Love You Jessica

Love's Jewels & Hidden Lies

A/N: So sorry for the long wait. I had to study for my test and went shopping today but if you read my status I said I would triple update if my mom said yes and she did so here is the 1st of the triple. Subscribe and comment! No silent readers or no updates!

As Jessica slept soundly on the couch, I took this as a chance to learn more about her. I mean in the past Jessica was sweet, naive, and terrified of many things but now she seemed to be fearless.

"Has Jessica had any other boyfriends other than me in these past years?" I asked.

Sohee ignored the question,"Why did you come here?"

Taken back I tilted my head to the side in confusion,"What?"

Sohee put down her book,"Why did you come to America,Taecyeon? Was it to get Jessica back or to steal the jewel?"

She stared at me waiting for an answer. I opened my mouth and closed it again in shock. I couldn't even muster up the thought to come up for answer to such a simple question?

"Are you coming?" Wooyoung yelled from the car.

"Yeah I was just having a nice chat with our friend here." Sohee said rolling her eyes, leaving the room. Taemin pushed her as he entered the room. Smirking as she stumbled but, quickly regained her balance.

"Pretty harsh aren't they?" Taemin said

"Yeah but I deserve it. I hurt her so bad that her attitude and personality completely changed. To the point where she wouldn't think twice about killing me. I hate what I did to her." I told him, hiding my face in my hands in shame.

"You were just her boyfriend. How could you have that much of an effect on her?" He asked.

The couch slouched with movement. Jessica turned her eyes on Taemin,"You have never fallen in love have you?"

Taemin jumped back in surprise," do you know that's it love? It could have just been what you wanted to think."

Jessica smiled sadly,"I don't."

"Then how?" Taemin questioned. She has such an effect on people that even those who hate her can grow to like her. I bet her and Taemin will be friends in no time. She seems like a big sister to him.

"I can't tell you that. You will only fully understand when you experience it. Judging from your personality your bound to meet someone very soon," She looked at him. Her blonde hair surrounding her like a pillow.

"That makes no s-"

"Hey Taemin do you want to get a drink with me?" Minho interrupted.

Minho looked at Taemin in a way I knew very familiar. His gaze was soft and showed very clearly that he wanted Taemin to say yes. I felt that once Taemin did he would shout with glee. It was kind of hard to imagine with Minho's deep voice and tall figure. Taemin looked back and forth between him and Jessica like he was choosing between heaven and hell.

Jessica smirked, seeing the similar look in Taemin's eye,"Go."

Taemin smiled wide entwining his hand in Minho's. A kind of beautiful light surrounded the two as they left. I moved my chair closer to Jessica cleaning the blood from her hair. She relaxed, closing her eyes in comfort.

"You like him?" I asked. Even as she lay there injured it was clear that Jessica was a natural beauty.

"Yeah," she said."I like you more though."

Jessica drifted off again. I rewrapped her bandages pulling her hair behind her. She snuggled into the cover more.


Jessica's hand shot out catching mine,"Don't leave me."

Sitting down in the chair I rested  my head on the couch,"I love you, Jessica.

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AquariusPT #1
Loved this story! :D Hope to hear more from you soon!
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #2
awww it ended :( but loved this story! but hopefully will hear more from you in the near future about other stories that you will write :)
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #3
hehheeee YOU UPDATED :) YAY!
but woah.... intense update :)
and TAEC AND SICA ARE MEETING AGAIN...and also why does Junsu want Jessica??? CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE!!!
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #4
continue please :)
.. you are doing good!!!
taecsica_taecfany #5
taecyeon left cus he thought he was endangering her life awww ;)
taecsica_taecfany #6
dont keep dongha
taecsica_taecfany #7
:O donghae and sica sleeping together
To taylora15: Rest, and don't push yourself tooo hard!!! I for one will wait patiently for an update!!
Comment to story: Aww Taemin, keep telling yourself you don't care.Exactly how is that working out for you? It is so obvious you do. Jessica just can't get a break can she?!
To taylora15: Oh my goodness your ok right,please remember to take care of your burn.Just a piece of advice stay away from anything that radiates heat because it will make the burn hurt worse.Please feel better soon.
Comment to story: AWWW L.Joe and Sohee are getting along!!! That is unusual. Ricky please forgive L.Joe.Wooyoung and Soohee are so cute!!!!
LOL she was right about Taemin!!!