Mission Six - Yang Yoseob, Park Kyuri

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels


- Park Kyuri -


I stepped out from Yoseob’s car and looked at the hospital building in the front of us. The hospital looked so big. But I didn’t find it strange since the hospital was one of the famous and well-known hospitals on South Korea. But somehow I felt a little nervous about this mission.


For months since I joined the team, I used to work on the base, to find out information and to support Unnie and Moon for their actions. Of course I ever went out for field work. But somehow, I found that I wasn’t a good field officer.


I turned my face to look at my left and found that Yoseob was coming to me. He looked different without his uniform and that casual suit that he used this morning. He used white shirt and long dark blue trousers.


Actually, he looked nice and charming on that kind of clothes. He did looking handsome on his uniform. And he looked cute on casual suit. But, why was I thinking like this?


I wasn’t supposed to think that Yang Yoseob was good-looking. He was good-looking and cute. But I was in mission with him for now. So I needed to be focused on my mission.


I exhaled softly.


“Are you ready?” He asked.


I took a glance at him. “Yeah.” I answered as I sighed. I was nervous and worried too.


But I guessed Yang Yoseob could know that I was nervous and worried. I heard he chuckled. I looked at him.


“Don’t be worried, Kyuri-ah. You’ll be fine. I’ll be covering your back.”


I just grinned to hear those words from him. But somehow, I felt that I would do this mission without any difficulties. At least, I had faith that Yang Yoseob wouldn’t let me got caught.


But somehow I felt that heat crept onto my cheeks when I realized that Yang Yoseob would protect me.


My thought was interrupted by soft pat on my back. I looked at Yang Yoseob.


“Come on.” Yoseob said then walked toward the building.


I raised the position of the sling bag that I slung on my shoulder and released a sigh. Wanted or not, I needed to go through this mission. I walked following Yang Yoseob.



- Yang Yoseob -


We were sneaking toward the server room. We found the server room’s location from the blue print that Kyuri got earlier while we were heading to the hospital. But in order to reach that server room, we needed to disguise our self as the IT staffs from the hospital.


So I asked Kyuri to wait at the corridor while I sneaked into the staff room. I took two staff ID tags and sneaked out from the room. I guessed it was a simple job if you had known someone like Junhyung for sometimes. He taught me some tricks for sneaking and stealing stuffs for our mission.


But probably stealing was not the right term. Junhyung used to use the term, ‘borrowing’.


I went back to where Kyuri waited for me. She saw me coming.


“Do you get them?”


“Yeah.” I replied and quickly grabbed her to leave.


As we walked, I handed one of the ID tags to Kyuri.


“Wow. How did you do that?” Kyuri seemed to be amazed.


I smiled to hear her. “Junhyung taught me. You should try to ask Moon or Aegi to teach you some useful techniques for survival.”


Kyuri grinned. “Sorry.” She said. “I’m not still so lame to do field work.”


She sounded to feel guilty. I patted her back to comfort her.


“Don’t worry.” I told her. “Everyone has their first time. It’s your first time. So, learn from it.” I found the way to the server room. I pointed the way as I pushed Kyuri gently to that way.


I leaded the way since I had memorized the blue print. In minutes, we found the room. But the door was locked by ID number recognition device. So Kyuri took out a small device from her bag. It looked like a portable card swiper from the super market but with a card attached on the top of it. She stuck the card on the device and pressed some code numbers. Then the device searched for the random ID number. The door opened and Kyuri smiled in joy. I slightly smiled to see her joy. We entered the room.


I thought the server room would be something like the usual server room that filled with server shelves that lined up on some rows and cables everywhere. But then, I was surprised to find that the hospital only have around three server shelves. There was a computer there. So Kyuri came to the computer as she took out a Flash Disc from her bag. She sat on the chair and put a flash disc on the plug.


“Let’s see what we got here.” She said.


I guessed the flash disc was programmed to auto-run a cracking program. I could see that a dialogue box appeared seconds after Kyuri inserted the flash disc. Then I saw the ID name and the password box entry started to fill by it self. I didn’t know how it worked since technology wasn’t my expert field like Kyuri and Dongwoon. But I found that it was quietly convenience to have that kind of device.


“What kind of device is that?” I asked as I looked back to Kyuri.


“It’s just an auto-run program that I made for cracking the login ID.” She said.


“How does it work?”


“It…” She paused as if she was remembered about something then she looked at me. “Nevermind. I don’t think you’ll understand even though I explain it.”


I frowned because of her speech. She never tried. I wanted to ask why she said so. But I couldn’t since she smiled and leaned forward to get the mouse. I looked back to the monitor and it seemed Kyuri’s device had worked its magic. Kyuri clicked on the OK button and we got in.


