Mission Three – Yang Yoseob, Park Kyuri

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels

- Yang Yoseob -


I was looking at the case file that I received from Aegi earlier. I was using the small meeting room to get some private space. Or else, probably I couldn’t think at all.


I spread out the papers on the table and looked at them for a while to analyze the connection between the death reports on the same hospital. I wrote connection web on the glass board on the meeting room to make it easier for me. I used to work like this whenever I was on a mission.


When I was done with the connection web, I stepped back and looked at the board. I had to make sure that I didn’t miss anything. So I checked it twice. I was also cross-checked it with the files that I had. Then I looked back to the board.


Unless Dongwoon or Kyuri brought me new info that they found from their computers, I thought I didn’t miss anything.


I smiled to see the board as I felt satisfied.


So, now I just need to analyze them.


It was what I thought as I leaned back to the table behind me.



- Park Kyuri -




I groaned as I stretched my arms widely and straightened my body. I felt so tired of sitting and finding information from the database and the net. But at least, I got the info that I needed and they were more than enough. I would need to update them tomorrow to Aegi unnie.


I looked at the clock on the computer. It was already 10.45 PM.


I released a sigh because of it. I thought I’ve lost the track of time again. I always did that whenever I was working like this. But usually, I got Aegi unnie and Moonie to accompany me through the night. We used to pull all-nighters whenever we got missions.




I looked around and pouted. Aegi unnie went away with Gikwang already while Moonie were busy with helping Hyunseung’s mission. I guessed both of them wouldn’t come back after they were done with the case.


Dongwoon didn’t help much either. He went home long ago, leaving me behind to work on Yoseob’s request. But I couldn’t complain either since he got call from his mom. I always knew that Dongwoon wouldn’t win against his mom.


I released a sigh and raised my gaze to the glass wall in the front of me. I stopped as I saw someone on the meeting room. It was Yoseob. I frowned to see him there. I thought he was leaving already. But then, the serious look on his face told me that he was still working on the mission that was given to him.


I didn’t know why but I thought Yoseob needed a break right now. So I stood up from my chair and got out from the computer room. I walked out from the base and headed toward the pantry room that used by the officers for resting and eating. I made two cups of drinks there. I guessed Yoseob preferred to have coffee while I made tea for my self. I came back to the base after I was done. I walked toward the small meeting room and knocked twice before I opened up the door.


I saw Yoseob was looking at the door as I opened up the door. He was straightened his body as I entered the room and walked toward him.


“Ah…” He just said that without continuing his word.


I handed one of the cups to him and looked at him. “I think you need a break.”


It seemed that he realized my intention. So he raised his hands to get the cup from my hand.


“Ah, thank you.” He thanked me.


I just smiled to reply his thank then turned to see the board that he was looking at with serious look. But then, I amazed to see the correlation chart that he made. He also set up the timeline for the case. He even included the cases that the others were handled.


“Wow.” I expressed my amazement as I stepped closer to the glass board. I turned to see Yoseob who drank his coffee. “You were the one who is making all these?”


He nodded as he drank his coffee then he lowered his cup. “Yeah.” He replied me. “I guess it might be helping the others for this case. So I spread out the view to Junhyung’s, Gikwang’s and Hyunseung’s case.”


“But how did you know about their cases?”


“Junhyung was showing me his case files earlier. Doojoon was asking me to work on the relation for each case afterward while discussing it with me.”


I just nodded to hear his reply. I just remembered that Yoseob was an expert on crime analyst and had this special ability that was called Eidetic Memory. So I didn’t surprise when I didn’t find any case files other than his case on the table. I walked back to his side as I drank my tea.


“So…” I said as I lowered my cup. “How is it felt like to have something special like Eidetic Memory ability?”


There. I’ve asked my curiosity.



- Yang Yoseob -


"So… How is it felt like to have something special like Eidetic Memory ability?"


But as soon as she asked the question, my mood went from the best to the worst all of the sudden. Somehow I hated when someone asked me about my special ability.


But it's Kyuri, the girl that I had crushed onto. I couldn’t hate her. Instead, somehow I felt that I needed to give her an explanation. I leaned back on the table behind me and dropped my gaze to the coffee cup on my hand.


"Why? What's the matter?"


I heard her asked. I looked at her. "Nothing." I told her as I lifted my cup and drank my coffee.


"I'm sorry if I’ve made you feel offended." She apologized.


I smiled to the apology. Kyuri was a nice girl. I couldn't hate her for questioning my skill. "You don't have to."


I dropped my gaze again. "But my skill..." I paused. "It's not something that I can be proud of." I drank my coffee.


There was a moment of silent before I could hear Kyuri's voice again.


"So, I think I'd better stop questioning about it."


I looked at her. Kyuri was gazing her feet, looking guilty with what she had done to me. I felt bad when she did that. But somehow, I wanted Kyuri to know. I wanted to share with her.


"It's fine, actually."


Kyuri lifted her gaze, looking concerned that I would get hurt if I continued to tell her.


"I just can't consider it as a gift when one day you came back home from your school to find your parents were lying on the kitchen floor with bloods all over them."


Kyuri gasped in surprised and deep condolence. She covered with her hands. "I'm so sorry, Yoseob." She said with utter sorry.


I gave her a slight smile. "Don’t be. It’s already long ago." I paused. "But the hardest part is to forget the moment when I found them. It keeps playing on my mind." I dropped my gaze again to see my cup. It was empty now. "I still can remember all the details on that day even after ten years." I put the mug on the table and put my hand on my pocket.


I felt that she touched my arm and rubbed it. I looked at her. She seemed to try her best to prevent her tears from falling. Kyuri really was a sweet girl.


"Is there anything that I can do for you?"


I smiled. I really appreciated her concern. "I really appreciate your concern. But it's my ability. So, it's my own business to handle it." I paused. "But thank you so much for concerning about me."


"If you need someone to talk, I'm willingly to listen."


I smiled. "Thank you."


Then she put her cheerful smile on her face. “So, what can I help you now? Two brains can work faster than one, you know? And I can help you with finding more info.”


Her cheerfulness was making me chuckled as I lowered my gaze. It was so sweet of her for trying to cheer me up. I looked at her.


“Yeah, I guess I can get an extra hand to help me by finding the information.” I straightened my body. “Do you have any laptop so we can work here?”


She nodded eagerly. “Yes. I’ll bring it here right away.” She said then turned to the door.


I just smiled to see her. How I could not fall for her more and more with her cheerful behavior like that.


“Kyuri-ah.” I called her name just before she opened the door.


Kyuri stopped and turned to see me.


“Thank you so much for helping me. But I think I will make you staying all night to help me.”


She smiled sweetly. “Don’t worry. I’m used with staying all night to work on cases before.” She paused. “Just wait. I’ll get my laptop first.”


“Okay.” I said as I smiled at her.


Kyuri flashed me another smile before she opened up the door and walked out.


I blew a breath out of my mouth after she left. I felt my heart beating faster somehow with the thought that I would spend my night with Kyuri while working. But I was grateful that she decided to stay.


Park Kyuri was a sweet and nice girl. And that was the reason why I fell for her.



From Author:

Update~ And this time is Yoseob & Kyuri's part. Hehe~

And I showed a little about Yoseob's background on this chapter~ Poor boy~ T___T

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~