Mission Twenty One – Looking for Aegi and Doojoon

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels

- Yang Yoseob -


I was awakened suddenly by the Beautiful Night song that played on my phone. I exhaled and buried my face to my pillow again as I realized that it was the ringtone of my phone. I stretched my hand to find my desk clock. I found it and took it. I turned my body as I looked at the time.


It was still 9.30 AM.


I groaned as I felt that it was still too early for me to wake up. I was staying up all night and couldn’t sleep until morning since my head was still thinking about the case. The questions that popped out in my mind were making me curious and they made me couldn’t sleep.


The song was stopped before I could pick up the phone. But somehow I felt so relief because of it. At least, I could try to get more sleep.


But then, the song started playing again.


I groaned again.


Who dares to disturb my sleep?


I asked on my mind in anger as I turned to take my phone. I brought the phone to my eye level to see who called me.


It was Junhyung who called.


I exhaled as I picked up the phone.


“Hello,” I answered the phone as I buried my face on the pillow.


“Hey, Yoseob.” Junhyung was talking on the other side. “Can you call Doojoon? I tried to call him several times but he didn’t pick up his phone.”


“Probably he’s still sleeping.”


“Ya, pabo. You know that Doojoon will pick up his phone even if he’s sleeping. One voice of his ringtone will wake him up.”


I exhaled and raised my self up. Of course, I knew about Doojoon’s habit. He always became the one who woke up first among us. He could wake up on the first sound of his alarm.


“I’ll try to visit his place and call him on my way to the office,” I said.


“Okay then.”


“But what’s the matter?” I asked.


“I just want to tell him that Gikwang is making a progress,” Junhyung said.


The name ‘Gikwang’ was making my drowsiness away. Suddenly, I was eager to know my friend’s condition. “What progress?”


“He has awaked,” Junhyung said.


I smiled. It was good news for me. I was so worried about Gikwang. “Really?”


I could imagine that Junhyung was nodding.


“Yeah,” he said. “But he still needs to rest. So, I can’t visit him.”


“That’s good to hear.” Somehow, I felt so hyper. I turned my body and sat on my bed. “Okay, I’ll check on Doojoon right now. I’ll call you later after I get there.”


“Okay,” Junhyung said. “I’ll be waiting then.”


I quickly hung up my phone and jumped off from my bed. I prepared my self to go to work.


As I promised to Junhyung, I came to Doojoon’s apartment on my way to the office. But as I drove near his usual parking space, I didn’t see his car. I pulled over and stopped my car in the front of the empty space.


I thought it was weird to see his car wasn’t there. I was certain that Doojoon was taking his car to drive Aegi home last night. I took my phone and dialed Aegi’s number. But the phone seemed to be inactive. I also found that it was weird for Aegi to let her phone inactive. Everyone in KSTF team never turned off their phone. We were trained to be alert all the time. I hung up the phone and called Dongwoon instead. I waited for a while until he picked up the phone.


“Yah, Dongwoon-ah. Has Aegi or Doojoon arrived at the office yet?” I asked him as soon as I heard his voice on the other side of the line.


“No, not yet,” he replied.


“Okay, thanks,” I said then hung up the phone.


I put down my phone and parked my car on the empty space for guests across Doojoon’s space. I thought I would need to check on Doojoon. Somehow, I had bad feeling about it.


I came out from the car and went to the elevator. I pressed the button up and waited for a while. The elevator dinged and the door opened. I came in and pressed Doojoon’s floor.


As the elevator went up, I tried to think where Doojoon could be. He was with Aegi last night. So, my mind was telling me that Doojoon was still with Aegi. But Aegi’s phone was uncontactable. I also tried to call Doojoon on the way here. But he didn’t pick up his phone.


Finally the elevator arrived on the floor and the door opened. I came out and walked toward Doojoon’s apartment. I tried to open the door but it was locked so I pressed Doojoon’s passcode. I memorized his passcode since I ever saw him pressing his passcode once. I swore that I wouldn’t use it unless it was very important. Doojoon seemed to trust me with it so I didn’t want to lose his trust.


The door was opened and I went in. I stopped at the living room and looked around. The place seemed to be empty. I turned and walked toward his room. His room was empty and I saw his bed was still intact. It seemed that he didn’t use the bed or even his couch on the living room last night. I walked out from the room and looked at the place where Doojoon used to hang his keys. His car key was not there either. So I assumed that Doojoon didn’t come home last night. And along with Aegi’s unreachable number, I assumed that something had happened.


