Spending A Day After School With Kwangmin...

Friends Forever....

It was already after school and you arrived in the classroom. You notice that Kwangmin wasn't here yet and you sighed.

"I can't believe he didn't come yet." You sighed sadly. "I might as well start cleaning." You said.

You stand up and left your stuff behind. You arrived at the supply closet and grab the stuff you need to clean the classroom. When you were about to head back you bumped into someone and drop all the stuff.

"Mian haeyo! I didn't see you there." You said nervously.

You quickly pick the supplies up, when you looked up you spotted Kwangmin's face.

"So you did came." You said.

"Yeah...what? You thought I would leave you all alone doing all the work." Kwangmin teased.

"No! Why would I think that?!" You asked.

"Come on, let just start cleaning the classroom." Kwangmin laughed.

You nodded, when Kwangmin was about to open the door it wouldn't open. He try opening it again and it got stuck.

"You have got to be kidding me?" Kwangmin said.

"Kwangmin, is there something wrong?" You asked curiously.

"Yeah...we're stuck..." Kwangmin said nervously.

"Wait...what?!" You said in surprise.

You dropped the supplies and you try to open the door but, it won't budge.

"Are you serious?! Why does it have to happen right now?!" You said in shock.

"_______, just relax we'll just call for help." Kwangmin suggested.

You turn to him and you made a serious face at him.

"Like who stays here after school?" You asked curiously.

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stephanie_17 #1
Chapter 3: yeppuda cute!
The second part is already publish. It's just not done yet
kpopgirl4evr #3
I can't wait for the second part!! :D
Haha I know...it's kind of unfinish. But, it's cute! Thanks for reading!
kpopgirl4evr #5
Awwh!!! :'( it's soooo sad!!!
Thank you!
I love this story its really adorable ^^
Haha glad u like it!
sooooo cute >o<