Hard To Say Goodbye

Friends Forever....

It already has been a week and Kwangmin have already left. You arrived at school and you had made a sad look. You arrived in the classroom and you stayed quiet and looked at the seat next to you.

"Hey, ______ are you alright?" A person asked.

You ignored that person and you made sad look.

"Alright class, take a seat. I see you guys have probably heard about Kwangmin. If not, yesterday he have left to go back to Korea." The teacher said.

You heard what the teacher said and you have made a sad look.

The bell rang quickly and you grab your stuff and walked out of the classroom before everyone.

As you walked by, people were looking at you and they made a sad look. You arrived at the cafeteria and spotted your friends.

"_____, are you ok?" Your friend asked.

"Yeah...I'm fine...just fine." You sighed sadly.

"You must really have cared about him. _______." Your friend said sadly.

One of your friend comforted you and try to help you smile.

"Come on...______ you should smile for us." Your friend smiled.

You try to smile but you were actually to sad to smile. You then continue to make a sad face.

"It's not going well." Your friend said sadly.

"You guys were right. The more I had hang out with Kwangmin. I started to like him more." You sighed.

"_____, you actually liked him this whole time. We always see you smile everytime you're with Kwangmin." Your friend said sadly.

"Yup! It's true." Your other friend agreed.

"I guess...you guys were right." You sighed sadly.

"Well, at least we're going to still have fun at the school festival right?" Your friend asked.

"Yeah...sure..." You sighed.

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stephanie_17 #1
Chapter 3: yeppuda cute!
The second part is already publish. It's just not done yet
kpopgirl4evr #3
I can't wait for the second part!! :D
Haha I know...it's kind of unfinish. But, it's cute! Thanks for reading!
kpopgirl4evr #5
Awwh!!! :'( it's soooo sad!!!
Thank you!
I love this story its really adorable ^^
Haha glad u like it!
sooooo cute >o<