Morning Updates

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels


- Yang Yoseob -


I stretched out my body as I walked out from the small meeting room. My body felt stiffed since I slept on the chair last night. I slept over on the base since I worked out on gaining information and analyzed the case till 4am in the morning.


Kyuri was staying with me until 3am. But since she looked so tired, I told her to go and sleep on the computer room. I knew Dongwoon was keeping pillows and sheets to sleep on that room. So I was sure that she would be more comfort if she was sleeping on the computer room.


I looked at the clock above the main door. It showed 9AM already. I released a sigh then looked at the computer room’s door. Probably I should check on Kyuri to see whether she had awakened yet.


But when I reached the door and wanted to open the door, I heard the main door slid open.


I looked at the main door and saw Kyuri came in along with Doojoon. She looked refreshed with jersey jacket, t-shirt, long pants and sneakers. Her hair was tied into a ponytail. I noticed that Kyuri had changed her clothes with casual clothes that we used to use for practicing at Gym. I was changing my clothes too last night since I knew that I would work overnight. I kept spare clothes on my locker.


Kyuri brought small paper bag on one hand and cups of drinks on the other hand while Doojoon was bringing two cups with him. From the smell, I knew that he was bringing coffee with him. Kyuri smiled when she saw me.


“Good morning.” She greeted me cheerfully as she came to the table rows on the center of the room.


I turned and walked toward her.


“Good morning.” I replied her as she put down the paper bag that she brought on the desk.


“I bring you breakfast.” She said as she opened the paper bag.


I raised my gaze to Doojoon. It seemed that he realized that I wanted to ask him why he was with Kyuri. He smiled.


“I met Kyuri outside on the café.” He said as he offered me one of the cups that he brought.


I took one of the cups. “Thanks.” I told him as I sat on the chair.


Doojoon only gave me smile and turned to walk to his own room. I just looked at our leader. I always knew that Doojoon was always become the first person to come. So I didn’t wonder why he had come so early. And I couldn’t keep my self from thinking on how Doojoon could keep his charming and charismatic self like that. He always looked great everyday with his good look and his skills. I always thought that he was a cool guy.


I turned to Kyuri who set up our breakfast on the table. She bought breads and fries for breakfast. I noticed that she brought me breads that I liked. Probably she bought them by recommendation from Doojoon. But then, I also saw that she bought another two extra cups with her and put aside one bread.


“Whose drinks are they?” I asked Kyuri.


Kyuri raised her gaze to me and smiled. “They are for Unnie and Moonie. Hot and sweet vanilla tea for Unnie.” She looked at the bread and another cup. “And green tea and choco bread for Moon.” She smiled in satisfaction. “Unnie doesn’t like bread.” She took one small box of fries. “So I bought her fries. She likes them.” She smiled happily.




I turned because of that word. Doojoon was coming to join us. He was bringing his cup of coffee on his hand.


“She always keeps everything in balance, including for foods.” He said.


Kyuri chuckled. “Unnie said that tastes bad if she eats too much sweets or too much salts.”


Doojoon smirked because of that. “Weird behavior of her, right?”


Kyuri chuckled again and nodded.


“You sound like you know her the best.” I said to Doojoon.


“I’ve known her since we were on Academy. So…” He shrugged as he drank his coffee.


I always knew that Doojoon and Aegi had known each others for so long. But I still wondered on why they kept bickering at each others.


“So both of you pulled up all-nighters last night?” Doojoon asked as he sat on the table.


“Yes.” Kyuri replied him.


“What did you got then?”


“I’ll give you the report later." I told him. “Now please let us eat our breakfast peacefully.”


Doojoon smiled to hear that. “Okay.”


But then, the door slid open again and Dongwoon stepped in.


“Woh, you’re having breakfast together?” Our maknae said.



- Son Dongwoon -


I quickly took two stairs at once when I walked up the stairs to reach our base. I needed to come quickly to the base since I felt bad for leaving Kyuri so early yesterday. I wanted to make up with her, probably telling her to rest until later. So I came to the office earlier than usual.


