
Love's Jewels & Hidden Lies

A/N: Yay! I wrote a really good chapter. Do you likey? It has a lot of Taecsica! I was sick yesterday otherwise I would have updated but I'm kind of happy I didn't because I feel like this is my best chapter of this fanfic I've written so far. Tell what you think my best chapter is.

Taecyeon's POV

Jessica hadn't woken up. The doctor told me she had a concussion but that what was it. Her arm wasn't broken but badly injured. So, why wasn't she waking up? I sat in the chair when the door opened with three more people. Sohee and L.Joe and a small brunette boy.

"Ricky told him what you told us," L.Joe said gently to the boy.

"After you left I heard Junsu say that is going to send professional assassins after Jessica."

"WHAT!" I jumped from the chair, knocking it to the ground.

"We need to leave immediately but with Jessica in this condition...it's impossible," Sohee replied her eyes tearing up."And there's no way I'm leaving her and Wooyoung behind."

Jessica's eyes  opened with little effort,"It's okay I can go. I'm perfectly fine."

She took a dangerous step out of the bed, falling immediately to the ground. I caught her with one arm. Blushing greatly she pushed me away.

"I'm not letting you go," I told her.

She glared,"Or else your going to tell Junsu where I'm running to?"

I kept my glaze stable under her intimidation glare only flinching when she smirked,"No. I wouldn't do that."

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do!" I blurted.

"Like Wooyoung loves Sohee or enough to learn an new entire language like L.Joe?"

"You did that for me?" Ricky asked, wide eyed.

L.Joe covered his mouth in embarrassment,"It was nothing."

"Or better yet are you willing to kill or die for her?" Sohee said, her expression mirroring Jessica's.

"Your asking the guy who just killed all those guards expect Taemin and Rani to protect you,' I joked

Jessica smiled,"You can come. We have to leave now." Jessica threw the coat over her clothes.

"What about Wooyoung and the jewel?" Sohee yelled keeping pace with her.

"What's up? You texted me to come here," Wooyoung nodded.

"I never did- Jessica!"

"What? Taking your phone is so easy and It's okay the jewel is hid safely somewhere no one will guess." she said

While waited in patience for a taxi two beautiful twins appeared in front of us. The every twins that caused Jessica to get an concussion.

'What are you doing here?" I squinted at them, ready to pull out my gun at any moment.

"Can we come with you?" They asked.

" NO! You just tried to kill me! Why would I want you to come?" Jessica swore.

"Well because Junsu wants us dead because we failed to kill you." Rani said.  Flapping his long eyelashes at her in attempt to be cute.

"So?" she answered

'We know who your assassins are," Taemin replied.

"Get in!" She ordered.

We all piled into the small car. I sat next to Jessica, watching her tired expression.

"Do..do you think we could ever..go out again?" I asked.

All attention in the car turned to me. Everyone knew how horribly I cheated on Jessica. The question is if shall take me back.

"Yes. If you ever cheat on me again there will be one less Ok Taecyeon in this world."

My smile widened kissing Jessica directly on the lips I cheered loudly,"YES!"

"Don't be so damn happy!" She shouted.

"Gosh. You weren't this mean and cold before. So cute!" I gushed petting her softly.

We arrived at the airport Jessica kicking me out of the car. I stood up quickly. Didn't want to ruin my cool image. Jessica staggered out of the car falling into my arms. For a moment she looked like her weak self from back then.

"Where are we going?" Ricky asked, L.Joe helping him out of the car.

She straightened up,"America."

We boarded the jet that Sohee had appeared. Jessica appeared tall and confident as she boarded. The wind blowing her long blond hair. She has gotten so much stronger without me. I pulled her down into my seat before she could pass. She looked out the window. Her glaze somehow so distant but relaxed. The most she been in awhile.

"How did you cope?"

"Without you? I was heart broken Taecyeon but, instead of crying my heart out I used that to get stronger. I won't let a boy breaking up with me ruin my future."

Though she said that I could still feel the hurt in her voice. It had been years yet she still felt the pain of betrayal. Her eyes held none of the previous warmth that they did when I first met her. She was cold and hard now. Her past effecting her so much mentally.

I wrapped a warm hand around her cold one,"I'm sorry. So sorry."

She smiled laying her head on my shoulder,"Idiot."


I miss her blond hair. She's still a real life Barbie doll though.

 The only celeb I think that fits blond hair truly

*drool* SO HOT! No! Not the song but the definition. Jessica is lucky to have him

Yes even a bowtie is hot on him.



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AquariusPT #1
Loved this story! :D Hope to hear more from you soon!
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #2
awww it ended :( but loved this story! but hopefully will hear more from you in the near future about other stories that you will write :)
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #3
hehheeee YOU UPDATED :) YAY!
but woah.... intense update :)
and TAEC AND SICA ARE MEETING AGAIN...and also why does Junsu want Jessica??? CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE!!!
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #4
continue please :)
.. you are doing good!!!
taecsica_taecfany #5
taecyeon left cus he thought he was endangering her life awww ;)
taecsica_taecfany #6
dont keep dongha
taecsica_taecfany #7
:O donghae and sica sleeping together
To taylora15: Rest, and don't push yourself tooo hard!!! I for one will wait patiently for an update!!
Comment to story: Aww Taemin, keep telling yourself you don't care.Exactly how is that working out for you? It is so obvious you do. Jessica just can't get a break can she?!
To taylora15: Oh my goodness your ok right,please remember to take care of your burn.Just a piece of advice stay away from anything that radiates heat because it will make the burn hurt worse.Please feel better soon.
Comment to story: AWWW L.Joe and Sohee are getting along!!! That is unusual. Ricky please forgive L.Joe.Wooyoung and Soohee are so cute!!!!
LOL she was right about Taemin!!!