Night Out

What did i ever do to deserve this........ Living with 15 guys

I woke up that morning and saw Kyuhyun's face right in front of me sleeping and i couldn't help a smile from forming on my lip's and i traced a finger down his nose to his lip's.

"Like what you see?" he said and he opend his eye's and i leaned back and let out a gasp of surprise.

"You were awake?"

"Of course i have been for awhile now was watching you sleep, you know you mumble in your sleep and smile as well."

"I do not." and i formed a pout on my face.

"haha yes you do, now let's get up you have school today don't you?"

"Oh thank's for reminding me." and i threw my cover's off me and got out of bed but next thing i knew i was flat on my back again and Kyuhyun was above me.

"Don't i get a kiss good-morning or something?" he said and smiled down at me and i pushed the hair falling into his eye's away.

"Of course you do." and i leaned up and gently kissed him on the lip's and was going to pull away when he sliped his hand underneith my head and kissed me harder and when we fianlly pulled back we were both out of breath.

"Woah that was something,." i said and smiled up at him before i pushed him aside and got up again. "I have to get ready don't want to be late." and i ran to my bathroom leaving him sitting there on my bed. I hoped into the shower and was done in 20 minutes, it then took me another 20 minutes to do my make-up and hair and 5 minutes to get dressed and then i was finished. (hairstyle), (outfit).

I walked out of my room to the smell of food and went straight to the kitchen and saw that Ryeowook had created a feast.

"Oh wow Ryeowook this look's good, do you need any help with anything?"

"Oh thank's and no that's alright you should go see what is wrong with Kyu he is pouting in the living room." he said befpre he went back to making the soup. I walked over to were Kyuhyun was and did see him pouting a little.

"What's my Kyu pouting about?" i said well wrpaing my arm's around his neck from behind.

"Was thinking that i won't be able to see my baby Mi Cha all day today."

"Awe well im coming right back home after school, and since you are all back now why don't we go out and have fun you can give me a tiny tour of Seoul." 

"Hey that is a great idea i'll talk it over with the guy's and will text you okay so get to school." and he unwraped my arm's form his neck and stood up and bent down and gave me a small kiss before he was pushing me out the door.

I arrived at school an hour later and was greeted by gilr's glaring at me and i just held my head high and wakked into school and was greeted by Jaehwa at the door.

"I see that you are in a great mood that wouldn't have to do because your boyfriend is back is it?" and he did air sign's in the air when he said boyfriend.

"No it could be becasue im seeing you first thing in the morning, it doesn't have to be about that." i said to him well going to my locker and was about to open it when someone ran into me and made all of my stuff fell out of my arm's onto the floor and i glared at the person who had bumped into me and found i was face to face with the same girl that started all of this drama.

"YAH!!! watch where your going next time." i said to her and i saw that she had a shocked expression on her face.

"Excuse me but you can't talk to me like that i will make your life a living hell in this school if you get on my bad side." she said and flicked her hair behind her shoulder and sneered at me.

"I can talk to you however i want to you don't own this school plus im not afraid of you." and i crouched down and started to pick up my stuff not bothering to listen to her until she kicked one of my book's out of my reach and that's when my temper took a hold of me and i stood up so quick the stuff that was in my arm's fell again and i geabed her by the shirt and slamed her into the locker's.

"Listen here barbie i don't ing care if you can make my life a living hell cause i can as well and like you see me now i can go even meaner so don't ing mess with me got it." and i slamed her once more into the locker's before letting her go and she scrambled away from me and gave me a terffied look before turning and walking off in a hurry.

"Woah Mi Cha i didn't know well you were like that." said Jaehwa who had crouched down and was gathering my book's.

"There's a lot that you don't know about me." and i looked around me and saw that other student's in the hallway were staring at me. "What got a problem with me?" i called out and they all looked down and started moving again.

"You know now your going to have the reputation of the mean girl that beat's up people now." Jaehwa said well handing me my book's.

"I don't care im tired of people taking advantage of me since i got here i've had enough if this make's them leave me alone then good i want to be known as the mean girl that beat's up people." i said and put the book's i didn't need in my locker and closed and locked it and started to make my way to class Jaehwa following me and people gave me look's when i passed them and i glared in there's.

By the time the end of the day came all of my friend's were proud of me of what i did to the wannabe barbie who i later found out her name was Mira, students were afraid of me and i liked it that way but they were more afraid of me when the found out i was friend's with Kris and Yong Guk whoi guess held a lot of power in the school. When i got back to the dorm i didn't bother taking of my shoe's and collapsed onto the couch and closed my eye's well letting out a sigh.

"And what is my baby girl sighing about?" said Kyuhyun who was leaning over me.

"Oh a tough day at school i was labled as the mean girl." and i couldn't help but let out a laugh at that.

"Why are you labled as the mean girl?"

"Oh becasue i slamed a girl into some locker's this morning." i told him and got up and started to take of my shoe's and walked to my room to put them away and Kyuhyun followed me.

"You did what Mi Cha, slammed a girl into some locker's why would you do that?"

