Mission fifteen – Yong Junhyung's Sacrifice

Code Name : BEAST and the Angels

I only put this chapter up because I don't know when AFF's database recovered.

If the database already restored, please ignore these updates.



Yong Junhyung was standing stiffly to see the bald man that he called Hong Rae Jin. His gaze was becoming unfriendly and serious. Junhyung didn’t expect to see that man again. He had known the man for some times. And their history together wasn’t good either.


“Don’t you happy to see me?” Rae Jin asked. “So you can take revenge for your dead girlfriend.”


Junhyung clenched his fist again.


“I’m sure you still remember about her, right?” Rae Jin paused as a cynical smile came to his face. “Because I do. How can I forget her delighted scream when my men her?”


Junhyung tightened his fist. He couldn’t let Rae Jin played around with him anymore.


But then, Joon Ji Yoon, who pushed Haejo and kicked his knee to kneel, distracted Junhyung back to the younger guy. It seemed that Haejo had taken some beatings before because he was the police’s informant. Junhyung gasped as he felt worried with the younger guy. Rae Jin moved closer to Haejo. He grabbed Haejo’s hair and forced the younger guy to look at him.


“Not bad.” Rae Jin said. “This kid is good. I don’t even know that he’s got something with the police agents behind my back. I think I’m lucky enough to know about him before the police starts to move.”


“Let him go.” Junhyung said.


Rae Jin looked at Junhyung. “Why?” He asked as he smirked. “And let away the fun to make you suffer?” He scoffed. “No way, I would let it happen.”


Rae Jin looked at Ji Yoon. Ji Yoon seemed to understand. He stepped forward as he took out a gun. He pointed the gun on Haejo’s head.


Junhyung took a step forward due to his worry.




Junhyung quickly stopped.


“If you step any closer, I’ll blow up this kid’s head.”


“What do you want?” Junhyung asked.


“It’s simple. You just need to stop whatever you do now.” Rae Jin said. “You have been warned before. Yet you still move forward. We’re not nice enough to let anyone stand in our ways.”


“Do you mean about Yoo Im Taek?”


Rae Jin scoffed. “So, will you stop?” He paused. “Or not?”


“I’m a KSTF agent. Do you expect me to stop?”


Rae Jin smirked. “As I expected before…” He sighed as he hung down his head. “I know you will refuse.” He raised his gaze. “I guess I can use you to be the warning for your team members.” Rae Jin looked at his men and nodded.


It seemed that Rae Jin’s nod was a signal for them to start moving. The guy who stood behind Junhyung started to move. He came forward with a stick of wood as he swung it to Junhyung. Junhyung quickly turned and blocked the stick. He lowered his body and hit the guy’s abdomen. Junhyung took the stick as the guy went down. He looked at Rae Jin.


“Then don’t expect me to be nice.” Junhyung said then he looked at the guys who had surrounded him.


But then, it was a no-win situation where one guy was outnumbered while fighting with a group of men. But Junhyung still fought with all his might. He even managed to steal a gun from the man and shot Ji Yoon to save Haejo. But then, a guy hit Junhyung’s head with a block of wood and made Junhyung down.


“Hyung.” Haejo felt worried.


But then, Rae Jin acted and punched Haejo, making the younger guy fell. Rae Jin looked at Haejo for a while then turned to look at Junhyung who already lay on the ground.


“I have never thought that you’re quietly strong to receive all those hits.” Rae Jin said. He walked toward Junhyung and grabbed the guy’s collar. He pulled Junhyung to stand up. “You really got the guts.” Then he pushed Junhyung toward his men. “Put him to the crusher.”


The men who caught Junhyung seemed to understand. They dragged Junhyung to the car crusher machine. There was a broken car there that already prepared beforehand. The men put Junhyung into the car and closed the door.


Haejo widened his eyes as he saw what had happened to Junhyung. “Ya, what are you doing?”


“It’s a lesson for those who stand in our way.” Rae Jin looked at Haejo. “You’ll be next. Don’t worry.”


Haejo looked back to the crusher. “Hyung!” He called.


“Crush him.” Rae Jin said.


