and it was the info that we were all known. I knew that I only had one chance. But, I guessed it was worth to try. So, I typed 0-8-1-7 for the PIN.


But then, I stopped before I pressed the 'OK' button.


Doojoon might be someone who outspoken. But he was smart enough to conceal something. If he used Aegi's birthday just like that, it would be so obvious for him. His PIN was definitely Aegi's birthday. But somehow, Doojoon played a little trick on it.


I erased the numbers that I had input earlier then re-typed it with 1-7-0-8. It was my last chance but I put my faith on it as I tapped the OK button.


Then, the screen changed into Doojoon’s phone wallpaper.


I smiled as I managed to unlock the phone. "I did it," I cheered.


Moon moved closer to me. “Let’s try checking it.”


I nodded then checked on his call history. There was nothing special on it. His last call was an outgoing call to Hyunseung. It was verified by Hyunseung earlier when I came back to the base and looked onto Doojoon’s call history. The other was miscalls from Junhyung and myself.


Then, I checked on his message box. I opened up his inbox and found the message that he received from Aegi’s number. As I looked on it, I was thinking what kind of feeling that Doojoon had when he saw the picture. He was probably worried to death. I guessed every guy would feel that way if they saw the girl that they loved was in danger. Probably I would feel that way too if I saw Kyuri on the same situation.


I closed the message and the inbox. Then, I noticed that Doojoon had a message stored on his saved message folder. So, I opened the folder. And to my shock, the recipient name was me. But I didn’t know why he didn’t send the message to me.


“Moon, Doojoon left a message for me.” I looked at Moon and showed the message.


“What did he say?” Moon asked.


I looked back to the phone and opened the message. On the message, Doojoon told me that he didn’t want to risk another member. He also told me that he decided to go alone because the sender of the message wanted only him to come. Doojoon was suspecting that it might be someone higher from Pink Arjuna’s organization that planned this. Doojoon also mentioned the storage house number and ordered me to put the Special Force officers around the place with cover so the enemies wouldn’t see them. And he also wanted them not to do anything until a signal came. I didn't know what kind of signal that he would give but I thought I would be knowing it later. He also said that I would need to make a move if there was something bad happened on the storage house. At last, he wanted me to becareful and not to let the enemies knowing our moves.


I looked at Moon and showed the message. She looked at the message for a while as she read it. I showed the message to Moon since she was considered as the vice leader from Aegi's team. And, without Junhyung's presence, she was the second highest command on the team.


Moon seemed to understand the message. Her gaze rose to my eyes and a sly smile came to her face.


“Let’s do it,” she said then came out from the car.



- Yoon Doojoon -


I saw the sunlight faded away from behind the small window on the room and the dark came to replace the light.


So the night has fallen, I thought. But I also wished that the team would find my message.


But then, because I had known Kang Heejoon’s plan with Aegi and the rest of my team members, I felt worried about them. I really hoped that they would be careful.


I turned my gaze to my back since I felt that Aegi moved restlessly behind me. I sat behind her and gave her my back to lean on if she was feeling tired.


“What are you doing?” I asked her.


“I think I can escape from this knot,” she said as she tried to loosen the rope.


I quickly realized what she would do. She would dislocate her thumb to release her self from the tie. “Aegi, don't,” I said as I looked at her.


Aegi stopped moving and looked at me. “I have no other choice. We need to get out of here.”


“Aegi, don't!” I scolded her. “I don't want you to hurt your self. If it's just the only way, then let me do it.”


“Oh, don't be such a gentleman. I can fix it back.” She replied back at me with her usual sarcasm.


“Yeah.” I turned to see her. “But I don't have the heart to see you suffer, Aegi. I can put every girl in the world or even Gayoon in danger. But not you.”


Aegi went silent. I couldn’t see her expression since she was sitting with her back on me and her long hair was covering her hair as she dropped her head slightly.


“You really know how to do sweet talk now. Do you know that?”


I turned my self back to the front. “I had learned from the best.”




- Shin Aegi -


Ah, thank God that he was sitting behind me. So he didn't see my face blushing when he said that he could put Gayoon in danger but not me. I dropped my gaze and bit my lower lip slightly to hold the urge to smile. Somehow, I felt that it was sweet for him to care a lot about me. I knew that he still cared about me. He even took some dangerous cases for his team and put my team as the back-line team because he didn’t want to put me on danger. I had realized that. But, I always tried to ignore the fact.


