I am Nam Joohyun

3 Signs : You have a bad life.

3 signs you have a bad life.

Chapter 17- I am Nam Joohyun



Do you want to skip school and get sick?”

Those words, that sentence kept ringing in my mind throughout the lesson taught by Mrs. Lee. And because of that sentence that I agreed to, I kept coughing from start to end and it’s annoying.

“Would you do something about your cough, drink water or eat a candy?” Hana whispered 50 minutes through the lesson.

“I will if I have.” I whispered back.

 “What did you do yesterday that cause you to cough?” Hana whispered.

“I did nothing!” I clicked my tongue but she let out a chuckled instead.

“I was just asking. I wasn’t assuming anything. Why are you so worked up?” She laughed.


Lunch time came at noon and we were already eating and chit-chatting around the table while eating today’s lunch when all of a sudden an unknown number call me.

I take a look at the number and was contemplating whether or not to answer but who knows there’s an emergency somewhere? I slide to answer and a lady’s voice greeted me.

Hello, Soomin.” She greeted on the other end.

“Hi, who are you?” I asked and she replied, “I’m Lydia. I’m sure you know who I am.” She said.

“Oh,” I paused and put down my chopstick with trembling hands, “How can I help you?”

I tried calling Joohyuk but he doesn’t answer his phone so that’s why I asked your number from your lecturer and she gave me.” She explained and I was shocked.

“What is it about?”

Oh right, I wanted to apologize for my classmates accusing Joohyuk about him stealing their bodysuits. They were mistaken and they are embarrassed to face you or Joohyuk in person.” She said, “So, I want to apologize on their behalf and if you could convey this message to Joohyuk, it would be great.” She added.

“But why did you call me?” I whispered and she chuckled.

My lecturer told me about you and Joohyuk’s relationship that’s why I asked your number from your lecturer. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about this secret so you can be sure about it.” She explained and I nod my head in relief.

“Thanks, I’ll make sure to convey the message.” I said and hung up the call.

“Who is it?” Haru asked with her eyes that glistened as if lights were shone on her.

“It’s my old friend from high school.” I lied.



This beast right here felt and look like a dream that I would have never thought to call my own. I have literally been saving my whole lifetime pocket money and pay just to get him and now, I get to ride it.

“Thanks, sir!” I waved goodbye to the salesman before I rode him off the shop.

The wind blew my skin and it felt exciting when I finally get to ride on this without the instructor looking. I sped away and stopped 2 bus stops away from the school. Since it is going to be 5, class nearly ends and I can pick up Soomin on this beast.

I parked at the side and lean on it while admiring the personalized helmet I got for Soomin. Few minutes later, I got a message and it was a reply from Soomin that told me the class ended.

‘Quick and come 2 but stops from school, I’ll be waiting.’  I hit the button send and patiently wait for her to come.

It doesn’t take even a minute for her to arrive and she’s already there standing next to me, staring at my new motorbike.

“Whose bike are you leaning on to?” She asked and without replying her, I gave her the helmet I was holding and she turned the helmet around and around before looking at me.

“What do you think you’re doing?” She questioned with her huge eyes.

“What do you think I’m doing? Get on.” I said and put on my helmet.

“Since when did you learn to ride a motorcycle?” She asked, sticking and standing still on the same spot.

“Wife, I have been learning how to ride a bike for nearly a year now and this was bought by my own money.” I snatched the helmet she was holding and show her the back of the helmet where I put her initials, S.M.

“Guess what this is.” I point to the alphabets but she couldn’t guess.

“Don’t think too much. What do you think S and M means?” I asked again and she looked at me with her huge eyes again.

“Soomin?” She replied and I chuckled and I put the helmet on her.

“It’s for she’s mine.” I winked and pull her to my back so that she could get on.

“You don’t have to every worry about your safety because I will be here to make sure S.M is safe.” I said before staring the engine and she grabbed onto my shoulder tight.