But then, when I reached the base's door, I saw Kyuri already there with her gym suit. Yoseob and Doojoon were there with her. Yoseob looked like as if he was staying all night at the base. And, on the table where they stood by, I saw foods there. It seemed that they were having their breakfast. I stepped in to the base and they turned to see me.


“Woh, you’re having breakfast together?”I asked as I walked toward them.


“Morning, Dongwoon.” Kyuri greeted me cheerfully, along with her cheerful smile.


It wasn't strange for me to see Kyuri with cheerful attitude. She might be shy and timid at the first time. But once you knew her, you would find that Kyuri was a smart, sweet, cheerful and nice girl. Doojoon was greeted me by raising his cup and Yoseob just looked at me while munching his bread


“Breakfast?” Kyuri asked me.


“Nope.” I refused and stopped by the table. “I already got breakfast at home.” I rested my palms on the table. "I got forced to eat at home by my mom."


I guessed my team members found it was funny. Kyuri and Doojoon were laughing while Yoseob was giggling with his hand covering his mouth. I looked at Kyuri’s outfit and noticed that she was using gym outfit.


“Kyuri-ah.” I called her.


“Hmm?” She turned her face to look at me.


“Are you staying overnight?”


“Unn.” Kyuri nodded. “I was helping Yoseob-ssi with the case.”


Suddenly I heard Yoseob got choked. We turned to see him. He was coughing. Doojoon quickly helped him by standing up and giving him tissue. Yoseob took the tissue and covered his mouth with the back of his palm while coughing.


“What’s wrong, hyung?” I asked.


Yoseob gave me the palm, telling me not to ask him a question first since he was coughing. I saw Kyuri came to Yoseob while bringing him a glass of water. She offered the glass to Yoseob while rubbing his back with her free hand. I saw Yoseob took the glass without seeing who the one that gave him the glass was. Then when he raised his gaze and saw Kyuri, I caught pink shade appearing on his face and he quickly drew back his hand.


“Thanks.” He said to Kyuri as he hid his hand on his back while still covering his lower half face with the back of his palm. “But I’m fine.” He looked at Doojoon and me. “I’m going to the rest room first.”


Then he just left like that. Kyuri looked confused as she tilted her head. I could see that she was concerned. Gikwang came in, passing Yoseob by as Yoseob walked out from the room.


But then, what was the meaning of the pink shades on Yoseob’s face?


Did he…?


I gasped with my thought. I quickly covered my mouth before anyone noticed. I was grinning afterward.



- Lee Gikwang -


I raised my gaze from the file that I read when I saw Yoseob walked passing me by on the door. He seemed to be in hurry while covering his mouth and cheeks with the back of his palm. I tilted my head and walked in. I turned to look and found that Doojoon, Kyuri and Dongwoon were there already.


“What’s wrong with Yoseob?” I asked as I came closer to them.


As I came closer, I noticed that there were foods and drinks on the table. So they were having breakfast. And judging to Kyuri’s outfit, I was sure that she was staying over at the base. And probably Yoseob too.


“He got choked by his drink.” Doojoon told me as he sat down on the table.


“But I hope he will fine.”


“I guess he’s fine.” Dongwoon said.


But there was an unexplainable grin on Dongwoon’s face. I ignored it and looked at Doojoon.


“Has Aegi come yet?” I asked Doojoon.


He was frowning. “Not yet. I thought you know more about her whereabouts’ more than me. She was going out with you yesterday.”


“She left me to do the autopsy on my own.” I told him as I walked to my own desk.


“Then where is she?”


I put the file folders that I brought on the table then turned to see Doojoon. He was standing facing me with his hands on his hip. I shrugged. “I don’t know.” I said then took off my coat and slung it on my chair.


“Do you have anything to report from your case?”


I heard Doojoon asked. But then I remembered that I wasn’t supposed to tell him about the Pink Arjuna tattoo. But probably it would be fine for me to update something else that related to the case.