“You really know how to do sweet talk now. Do you know that?” I said to him as I was meant to be sarcastic at him.


I felt he turned his back on me again as he slightly leaned on me.


"I had learned from the best."


“Do you mean it was me?”


I could hear him scoffing. Probably it was a ridiculous question for him. Then I felt a nudge on my back. I turned around to see Doojoon.


"Do you tired?" He asked.


"Yeah," I said as I exhaled. "My back hurts." I straightened my back.


"Want to lean on me for a while?"


I looked again at him. "What I need is to untie my rope and get out of here," I said. "We have been in here for long enough and no one is looking for us."


I heard another soft scoff from Doojoon. I thought he was smiling slightly.


"Do you think no one is looking for us?"


When I heard his words, somehow I thought that he had planned something. Ever since I knew Doojoon, he often made me surprised with his plan. I must to admit that he was a brilliant strategist. On our early months on Special Force Academy, I always thought that he was my biggest rival. He often gave his brilliant opinions.


I had learned a lot from cases and experiences as I looked at my father for all my life with him. As I studied my father’s works as a police officer, I also learned about how to make efficient and effective strategies through my analyzis skill. But Doojoon was a natural leader.


I didn’t know since when he started to capture my attention. But when I saw him for the first time at the academy, he seemed to be a playful and fierce type. He hung around too much with his friends and sometime I saw him teased the girls on the academy. It was something that I hated the most. So, I thought that he was someone who got no responsibility or brain. But, I must to admit that he got good result on sports or anything physical. Then, my thought about him started to fall apart when I had a debate session with him. Started for there, I knew that he was a smart and responsible guy too. And the more I knew about him, the more he made me amazed. Then eventually, I fell in love with him. And to think about it now, somehow my heart became fluttered again.


“What do you plan?” I asked as I sighed and leaned my back on his back.


“Just relax,” he said. “I’ll be taking care of it.”


I turned my head to look at him. But then, I found that I leaned my head on his shoulder. “Should I trust you?”


He moved his head until he could see me. “Do you still able to trust me?”


For a while, I was looking at him. His face was so close. And somehow my mind was thinking that this face was the face that I had been missed for these past 3 years. This face… This personality… This guy was the one that I loved once. And probably, I still loved him now.


Somehow I found my self hard to breathe suddenly. I quickly dropped my gaze and turned. “Whatever,” I said. And now, I thought I needed to control my self.


I didn’t know why I felt this way. But, somehow, I was glad that he was with me now.


“Hey, Aegi.”


His call made me back to reality.




“Move closer to me.”


I did what he told me and moved my self closer to him until I could touch his hands. The warmth of his hand that I always remembered was making me gasped slightly.


“Can you reach my rope and untie me?”


“I think I can.” I told him then started fondling to find the rope's edge.


It seemed that Doojoon also moved to adjust his position so I could reach his rope. When I found it, I tried to untie the rope. It took a while, but I managed to untangle the knot. The rope was starting to loosen on Doojoon’s hands. Doojoon quickly released his hands and stood up.


“Thanks,” he said as he freed from the rope.


I quickly turned and looked at him. “Ya!” I scolded him. “Release me too.”


Doojoon didn’t say anything. He held his rope on the back. But I noticed that his face turned to pale. He looked unwell.


“Ya, are you okay?” I asked as I felt worried with him.


Then suddenly, he fainted.


“Ya! Doojoon!”


I called his name and tried to make him awake but he didn’t respon to my call. Somehow, it made me worried about him. So, I stood up even though my hands were tied then came to the door. I knew one or two guys were standing outside the door and guarding us. I kicked the door.


“Hey!! Open the door! My friend is fainted here!!”


Suddenly, I saw the small plate opened on the door. It seemed that it was a small peeking place for the guards. I moved backward when the plate opened. I saw a guy peeking inside.


Then, the door opened and two guys came into the room. One of them quickly came to me and held me while the other one came to Doojoon. I noticed that they looked panic and worried. The one who looked at Doojoon kneeled and tried to check on Doojoon.


