Be Your Guardian Part II

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(11 years ago)

“Hyo!” Baekhyun runs towards to Hyo.

“What is it?” Hyo wipes her tears.

“Are you crying?” Baekhyun asked.

“Uhh... I was cutting onions and it sting. I can’t help but cry.” She acts normally like she was really sting by the onions and chuckled so that Baek will believe.

He sniffed Hyoyeon’s t-shirt.

“Liar! You didn’t smell onions at all! Hyo, tell me, what happened.” He tapped Hyoyeon’s shoulder and suddenly Hyo ended crying.

“My mom and dad got fight! As expected, they left the house, I was all alone. Huhuhu.”

“Don’t worry. I’m here. I’ll be your guardian.” Baek said and he hugged Hyo.

“You are?”

“Yes, I am.”

---End of Flashback---


(Back to reality)

Hyoyeon: Hmmm... Is it okay if you are my third human guardian?

Baekhyun: Tss... Why so many guardians? *chuckled*

Hyoyeon: Well, my first human guardian is Baek, second is Tiffany and third is you. *Hyo smiled at Baek*

Baekhyun: Is that it? Well, who is your angel guardian?

Hyoyeon: How did you know? *She makes a frown face*

Baekhyun: Well you said we are your human guardian so you must have you angel guardian. Right?

Hyoyeon: Uhm... my parents.

Baekhyun: (Baek begins to confuse.) Huh? Did your parents was in States?

Hyoyeon: Didn’t you know? They... just passed away. *bows her head.*

Baekhyun: Uhh... Sorry... so that was the reason why you came back. *He goes down to the bicycle and sit on the bench near them.*

Hyoyeon: Well, yeah. But do you know? It’s really comfortable being with you. *She sits beside Baek*

Baekhyun: Tss... It’s nothing big. I am also comfortable being with you. Just call me anytime. Right? I am your guardian. Whatever happens I will there for you. *Sings* I will trust you, protect you and comfort you, I will be on your side and I will never leave your side. You know that song?

Hyoyeon: No.

Baekhyun: It’s the lyrics of what is love. Don’t you know? *He said while browsing his hand phone. He plugged the earphone*

Hyoyeon: Let me listen.

Baekhyun: Here.

The left earphone was in Hyo and the right is in Baek. Hyo leaned at Baek.

Baekhyun: So, how’s it?

Hyoyeon: It’s great! I like the melody and the harmony.

Baekhyun: That’s all?

Hyoyeon: *nodded* Hmm!

Baekhyun: Yah! Let’s go somewhere else.”

Hyoyeon: Where? W

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vandhana #1
Chapter 2: loved this authonim!!!!!!!!!!!!
hyobaek love
Yyaannaalee #2
Chapter 21: Good job !
sunshine234 #3
Chapter 22: Thanks for spending your time writing this story
Hyosmilely #4
Chapter 21: So nice that they are together
nice nice! ^^
Qistinaadni #6
Chapter 20: Hahaha.......hyobaek
Yyaannaalee #7
Chapter 7: Haha... your story was cute.. haha
I like it,, very much ! Fighting
Hyosmilely #8
Chapter 20: Yeah~ HyoBaek are couple~
HyoNique092289 #9
Chapter 19: Group hug! ^^
hyosic2232 #10
Chapter 19: I am sooo happy that Hyo and Baek are now okay! I am okay. Thanks Lulululu! ^^