Am I Really In Love With Him?

Friends Forever....

"I feel like we're going to be stuck here forever." You said.

"______, just relax we'll find a way out." Kwangmin said.

"I know...but it just going to take sometime." You sighed.

It has already been how many hours. You started to feel sleepy so you just fell asleep all of a sudden. Kwangmin notice you fell asleep and all of sudden you fell asleep on his shoulder.

You look cute when you're asleep _____. Kwangmin smiled.

A few hours ago, the janitor came in and spotted you and Kwangmin. Kwangmin as awake that time and he woke you up.

"What are you kids doing here?" The janitor asked.

"Sorry, we kind of got locked out." Kwangmin explained.

You slowly open your eyes and notice that the door was unlock.

"What happen?" You asked curiously.

"You fell asleep." Kwangmin said. "Come on, I'm taking you home." Kwangmin added.

Kwangmin helped you up and both of you guys walked home together.

"Was I really that tired?" You asked.

"Probably yeah...well at least you might wake up early tomorrow." Kwangmin teased.

"Kwangmin!" You shouted.

"I'm just saying." He laughed.

"But still..." You whined.

"Gomawo...Kwangmin." You mumbled.

Kwangmin stopped then he turned to you.

"Ahneeyo..." Kwangmin smiled.

Am I really that in love with him. You asked yourself.

You looked up at Kwangmin and you started to smile.

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stephanie_17 #1
Chapter 3: yeppuda cute!
The second part is already publish. It's just not done yet
kpopgirl4evr #3
I can't wait for the second part!! :D
Haha I's kind of unfinish. But, it's cute! Thanks for reading!
kpopgirl4evr #5
Awwh!!! :'( it's soooo sad!!!
Thank you!
I love this story its really adorable ^^
Haha glad u like it!
sooooo cute >o<