I walked back to my car and called Junhyung. I opened my car’s door when I heard Junhyung’s voice replying me on the other side.


“I’ve checked his apartment. Doojoon is not at his home,” I told Junhyung as I entered my car and closed the door. “He was driving Aegi back home last night. But I can’t contact Aegi either.” I my car.


“So where is Doojoon now? And also where is Aegi now?” Junhyung asked.


“I don’t know,” I said as I put on my seatbelt. “But I’m going to check on Aegi’s place right now. I’ll call you again once I get there.” I lowered my phone and drove away.


I was arrived at Aegi's place. I parked my car on the roadside and came out. Actually, I never really came to Aegi's place. But I memorized her address since I ever saw her address on her profile. It helped me a lot to visit her place.


I walked up the stairs and came to her apartment. When I reached her place, I saw the door was slightly opened. Like the other police officers, I drew out my gun and prepared it. Before I came in, I looked at the door. The door frame was intact. There was no sign of forced entry. So, I pushed the door open with my gun and walked in.


The apartment seemed so quiet. It seemed that nobody was there. I walked carefully to the inner room. When I reached the living room, I saw that the room looked messy. The cupboard and drawers were opened and messy. The books on the bookshelf were falling from their place. The furniture was shifted from their original places. I ignored it for a while since I would need to make sure that the place was safe before I investigated further. So I checked around the place. But there was no sign of Aegi or Doojoon.


I put my gun back on the holster then went back to the living room. I saw Aegi’s bag near the carpet. I squatted, took the bag and checked it. Aegi’s belongings were still on her bag, including her wallet and keys. But I didn’t see her weapon and phone. I raised my gaze and looked around. I found her weapon near the cupboard.


As I could remember, Aegi's bedroom was messy. I didn't find any sign that indicated if Aegi was staying on her place. Her bed was intact and neat so I could assume that nobody had slept on it. But I found that it was strange to see her bed was neat while her cupboard, drawer and wardrobe were messy. I also noticed that the same thing happened on the living room. The cupboards, drawers, bookshelf and her desk were in mess. But I noticed that her laptop and her home theater were still there even though they were broken or moved from its place. So, I ruled out the bulgary. But the culprit was definitely targeting Aegi or probably Doojoon.


So, I assumed that something had happened on Aegi's place last night and Doojoon probably involved on it.


I released a sigh and took out my phone. I dialed Moon's number and waited until she picked up the phone.


"Moon, it's Yoseob," I said as I heard her voice on the other side. "Are you at the base now?”


“Almost,” she replied me. “Why?”


“I’m at Aegi’s place right now,” I said as I looked around. “It's just my assumption and I hope that it's wrong. But, I think Aegi and Doojoon are in trouble."



- Park Kyuri -


I lowered my phone as I heard another round of inactive phone notification. I was calling Aegi Unnie’s phone for several times. But I always got inactive phone notification.


“It’s weird,” I said then raised my gaze to see Dongwoon. “Unnie’s phone is inactive.” I put my phone back to the table.


Dongwoon smiled. “Probably she doesn’t want to be bothered. You said that Aegi was going home with Doojoon hyung, right?”


“Even if so, Unnie is always keeping her professional attitude. She will never turn off her phone.” I exhaled and leaned on the table as I crossed my hands on my chest. “Where does she go? It’s late already.”


Suddenly, Hyunseung came in to the computer room. His expression looked as if we were having a big trouble. He was holding his phone on his hand. He looked at me.


“Kyuri,” he said. “Can you trace a location through phone?”


I tilted my head since he seemed to be in hurry. It was making me confuse. But for his question, of course I could do it. “Yes, I can.”


Hyunseung quickly raised his phone. “Yes, she can.”


I quickly straightened my body since I hadn’t finished my explanation. There were some conditions before I could trace phone locations. “But, if only the phone is active and the call is picked up.” I quickly added. “The fastest way is to triangulate the location through towers. But I only can triangulate the location if the phone is active and the receiver picks up the call.”


Hyunseung released a sigh. “But the phone needs to be active and the call is picked up.”


I sensed something was wrong as I saw Hyunseung’s expression. I was sure that Dongwoon felt the same way too.


“What’s the matter, Hyung?” Dongwoon asked.


Hyunseung didn’t reply. He was listening to his phone carefully. It was making me worried somehow. But then, he turned his gaze to me.


“Kyuri, Moon wants to talk with you.” Hyunseung lowered his phone as he pressed something on his screen and put it on the table.




I could hear Moonie’s voice from the other side. “Yes?”


“This is an urgent matter.”