“Nothing much.” I turned to face Doojoon. “I interviewed some staffs there. But I couldn’t find the original doctor that examined the bodies. Some told me that he has resigned.”


“Then find this doctor.” Doojoon said.


I took one of the file folders. “Then it’s a job for Kyuri and Dongwoon to find out.” I offered the file folder to them.


Dongwoon straightened his body and came to me to take the folder.


“I already went to the address that written on that file. But he and his family have left.” I told them as Dongwoon took the file and opened it.


Doojoon looked at Dongwoon. “Try to find this doctor. We need to find out who tampered with the reports.”


“Okay.” Kyuri replied.


Dongwoon raised his gaze and looked at Kyuri. “Let me do it. You have stayed overnight. So, rest some more.” He said to Kyuri then went to the computer room.


Actually I found that it was strange that Dongwoon treated Kyuri with extra care like that. Probably because I never saw Dongwoon treating girls before. But he always acted shy around girls. So I thought that Dongwoon had something for Kyuri.


Probably he likes Kyuri, I thought as I smiled.


But then, the door slid open and Junhyung came in.


“Good morning.”



- Yoon Doojoon -


“Good morning.”


I turned to look at the door as I heard that happy-go-lucky greet. Actually I didn’t need to turn around to see that it was Junhyung who came to the base. But I just needed to see why he had such a good mood on the early morning like this. I could figure out a reason why actually. But I didn’t want to blurt it out to him.


“You’re early.” I said as Junhyung reached his desk.


He looked at me and gave me his usual smirking smile. “I got woke up early.”


I clicked my tongue. I hoped he wouldn’t tell me the reason why he woke up early.


“So, do you have something to report?” I asked him.


“I do, actually.




He sat on his desk. “The guy on the picture.” He paused. “His name is Yoo Im Taek. He often visits the night club Pink Lipstick downtown. I got information that he will show up again tonight.”


“Then try to find more about Kang Heejoon from this Yoo Im Taek.”


Junhyung smirked again. “Probably I will need Moon’s help.”


“Try to ask her.”


He scoffed. “Yeah.”


Speaking of the devil... Right just when Junhyung finished talking, the door slid open and I saw Hyunseung entered with Yoseob and Moon.



- Yong Junhyung -


What a great timing, I thought to my self when I saw Hyunseung, Yoseob and Moon entered the room.


They were talking and chuckling. Hyunseung turned his look to us.


"Morning." Hyunseung greeted as he came to his own desk.


Moon greeted too. "Morning, All." She said as she came toward Kyuri.


Kyuri handed her the tea and bread that she bought for Moon earlier.


"Thanks." Moon said to Kyuri, which earning her a smile from the younger girl.


I always wondered why Moon could act so friendly toward Kyuri, Yoseob and even Hyunseung but not to me. She always pulled out cold and unfriendly attitude to me. Moon leaned on the table.


"How's your case?"


I heard Doojoon asked Hyunseung. Hyunseung stopped moving as he pulled his chair out from his desk. He opened his mouth, wanting to answer. But then, I noticed that he was taking glance to Moon. So I turned my look back to Moon. She was drinking her tea as she munched the bread on .


"So? What did you get?" Doojoon asked.


"The weapons were Russian weapons that smuggled through China. Those weapons turned out to be the high demand. They don't sell freely on the street. To get them, you must order them privately." Hyunseung told him.


I stood up and walked toward the table where the foods laid. "Then who is the smuggler?" I asked as I arrived beside Moon. I took one of the bread.


Moon straightened her body and turned to look at me with her cold glance.


"You need to give out full reports, you know?" I told Moon.


I saw that Moon lowered her gaze for a while then raised it back to my face. She scoffed.


"I will." She paused as her expression turned cold to me. "But not to you." She said. "And cover up that kiss mark. You don't need to tell everyone what you have done last night."


