Destination Escape

Love's Jewels & Hidden Lies

** Italic means its korean. Italics and different color will mean whatever language I notify it will be in that chapter

After dying our hair and cutting sohee's.  We drove to the airport boarding the first plane. Relaxing in my seat I was interrputed by the L.Joe was flirting with the girl in the near by seat. I hate when he does that.

"So where we going?" L.Joe said he turned away from the girl his face now directed at me.

"I picked the first flight we saw. I don't know."

Sohee immediately started fidgeting in her seat.  She was shaking uncontrollably like she was in Antarica,"Do you see how high up we are. One..Two..Three...Four.."

"Great. We forget about her fear of heights! Now were going to hear her constant counting!"

"Only for six hours," i said trying to look at the bright side.

"Just you wait. In about an hour or two you'll want to kill her maybe even 30 minutes since you don't have music like me,"  Taking out his ipod he put the big headphones on his head.

Six Hours Later

You may now exit the plane. Thank you and have a nice day in Seoul, South Korea.

Just as L.Joe said I wanted to strangle Sohee. Now I didn't fully explain Sohee and L.Joe relation to me. Sohee is my best friend since we were five. So that's about 13 years. She's the one to get info in my group and is crazy good at math. She counts when she's nervous or scared but when she's angry she shoots you with her two M1911 pistol handguns she always has. One time L.Joe took her computer and she shot him in the foot. She may seem girly and cute but she hates stuff like that. Now L.joe and her are complete opposites well not completely. L.Joe is more a technology geek instead of hands on fighting. He can hack anything but doesn't need to because of his admirers do. Most people consider him hot so he uses it to his advantage. I known him since I was ten. There was an incident where he tried to flirt with me because I look older than my age but, me scared of a random boy who had approached me did the natural thing. I beat the crap out of him. Well..thats normal for me! Ever since I was young I was good at fighting but, anyway L.Joe took a intrest in me and there you go. Damn I'm off track back to sohee.

"Good thing I'm off that plane," Sohee said

"Yeah other wise I would have killed you," I said

"Thats not funny. Your joking, right?"

There was a silence as I didn't answer the question willing Sohee to  think what I would do to her if she came close to me. She backed away slowly hiding behind L.Joe.

"Now what?" L.Joe said smirking at the nearby girls. They giggled nervously before running away.

"Well my sister Krystal lives in Korea.So how aboutwe pay her a visit?"

"How old is she?" Sohee said reaching back to tie up hair that wasn't there.

"16 years old."

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go," L.Joe said excited.

The good thing is that Krystal lives here but after not being in her life for four years would she even help me? We walked past the airport doors and standing right there with her long dark hair blowing softly in the wind was Krystal. I hadn't told grandma I was leaving or where I was going so how did she know we be here?

"Unnie!" Krystal yelled waving me over

"How did you know?"

"Where else would you run away to?" She said. Did grandma call her? "Hello I'm Krystal."

Sohee and L.Joe stood there parlayzed in the spot. They looked worried around and then spoke in hushed whispers to eachother only stopping to look at me. There faces showing they were clearly confused. Why? Then it hit me! They don't know Korean.

"Guys this is my sister, Krystal." I translated. "I'll tell her to talk in english. Krystal they don't understand Korean.

"Oh, sorry. Nice to meet you and may I ask who are you?"

"Sohee Ahn."

"L.Joe Lee."

"Krystal Jung. You guys look amazing. I'd love to stay and chat in the cold but we have to get home right now."

"Why?" I asked.

"Uh mom and dad told me to bring you home immediately," Krystal said bitting her lip.

Somethings wrong. Krystal never falters in her sentences or maybe she developed that when I left. Yeah, I'm just thinking to much.

"Okay let's go," I said walking with Krystal to the open door car.

L.Joe and Sohee's footsteps could be heard from behind. Then came the quiet whispers that I had to struggle to hear. Slowing my pace I leaned in alitle to listen.

"What do you think of Krystal?" Sohee whispered

"Well she seems older in a way than her age. Though Jessica is still better looking than her even if her hair is bleach blonde now," L.Joe said in mumbled whispers.

"Me too. Somehow Krystal doesn't seem that pretty."

"Get in," Krystal said

We piled into the bag seat. As Krystal started the car in the front. L.Joe's and Sohee's hushed whispers still continued. The drive to the house was quick. I stared out the window at the modern day Korea. So much had changed but as I remembered the old Korea. The door opened letting in the cold breeze.

"Were here," Krystal announced."Come on."

We walked the long winding pathway. Krystal pulled out a small key unlocking the door. I stepped into the dark house, reaching a hand out I the light switch. When all of a sudden I was grabbed from behind by a big hand.

"Krystal?" I called out

There she walked out of the shadows with a hooded man. His tall structure bringing memories back of a certain someone.

"What's going on?" Sohee asked.

"Your dear little sister here brought you here for us to take our jewel back," He said.

"I'm sorry unnie," Krystal said turning away from me.

I smiled at the man. I had guessed something like this would happen. Thanks to thinking the jewel was moved. It wasn't far away from me but it was in a place where they wouldn't  find it.

"You have no proof," L.Joe said

"Our cameras took pictures of all of you. Your on the wanted list," He said showing us our pictures.


"Let me tell you something. You'll never take the jewel back from me for two reasons."

"What are they?" He asked.

"One the jewel isn't yours and two you always under estimate me," I said flipping the man over my head. I grabbed my bag out of his hand before kicking L.Joe's captor and knocking out Sohee's.

"What! Don't let them escape!" He yelled.

"No sir. I have the jewel!" The burly man said.

"Open it then!" He said.

Opening the box the man gasped. There was no jewel. In there read a note.

I'm not stupid. Don't under estimate me.


-You know who


"Haha. Now time to go get my grandmother's jewel," I said

"They took it?" Sohee said alarmed.

"Nope. I'm smart enough to not keep the jewel on me."

"Then where is it?" L.Joe asked out of breath.

"Follow me."


(G-Dragon for my friend shineefreak253)

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AquariusPT #1
Loved this story! :D Hope to hear more from you soon!
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #2
awww it ended :( but loved this story! but hopefully will hear more from you in the near future about other stories that you will write :)
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #3
hehheeee YOU UPDATED :) YAY!
but woah.... intense update :)
and TAEC AND SICA ARE MEETING AGAIN...and also why does Junsu want Jessica??? CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE!!!
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #4
continue please :)
.. you are doing good!!!
taecsica_taecfany #5
taecyeon left cus he thought he was endangering her life awww ;)
taecsica_taecfany #6
dont keep dongha
taecsica_taecfany #7
:O donghae and sica sleeping together
To taylora15: Rest, and don't push yourself tooo hard!!! I for one will wait patiently for an update!!
Comment to story: Aww Taemin, keep telling yourself you don't care.Exactly how is that working out for you? It is so obvious you do. Jessica just can't get a break can she?!
To taylora15: Oh my goodness your ok right,please remember to take care of your burn.Just a piece of advice stay away from anything that radiates heat because it will make the burn hurt worse.Please feel better soon.
Comment to story: AWWW L.Joe and Sohee are getting along!!! That is unusual. Ricky please forgive L.Joe.Wooyoung and Soohee are so cute!!!!
LOL she was right about Taemin!!!