“You better be, J.H.” She said as I start our first ride together.


First, we went for dinner which she really wants to eat noodles. Then, we played arcade since I wanted to release some stress before going back to school tomorrow. Lastly, we decide to come to the beach before going back home.

“How was your day at school today?” I asked as we walked by the waves.

“It was normal until Lydia called me.” She said and I nodded.

During dinner, she told me everything and what Lydia told her. I was thankful that Lydia was so kind even though she knew about our relationship.

“Other than that, it was nothing special.” She said as she clears .

“You should have brought my coat out with you if you’re planning to go out until night.” She pursed her lips and I wanted to take off my jacket but she doesn’t let me.

“You don’t have to give me yours, you’re still sick.” She said but I still took it off and put it on her.

“I wouldn’t be here if I was still sick.” I said and she gladly snuggle herself in my jacket.

“I’m sorry, I should have bring your jacket too.” I apologized but she laughed saying that there’s nothing for me to say sorry about.

“I dreamt of Joohyun this morning after you went to school.” I told her when we took a seat on the clean sand.

“What did you dream off?” She asked, turning her head towards me and leaning it to the right.

“I dreamt that he was searching for a little girl.” I told her.



“I dreamt that he was searching for a little girl.” He said and my ears perked up.

“That little girl was someone he was once very close with. The girl treated him like a dad since he always went there to volunteer.” He added on and my heart starts to beat fast.

“What’s that little girl’s name?” I asked carefully and he looked at me, “She has the same name as yours.”

Oh my god, what is all of this about? Spirit is searching for the little Soomin as well but why did he dreamt of Joohyun trying to find the little girl?

“I guess the little girl still misses Joohyun after he passed away. I saw with my own eyes how close both of them used to be.” He added and I was stoned.

“Don’t you think you should go and visit her on behalf of Joohyun?” I asked carefully and he nodded.

“That was what I am planning to do too but I’m too scared to go alone-“ He sighed and turn his head at me a second after, “I’m not alone, you can go with me.”

I smiled and nod my head, “Sure, that would be cool.” I answered but only god knows what my mind is going through right now.

While I was thinking of all the possible situation about Joohyuk’s dream and spirit situation, I felt a tight grip on my hand and Joohyuk was holding onto it.

“Soomin, I would have never thought I could like you even more than last time.” He said while looking up at the night sky.

“I have never thought you would be my wife and that I could hold your hands.” He added with a small smile.

“I always talked to Joohyun about how bad I wanted to talk and approach you but do you know what he answers me every single time?” He chuckled and looked at me.

“He said to wait for the right time.” He continued.

“I don’t know if you already have liked me or you’re still in that process but I am very happy with you right now.” He added on and it touched my heart.

I would have never thought someone to like me this much and it felt nice to know that.

“Thanks for liking me this much.” I said and both of us chuckled under the moonlight.



It has been nearly a week that I have been in the humans’ world. I honestly think it is time for me to find the girl but to no avail. How could Soomin not even help me to find that little girl? I haven’t been able to even visit her these few days and it seems like she’s doing well.

“What grave mistake that I did that I have to find a person in this country that population is over 50 million?” I throw myself and spread my arms on the bench near Soomin’s apartment.

“How could headmaster just give me this one photo and expect me to find her!” I shouted in frustration and spread my legs but I never expected for a guy to trip over my leg.

“Joohyun, is that you?” The guy who tripped over my leg looked straight at me and I was flustered.

“You can see me?” I waved near his face and he blinked.

The guy stands up straight and stood in front of me while leaning towards my face, “You’re not Joohyun are you?” He asked.

“I am not a human, human.” I answered but was still surprised at what is happening.

“How could you see me? Who are you?” I asked and he squints his eyes and rubbed his eyes.

“What do you mean how can I see you?” He replied and kept rubbing his eyes again and again.

“Who are you?” I asked, scared at what is happening.

“Jisoo.” He replied.