But suddenly, Doojoon moved and punched the guy. I quickly realized that Doojoon was acting to make them entered the room. I quickly pushed the guy who held me with my shoulder, banged him to the wall until he let me free then nudged his stomach with my elbow. I turned and kicked the guy with a spin kick to knock him out. The guy was down.


I turned to look at Doojoon. Doojoon was managed to knock his opponent down too. He stood up as he took the weapons and the keys from the guy then came to me as he put the gun on his belt.


“Sorry,” Doojoon said as he turned me around and untied my rope. “But I need to make it look like real.”


But since I felt very pissed with him, I quickly turned and slapped his cheek when I got released from the rope. He didn't know how much I worried when I saw him fainted. Doojoon had never fainted before. So, I thought that something bad had happened to him.


“But next time, tell me what your plan first before you do it!” I scolded him before he could say anything.


Doojoon seemed to surprise when I slapped his cheek. But it was his fault to make me worried.


“You’ve made me worried to death, you know,” I said with calmer tone.


But then, Doojoon just smiled. I guessed he could understand my reason to slap him.


"Alright," he said then he bent down to take the weapon from the guy that I knocked down earlier. "Sorry about that." He straightened his body again.


"Just don't do it again, okay?"


Doojoon looked at the weapon on his hand. "I'll try," he said as he looked back at me.


I just looked at him with pouted lips. Doojoon handed the weapon to me as he smiled gently. I took the weapon.


“Then what’s your plan?”


"To get out of here," Doojoon said as he checked on the weapon. “I left some clues behind for the team to find us. If they’re following the clues, probably they’re already outside right now.”




Doojoon looked at me. “Let’s get out of here,” he said then pushed me to walk.


I walked to the door and went out. Doojoon closed the door then walked with me. As we walked, Doojoon said that he already asked the team to surround the place.


Lucky for us, we were familiar with the storage house. It didn't have much change from the storage house that we had known before. So we could easily find our way. But then, some guards caught us and left us no choice but to fight them.


I shot some guys and brought them down. They were blocking us from the exit door. I and Doojoon hid behind the pillar while they were shooting at us. As we shot, a guy accidentally knocked over a barrel of fire. It started a ruckus on the 1st floor as the fire grew bigger. The fire started to spread. But then, I saw Kang Heejoon came out from the room on the 2nd floor.


Unfortunately for me, I was running out of ammo. I looked at Doojoon across of me. He was hiding on the pillar across of me.


“Doojoon,” I called Doojoon.


Doojoon looked at me. But he quickly shifted his body further inside to dodge the bullet. To see it, I clicked my tongue. I guessed it was impossible for us to talk or to discuss if we were separated like this. So, I decided to cross over to his hiding place. I quickly moved. Doojoon saw it. He seemed surprised to see me coming out from the pillar where I hid. Doojoon quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me to the safe place behind the pillar.


“Are you crazy?” He scolded me.


“Probably,” I said. “But Kang Heejoon is trying to escape.” I pointed at the 2nd floor.


Doojoon stretched his head to look at the 2nd floor. Both of us saw him talking to his guys then he went away. I looked at Doojoon.


“And I’m running out of ammo,” I told him as I showed my weapon.


“Okay.” Doojoon lowered his gaze. He seemed to be thinking for a while. “I hid my gun behind the barrel near the entrance door. Take it. I’ll cover your back.”


“How about Kang Heejoon?” I asked him. “We can’t let him escape.”


“Just get out from here first.”


So, I turned and ran toward the entrance door. Some guys shot me when I ran. But Doojoon shot back to them and covered my back. I managed to get behind the barrels where Doojoon hid his weapon. I looked for the gun and found it behind the barrel. I used it to shoot back to some guys.


While I shot, I noticed that no one dared to shoot back at me. At that moment, I realized that the barrel kept gunpowders inside of it. I also realized that I’d better went away from the barrels. I saw Doojoon reached the barrels.




Doojoon looked at me.


“The barrels filled with gunpowders,” I told him.


Doojoon looked at the barrels then looked back at me. “Okay, move back and get out of here.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the barrels. He turned his gaze to the door. “Let’s go.” He pulled me to the door.


“Yoon Doojoon!”


The call made us stopped and looked around. We saw Kang Heejoon standing on an open space in the middle of the room.


“Do you still want to catch me?” He asked with a smirk on his lips.


