Member' Secrets

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels



- Shin Aegi -


I was looking at my reflection on the mirror as I finished cleaning up my self. Even though I had been bathed with cold water, I saw that my face still looked tired. But I didn’t wonder if I looked like that. I had worked overnights and lacked of sleeping for days just for this case. I knew I might seem like I was a workaholic. But I only wanted to get these Kang Heejoon out of the streets. So I didn’t care much about how people thought about me.


Then, my gaze went to the ring on the basin. I took the ring. It was the clear rounded platinum ring that I often used. It had been circled on my finger for more than five years. Probably its age was as old as my relation with Doojoon.


Yeah… It was my couple ring with Doojoon. He gave it to me back when we were still dating, marking our 100th days together. But after we broke up, I still used it. I was sure that Doojoon still kept his ring. But I never saw him using it again after I was elected as the team leader three years ago.


Sometimes, I was wondering why I kept the ring and still used it. But then, no guys were dared to get closer to me since they saw the ring on my finger. So it was convenience for getting rid of guys. I exhaled.


Oh, what the hell with other people thoughts. It’s my own business on how I use my properties.


That was what I thought as I put the ring back on my finger. I didn’t care what Doojoon would think about the ring. Besides, not much people who knew about the ring’s history. So I didn’t care about what they said. I exhaled again and went out from the locker room.


When I stepped out from the locker room, I saw Doojoon was leaning on the right wall beside the door. I rolled my eyes to see him then took the way on the left. But I could imagine that he would be following me.


“Aegi.” He called me.


But I ignored him and kept on walking. Somehow I just felt that I didn’t want to talk with him and I felt pissed with him. I was angry at him.


“Ya, are you mad at me again just because I kept you out from chasing Yoo Im Taek’s killers?”


I stopped because of his words. Then, I turned to see him. “Yes.” I told him sternly. “If you let me, we would have caught them. Not sending them to the morgue.”


“By what?” He asked me as he came closer to me. “By cutting their way and let them to hit your car again, like what you did three years ago?” He stopped in the front of me. “I won’t let you do that anymore, Aegi.”


I looked at him, straight to his eyes as if I was defying him. “You’re no one. So don’t tell me what to do.” I told him then turned to walk again.


"But we're married, remember."


I quickly stopped because of the words. I didn’t know why he still remembered about that fact. I exhaled softly then turned to face him again.


"It was for undercover act. It doesn't count as a marriage."


"But still, we're still a married couple according the law. You can check it on your family registration." Doojoon smirked. "So, I have the reason to keep you away from field work."


I scoffed in disbelieve.I can’t believe about this guy.


"Then I'll take care of our divorcement papers soon." I said in unfriendly tone then turned to walk away.


"But what has happened to us, Aegi?"


I stopped again.


"We were a couple once."


I didn’t know what had happened back then. But surely we were drawn apart. I looked at him again. "Yes, we were.But not now. We’ve broke up."


“But I’ve never recalled that I had mentioned the word broke up with you.”


I rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Whatever.”


"Then why are you still using our couple ring?"


"It's convenience for driving guys away from me." Isaid. "So please expect the divorcement documents at your desk soon." I turned again and walked away.


So I guessed I would need to drop off at the family registration department later.


But then…


“Ah, Jin Eun.”


That name made me stopped again and turned to see. I saw the girl that looked familiar for me. But somehow, I felt my heart dropped to see her.



- Yoon Doojoon –


I just released a sigh when I saw Aegi walked away. I guessed I had made her angry at me again. I always knew Aegi didn’t like when someone told her what she had to do. But I was put her out from the pursuit because I was worried about her. She hadn’t rested since yesterday. I didn’t know since when she turned to hate me. But I guessed I had made her hated me more.


I turned and wanted to go away. But then I stopped since I saw someone that familiar for me. My smile broke.


“Ah, Jin Eun.”


Jin Eun smiled to see me and raised her hand. “Hy, Doojoon.” She said as she came toward me.


“What are you doing here?” I asked her.


“I want to see you.” She said jokingly.


I chuckled because of her joke. Jin Eun surely could joke around now.


“What are you doing right now? Are you free?” She asked. “It’s almost lunch, you know.”


“Aaa…” I didn’t know how to reply her. It was indeed almost lunch time. But my hands were full again because Yoo Im Taek was killed.