“But wait, no, you must be someone that only looks like him.” He breathed out and breathed in quickly but still was focusing at me.

“How could you see me?” I asked again and stand up, pushing him away from me.

“You’re not supposed to see me.” I disappeared and teleported myself to where the gate to the academy was.

“Can I go back now? I have something very important to ask headmaster!” I begged the guard of the gate but he shook his head.

“Your report here still says you’re not allowed to go back so I can’t open the gate for you.” He replied slowly and steady.

“But a human saw me, a human other than my human!” I said and his eyes opened wide.

“That’s a problem, my friend.” He said and pushed a button that connects him to the academy.

“No.98 wishes to go back due to some serious circumstances.” He said but the other line was silent.

“This happened a lot to guardians as well but it only happens if you’re guiding a person that is related to your family member in the past.” He said while waiting.

“My family member-“ I dropped down on my knees and my head starts to spin fast. My ears starts to hear a squeaky sound which makes me want to just go back to the academy and sleep there for the rest of my life.

“No.98, you may enter the gate and go to the academy for 10 minutes. I’ll see you back in 10.” He said and I quickly run through the gate before I landed my feet and teleported in headmaster’s office.

“I know.” Headmaster said as soon as I arrived.

“How could someone else other than my human sees me, headmaster?” I asked and he took a deep breath before answering me.

“No.98,” He walked up to me and asked me to seat.

“Do you know why am I asking you to find the little girl?” He said and I shook my head numerously.

“That girl has been crying for the whole 8 months for you to come back.” He explained and I was confused.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“The little girl was scheduled to go to the afterlife 3 months ago and angel of death went to get her but she couldn’t come and follow him.” He started to explain.

“She misses you so much that her soul doesn’t want to leave the earth. She stood by strong just to wait for the day to see you again and if you couldn’t find her, her death will be delayed and there will be more problems and troubles await there.” He continued and I closed my eyes to absorb all the raw information.

“Does that mean I knew her in my previous life?” I asked and he nod.

“It’s not much longer until you have to go to the afterlife too. It has been 8 months since you’ve become a guardian but your family has never stopped thinking about you and if I were to let you continue become a guardian, it would be a problem for you there.” He said and I looked up at him.

“But-“ I wanted to voice my opinion but he stopped me.

“There’s no but in here. Once your time is up, you’re not going to become a guardian anymore.” He said and stood up with his old cane.

“But could you explain to me about the person name Jisoo and how could he see me?” I begged.

“Both of you knew each other. Make sure to find Jung Soomin before midnight in 2 days and bring her here.” He said and disappeared.

I opened my eyes back and I saw the gate guard again.

“Sir, could you tell me some more about why that person who is not my human could see me?” I asked but he shook his head.

“Unless you have a great memory, you will remember what I said. Other than that, I will only say it once.”



Next morning came and it was a peaceful morning for me to start the day and finally go to school after a long break.

“Wow, I smell breakfast.” I walked out of the bathroom with towels wrapped around my lower body leaving my upper body .

“Please go and get dressed before trying to seat here and eat.” Soomin throw a box of tissue paper at me when I tried to stepped a foot forward to the kitchen.

“I will, I will.” I hissed and quickly get dressed and grabbed my bag and belongings before leaving.

“Your mum always without fail try to remind me to give you breakfast before going to school.” She said and sat down after all is ready.

“Wow, thank you.” I winked at her and she pursed her lips.

“Hurry up and eat then if you don’t want to be late.” She said and I replied, “Wife, did you forget I have a motorbike now? I can pick you up to and fro school.”

“What if people saw us?” She asked as she quickly feed herself a spoonful of rice and fried eggs.

“They don’t know who’s under the helmets and they’re too lazy to even stay and look until we take off the helmet. There are a lot of other students who drive and ride to school. We won’t be the only one.” I explained, convincing her so that she would agree to ride to school with me.

“But make sure to park your bike far from the school entrance.” She ordered and I nodded in return.



