Pain & Comfort

Love's Jewels & Hidden Lies

Jessica's POV

I lay there but somehow I didn't. The sadness I felt made me numb to my emotions. Was this the injection talking or myself? Like a puppet on a string I got up. The chain lay useless on the ground. I could hear the distant noise of something falling. I wasn't sure where it fell but I felt nothing. No pain or anything else. My hand wrapped around someone's neck and a warm liquid trailed down my leg and head. I paid it no mind, making my way around the dust of bricks.

"Help!' The brunette in my grasp shouted. He was small in size and I could easily kill him

"Where is the jewel?" I asked


Taecyeon sat tied in a chair, starting at me through wide eyes. My first thought was to help him but my head pounded at the thought of my own. The jewel is more important! Get the information from this person.

"Taecyeon." The words came out at difficult like they were foreign in my mouth. I struggled to form a sentence."Are you okay?"

The brunette slid out of my grasp, tackling to the ground. There was no point in blocking him. He could be killed easily. What about Taecyeon? He needs help! My head pounded more loudly. GET THE JEWEL! I closed my eyes in concentration. I lay on the ground as a small brunette held a gun to my head. I wondered if he would shoot me.

He was pushed to side, a very similar looking brunette coming into view."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" A very similar looking brunette yelled

Deafening pounding erupted in my head. I wanted to scream. I felt like my brain was smashed to pieces and then put back together just to face the pain again. They turned to me holding my hands down. Was I struggling? No, I felt a hand over my mouth,I must have screamed out loud.

"HOLD HER DOWN!" Minho ordered, grabbing something from a drawer. It looked long and gray. Duct tape, a gun, or worse an injection. I struggled harder. I couldn't fail the mission.

"We're trying!" The brunettes yelled in synch. My arms felt like needles were being stuck in them. My fingernails dug into my palm, refusing to unroll them until I could find the jewel. The similar looking brunette gasped as blood dripped onto his hand.

"HURRY UP! She's injuring herself!"

Where's the jewel?

Find it!

"Shut up!" I shouted, my words stalling in my mouth.

"L.Joe! We can't hold her down! We need your help!' 

A red head came over putting more pressure on my pulsing arms. I refused the urge to scream out loud. In his eyes I could see the reflection of me. My face hard and stiff. I forward changing the movement of the guys. I would budge soon from their hold.

Find the jewel!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed, the thought blasted into my hand like a bullet. My brain was in scrambles. I couldn't think, breathe, or hear.

Taecyeon was untied from the chair by Sohee. She pointed at me, moving. Was she counting? He came quickly over to me, wrapping big arms around me. I struggled trying to dig my nails into him but as he held tighter. The pounding stopped, my brain returned to normal. I could hear. His soft voice comforting me.

"Calm down. Jess. Calm down." He comforted me, rubbing small circles on my baby.

The pounding in my head stopped at the sound of his voice. Everything was peaceful. I wasn't being ordered to do anything. I just sat in Taecyeon's arm, content. Then as if a time bomb had been set off in my body, my heart beat sped up beyond average and my sight was quickly vanishing. I couldn't breathe and clutched Taecyeon's arm. My pupils enlarging.

"JESS! Stay with me!" Sohee yelled, her face clear in my mind. I couldn't hang on though. Everything blurred and I was gone.


The bed was so comfortable and warm. I could lay here forever but as if telling me it was time to wake up a bright light shinned on me. I squinted my eyes. I rolled to the other side only to have a shock of pain go through my head and leg. What had happened?

"OW!' I said

"Finally awake I see?" Sohee smiled, hugging me. She looked incredibly tired but when she saw me her face instantly brightened.

"What happened?" I asked. sitting up. This isn't wasn't the basement.  

She stopped, turning to me,"You've been asleep."

"How long?" I asked. It didn't like very long. I mean probably a day at most right?

"halftheyear," she mumbled.


"Half the year! YOU'VE BEEN ASLEEP FOR SIX MONTHS!" She yelled

I don't know what happened next, just that I couldn't hear Sohee anymore and that I lay in the darkness that I become familiar with again. I only had one question.

Where was everyone?

A/N: Not as dramatic as I wanted but this marks the turning point of the story. The * means time skip. Why has Jess been asleep so long and like she asked where is everyone?

You got to remember not only has she been asleep for six months but Junsu could have came and killed Taecyeon, Rani, Taemin, and L.Joe. Sohee seems like the person to keep that kind of secret. Well you guys will find out what happens next in a little while. In the mean time just subscribe and comment. No silent readers. 

Also, should I keep Donghae in this story and I still need to add Jonghyun in here but what do you think he should be? Tell me in comments and don't worry Key is still in the story. No pictures this time because photobucket isn't working. 

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AquariusPT #1
Loved this story! :D Hope to hear more from you soon!
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #2
awww it ended :( but loved this story! but hopefully will hear more from you in the near future about other stories that you will write :)
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #3
hehheeee YOU UPDATED :) YAY!
but woah.... intense update :)
and TAEC AND SICA ARE MEETING AGAIN...and also why does Junsu want Jessica??? CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE!!!
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #4
continue please :)
.. you are doing good!!!
taecsica_taecfany #5
taecyeon left cus he thought he was endangering her life awww ;)
taecsica_taecfany #6
dont keep dongha
taecsica_taecfany #7
:O donghae and sica sleeping together
To taylora15: Rest, and don't push yourself tooo hard!!! I for one will wait patiently for an update!!
Comment to story: Aww Taemin, keep telling yourself you don't care.Exactly how is that working out for you? It is so obvious you do. Jessica just can't get a break can she?!
To taylora15: Oh my goodness your ok right,please remember to take care of your burn.Just a piece of advice stay away from anything that radiates heat because it will make the burn hurt worse.Please feel better soon.
Comment to story: AWWW L.Joe and Sohee are getting along!!! That is unusual. Ricky please forgive L.Joe.Wooyoung and Soohee are so cute!!!!
LOL she was right about Taemin!!!