Of course, I would like to catch him. So, I wanted to get him. But then, Doojoon grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I looked at him, questioning on why he stopped me. But Doojoon just looked at Kang Heejoon with a gaze that I couldn’t describe. It seemed that he had something to say or to do to Kang Heejoon.


“Aegi,” he said then turned his gaze to me.




“Get out of here first,” he said to me.


“How about you?”


“I’ll be right behind you,” he said again. “Just go first before me.”


I looked at him, trying to convince my self that he really did what he told me. But he looked convincing. So, I just nodded then walked toward the door.


But before I stepped out, I stopped. Somehow, I felt that I might not be able to see him again. The feeling was bothering me. So, I turned.


But when I turned, the ceiling above me collapsed and forced me to move back. I looked at Doojoon and saw that he was smiling. Doojoon turned to face Kang Heejoon. I really wanted to help him. But, the fire wall in the front of me was forcing me to take no other choice but to get out from the burned storage house. So, I quickly went to the door.



- Moon Haeseon -


I was standing by with my weapon when I saw a smoke came out from the storage house through my scope. I straightened my body and saw that the storage house was in fire.




I quickly took out my communication device.


“Yoseob.” I called.


“Yes, I saw it.” Yoseob replied me from the other line. “I’ve called the fire fighter. They are on their way here. The paramedic is coming too.”


“Okay. Tell everyone to come closer, except for the snipers. Hyunseung, get some officers and guard the back door. If there is anyone who tries to run, capture them immediately. Don’t let anyone escape.”


“Roger.” I heard Hyunseung replied me.


I lowered my communication device then stored my weapon.


Actually, I was planning to keep our distance with the storage house just like Doojoon ordered us to do. But, when I saw the fire from the storage house, I felt that we would need to get closer. I took a place across the peer to watch over the storage house. It was kinda far but it had safe distance.


When I arrived at the front of the storage house, I quickly got of from my motorcycle and came closer. I saw some officers caught some bad guys who came out from the storage house. The fire was already burnt half of the storage house. Some of Kang Heejoon’s men were escaping from the storage house. Yoseob and Hyunseung were managed to catch them before I arrived. Yoseob handed the one that he caught to an officer then came to me. I also heard gunshots from inside.


“Doojoon and Aegi are still inside.” Yoseob reported to me. “One of the guys told me that Kang Heejoon is also inside.”


I looked back to the burned storage house. “We have to get them out.” I told Yoseob.


“Yes, I know.”


“Borrow me a car,” I said as I looked at Yoseob. “I’ll try to break the wooden door.” I turned and went to a police car.


“I’ll come with you,” Yoseob said as he was following me.


But before I reached the car, I heard a loud crack. I stopped and looked at the storage house. At that moment, I saw something burnt fell behind the window. It seemed that a part of 2nd floor was collapsed. Somehow I felt worried with Aegi and Doojoon.


“Let’s go.” I wanted to go to the car again.






Yoseob quickly stopped me as he grabbed my arm. I looked at him and saw him pointing at the storage house’s door. I saw a figure came out from the storage house. I noticed and quickly realized that it was Aegi.


“Aegi.” I mumbled her name then ran to get her.


Aegi stopped as she caught her breath. She was coughing since she was inhaling the smoke.




She looked up. I came to her and stopped on her side.


“Doojoon is still inside,” she said in the middle of her coughs. She took a deep breath and talked again. “Kang Heejoon is with him.” It seemed that she was in hurry.


“Calm your self, Aegi.” I told her.


“I can’t,” she said then straightened her body. “There are barrels with explosive materials in there.” She still caught her breathe. “If we’re not hurry, it will…”


Before Aegi finished her sentence, we heard a loud crack. Then, just a second after, a big explosion happened. I quickly grabbed Aegi and pulled her to the ground. The explosion blew the debris to every direction. I quickly covered my head with my arms.


After that, I lift my body and turned to see the storage house. The building was still in fire. The explosion made the fire became bigger. It made my heart stopped.


Oh my God… Doojoon is still inside.


From Author:

Another update~ But sorry for the long break between the previous chapter and this one. Real Life is taking most of my time lately. But I hope you will enjoy this chapter~ ^^

If you have twitter account, you can add me on @AFFalize_sakura.

Thank you for reading, subscribing or commenting~ Enjoy reading.

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~