We managed to come to school without causing any trouble and she made a very sharp point that she will go first and after 5 minutes, I will walk to class after her.

School was as usual until a guy walked up to Soomin during lunch and handed her a carton of chocolate milk.

“What is he trying to do, giving my girl a carton of milk?” I pull Jisoo near me and told him to look at Soomin who was holding the milk.

“You should go there and grab the milk away from her and drink it before she drinks it.” He said and before he knew it, I was already beside Soomin who was walking with Hana behind the 3 girls.

I grabbed the milk from her and open it then drink it in front of her.

Both she and Hana stared at me with their huge eyes and lips ajar while I was finishing the last of the milk. Jisoo then walked beside me and laughing non-stop.

“Our friend here is jealous that someone gave his girl a carton of milk with a smile on his face.” Jisoo said and put his arms over my shoulder.

“You better don’t accept drinks from guys.” I said and walked past her and throw the trash hard to the rubbish bin.

“I didn’t know you would actually do it!” Jisoo laughed again holding his stomach.



“What does he think he’s doing?” I clicked my tongue but there wasn’t any respond from Hana instead she was grinning from ears to ears.

“You’re so lucky!” She squealed and hit my shoulder.

“You call that lucky?” I asked with my furrowed eyebrow.

“I am so happy that they walked in front of us.” She whispered, pointing to the 3 girls walking in front of us.

“If they saw what happened, they would have die in jealousy especially Haru.” She whispered and laughed.


Lunch was as usual too and Haru looked more cheerful than yesterday but for some reason it’s very disturbing how she is still talking about her conversation with Joohyuk.

“What would you girls answer if a guy asks you to go for a date this weekend?” She said while we were eating and everyone looked up.

“Who asked you for a date?” Eunna asked and shades of pink were tinted on Haru’s cheeks.

“Joohyuk asked you to go out with him for a date?” Eunna beamed in excitement but Hana pinched my thigh below the table.

“I still haven’t given him any answer yet though.” Haru replied, blushing.

“Soomin, if you’re me, will you go on a date with him?” Haru asked and I was dumbfounded but Eunna interrupted.

“Why would you ask Soomin? You should just say yes!” Eunna said and I continue eating.

“But won’t it be awkward if it’s just the 2 of us?” Haru giggled with her eyes nearly looks like it’s closed.

“Date is supposed to be 2 people, silly!” Eunna pushed Haru and the 3 of them laugh as I followed and faked a laugh.

Things like this makes me confused on what the hell is going on.


After last lesson ended, Joohyuk quickly rush out of the class with Jisoo.

“Why is he running out so fast?” Eunna and the 2 girls walked to my and Hana’s desk while waiting for us to pack our bags.

“He texted me saying that he wanted to do something so he rushed off quick.” Haru answered and I choke on my spit.

“Are you okay?” Seohyun asked and I fake a laugh.

“I’m fine,” I said and put on my bag as the 5 of us walks out the classroom.

“Is he going to surprise you on the way back home or something? What if he shows up in front of the entrance with his motorbike and picks you up?” Eunna said and I remained calm but Hana wasn’t calm at all. She kept pushing and pinching me all the way but I chose to ignore.

How does she know he has a bike? I wondered.

“Wait, he doesn’t have a motorbike right?” Eunna corrected herself and the 3 of them laugh but stopped when Eunna looked at both me and Hana who wasn’t laughing.

“What’s wrong with the 2 of you?” She asked and I raised my eyebrow, “What’s wrong with us?” I said.

“Both of you have been very quiet from just now and it seems like you don’t want to join our conversation.” Eunna explained herself.

“Well, we would if you could talk about someone else instead of talking about Joohyuk 24/7.” Hana commented and they sniggered.

“Are you jealous that Haru has someone to talk about?” Eunna dissed and I wasn’t really happy about that.

“Soomin,” She called and I looked up, “Don’t you have anyone that you like? We can talk about the person whom you like as well.”