Moon’s voice seemed to be in alert. Somehow, I felt that I would need to sit back on my chair and start to work anytime. So, I pulled out my chair and sat facing the computer.


“I need you to pull out Aegi’s phone call history and also her message history.” Moon ordered me to do.


I touched the keyboard and pressed some buttons to enter the phone company’s database. But then, I wondered why she asked me to do it. “Why?”


“Aegi and Doojoon are missing.”


“What?!” Dongwoon sounded surprise.


But somehow, it was enough to make me working twice harder than usual. I typed Aegi’s number to find her phone history.


“How?” I could hear Dongwoon asked.


“Yoseob went and checked on Doojoon since Junhyung asked him. Doojoon doesn’t pick up his phone since last night. And since last night he drove Aegi home, Yoseob decided to check on Aegi too. When he arrived, Aegi’s place is in chaos. It seems that someone has made as if a burglar broke into her apartment. I have been looking around. But there’s nothing that missing from her house. But her phone is missing. Yoseob is still trying to search the phone. But I need to know her last call and message.”


“I’m working on it now,” I said.


“How about Doojoon hyung?” Dongwoon asked.


“He’s not on his place either. Yoseob said that he probably didn’t come back home last night.”


I found Aegi’s phone history. “I found it.” I pressed the enter button to display the result on the main screen. “Unnie’s last call was for 119. It’s lasted for few seconds.”




I heard Moon called Dongwoon. So I turned to look at him.


“Get the recording from the 119 call center. I want to know what she reported.”


Dongwoon nodded then went away.




This time, Moonie called my name again. “Yes?”


“How about her message history?”


I typed and switched screen into her message history. I moved the cursor to the end of the screen where the last message was displayed. I looked at the time.


“Her last message was sent after the 119 call.” I reported. “It was to this number.” I enlarged the line.


“It was to Doojoon’s number.” Hyunseung said as he recognized the number.


I turned to Hyunseung when I heard the words. “It’s Doojoon’s number?”


Hyunseung looked back at me. “You don’t know?”


I shook my head. “I never store his number.”


Hyunseung looked back to his phone. “So, can we assume that whatever that sent from Aegi’s phone has made Doojoon involved?” He asked.


“It can be,” Moon said. “Kyuri, can you pull out the message’s content?”


“Just a moment.” I typed again to gain another access from the phone company. Since I was working on KSTF, I had higher access from local police officers. So, I could look into someone’s personal info. I clicked on the message’s content to display on the main screen.


I looked up to the main screen as the message content was loading on it. It would take some times since the message was consisted with a picture in it. But then, the picture made me gasped in fear. My heart practically stopped on the moment I saw the picture.


It was a picture of Aegi Unnie. But she was unconscious and lying on the floor. Her hands were tied on the back.


“Oh, my.”


I could hear Hyunseung mumbled. I turned to look at him. His expression seemed to shock.


“What’s the matter?” Moon asked in curiousity. She couldn’t see the message content.


Hyunseung looked back to the phone. “Moon, it’s an urgent situation. Tell Yoseob to forget about Aegi’s phone. Get back to the base right now. Aegi and Doojoon are in danger.”




Moon hung up the phone after that. Hyunseung turned off the phone and exhaled then he looked back to me.


“Do you have any idea how to find them?” Hyunseung asked.


I thought for a while. “Other than triangulation system…” I mumbled. Suddenly, I remembered about GPS system. “GPS system?” I looked at Hyunseung.


“How about it?”


“I can track his position through the GPS system as long as Doojoon activied his GPS Navigation System. The phone company server must be recorded his Navigation system.”


“Then can you do it?” Hyunseung asked.


I nodded. “It’ll take a while to retrieve the data,” I said. “But I can.”


“Then, do it.”


I turned my body around to face the PC then started to work. I input Doojoon’s phone number and retrieved his service data. Lucky for me that Doojoon had activated his Navigation System. But it was strange that he had activated his Navigation System starting yesterday.


“It’s weird,” I said.




I looked around and saw Hyunseung came to my side.


“Doojoon activated his Navigation System starting from yesterday’s night,” I said then I retrieved his Navigation Data.


Because the system was activated last night, it only recorded one address on the system. Hyunseung read the address.


“Where is it?” He asked.


I tried to look up the address’ position. “It’s a pier,” I said.


“Good.” Hyunseung said then took out his phone and turned his body around. He dialed a number and waited. “Moon. Doojoon left us a clue.” He mentioned the address to Moon.