“Patients list program. Patients list program.” She mumbled as the mouse hovered over the shortcuts on the desktop. She found a shortcut that she was looking for. “Ah. This is it.” She clicked on the program shortcut with the title patients.


A new window for data searching came up on the screen. Kyuri hovered the mouse over the window and clicked on the name entry box.


“What are the patient’s names again?” She asked me.


I told her the names of the patients who were died from the drug contamination case. She found their files and quickly copied them to her flash disc.


“And the other one that Unnie asked us to get too?” She asked me again.


“Park Kyunjong.” I told her.


“Park… Kyun… Jong…” She repeated the name as she typed the name on the computer.


Then the patient’s data came up on the screen. Kyuri scrolled down the data and clicked on the detail data. I frowned when I read the data. I remembered that I had read the data that appeared on the screen on the case file.


“Strange.” I said. “It’s the same data that we got on the case file.” I looked at her. “Aegi told us that the data is not complete, right?”


“Hum…” Kyuri hummed as she looked back to the monitor. “Then probably the complete data is hidden somewhere else.” She seemed to have some thought in mind. “Then, let’s see what we got here.”


She closed the database screen and accessed her flash disc contain. She clicked on a file on her flash disc and a new window popped up. Kyuri started to work. She seemed to know what she did as I saw that she was typing something on the screen and the words that unfamiliar for me appeared on the screen.


But then, I realized that she was accessing everyone’s PC on this hospital as I saw the hospital high management staff’s names appeared on the screen. Her program was running the search through the files inside the PC.


“Is this program running the file search through the network?” I asked her then looked at her.


Kyuri smiled. It seemed that I was right. She diverted her gaze from the monitor screen to me. “You’re smart.”


“But will the owner of the PC know that we’re accessing their PC?” I asked out my concern.


“Nope. Their PC might be a little bit lagging. But they won’t know.” She said as she looked back to the monitor. “But, if the PC is off, we can’t access it.”


But then, the pointer blinked and another window popped up.


“Ah, we find it.” Kyuri said.


I looked at the name of the PC’s owner. It was Im Dong-il. As I could remember when I read the hospital data, that name was the name of the hospital’s director.


“Im Dong-il is the hospital director.” I told Kyuri.


I saw the pointer stopped. It seemed that she stopped. I looked at Kyuri. She was looking at me with a look as if she was surprised and questioning the word, ‘what?!’.


“So the director him self hid the real info from the police.” She said her conclusion. “But why?”


I just shrugged my shoulders for her question. I didn’t have the answer for Kyuri’s question.





- Yoon Doojoon -


I was walking out from my room toward the base door as I wanted to grab lunch when my eyes caught Aegi on the small meeting room. The base was empty since others were leaving for mission and lunch. I stopped and turned to the meeting room.


Aegi was leaning on the table with her eyes fixed to the glass board where we put the data about the case. She was frowning with her arms across her chest and one hand touching her chin. I knew that she was thinking. But I wondered what she was thought about. So I walked toward the small meeting room.


I stopped and opened the door. Aegi didn’t bother to look on me when I opened up the door. She seemed to think about something seriously. I leaned my shoulder on the door’s frame and crossed my arms on my chest.


“Don’t you want to go out and grab some lunch?” I asked.


“Later.” She replied as her eyes fixed to the hospital case that Yoseob handled.


I always knew that Aegi would postpone her lunch whenever she was working. I didn’t want to say that she was workaholic. But I just wished that she wouldn’t be so serious thinking about the case.


“Okay.” I said. “But don’t forget your lunch. I don’t want anyone to get sick while working on a mission.”


“I won’t.” She replied me without looking at me.


I scoffed in amusement to see her. This girl was unbelievable for me. I straightened up my body and turned, wanting to go out from the room. But as I turned, I heard her calling my name.




I stopped and looked back at her. She diverted her gaze from the board to me.


“Does the name Park Kyunjong sound familiar for you?” She asked as she lowered her hands.


I thought for a while. But the name didn’t seem to click on me. “No.” I replied her. “Why?”


She looked back to the board. “He was the millionaire who died on this hospital a year ago. But I feel that I ever heard the name somewhere else.” She paused. “But I can’t pinpoint where and when I ever heard the name before.”


I just released a soft sigh to hear her. I stepped toward her and stopped on the front of her.


“Hey.” I said to her. “Stop thinking about the case for now and go out for a lunch with me. You’re too serious with this case, Aegi. And you need a break.”


I saw that she shifted her gaze to me. But then, her gaze looked cynical to me.


“Oh, I will get my lunch.” She said as she straightened her body. “But not with you.” She turned her body and stepped toward the door.


I smiled to see her starting to act cynical again to me. Somehow I felt that it was better to see her acting cynical and bickering with me than to see her so deeply in thought with the case. I stepped out from the room.




From Author:


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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~