Rescue Mission pt. 1

Unbreakable Bonds

   Hongbin was so surprised as N pushed and pinned him to the wall, a threatening look in his eyes, as the tears began to fall and he could feel the anger radiating off of his form.

   "HONGBIN I know you did something to my Taekwoon! What did you do?" He yelled, as he struck the younger down, and he fell crying out at the sudden pain blossoming from his cheek. Both Ravi and Ken gasped at their leader's rash actions, and raced to grab him before he could do more damage. As Ravi restrained N, Ken helped Hongbin into a sitting position, but was pushed away as Hongbin got up and walked to N, placing himself in front of him, ready to be hit more if the elder felt like it. 

   "N hyung, I'm so sorry." He began, as he looked down in shame. "I didn't know that you and Taekwoon hyung were dating, and I got so jealous of his and Hyuk's time together. I thought that my feelings for Hyuk would never be realized and I just couldn't deal with the thought of that ever happening." He said, raising his eyes to meet him elders's. "I made a huge mistake hyung. I had this serum I was going to use on myself I swear. It was a mistake." N's head began to shake as if he was trying to convince himself that Hongbin was lying.

   "N hyung, I'm sorry. He was injected because of me, and became Leo. There is a way to reverse it, I just have no ideaa" Hongbin said, frustrated he punched the wall. Then he looked up to see that N had a strange look on his face.

   "Hongbin, in my dream just now I was talking to Taekwoon hyung" he said after a long period of silence. 

   "You did hyung?" Ken asked, eyes wide and hopeful. "How was he? Was he okay?" 

   "No, he is so close to dying, I don't understand, what did the injection do Hongbin?"

   "It...sort of turned him into a robot I guess." Hongbin began, wincing at the murderous look N sent him. "I guess it gave him an alternate personality as well, which is why Leo and Taekwoon always fight for dominence in the body" at this, Ravi's head was nodding in understanding.

   "So basically, Taekwoon is locked in the depths of his own body, only allowed to see the damage that Leo is doing to our family?" Ravi asked, his deep voice soothing even as the words he spoke were terrible. Hongbin's nod confirmed everyone's thoughts. Suddenly N spoke up.

   "In my dream, Taekwoon said that only I have the key to break him free from Leo's hold on him, and that the key involves music and memories..."he trailed off thinking to himself. Then hid eyes widened in realization. " I know what do to!" And he vanished from the room, and the boys heard his and Taekwoon's shared room's door slam shut.


   The four boys got into their second car that they owned, the one that they all traveled in if they were going on a trip together, and it felt empty with two seats vacant. As Ken drove, Hongbin was using his phone to try and track down where Taekwoon had taken Hyuk, while Ravi snored away peacefully and N sat in the shotgun seat, eyes open wide in determination. Hongbin looked up and noticed a stack of papers in NN's hands as he searched through the pages, and noticed it was sheet music. He watched in shock as N threw the papers down in frustration and dug out another stack. Then Hongbin looked back to his phone which had started beeping, telling them where Hyuk and Taekwoon were, and his eyes widened in shock as he saw that they were in Hyuk's hometown. Setting the GPS to their location, he handed it to Ken, and fell asleep.

   A couple of hours later, he woke back up to find Ken still awake, bags under his eyes as he continued driving on. Ravi had woken up and was arguing with Ken to switch so he could get some rest, but wasn't winning. Also, he found N still digging through the stacks of music, frantically searching. He saw on the GPS thag they were only an hour away from their destination, and anticipation welled up in his gut, giving him strength, but also fear.

   N suddenly gasped and a piece of sheet music was grabbed quickly, and hugged to his chest. Hongbin's eyes widened, had be found the key? At N's excited face and happy movements he believed so, and began to mentally prepare himself to fight with Taekwoon hyung again. They needed to succeed. He needed to save both Taekwoon and Hyuk from Leo.


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mikyou44 #1
Chapter 25: I love this and need your update
crimsonrosesxo #2
Chapter 25: wOWOWOW i cant believe this story is so close to being finished. i don't want it to end !!!! (well, maybe i want the suffering to end.) hope u update soon!
342nubia #3
Chapter 25: Omg, hurry, please! Loving this story!
Chapter 25: Can't wait for an update.. This is so legit, author-nim. Hope no one dies though..
Chapter 25: Aw poor Hyukkie ;-; and Taekwoon