Block B/ Too Hot

TheyCallUsDirtyBaby Scenario Dump

What would it be like to play too hot with the boys? (too hot is a game where the two players kiss without stopping and without touching each other. If one player touches the other, s/he loses. The winner gets to do whatever s/he wants to the loser) Thank you^^

They would all be little s. I’m not even kidding.

Zico would try his damnedest to win, but as soon as you nibbled on his bottom lip and made a little whimper at the lack of contact, he’d be yours.

U-Kwon would smirk against your lips as he continued to deepen the kiss. At least until you forgot that you weren’t supposed to touch him.

Kyung would cheat. He’d start the game with you on his lap, hands squeezing your as he kissed you roughly.

BBomb would be more of a slowly teasing thing. Long soft kisses until one of you got rougher. You’d probably forfeit just so you could run your hands down his chest and pull him closer.

Taeil would be like a mixture of BBomb and Kyung. Incredibly patient, but rough.

Jaehyo would win. Hands down. His sweet and innocent smile would turn predatory as he bent his head to kiss you, his doe eyes blazing as his head filled with wicked things. No matter how long it took, you would give in.

P.O would try to start off as adorable. Soft little kisses in the corners of your lips, his lips ghosting over yours. But when he got tired of doing things the soft way, expect to lose.

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