She walked away from me afterward, leaving me dumbfounded because of what she had said. I scoffed. I couldn't believe this girl. She disgraced me clearly. I turned to see her, ready to confront her.




I looked at Doojoon as he called my name. He gave me a warning look.


"Enough." He told me.


And it was a sign for me to stop and to control my emotion. So I released a sigh as I dropped my gaze.


"So who is the smuggler?"


I could hear Doojoon repeated my question. I raised my gaze and looked at Moon who walked toward an empty desk. She stopped and turned to see Doojoon.


"All that I can say that the smuggler is quiet famous among the other smugglers and has great power too. But my informant gave me the location of their warehouse. Probably we can start there." Moon said.


"Your informant didn't give you name?"


"He did." Moon paused. "But I can't tell you yet."


"Why can't you?"


"Aegi asked me to."


I noticed Doojoon's expression changed.


"You reported to Aegi before me?"


"Aegi is my direct leader." Moon said.


"How about Hyunseung?"


Moon took a glance to Hyunseung then back to Doojoon. "He just gives us a favor."


Doojoon looked pissed as he placed his hands on his hip and dropped his gaze to the floor. He exhaled to calm him self. I could understand his feeling. I was felt the same toward Moon earlier.


"Okay." Doojoon raised his gaze. "Then where is Aegi?!"


I could feel anger from his voice. Oo, I think my leader’s mood has gone bad.



- Shin Aegi -


The phone rang and woke me up from my sleep. I gasped as I opened my eyes. I looked around to find my phone. It was lying on the side table, near my desk clock. I saw that it was 7.30 AM already. So I was able to sleep 3 hours after I fished out all the old case files from three years ago and studied them again at my apartment. I raised my hand and took the phone.


"Yeah, hello." I answered the phone without seeing the caller ID.


"It's me Moon."


"Yes, Moon. What's up?" I asked as I laid my self on my back and placed my left lower arm on my forehead. I closed my eyes since I felt sleepy.


I was listening to her explanation when a name caught my attention. I opened my eyes and my drowsiness went away suddenly. I sat up.


"Okay. I'll be right there. Wait me at the base. If Doojoon ask you about the case, tell him. But don't mention the smuggler's name. If he insist, tell him that I asked you to keep the name."


Then I lowered the phone and hung up. I slid out from my bed and went to the bathroom. I needed to prepare my self to go to work.


After I bathed and used my uniform, I walked out from my room. I came to my working desk and collected the files that I studied last night. I put them all on my bag then grabbed my car key. I left my apartment and went to my office.


When I arrived at the office, I quickly parked my car and got off. I locked my car and went to the base.


When I entered the base, the first thing that I noticed was Doojoon who stood with his hands on his hip and pissed off expression on his face. I already guessed that he would do that. It meant that Moon had told him that I asked her to keep the smuggler's name. I walked in.


"Alright. Get back to your work now." I heard Doojoon said to the team members.


And they were back to their own workstations. Kyuri handed me a cup of warm tea. I knew it was Vanilla Tea. I thanked her as she went away toward the computer room. I noticed that she used her spare gym suit. So she was staying over at the base. Probably with Yoseob because I saw that he was using his spare clothes too.


I also saw Doojoon turned to face me as I walked toward him. His expression looked as if he was angry and demanded explanations from me. He was ready to say something as he opened his mouth. But before he could say anything, I placed my hand that held the tea cup to his chest. I gave him the look that he didn't need to say anything first.


"Before you say anything..." I paused. "You. Me. Your room. Now."


I lowered my hand and turned to walk toward Doojoon's office. Gikwang handed me a copy of photo. I took it as I walked. I knew Doojoon would follow me. And I just needed to speak with him privately.


Because, probably, this case will be a lot harder than we thought before.




From Author:

Update again~ Sorry I took a day off.. I got very bad headache yesterday~ Hehe~

I guess this part is kinda long actually~

Thank you for subscribing, reading and commenting to this fic~ I hope you enjoy it~

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~