First Failure??

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels


- Shin Aegi -


I was observing the table’s surface to find any prints that I could use for evidence. But the table’s surface was cleaned. I also couldn’t find any prints on the tape that placed on the table. It seemed that whoever that used this house for the drug factory had cleaned the place. But I didn’t know why they missed the spot on the floor.


I told the crime scene investigation team to look on the other rooms. But it seemed that the chance of having something to keep Yoo Im Taek longer would be so small. They told me that they even couldn’t find any strand of hair. But it seemed that the activities were focused on the room where I was at now.


I straightened my body and exhaled. I was already at this place since last night observing every corner of the rooms. But I couldn’t find anything useful. It seemed that we would really need to release Yoo Im Taek today.


I looked my watch. It was 40 minutes before 10AM. We had agreed to release Yoo Im Taek on 10AM. I walked out from the room and came to one of the investigation members.


“Found anything useful?” I asked him.


“No. My team already swept the rooms upstairs and found nothing. I guess they never use the rooms upstairs.”


“How about the rooms downstairs?”


“The team found a strand of hair.” He handed me the evidence plastic bag.


I took it and looked at it. The hair was black and long.


“But you know, without the follicle, we can’t find out who the hair is belonged.”


I released a sigh. “Get everything that you can and do everything that you can. Share me anything that you can find.”




I smiled to the officer then turned. I saw Moon came to the house and walked toward me. I just looked at her and questioned why she was here on my mind.


“I thought you will need a ride back to the office.” Moon said as she stopped in the front of me. “You have investigated this place for the whole night. You’re not on the condition to drive the car.”


I smiled to hear her. “I can take the taxi.”


She smirked. “I don’t think you will do that.” She said then patted my back. “Come on. You need to rest when we reach the office.”


I just nodded then walked out with her.


When I reached the car, I felt my phone vibrated on my vest pocket. I took it out and looked at my phone’s screen. It was Gikwang who called me. I answered the phone.


“Yes, Gikwang.” I said as I walked toward the passenger side. “I just came out from the crime scene. What’s the matter?” I paused for a while and looked at Moon who leaned at her car while resting her arms on the top of the car. “I’ll be right back to the base. See you there.”


I lowered the phone and turned it off.


“Gikwang has something to report.” I told Moon as I looked at her and put my phone back to my pocket.


Moon looked understood and lowered her hand to open the car’s door. I opened the door and went in. Moon started the engine and drove away.



- Yoon Doojoon -


I was driving my car to the parking lot at the office when I saw Gikwang was standing outside the office with file folder on his hand. He looked as if he was troubled by something.


“Why does he stand outside?” Hyunseung asked.


“I don’t know.” I replied.


Actually I went to the office with Hyunseung today. I picked him up from his apartment since he wanted to report something to me. I parked my car on the usual spot then came out. I locked my car and went to Gikwang.


I saw that Gikwang noticed my presence. He straightened his body when he saw me coming.


“Why are you here?” I asked him.


“I-I’m waiting for Aegi.” He told me.


Even though I knew that it was for work, I felt a little bit not comfort with the fact that Gikwang was waiting for Aegi.




“There’s something to report to her. It’s about the hospital case that Yoseob handled.” He said then handed me the folder that he brought.


I took the folder and opened it to read it. At that moment, I caught Junhyung was coming with his motorcycle, followed by a car. But I didn’t care about them. I focused my self toward the report.


There was a chart with the substance’s component of the drugs. I bet Aegi knew better about this than I did. I looked back at Gikwang.


“What’s this?” I asked Gikwang.


“It’s something that I found from Park Kyunjong.” Gikwang said.


I looked back to the report as I heard footsteps came toward me.


“What’s wrong, Gikwang?”


I heard Aegi’s voice. So I looked up and saw that she was coming with Moon and Junhyung. So the car behind Junhyung’s motorcycle was Moon’s car. I assumed that the car was Moon’s because I knew Aegi’s car. I turned the report folder to her.


“You’ll know better for this than me.” I told her.