One of the men the machine and the crusher started to work. A smile came to Rae Jin’s face as he saw the top bar came down slowly.


But then, suddenly a gun shot was heard and the man who operated the machine got hit. Rae Jin quickly looked up to the place where the bullet came from.


“Must be the girl. How can she escape? Catch her.” Rae Jin ordered his men.


One of his men went to the direction. But then, he got a kick that made him fell back. It was Doojoon who made the kick. He was bringing a helmet on his hand.


“Don’t mess up with my team member.” Doojoon said.


“Catch them!” Rae Jin ordered then he went away.


The men came toward Doojoon. Doojoon swung the helmet and hit the men who came to him. As he fought the men, Aegi and Moon charged in. Some men came to them. Aegi stopped and spun her body around, making a spin kick to fight the man who came toward her. Moon stopped too and fought. Another man came toward Aegi. But then, a helmet flew and hit the man. Aegi turned to see Doojoon. She narrowed her eyes as if she felt disagreed with the guy. But Doojoon signaled her to go. Aegi just pouted but turned to Moon. The police officers charged in.




Moon stopped as she twisted a man’s arm and looked at Aegi.


“Get Haejo. I’ll get Junhyung.” Aegi gave order.


Moon nodded as she understood. She hit the man’s face to bring him down then went to Haejo.


“Are you alright?” Moon asked to Haejo as she came to his side.


“Yes. But hyung is…”


Before Haejo could finish his words, he saw Aegi kicked the guy who blocked her from the crusher machine. Aegi came to get the controller. She turned the crusher off. Haejo and Moon quickly stood up and came toward Junhyung as Aegi get him out of the car.


“How is he?” Moon asked as Aegi looked at Junhyung.


“He’s just unconscious.” Aegi said then looked up to Doojoon who came closer. “He’s escaping.”


“I know.” Doojoon said then offered his hand to Aegi.


Aegi took the hand and let Doojoon pulled her up.


“Let’s after him.” Doojoon said.


Aegi seemed to understand as she nodded.


“Want me to come?” Moon asked to Doojoon and Aegi.


“No. Just keep your eyes on Junhyung until the ambulance come.” Doojoon said then went away with Aegi.


Rae Jin ran to his car. He opened up the door and went in. He quickly started the engine and drove away. He drove through the pier. But then, suddenly, Aegi showed up. She was blocking the car’s way and pointing her gun to Rae Jin.


Rae Jin smirked. That girl leader was fool enough to stand in his way. Rae Jin could easily run her over with his car. Rae Jin pushed his accelerator and the speed went up.


But, Aegi suddenly released her shoot. The bullet hit the tire and made it exploded. It made Rae Jin surprised and lost control of his wheel. His car spun out of contol then hit the wall.


Doojoon came to the car and opened the door. He grabbed Rae Jin and pulled him out of the car. Doojoon pushed him to the car and handcuffed him.


“Hong Rae Jin, you’re arrested for the illegal weapon’s business.”


From Author:


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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 42: Finally, i manage to finish this..hehe

another amazing story from you..i really love the story..

and unexpected ending..

cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 42: I really like the story, i didn't think that the girl who wanted to kill aegi to be the ultimate mastermind... great suspense, mysteriousness and adorable romance...

great job authornim ^^%
Chapter 43: really love your story, but, hey, does anyone notice where hyunseung is at the ending?
Chapter 43: Wow, cool ending! But what about Moon-Junhyung? T_T

but but but... "she's gone" T___T
aigooo~ although not the main character but still...

thank you for writing this mysterious but interesting story! ^^
hopefully the two teams will always work the best together ! XDDD
shujun #6
Chapter 41: uwaaa~u r just daebak ! hwaiting !!!
Chapter 41: WOW!! u know that im so speechless with this chapter? it's all revealed and i was just like O.o

good job~!!^^
Chapter 41: ooohhhh~ cool!
hehehe....this is the first time i understand what that code means....hehehehe....*sigh*....thank God they finally caught the real criminal is and also no one got hurt....i guess Aegi didn't want to let Jin Eun die...but...what else she can do...update soon~