Then, I noticed that Jin Eun’s gaze went to my side. A smile came back to her face.




I looked at where Jin Eun was looking and saw Aegi came to my side. Aegi smiled to see Jin Eun. Jin Eun looked happy to see her. She moved forward to give Aegi a hug. But I noticed that Aegi stiffed with her hug.


“It has been a long time since we met.” Jin Eun released her.


“Yes, it is.” Aegi said. “I heard that you left the town after you left the force. How are you now?”


“I was. But I’m back now. I’m fine. And I see that you’re fine too.” Jin Eun said then she frowned. “But you look a little tired. What happen?”


“It’s…” Aegi went silent afterward.


Suddenly I got a good idea. “Hey.” I touched Aegi’s elbow to divert her attention to me.


Aegi looked at me.


“Why don’t you take a break and go with Jin Eun for a lunch?” I said to her. “Both of you haven’t met since three years ago. I’m sure that you have many things to tell.”


“Bu…” Aegi seemed wanting to refuse.


“I’ll take care of the case.” I told her then looked back to Jin Eun. “Take care of Aegi, okay. I’m going now.” I turned to walk away.


“Yoon Doojoon.”


I heard Aegi calling my name. But I didn’t turn back to see her. I just wanted her to take a break for now. And I guessed Jin Eun could help.



- Son Dong Woon -


I still tried to look on the data for the house owner. Kyuri was working on it for the whole night. So I told her to get some sleep while I continued to look on the info. Even though Yoo Im Taek was died and made us going back to square one, it didn’t mean that we could stop. We still searched any other way to get closer to Kang Heejoon.


That house was registered to a woman with name Jang Hana. We were trying to find any connection between her and Yoo Im Taek. We also tried to find her current address. But it seemed that Jang Hana was disappeared 20 years ago. We found her birth certificate and all. But there was no trace of her since 20 years ago. She even didn’t leave any statement that told us whether she changed her name or not.


Then I heard the door was knocked. I turned to see and saw Yoseob was at the door.


“Ah, hyung.” Then I took a quick glance at Kyuri who still slept on the couch. When I looked back at Yoseob, I saw that he already closed the door behind him and looked at Kyuri.


“She’s asleep?” Yoseob hyung asked.


“Yes.” I replied him. “She worked till morning. So I told her to sleep.”


Yoseob hyung just looked at her then walked toward her. He took the blanket that fell to the floor and put the blanket to cover Kyuri.


I smiled to see him. It was new for me to see Yoseob hyung acted so nice toward girl. He was a passive guy toward girls. Probably he has the least interaction with girls between the six of us.


“Hyung.” I called Yoseob hyung.


Yoseob looked at me as he straightened his body.


“Do you like Kyuri?”



- Yang Yoseob -


I felt as if all of my blood rushed toward my face when Dongwoon blurted out his naïve question. I felt my face become hot. I quickly covered my mouth and cheeks with my hand.


“W-W-Why did you say like that?” I asked. And I imaginary slapped my forehead for being stammered.


Dongwoon grinned. “You seem to care a lot to Kyuri.”


“Yah. Is it wrong for me to care about my team member?” I protested to him.


Dongwoon smirked. “Okay, okay. Please consider that I never ask it.” He said then turned his back on me as he turned to the screen.


I took a glance back to Kyuri. Actually, I felt that I did care a lot about Kyuri. But it was because I liked her.


“Kyuri is a sweet and nice girl, Hyung. I won’t let anyone doing harms on her.”


Those words had made me looking back to Dongwoon. “Are you like her too?”


I could hear Dongwoon scoffed when I asked him the question. He turned to see me again.


“Why? Do you want to compete with me?” He asked me with confidence on his eyes. “I’m her fiancé, you know.”


And the words had made my heart sank.



- Yong Junhyung -


I was practicing my shooting skill on the shooting range room. It was necessary for us to practice our shooting skill. And as for me, probably it was a good way to release my anger or to untangle my messy mind. I didn’t know why but I always ended up practicing my shooting skill whenever my mood was down.


I shot some bullets to the target in the front of me. I didn’t care whether they would hit the bull eye or not. I just needed to shoot something.


