Late Night Visit

Friends Forever....

It was already 10pm. You and Kwangmin arrived in front of your house.

You guys were silent for a moment until you started to say something.

"Thank you for taking me out tonight." You said shyly.

"No problem ______. I just want to make you happy." Kwangmin smiled.

You made a surprise look at what Kwangmin had said to you. You wanted to smile at him but, you feel kind of awkward when you're alone with him.

"Well...I guess I'll see you tomorrow then. Gomawo...Kwangmin." You smiled.

You walked inside your house and closed the door slowly. Kwangmin watched you went inside. You sighed but then you quickly open the door and notice that he was still there.

You walked out and surprisingly kiss Kwangmin on the cheek. Kwangmin made a surprisse look and when he looked at you, he notice that you were smiling at him.

"Goodnight Kwangmin! See you tomorrow!" You said happily.

"Yeah...goodnight." Kwangmin said.

You waved bye to Kwangmin and went inside the house. Kwangmin just stood there and made a surprise look after what just happen.

You walked up to your room and fell back on your bed. When you fell back, you started to blush really red and screamed a little bit. But you were trying to keep quiet since your mom was still asleep.

I guess...I do like him. You thought happily.

"_______, is something wrong?" Your mom asked curiously.

You saw her in her pajamas and you smiled really big.

"Sorry, I forgot you were asleep." You said.

"What are you even so happy about anyway ________. Its late and you should go to sleep. Besides, you have school tomorrow." Your mom said tiredly.

"I know...mian haeyo mom." You said.

Your mom smiled slightly and she closed your door and just walked away. You sat their in surprise but, started to smile really big and fell back again on your bed.

Just then your phone started to ring, you sat back up and pick up your phone. You looked at your phone and spotted a message from Kwangmin:

You really have change...huh _______?

You made a confuse look as you read the text message and replied:

What you mean by that?

You received back the message quickly and you read the other text message Kwangmin send:

I can tell you have been smiling lately. Look out your window.

Once you finish it you have made a confuse look. You put your phone on the bed and walked towards the window.

You looked around and when you spotted something you made a surprise look and you sighed. There you spotted Kwangmin there smiling at you.

"What are you still doing here? Its late at night Kwangmin" You asked surprised.

"I just want to ask you something." Kwangmin said.

"Can't you just ask me tomorrow? I need to get some rest also, my mom is going to be mad if she sees you here late at night." You said.

"Fine...then tomorrow then. Promise?" Kwangmin said.

"Tomorrow...and I promise. I won't forget." You said.

Kwangmin looked at you and he smiled slightly.

"See you tomorrow then." Kwangmin said.

You started to smile and then you closed your window and went back to sleep for the next day.

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stephanie_17 #1
Chapter 3: yeppuda cute!
The second part is already publish. It's just not done yet
kpopgirl4evr #3
I can't wait for the second part!! :D
Haha I's kind of unfinish. But, it's cute! Thanks for reading!
kpopgirl4evr #5
Awwh!!! :'( it's soooo sad!!!
Thank you!
I love this story its really adorable ^^
Haha glad u like it!
sooooo cute >o<