She took a quick look at me then shifted her gaze to the report. She took the report from my hand. I looked at her and noticed that she looked tired. She was staying behind on the crime scene last night to find any evidence to keep Yoo Im Taek stayed on the prison. But she told me this morning that she couldn’t find anything. I saw that she frowned while reading the report.


“Arsenic?” She asked as she raised her gaze and looked at Gikwang for explanation.


“I was investigating the medicine that being used for the victims. Then I thought to compare the result with Park Kyunjong since you mentioned him.”


“But how can we miss this?” I asked my mind.


“Park Kyunjong is not one of the victims that listed. But he keeps bothering me.” Aegi replied me. “And Arsenic is usually undetected during the autopsy.” She looked back to the report. “But it leaded to kidney failure.” She looked back to Gikwang. “How can you find this?”


“I visited his place in disguise and asked to see around.” Gikwang confessed.


I looked at Gikwang as I heard his words. I didn’t know that he went on disguise for collecting evidences. I didn’t even know when he did that.


“I got his hair sample and I examined it.” Gikwang said again. “This is what I found.”


“What?” I asked.


”He had been exposed to small dose of arsenic for a long time.” Aegi replied.


“Do you think he was included on the medicine poisoning series?” I asked her again.


She raised her gaze to me. But before I got any answers from her, I noticed that her gaze was going behind my back. I turned to see what happened and I saw Yoo Im Taek walking on the corridor, heading toward us at the door.


So finally he got released.




Aegi, Doojoon, Gikwang, Moon, Hyunseung and Junhyung were looking at Yoo Im Taek as he walked out from the KSTF office. He was escorted by Detective Im and two other members from Interpol. As Yoo Im Taek saw the group, he smirked. Then he stopped in the front of the group.


As he stopped, his gaze went straight to Doojoon while the leader looked at him with stern glare. A victorious smile came to Yoo Im Taek’s face.


“Finally I won.” Yoo Im Taek said. “I told you that I will go out soon, right?”


Doojoon only gave him an unfriendly look. He had the feeling that Yoo Im Taek was guilty. But too bad that they didn’t have enough evidences.


“Don’t think that you can escape from this.” Aegi said.


Yoo Im Taek looked at Aegi.


“We will keep our eyes on you.” Aegi said again.


Yoo Im Taek scoffed. “What makes you think you can keep me in jail?” He asked as if he was challenging Aegi.


“We can.” Aegi paused. “And we will put you back in prison.”


Yoo Im Taek was staring at Aegi for a while before he smirked. “Too bad, that a beautiful girl like you become a police agent.” He paused then raised his hand to touch Aegi as he said, “I’m sure that you can live an easy life if you become my girl.”


Doojoon quickly grabbed his wrist and stopped him from touching Aegi as Aegi drew back by reflex to avoid Yoo Im Taek’s touch. “Keep your hand off from her.” He said.


Yoo Im Taek only stared at Doojoon then drew back his hand as Doojoon released his hand. He turned to look at Moon and smirked.


“Let’s continue what we left before next time.” He said.


Moon quickly gave him a cold gaze. “In your dream.” She said.


Yoo Im Taek only smiled. Then he looked at the team. “So I guess this is goodbye.” He said. “Goodbye, stupid agents.” He laughed then walked away.


“I hate that guy.” Hyunseung said as he saw Yoo Im Taek walked away.


While her team members looked back to continue their discussion, Aegi still looked at the street where Yoo Im Taek was heading. She frowned as she noticed a black land rover LRX car was passing on the street. She felt strange that the car was slowing down its speed when it passed the KSTF office. But then, she realized that the car would do something bad as she saw the back seat window rolled down and an automatic weapon’s barrel came out from the window.


“Oh no.” Aegi said as she wanted to go toward Yoo Im Taek.


Doojoon quickly noticed it and realized what would happen next. He quickly grabbed Aegi just before a series of gun shots came from the car and pulled her to take cover behind the nearest car. The other team members quickly took cover from the gun shots. Moon and Junhyung quickly hid behind the car. Hyunseung quickly pulled Gikwang to hide with him behind the nearest car.