"I did it because she was bothering me and started rumor's about me and i had enough so i slammed her into some locker's it's no big deal i didn't get into trouble." i said and went to my walk in closet and put my shoe's with all of the other shoe's i had and looked around and noticed a dress that i had got not that long ago was out and i went to put it back until i got an idea.

"Hey Kyu are you guy's busy tonight?"

"No we all have a break befroe we start promotion's again, and i don't care if you ddin't get into trouble you still shouldn't have done that."

"Enough what is done is done i can'ttakeit back and if i did i would do it again and that's good what about we all go out tonight i haven't been around the city and that is a perfect time to give me a small tour and i might invite some other people as well." i said and walked out of my closet into my room and rummaged through my bag until i found my phone and started to text Jaehwa and the other's about comeing out and they all said that wasalright with them.

I walked out of my room and saw Leeteuk and Kangin i ran up to them. "Hey guy's want to come out tonight with me and a couple of friend's?' and i gave them a puppy dog face and Kangin said he would but Leeteuk was harder to convince but finally he said yes and said he would see if Sora would want to come and walked off to his room. The other guy's except Siwon were easy to convince as well and i had to promise Siwon i would go to church with him on Sunday if he came with us and finally i had everyone's agreement and we all started to get ready.

I hopped into the shower and washed my hair and got out and dryed and curled my hair into loose curl's and went into my closet and got out the dress from earlier and put my outfit together (outfit). I walked out of my room to all of the guy's all dressed as well and i must admit they looked good.

Super Junior Style 2012 Latest Fashion Styles 2012 of Super Junior (they have the hairstyles they have now all of them)

Once they saw me they all stopped and just stared. "What is this to much?" and i looked down at what i was wearing and was proud of what i had come up with.

"no you look amazing baby." said Kyuhyun and came over to me and gave me a small kiss and i could hear the other's groaning in the background.

"YAH!! you two get a room if your going to do that we don't need to see that." yelled Heechul and i looked over at him and stuck my tounge out at him.

"Your just jealous Chullie is all." i said and the other's laughed at that and Heechul glared at me.

"Let's not waste time let's go." and Eunhyuk started to motion us all to the door and finally we were all in a vehicle, we had decided that we would take two vehicle's since there were a lot of us and my friend's and Sora would meet us. We soon arrived at our first destination which was a club that a lot of idol's frequented and i found that Jaehwa, Kris, Tao, Chanyeol and Sungyeol were waiting with Sora beside them.

Once they saw me they all stopped talking and just started likethe guy's did earlier. I said hi to Sora and gave her a hug and stuck out my tounge at the guy's and walked with Sora to the entrance and we were let in right away and i could see some of the girl's in the line glaringat me and Sora and i glared back and walked inside and saw many people that i recognized.

after about 2 hour's there i had meet most of Big Bang and some of the rest of Sungyeol's friend's and Kris, Chanyeol and Tao's friedn's as well and found them all nice and we all hit it off and i saw Himchan and the other's minus Zelo and Jongup and we talked a bit well Kyuhyun stayed by myside the whole time even though i tod him to go dance or talk with friedn's he wouldn't leave my side at all.

I had a couple of drink's and could feel some effect's but i wasn't acting crazy yet. We moved onto the next location and i could tell some of the member's were a bit under the influnce and same with my friend's and we were all making a rukus well we walked and people glared at us as we walked past. Through out the night we all got more and more under the influence and some of the member's were sent home with Donghae and some of the other's that didn't drink. I was one of the one's sent home with Kyuhyun holding me from falling over and well he was holding me i had started to feel drowsy and started to sway on my feet and before i leaned back to much he caught me and picked me up and carried me into my room and took of my shoes and put me to bed.

A/N: So i finally updated this would have been up earlier if my computer cord didn't break and now my computer is dead until i can get a new one. I hope you like this chapter and like how i put some insit on who Mi Cha really is and who the queenka is. Also don't hate on Mi Cha for being mean that isn't who she really is okay that's a lie that is exactly who Mi Cha is she has a temper and im not afraid to make her have one.

Oh yes and the picture of the member's all dressed up yes all of them are still there including Henry and Zhou Mi but i was to lazy to find pictures of them all dressed up and like i said they have the hair color's and hairstyles they have today not the one's in the picture so yes hope you enjoy this and i will update again when i can.


i like to hear what all of my subscriber't think of this story so i would like the feed back please :)

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15 guys and one girl ㅋㅋㅋ
Livin with 15 guys??? That sounds awful!
naznew #4
Chapter 29: Yeay...a new chapter..
Micha can see ghost?i kind of confuse...
Chapter 28: should i be scared???? please dont let anymore people get hurt update soon
Chapter 28: should i be scared???? please dont let anym
Chapter 28: OMG that ghost girl...I'm not sure I should be scared or happy she's telling her all these things.
Chapter 28: OMG that ghost girl...I'm not sure I should be scared or happy she's telling her all these things.
naznew #9
Chapter 28: Gomawo update..
who is the little ghost?why she always warning and know what will happen to micha and the boys? is she good or bad ghost?
please update again..
happy anniversary in AFF..
Chapter 27: OMGG!!! A CLIFFHANGER!!! NOOOOESSS!!! I hope MiCha is alright:/