“I don’t have that kind of thing.” I said and walked off with Hana.

“If only I could slap the reality out of them, I would.” Hana hissed and right at that moment, my phone rang and it was from Joohyuk.

“He’s calling me.” I whispered to Hana and she told me to answer.

The girls walked beside me and I slowly slide to answer the call.


Meet me at the car park in front of the school. I’ll wait for you there.” He said but I wanted to reject his offer.

“I can just walk back home.” I whispered.

I’ll wait for you, bye wife.” He did a kiss sound at the end and hung up the call.


Eunna and Haru looked at me while I was on the phone and anyone could tell that that look wasn’t really looking but in fact, they’re staring the heck out of me.

“I have to meet someone later.” I cleared my throat and Hana said, “You should go now then. We’ll see you tomorrow!”

I waved them goodbye and rush to the school entrance as fast as lightning before they follow behind me.



“Did I make the right choice or did I not make the right choice?” I sighed while waiting for Soomin’s arrival.

I wanted to go and visit little Soomin at the orphanage since something has been scratching my heart since the last time I dreamt about Joohyun. That was the first time ever that I dreamt about the little girl and I believe that that is a sign I need to go and visit her.

“Mum always says not to delay when your heart says something if not you’ll regret.” I tried to convinced myself and sure enough right when I saw Soomin running, it felt like I did the right choice.

She looks like an angel that has light focusing on her while she’s running towards me.

“What do you want?” She came panting and I put her helmet on her.

“Let’s go and visit little Soomin, big Soomin.” I said and she was surprised.

“Now?” She asked as I click the safety clip.

“Yes, wife. Let’s go.”


The ride to the orphanage wasn’t long since the orphanage is just in front of where we lived. We went in the orphanage and registered before meeting little Soomin. The receptionist lady recognized me and quickly allows me and Soomin in.

“This is where your twin volunteered?” Soomin asked as we walked down the pathway to where Soomin is.

“He always comes here every weekend or public holiday and I only have been here for one time. Little Soomin loves Joohyun very much.” I chuckled and she nod.

“I can’t wait to see her.” She commented and I appreciate she said that.



Spirit, spirit where are you? I am here where the little girl you’re finding for is! I searched for spirit but he was nowhere to be found.

Spirit, you better come here and appear in front of me before I leave this orphanage. I mentally called him and then I saw him at the other side of the corridor.

He was looking all down and sullen. As I slowly approached him, he looked up and stared at Joohyuk as he walks in front of him.

“What’s wrong with you?” I whispered to spirit while Joohyuk walked ahead of me.

“I have found the little girl you asked for! She’s in the orphanage so make sure you use all the time you have to meet up with her and go back to the academy.” I said as he walked beside me with his shoulder dropped.

“Are you alright?” I asked but he stayed silent.

I grew worried but yet still confused of what’s happening. Why is the cheerful spirit suddenly so down when I called him here? He’s the one who asked me to help him.

“Soomin, it’s this way.” Joohyuk point to the right as we enter the small yard where children were running around and about except for a child.

“Jung Soomin!” Joohyuk called out her name and quickly she turned her head around to see who called her.

She ran towards Joohyuk but paused and looked at me.

“Dad,” She called out and went over as she hugs my leg.

“Dad?” I looked down at her and she was sobbing.

I eyed Joohyuk asking for help but he too doesn’t know what to do. The teacher in charge walks over and grab little Soomin by her shoulder.

“Soomin, she’s not your dad. Joohyun oppa twin is here to visit you.” The nice lady say and I looked over to spirit who looked paler than previously.

“I saw dad beside unnie just now!” The little girl sobbed and I kept staring at spirit who shed a tear.

Holy crap, what is happening?

 “I’m sorry, student.” The lady says as she carried Soomin and places her on the bench.

“What did you say just now, Soomin?” Joohyuk held her hand and I sat beside him.