But Yoo Im Taek and an Interpol agent were hit by the gun shots. They laid on the front of KSTF office yard with gun shot wounds on their body.


The black LRX car quickly accelerated after Yoo Im Taek was down and drove away. Moon, Hyunseung, Doojoon and Junhyung quickly out from their hiding place and started to shoot the car. Aegi came to Gikwang and helped him to get up.


“Are you alright?” Aegi asked.


“Yes.” Gikwang said as he got up.


Aegi turned to look at the street. Yoo Im Taek and an agent who escorted him were down on the sidewalk. Moon, Hyunseung, Doojoon and Junhyung were shooting at the car. But the car drove away.


“Gikwang, check on them.” Aegi said then took out her weapon.


Gikwang quickly came to the officer who was shot.


Doojoon lowered his gun. “Damn.” He cursed then looked at his team members. “Junhyung, Moon, go after the car. Hyunseung, you come with me.”


Junhyung and Moon quickly went to get their own vehicles. Hyunseung went to Doojoon’s car. Doojoon turned to Aegi.


“You, stay.” He said to Aegi.




“Stay.” Doojoon said firmly. “You’re not on the condition for high speed pursuit.” He looked as if it was the end of their discussion. Then, Doojoon went to his car. He went in and quickly drove his car away.


Aegi clicked her tongue then turned to Yoo Im Taek. She put back her gun to the holster and kneeled beside Yoo Im Taek.


The man was shot in several places on his chest and stomach. One shoot was hit right on his heart but he was still breathing. Aegi quickly put her hand on Yoo Im Taek’s chest to stop the bleeding.


“Gikwang! Call the medical!! Now!!” She yelled at Gikwang.


But, Yoo Im Taek started to chuckle. He seemed to feel victorious.


“Don’t move.” Aegi said to Yoo Im Taek.


Yoo Im Taek looked at her. “You won’t make it.” He said. “Give up.”


“I won’t.” Aegi said. “I won’t give up on you.”


Yoo Im Taek laughed and started to cough in blood.


“Gikwang!!!” Aegi called again then looked at Gikwang.


He was standing up and took his phone to call. Aegi looked back to Yoo Im Taek. The guy was not moving anymore and his eyes were closed. Aegi checked on his pulse.


“Damn.” She cursed under her breath.


Doojoon, Moon, Hyunseung and Junhyung were chasing the LRX car with some police officers. Because Junhyung was using motorcycle, he was on the lead.


“Doojoon.” Moon called through their communication device. “I’ll go and cut off their way.”


“Careful, Moon. Don’t act harsh.”


Then Moon turned her steer wheel away from the pursuit team.


Junhyung kept the car on his sight as he drove his motor. But then, he saw Moon’s car came out from the opposite way. Moon stopped her car as she drifted to block the LRX. The LRX car quickly turned to the left. Junhyung turned left to trail the car. Moon hit the acceleration to drive away.


Junhyung saw that they were heading toward the river. So he hit the acceleration and moved faster. He managed to put his motor beside the car. But the car started moving faster to get away from Junhyung. But then, Junhyung heard gun shots from inside the car. He straightened his body.


The car was heading straight to the river. It crashed the barrier and jumped onto the river. Junhyung slowed down and hit the break. He got off from the motorcycle and took off his helmet.


Moon arrived too. She drifted as she stopped her car. She quickly opened the door and ran toward the edge. Moon quickly jumped into the river with Junhyung following her. Both of them were swimming toward the drowned car.


When he had reached the car, Junhyung tried to open the door. But the door was locked. He looked at Moon. Moon clenched her fist with her car key on her fist. She punched the window several times until the window crushed. Junhyung took the last punch and the window broke. But when they peeked inside, they only saw two dead men inside with bullet hole on their heads. Moon pulled her self away and swam out from the river. Junhyung was following her.


Moon came out and swam toward the river bank where Doojoon and Hyunseung waited. Hyunseung reached out to help her came out. Moon sat on the edge and caught up her breath. She looked up at Doojoon.


“No use.” Moon reported. “They already died.”



From Author:


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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~