The Day At The Beach

Friends Forever....

You finally arrived at the beach and but, you stay quiet through out the whole road trip.

"_____, how come you haven't been talking to Kwangmin? Didn't you guys know each other?" Your mom asked.

"Well...yeah but, I don't know. I just feel awkward when I'm with Kwangmin." You said nervously.

"Oh...I see what's going on here. You like him." Your mom teased.

"What?! Mom no!" You said nervously.

"Come on ______ just tell me the truth. Do you like him or no?" Your mom asked.

"Mom...I'm going to say it and I'm never going to answer that question again. No! I don't like him!" You said.

They set everything up and it was a nice day at the beach. You sat down on one of the towels and you just relaxed.

"______ why won't you go out in the water. The water seems nice." Your mom suggested.

You sat back up and you made a suspicious look at your mom.

"Fine...then I will." You said.

You stand up and walked all the way to the water.

Once you put your feet in the water it felt cold. But, after a while you got used to it. You looked back at where your mom was talking to Kwangmin's mom. And you notice that Kwangmin hasn't been around. You stood in the cool water for a while and then you headed back to the warm sand.

When you were walking up to your slippers you stepped on something sharp and that was when you landed on the floor.

"Ah! What did I step on?!" You asked yourself.

You looked at the cut and you spotted blood on your hands. Kwangmin was walking and he spotted that you were on the sand in pain. That was when he ran up to you.

"______! Are you ok?" Kwangmin asked nervously.

"Yeah! I just step on a broken bottle. I think that what it was." You said nervously.

Kwangmin quickly took out a cloth and he wrap it around your foot just to stop the bleeding.

"Come on! We're going to have to tell your mom about this." Kwangmin said.

As you stood up and you couldn't walk well and you almost fell. Kwangmin quickly caught you and he sighed.

"Here, hop on!" Kwangmin said as he offer you a ride.

"No thanks! I'm ok. It's alright. I can handle it myself." You said as you walked past Kwangmin.

You were limping and Kwangmin caught you again.

"You're injured ______. Just let me help you for once." Kwangmin said.

You sighed and then you made a sad look. You quickly hopped on his back and he quickly walked back to your mom.


You should know where I got this from! :D Since you said you want that to happen!

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stephanie_17 #1
Chapter 3: yeppuda cute!
The second part is already publish. It's just not done yet
kpopgirl4evr #3
I can't wait for the second part!! :D
Haha I's kind of unfinish. But, it's cute! Thanks for reading!
kpopgirl4evr #5
Awwh!!! :'( it's soooo sad!!!
Thank you!
I love this story its really adorable ^^
Haha glad u like it!
sooooo cute >o<