“I saw dad just now standing beside unnie but I couldn’t hug him. He’s not a human.” The little girl explained while sobbing.

“Who was beside you?” Joohyuk asked but I couldn’t say spirit was beside me.

“No one was.” I answered and Joohyuk focus back at little Soomin.

“I’m here on behalf of dad, Soomin. Do you still remember who I am?” He asked and she nodded her head while wiping her tears with her shirt.

“What did you saw beside me, Soomin?” I carefully asked her and she looked behind me where spirit was standing.

“Dad is behind you, unnie. He’s looking down at me. I can see through him.” She explained and I looked behind and sure enough spirit was behind me.

“These past few days, Soomin have been telling me she has been seeing different kind of shadows so I think it’s her hallucination.” The lady explained and I nodded.

“Soomin, if dad’s here what will you tell him?” I caressed her cheeks and she let out a small smile.

“I want to thank him for giving me my name and taking care of me.” She said and it touches my heart.

How could something happen so fast? Just a few minutes ago I was in school but now I am in front of the girl with the same name as me trying not to ball my eyes out.

Spirit leaned towards me and whispered in my ears, “Tell her that I’m thankful to know and took care of her.”

“Unnie,” Little Soomin called me and hugged her soft toy tight, “Dad just whispered in your ears.”

Joohyuk looked at me and my eyes were teary enough for the tear to drop but I held it in.

“Are you okay?” Joohyuk held my hand and I swallowed hard.

“Why is this so sad? I’m going out for a while.” I excused myself and spirit followed me.

“What is all of this about? I wasn’t expecting something like this.” I told spirit who looked as shocked and emotional as me.

“I found out that that girl was related to me in the past and someone named Jisoo saw me yesterday. It only happens if I was guiding a person who is related to someone in my previous life.” He said and my mouth was wide open.

“If she’s someone who was related to you then does that mean you’re Joo-“ I stopped myself from talking and took a deep breath.

“I’m Joohyun.” He said himself.



“Soomin, how are you doing these days?” I asked Soomin who looked better than just now when she was crying.

The teacher leaves both of us alone as little Soomin sat in front of me.

“Do you miss Joohyun that much?” I asked and she nod.

“I always dream of him. How could he leave me alone and die?” She answered and I chuckled but only god knows I am choked with sadness and tears.

“I miss him too but my dad always say to pray for him and to let him go so that he could be happy in heaven.” I said but she shook her head.

“I saw dad behind unnie just now.” She said and my heart wasn’t sure whether to believe an 8 year old or not.

“Soomin, would you like to do anything with me and unnie?” I tried to divert her into something more fun instead of making her kept thinking of Joohyun.

“I want to play catch ball with you and unnie.” She beamed in excitement and just at the right time, Soomin came with a wide smile on her face.

“Unnie, let’s play catch ball.” She pulled Soomin’s hands and I followed them from behind.

“I am very happy that someone came to visit me even though it’s not dad.” She throws the ball as she giggles but something was still disturbing me, not allowing me to enjoy the moment.


“Thank you Joohyuk oppa and unnie.” She held both our hands together tight and hug us as if she doesn’t want to let go.

“We’ll come and visit whenever we have time alright?” I held her little hand and she nodded with smile.

“Unnie, tell dad I said goodbye.” She looked over to Soomin who bit her lips and nod her head in respond.

She then gave Soomin as tight hug and Soomin hugged her back.

“We’ll come back, sweetie.” Soomin says as both of us leave the orphanage.

“That was so sad.” Soomin commented as she pushes the door open.

“I guess that’s why Joohyun likes to come and visit the kids. They’re angel.” I replied and she nods her head.



When we reached back home, both of us stayed in our room and we didn’t talk to each other since just now. I guess Soomin is overwhelmed about the whole Joohyun and little Soomin thing. If I was her and that I had to meet a little girl whom I have never met before, I would be equally the same as her.

“Joohyuk,” I heard her knocking on my door and I jumped out from my bed and unlocked the door.