But then, my eyes caught a blinking sign on the screen. I looked back to the screen and saw that the address seemed to be recognized by the Interpol Custody system. I tried to open the information but it needed higher authorization. So, I input Aegi’s password. Aegi ever told me her password before so I could get restricted info. I pressed the enter button and the information displayed on my screen.


But then, the information made me gasped.


The address of the pier was connected to Pink Arjuna’s case 3 years ago. One of the storage house buildings there had become Interpol’s Custody for a year. I pulled out all the info about the storage house.


According to the info, that storage house was released from the custody and left unused. No name was registered for the storage house. But I also found that the electricity and water bill was still running for the storage house.


I looked around to find Hyunseung. But it seemed that he had gone out from the Computer room. So, I stood up and went out from the room.


“Hyunseung,” I called as I saw he was standing on his own desk and preparing to go out.


Hyunseung stopped and looked at me.


“The address.” I paused. “It was connected to Pink Arjuna’s case 3 years ago.”


Hyunseung looked troubled. Probably he understood what it meant. He took out his phone again and called. “Moon,” he said. “Kyuri just found out that the address earlier was connected to Pink Arjuna’s case 3 years ago. You better be careful there.”



- Shin Aegi -


I felt a warmt falling to my face and I saw a glimpse of light among the darkness. I realized that my eyes were closed. So, I tried to open my eyes but a shining ray blinded my eyes. I quickly turned away to avoid the light. But, I realized that I couldn’t move freely. I realized that my hands were tied and I was lying on the floor.


Then, I started to gain my memory about what had happened last night. Someone broke into my apartment and knocked me out with sleeping potion.


I raised my gaze and looked around. I didn’t recognize the place. But it seemed that the place was some kind of dungeon to keep people imprisoned.


“Oh gosh,” I complained as I raised my self into sitting position. I felt my head was still dizzy.


“Morning, Sleeping Beauty.”


I turned around with the familiar voice. Then, I saw Doojoon was standing near the door. “Doojoon?”


He walked closer to me and smiled. “Finally you awake.” He squatted on the front of me.


“What time is it?”


“Around afternoon, probably,” he replied. “You sleep long enough.”


“They gave me sleeping potion,” I said. But then, I felt weird to see him there. I raised my gaze to look at him. “Why are you here? They captured you too?”


He scoffed. “No,” he said.




“You can say that I fell into their trap,” he said.


“Their trap?”


“Yeah,” he said as he turned and sat beside me. “You can say that they used the dirtiest trick to lure me here.”


Even though Doojoon didn’t tell me what kind of trick that made him coming, I felt that I was part of the reason why he came.


“Who is behind this?” I asked.


“Kang Heejoon,” he said.


“You met him?”


Doojoon nodded.


“And do you know where we are?”


Doojoon nodded. “The storage house that Lee Il Ryung used for keeping the smugglers 3 years ago.” He looked at me. “Actually it raises my memory about our old days. Staying on the place like this.”


I scoffed. “Yeah,” I said. “But I’m sure that we were not tied like this.”


Doojoon smiled.


Then I noticed that he got bruise on his cheek. “Ya… you got bruise on your cheek.”


Doojoon’s expression changed and he dropped his gaze. “Yeah, I got a punch.” He looked at the front of us.


I frowned. “What did you do?”


Doojoon seemed to be reluctant for a while before he dropped his gaze and answered, “Something.” He smiled. “You don’t need to worry.”


But somehow I felt that he was hiding something. I could see it in his eyes. Doojoon knew something but he didn’t want to tell me. But somehow it made me scared.


Then, Doojoon exhaled and looked at me. “I’ve set up a clue so the members can trace our location,” Doojoon said. “I just hope that they can find it as soon as possible." He moved to stand up. “I’ll try to look around again. Probably we can find a way out.” Doojoon walked toward the door.


As he walked, I just looked at him. I didn’t know why but I was suddenly feeling afraid and worried. My heart was beating and I felt afraid as if something bad would about to happen. And, Doojoon knew something that I didn’t know. He didn’t want to tell me because of something. I was curious. But I also knew that I wouldn’t be able to make Doojoon speaking if he had decided to keep it for his own. And somehow, it was making me worried.


Oh, Yoon Doojoon, what is the thing that you know but unable to tell me?


From Author:

Another update~ And I'm really thankful to my co-worker at my office since he gave me reference to write this chapter, especially about the phone company's database thing. I guess it's an advantage to have a friend who know about telecommunication~ ^^

If you have twitter account, you can add me on @AFFalize_sakura.

Thank you for reading, subscribing or commenting~ Enjoy reading.

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~