Gee, thanks Yifan...

Comes with the job

Joonmyun couldn’t remember a time he had ever been this angry before. Maybe it was the time his parents almost refused to let him go to the university of his dreams because they disagreed on his future, maybe it was when they always turned up to events to do with his brother and never to do with him. Regardless of what it was previously, nothing could have topped how angry he was feeling at this moment.

How dare his parents treat him like this, how dare they just dismiss him like he was nothing important when he did try to make an effort to speak to them. He was their son as well for crying out loud! Why was it that they just couldn’t accept that he decided to follow his heart and pursue his dream career?

Joonmyun didn’t care about how fast he left the house, or how loud he slammed the door, he just had to get out there and wouldn’t stop walking until he was back in his house. He was so angry he just kept his head down and walked without looking, not even apologising when he would accidentally bump into people. All he wanted was to get away and let the cool breeze of the night air help to cool him down and get his mood back to normal so that when he did get home, he could call his brother and calmly apologise without snapping or getting angry again.

It’s only when the view of the floor gets darker does Joonmyun finally look up and take in his surroundings. It’s also when he realises that he’s never been in this area of the city before and he has no idea where he is.

He stands there bewildered; he could swear that he took a right which- if he kept walking at the rate he was going- would get him home in less than fifteen minutes. In the heat of the moment after walking out of his parents like that, he had obviously taken a left instead, easily fixable if he just turned around and walked back the way he came.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before” comes a voice, making Joonmyun jump as he turns to the source. The owner of the voice is a few feet away with him, the poor lighting in the area makes it difficult to get a clear look at him but it’s fairly obvious to Joonmyun he has no idea who this man is.

“N-no I’ve never been here before” he replies, trying to keep calm “I’ve just taken the wrong route home that’s all. I’m actually going to go now… the right way… I’m going to turn around and take the right route home”

To start getting back on the right track, Joonmyun has to walk past the guy. He could cross the road and walk on the opposite side, but having to stop and wait for any passing cars next to a stranger in a poorly lit area was a lot more terrifying to Joonmyun than walking past and speeding up when there was a safe distance between the two of them.

“Now, now, you don’t have to walk home in the dark like this” the man says and steps in front of Joonmyun “I could happily drive you home”

“I appreciate the offer but my house isn’t really that far away” Joonmyun lies and moves to step around the man but is cut off in his movements once again.

“Are you sure?” the man asks

“Absolutely” Joonmyun replies, smiling for good measure “Thanks for the offer anyway” and this time when he steps forward, the man doesn’t stop him. He prematurely thinks that he’ll be okay and that the man got the hint, but the man reaches out and grabs his arm, gripping it tightly.

“I don’t think you understand” is all he says and Joonmyun feels himself being dragged away. He tries to fight out of the grip and pull himself away but the man is a lot stronger than him. He pleads with the man to let him go but his pleas are ignored and when it looks like every other idea he has stored in his head is going to be ignored, he resorts to one final attempt.

“Help!” he screams “Hel-“

Hand clamped over his mouth, he’s shoved against the nearest wall, the wind knocked out of him and now Joonmyun is really beginning to panic.

“This is really not helping your situation boy” the man snarls and he’s so close that Joonmyun can smell his breath and wreaks of cigarette smoke. He tries to fight against the man one final time but when it’s no use, he closes his eyes and hopes that whatever this man has planned for him, it’ll all be over quickly.


The new voice stills the man and makes Joonmyun begin to panic even more. What if the new person knew the man currently pinning Joonmyun to the wall? He was definitely screwed then! Yet, the voice sounded so familiar, he just couldn’t put his finger on it.

“Let him go”

Only when the owner of the voice steps forward that Joonmyun’s shocked- no, perplexed- to find that it’s Yifan. How did he know Joonmyun was here? Why was he even in this part of the city in the first place?

“This has nothing to do with you. Now go, before you regret it” the guy threatens and yet Yifan doesn’t do as he’s told, instead his eyes trail over to Joonmyun briefly before turning back to the man pinning him against the wall, face hardening.

“Let. Him. Go” he repeats and the guy does, only to walk over to Yifan and to get him away

“Are you deaf or something?” he asks “Leave, otherwise I’ll make sure you regret sticking around” and gives Yifan a not so gentle shove. Yifan stands there in silence for what seems like forever and Joonmyun fears he’s actually going to leave him, instead he spares the guy one final glance before punching him square on the nose, a kick to the stomach sending him to the ground before Yifan grabs him by his jacket collar and yanks him up.

“I think it should be you who leaves before I lose my patience” he threatens and the guy instantly runs away, holding his nose as he does so. Leaving, the guy has left Yifan there with Joonmyun who has slumped against the wall wondering if this is really happening or if he’s having one big weird dream.

