Run Away

Love's Jewels & Hidden Lies

Jessica's POV

It was just a simple plan. Get in.Get out.So how did it go so wrong? I entered through the secret door sohee had found. My hair blew into my face in the cold winter night.Pulling my tangled mess of a hair into a tight ponytail I went on.Finally I found the small air vent that led to it.Its bright blue shined bright in even darkness. It was beautiful though my reason to steal it was not for its beauty. The jewel was a precious keepsake of my grandmother from her father when a thought to be loyal friend stole the jewl and ran away. Every since then grandma worked hard for the company hoping one day she could find that so called friend who stole it.She had retired. Now she spent her days laying in bed sick and ever so often coming down to eat or wash clothes. When I tried to think how the jewel could affect her so much I couldn't see how. One day I mustered up the courage and asked her.

"It's not jewel's price or beauty that makes me miss it so but what it means to me. Your great grandfather had it passed down from him and his grandfathers and so on. The nights when he would come home and tell me stories of magic and adventure that the jewel helped it owner's from were some of the best parts. Somehow along the way I fell in love with the jewel too. I hoped to tell you the stories one day."

"Why me?" I asked

"Your the next owner," Grandma said sipping her green tea.

"Why didn't you pass it down to mom?" 

"It didn't choose her." Then came the soft sound of light snoring. She had fallen asleep.

I didn't know what she meant then but everytime I could see her I would ask and she would only whisper quietly and point to the door.

"Journey outside the house and time will tell," She would say before walking off again.

"Jessica?Jessica?J to the essica? JESSICA!"

Hitting my head on the ceiling of the vent from the loud noise of my walkie talkie I pressed the button angrily,"OW! Hey! L.Joe? Could you maybe get me out of my day dreams nicer!"

"Sorry but listen it's right below you. Just use the claw," L.Joe said not sounding guilty at all.

The claw is a robo hand L.Joe invented just to grab the jewel. Lowering the claw I sweated excessively as the claw wrapped around the small piece of glass. When I was sure the jewel was secure I pulled the assecorie up easily. The box I had taken from my grandma's closet opened and closed surrounding it. I hastily made my way back to the enterance. Greeting my friends I brushed off any dust off me.

"Ugh. Just great,"Sohee said pacing anxiously, bitting her fingernails she turned to L.Joe and began repeating numbers. It's her way of calming down.

"What?" I asked now aware of L.Joe's nervous drawing. Yeah he draws when he is nervous and Sohee repeats numbers, and I just solve any problem and I mean any problem I can find no matter how hard I'm always able to solve it. Yup where a bunch of talented nervous wrecks.

"The alarms," L.Joe said flipping his hair out his eyes ignoring my question obviously.

"WHAT!" I yelled.

"The alarms wer set off," Sohee stopping bitting her nails to form a complete answer form me.

"Then shouldn't we be running?"

"Yup," Sohee said the nail bitting continuing.

Tugging the my nevrous wreck of a friend and calm friend I pulled the back door of the car open pushing them without a second thought. I jumped into the car the ignition already started I stepped hard on the gas making skid marks as I speeded out of the alarm blarring house using my review mirror I checked on Sohee's condition. She was back to her pale color and she was happily smiling.

"So how in the world did I set off the alarm?" I said swering to miss a car.

"There was an alarm that was set to go off in the vent when the jewel was in it. I'm sorry I should have known," Sohee said her eyes making a visual map of the vent.

"No it's okay. I mean at least we got it!" 

"So what do we do?" L.Joe asked his low voice suprising me.

"Well first L.Joe brown or blonde and Sohee short hair or dye it?"

"Blonde of course,"

"Short hair.I would kill you if you dyed my hair.Why?" She said glaring at me in the mirror pulling her hair back from me.

"Well Sohee and L.Joe it's time for a makeover."



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AquariusPT #1
Loved this story! :D Hope to hear more from you soon!
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #2
awww it ended :( but loved this story! but hopefully will hear more from you in the near future about other stories that you will write :)
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #3
hehheeee YOU UPDATED :) YAY!
but woah.... intense update :)
and TAEC AND SICA ARE MEETING AGAIN...and also why does Junsu want Jessica??? CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT UPDATE!!!
BaybeeDoubleHluvsyhu #4
continue please :)
.. you are doing good!!!
taecsica_taecfany #5
taecyeon left cus he thought he was endangering her life awww ;)
taecsica_taecfany #6
dont keep dongha
taecsica_taecfany #7
:O donghae and sica sleeping together
To taylora15: Rest, and don't push yourself tooo hard!!! I for one will wait patiently for an update!!
Comment to story: Aww Taemin, keep telling yourself you don't care.Exactly how is that working out for you? It is so obvious you do. Jessica just can't get a break can she?!
To taylora15: Oh my goodness your ok right,please remember to take care of your burn.Just a piece of advice stay away from anything that radiates heat because it will make the burn hurt worse.Please feel better soon.
Comment to story: AWWW L.Joe and Sohee are getting along!!! That is unusual. Ricky please forgive L.Joe.Wooyoung and Soohee are so cute!!!!
LOL she was right about Taemin!!!