Ever since we caught Yoo Im Taek, the image of the dead body behind the car’s trunk was bothering me. I couldn’t get rid of the image. And suddenly I felt very pissed again. I shot the few last bullets of my gun rapidly until it’s empty.


I lowered my weapon and took off the big headphone for the ears protector. I put the headphone to the table in the front of me and checked on my gun.


"It's such a waste if you practice shooting in anger."


I looked around when I heard the voice. I saw Moon leaning her back on the table not too far from where I stood. She was holding her own headphone and her gun.


To see her, I only my lips and smirked as I looked at the other way. I heard Moon walked and took a place beside of my place.


"You seem pissed."


I heard Moon said. I looked back at her and saw that she prepared her gun. She put her stuffs on the table in the front of her.


"Why do you think I'm pissed?" I asked her as I smiled.


Moon put on her headset and cocked her gun. She pointed her gun at the target and shot around 10 times. I closed my ears to quell the sound of firing. I looked at the target. All off her shoots went straight to the bulls-eye, either it was on the chest or on the head. She was a great marksman, just like Hyunseung. So I didn't wonder if she could hit the bulls-eye. Moon lowered her gun and took off her headset as I lowered my hands.


"You missed all of your targets." She said again without looking at me.


I scoffed to her words. “And it made you think that I’m pissed?”


“No.” She paused. “It made me think that your mind is full of thoughts that bothering you.”


My smile went away when I heard her words. She could guess what I had in mind right now. I my lips and I diverted my gaze to other way.


“Who is Goo Hara?”


And Moon got me looked at her because of that name.



- Moon Haeseon –


“Who is Goo Hara?”


I felt an awkward silent fell when I mentioned the name. But I acted as if I didn’t bothered by the name or even the silence. I took one of the bullets’ casings and put it back to my gun. I put back my headset, cocked my gun and pointed at the target.


“How did you know about her?”


I heard Junhyung asked through my headset. I turned my gaze to see him. His look seemed so serious and pain was drawn on his face. He looked different from Yong Junhyung that I had known. I looked back to the target.


“I looked up onto your profile.” I said then released some rounds of shoots.


And again, all of my shoots were hitting the bull-eye. I lowered my gun and opened my headset.


“You’re acting weird since we caught Yoo Im Taek.” I put my gun on the table. “She was one of your team members back when you were still a police officer and she was died on a mission. It was also the last mission that you had on your previous department. You always screwed up afterward until you got transferred to KSTF. So, who is she for you?”


I put another bullets’ casing on the gun and put on my headset. I rose up my gun and ready to shoot again.


“She was my girlfriend.”


It was the words that I heard through my headset and it stopped me from shooting. I looked at Junhyung. He was leaning his back on the table.


“And I let her died on a mission.”


I could see that regret was filling his face.


“It was an undercover mission, just like what we did last time. And she was a bait to lure our main suspect.” He paused. “I was supposed to keep my eyes on her. But I didn’t know that our suspect knew about our mission. They caught her.”


He paused again.


“And the next day, we got a call that stated if they were returning her to us. We could find her on the black car outside our office. So we rushed outside. We found her. But she was died. The autopsy told us that she was and beaten to dead.”


I remembered that I saw Goo Hara’s autopsy report. She was died with many bruising on her body. The autopsy report also stated that she was prior to her death. I turned my body to face him.


“Then…” I paused. “Our undercover mission reminded you to her?”


“I guess so.” He looked at me. “You did exactly what she did.”


I scoffed. “But I’m not her.”


“I know.” Junhyung said. “But I was afraid. I was thinking what if I lost my partner again.” He paused. “What if… I lost someone that I like for the second time.”


Somehow, my heart stopped when I heard the word ‘like’. So, Yong Junhyung liked me?


“Sorry, Moon. But I must to admit that I start feeling something different from you. I guess my curiosity made me fall for you.”


He looked at me. And for once, I was surprised to see that he was serious. He really fell for me.


“I think I like you, Moon.”


I scoffed and looked back to the target. “Well, good luck for making me like you too, Yong Junhyung.” I raised my gun and shot.


The bullet hit directly to the crotch. Then I took my holster and went out. It was my answer for a guy like Yong Junhyung. I always thought that he was a jerk for making girls fell for her and playing with their heart. It was the type of guys that I hated the most.


But then, why did I feel a little excited when he said that he liked me?




From Author:


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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~