“What are you doing here?” he asks, as Yifan turns to face him with a scoff

“Really? Is that all I get? No “Gee, that could have turned into a horrible situation for myself. Thanks for saving me Yifan!”?” he says before raising an eyebrow “What are you doing here?”

Though it was safe to say he had significantly calmed down since leaving his parent’s house, Joonmyun had had enough of being around people he didn’t particularly like for one evening. All he wanted to do now was to just get home and sleep the rest of the night out without any other further hitches.

“I could drive you home” Yifan offers “My car is just right across the road from here”

“Thanks but I can get by on my own” Joonmyun replies. There was no way he wanted to spend the journey back to his house stuck in a car with Yifan.

“Oh yeah, because you handled yourself perfectly back there” Yifan points out and smirks when Joonmyun glares at him

“I am perfectly capable of getting home just fine by myself. I don’t need your help”

“And I’ll just follow you until I know you’re safe at home and nobody else is going to try and make a dickhead move like that again. It doesn’t really matter whether you do take my offer or not”

In the end Joonmyun knows that the only way he’s going to get the least annoying Yifan is to- reluctantly- agree to have him drive him home. Very quickly Yifan is directing him across the road and into the back of the car where the driver is sitting in the front waiting for them and, Joonmyun realises, had probably seen the entire commotion previously.

“This is Joonmyun” Yifan introduces “A, we’ll call him, a friend of mine. We’ll be driving him back to his place”

“If I could have your address please” the driver says

“You don’t have to drop me right outside my place there’s a Starbucks just around the corner that you can drop me to” Joonmyun replies and begins to tell the driver the address but Yifan cuts him off.

“I’ll just keep following you” he mutters as Joonmyun huffs and finally gives in, telling the driver his exact address and throwing himself back into his seat as the car is started.



“You never answered my question earlier”

Joonmyun couldn’t take how quiet the journey had been so far. He didn’t really like Yifan, but he didn’t want to spend the ride home stuck in complete silence and the driver of the car didn’t exactly look to be the conversational type.

“I’ll tell you if you tell me” Yifan replies

“My brother organised this dinner with our parents but they’re still bitter over the fact I wanted to do something in life that I enjoyed, not what they wanted. I stormed out of their house and took a left instead of a right to get home” Joonmyun explains

“Went to this event and didn’t exactly like being with the people in the room. Siwon never really forced me to go so I decided to leave whilst my sanity was still intact” at least that explains why Yifan was dressed so extravagantly “I decided to take the long way home and luckily I happened to be in the right place at the right time”

For the remainder of the journey Joonmyun finds Yifan almost tolerable; he has yet to punch him in the face to wipe that infuriating smirk off of him and appreciates it when Yifan tells the driver to switch the heaters on to warm up the cars when noticing how Joonmyun had been trying to warm his fingers up. By the time they arrive at his apartment complex, Joonmyun has been able to actually enjoy being in the same vicinity as Yifan for more than a minute!

“Thank you” he says softly “For helping me back there”

“Just make sure you don’t go getting yourself into situations like that again. I’m not always gonna be there to save your ” Yifan replies as Joonmyun rolls his eyes and thanks the driver before getting out of the car. 

Yifan sticks around just a little bit longer to make sure Joonmyun makes it inside safely before he allows the driver to set off for home.

And we finally have a reunion chapter where Yifan comes to save his damsel in distress! Can I get a woop woop!

Yet, no matter what happened in this chapter, they always find something to bicker about... I swear their relationship is just going to be built on arguments...

How are you finding this so far? Good? Boring? I promise that if you find it boring it will get a lot more interesting because this opens up a whole new gate of more interaction between the two of them, character I introduced earlier on will finally have a role to play in this Yifan- Joonmyun story line and this is not the last time we hear about the guy who was being an idiot to Joonmyun earlier on in the chapter. What will he do? You'll have to wait and see...

Until the next chapter!!

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Oh! I'm also glad you liked chapter 10! Honestly my favorite part was when they hid from Luhan, but really it's my favorite chapter so far! I'm glad you did too


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Chapter 31: AW LOVE IT!!!!
greenarray #2
Chapter 30: I wish it was longer!
dhee1705 #3
Chapter 31: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 31: lucky I was found this story! So perfect for my craving about krisho fic<3333
erickjoshuaa_ #5
lyameera #6
Chapter 31: So cute and sweet
Chapter 31: perfect story.. XD
Chapter 31: This was a cute story, I loved it.
Chapter 31: This was too perfect ;; Thanks for writing such a cute story!!
aarushic_18 #10