“I can’t sleep.” She said and I pulled her into my room.

“Why aren’t you sleeping too?” She asked.

The time was already 1 in the morning and both of us didn’t switch off the light in our room.

“Were you shocked of what happened just now?” I asked her when she sat down on the floor, hugging her knees.

“I’m sorry if I asked you to follow me suddenly. I didn’t expect it to be so sad.” I said but she shook her head and sigh.

“Life is amazing yet complicated at the same time.” She responded and turned around as she looks at me.

“Thanks for bringing me there. I learnt something new when I was there.” She said and I nod with a smile.



I was scared to close my eyes ever since spirit confessed to me his identities at the orphanage that he was Joohyun, Nam Joohyun. I didn’t want to believe him because all these while he looks nothing like Joohyun but just now when he was in the orphanage, he looked different.

I tossed and turn on my bed but I was too scared to be alone. I didn’t want to look like I am desperate for attention but during times like this, I want to be with someone and that someone turns out to be Joohyuk.

I knocked on his door and his room was brightly lighted just like mine. He gladly pulls me in his room and sat down on the floor with me.

“Let’s go to sleep now. We’re going to be late tomorrow if we don’t sleep.” Joohyuk said as he pulls down all his pillows and one big blanket on the floor.

“Am I disturbing you?” I asked and he shook his head.

“You don’t have to worry about you disturbing me. I am thankful you come into my room by yourself.” He said and lay down 2 pillows on the floor and lay out the comfy blanket over me and him.

“Let’s go to sleep.” He lay down after switching off the lights and I slowly lay down beside him.

“Goodnight, Joohyuk.” I wished and he wished, “Goodnight baby.”


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Chapter 18: Poor joohyun this chapter is so sad. Huhuhu
Chapter 17: Emotional but nice update. Interesting waiting for next update.
Tamp2905 #3
Chapter 16: Ahhhh!!!! Love this chapter! Jookyuk winsss!!
snthkim #4
Chapter 13: Ahh finally I got into this chapter. I could bring my feelings while reading this. Can't wait for the next!!
Aifanana #5
Chapter 13: I just discovered this fic and read all of the chapter in one night. R.I.P school tomorrow :'D
Chapter 12: ahhhhh omgosh this chapteeeeer :DDDDDDD i was so shocked when the volunteer turned out to be mino but okay, okay xD more importantly, the confession! asdfghjkl it really happened! omgosh! i was grinning so much during this chapter tbh lol
but seriously, this haru is slowly starting to get on my nerves ._. i think that even if it really was joohyuk she was talking to, its relatively harmless, right? it was just a normal conversation between two kpop fans xD
and just as joohyuk says, soomin wont be able to resist his handsomeness~ cB as usual, im looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 9: ohmygod \o/ i thought this was gonna be some sort of love triangle between nam joohyuk, jisoo and an oc but boy, was i wrong xD i love the mystery revolving around the spirit but youve left all these hints and i think we've all come to the same conclusion by now and i love it *^* i love joohyuk's flashbacks about joohyun and i love joohyuk as a character overall! i just wish theyd stop calling jisoo that name bc hes such a kind character and easily one of my favourites but reading what they call him makes me uncomfortable T^T
and i hope that soomin will be a bit nicer bc i dont understand why shes so mean without reason to her friends and especially to joohyuk tbh lol anyway the plot is getting more and more interesting~
snthkim #8
Chapter 8: What a nice story, author-nim! Pls update this fic, I really like the plot, its always make me curious to read the next chapter. And last, I really want to know what will happen to the guardian, I think he's joohyun, right?
Chapter 2: Omg why do I feel she is going to have more chemistry with the spirit? It reminds me of a web drama Kim so eun starred in. She was the angel and had to guard a man who is wanted by the underworld but both leads ended up falling in love with her. I like your character's interactions. I wish the plot was continued and stronger. I wanted to read more!