Love at First Sight (Requested by exoticshawol101)

One Shot Story Request

Becky was rushing to her morning class. She was late.

"Damn! The alarm didn't even rang!" Becky mumbled.

So she ran as fast as she could. When she reach at the traffic light, she smiled as the sign immediately turn green so she start running again. As she ran, her shoulder bump into someone and cause all her books to fly out her hands.

She cursed under her breath. "Are yo-" She paused as a good-looking(emo) guy staring at her. Becky was attracted by his good-looking features.

"I'm soo sorry. Are you okay?" He asked. Becky didn't said anything. "Alright then. I'm going." He passed the book and walk away. Becky still stood there until a car honk and make her flinched.

She look at her watch and curse again. "I'M LATE!!!" She run again until she reach her class. She pant and knock on the door. "Come in." Becky walk in and smiled. "You're late! Ms Becky!! Stay back for 1hour." Becky frown.

*Great day to start a day.* Becky thought but smile again when she remember about the guy that bump into her. "Ms Becky. Do you want to stay for another hour?" Becky stop her daydreaming. "N-no!" She shook her head. "Then stop smiling to yourself and focus!" The class burst into laughter while she blushed. *Damn you teacher!* she thought.

After her detention has ended, she decided to take a bus. She rummage her bag for her card but has found nothing. "Where did I put my card?" Still searching for it. Then she remember. "Dammit." She cursed and decided to walk home.

"Leo!" Someone call and at the same time Becky was about to leave the busstop. Becky turn around but the guy back faced her so she couldn't get to see his face.

Becky shrugged and walk away.

Meanwhile the Leo guy smacked the guy who called him very loudly in front of everyone. "Ah! It's Hurt!!!!!! LEO STOP!!" Leo stop and glare. "Are you spying on someone?" Leo smacked him again. "No!" And he walk away.

Leo look at his hand. He's holding a card. Becky card to be exact. He was planning to give to her at the busstop but his friend decided to ruin it. "Haish! I miss it again." Leo sighed.

The next day, Leo as usual wait at the traffic light. Leo sighed. Suddenly, car honing can be hear and people murmuring.

"Oh ma god! Is she nuts?!"

"She will get hit for sure!"

Leo was curious so he look to the road and gasped. It was Becky, standing middle of the road, looking scared. Leo couldn't stand it anymore and run to the road.

A oncoming car was about to hit Becky but Leo able to push her away along with him. Leo eventually hugged her. Becky was shocked. Finally, the green signal has been sign and people start walking.

Leo let go of the hug. "ARE YOU CRAZY!" He vent his anger. Becky was even more shocker that the guy who bumped into her yesterday, save her. "Y-you." Leo sighed. "Come on. Let's go." Leo held Becky hand and walk with her to her class, knowing that she's late.

When they have reach, Leo let go. "Wait for me after you end your class." Leo said firmly and left. Becky stood still, not knowing what to say.

After class, Becky hesitate whether she should listen to Leo or not but eventually, Leo came. "So you're done?" Becky zip . Leo sighed. "I'm not going to you or anything. Just follow me to the cafe." Leo asked. Becky was unsure but accept his offer since she was hungry.

Leo open the cafe door for her and she enter. They found a place to sit and both of them order their food. Both of them remain silent.

"T-thank you." Becky broke the silent. "Thank you for?" "Saving me just now. I was so stupid for not looking where I was going." Becky said in a soft voice. Leo giggled. "It's okay. Next time, look at where you're going!" Becky nodded.

After that conversation, they finally feel comfortable with each other. They talked and laugh a lot. "Oh. Before i forgot. Here." Leo passed her card and Becky gasped. "It was with you all along? No wonder I can't find it at home." Becky took the card. Leo smiled.

Leo paid for their meals and head home. Leo volunteer to take Becky home and she agree. As they were walking home, Leo stop walking. Becky also stop then look at Leo. "Leo-shhi? What's wrong?" Leo sighed.

"I like you."

Becky froze. "Eh?"

"I like you from the first time I see you." Leo continue. Becky didn't know what to reaction as she also feel the same way too.

"I know this is too sudden but I can't help it." Leo look down. Becky lift up Leo chin and smiled. "I like you too actually." She tiptoe and peck on Leo lips.

Leo look at her confusedly. "Yes. Leo-shhi." "Oppa!" Leo emphasize the word 'Oppa'. Becky laughed. "Nae! Leo Oppa!" Leo smiled again and kiss passionately with Becky with Becky replying back the kiss from Leo.

Story By: Heart_oppas99

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exoticshawol101 #1
Chapter 36: Ahhahahahha that was so cute!!! Thanks so much!!
I have requested~
Chapter 34: thank you babyjeonnie for the cute story!!!! :DD can I request again?
exoticshawol101 #4
Chapter 33: Haha that was so cute!! Thank you!! I'll request again.
Chapter 32: awww!!! Thank you so much for writing this one, it so fluffy&sweet lyk candy I can't stop giggling<3 I can't wait for the next one hehe
author-nim! I have a request~ Thank You and Good Luck! >,<
Hello!! I requested, I messaged the author about the plot though
Chapter 31: No it's okayy
Everyone has lives outside of aff (or do they? /slapped)
Work at your own pace author-nims.. we'll be waiting patiently~~ ^^
xD requested!!!
exoticshawol101 #10
Chapter 30: Hehe that was so cute!!! Thank you!! I'm going to request again!! Thanks in advance!!