Expose me

The next morning I woke up and couldn’t still believe what had happened the night before. Sure, he had been slightly tipsy, but he’s been that before and he’s never, ever, EVER, kissed me before. Suddenly I started to fear for the following day. What if he’s forgotten and I’ll be the only awkward one. Will it only be the two of us? Where are we even going?

It knocked on my door, “Yes?”

My mother popped in her head, “Good morning, Sweetie! You know, it’s 11.30 a.m., maybe you want to go up? We’ve prepared breakfast.”

“Is dad home?”

She nodded and I flew out of the bed. I haven’t had breakfast with him in weeks.


“Isn’t it my little hedgehog?” dad ruffed my hair as I greeted him.

“Good morning appa! When did you come home?” I plopped down on my usual seat.

Mom and dad shared a look, “Last night… You kissed me good night, remember?”

“Really?” I tapped my chin, “can’t remember.”

Dad immediately got suspicious, “You didn’t drink last night, right? You didn’t smell any alcohol, but you kids have probably new ways of hiding the stink nowadays.”

“I didn’t drink, I promise. I want a car, alright.”

“A car?” mom asked.

I nodded, “Appa promised I’d get a car if I kept my promise not to drink or smoke until I turn eighteen,” I announced proudly, “and so far it’s going pretty good.”

Mom snorted, “yeah, but you’ll soon have a boyfriend to spoil you…”

“Who?” dad asked and looked between mom and I “Who’s the guy? I can’t recall I’ve agreed to any boyfriend!”

Mom giggled and kissed his temple, “It’s-“

“No one!” I interrupted, “There’s no one. If you excuse me, I’m going out for a walk.”

I pressed in the last piece if toast and left the table. When I had gone mom just grinned at the door I had just shut. She then installed herself on the stool next to dad.

“It’s Baekhyun. I saw them last night, he kissed her cheek as good night.”

Dad’s eyes widened, “My Baekhyun? Byun Baekhyun?”

Mom eagerly nodded, “They’re so cute!”

She then saw the expression on her husbands face, “Honey… I know he’s an idol and all, but they’re both making each other happy. She knows the risks and I’m pretty sure he does as well. Can’t you be happy for them?”

“Of course I am! It’s just… I’ve just dealt with one scandal with him and-“

“Our daughter won’t be like Taeyeon, ok? They can keep it more secret, if they want to. They’ve hid a relationship for five years now. And you’ve managed to hide a child for seventeen years so I don’t see the problem.”

“Okay,” the president said and took his wife’s hands, “as long as they both knows the risks. But I’m not completely convinced though.”

“I am. They’re meant to break each other’s heart,” she smiled.

“Even though some young loves lasts forever,” he said trapping his wife with his arms and kissed her cheek. She just giggled.

“But honey, shouldn’t we help them out a little?”

“What do you have in mind?”

A sneaky grin appeared on the mom’s face.


I liked taking strolls around the forest surrounding our house. Behind the forest laid miles of fields and a winding road. There laid a few houses along the road and at the end a small village was built. Though, it was a few kilometers away from our house, so I had never met anyone from there. Plus, we had the forest isolating us.

However, I liked strolling around there. It made my otherwise very noisy mind still and gave me some quiet to think and to not think at all. Today I had a lot to think about so I kept walking and walking and walking until I found myself on the crooked road. I might as well follow it, since I already was here, I thought.

I had been to town before, I’m not that antisocial, god. I know my surroundings. But it’s never been interesting though. It’s just a lot of houses, with a lot of people I have no interest in getting to know, a supermarket and a café. That’s basically it. It’s peaceful though, no one’s bothering me. I could sit one the same bench for five hours and maybe ten people would pass me, at the most.

So I placed myself on a bench.

Should I buy ice cream or not?

Maybe Baekhyun would like this place? It’s few people and most of them are old anyways. No one would recognize him. I’ll definitely take him here! Maybe I should call him…

Suddenly I wasn’t alone on the bench anymore.

There was plenty of benches available, why  would someone take this one?

I slowly cracked my head to the left and died a little when I saw the boy from school sitting there. He smiled brightly at me, can’t imagine why. I’ve never smiled at him, and we don’t know each other.

“It’s weird smiling so brightly at people you don’t know. You’ll be taken for a creep,” it just happened to slip out of me and I realized too late what I just had said. Crap.

“I’m sorry!” I immediately apologized, “I’m not this rude normally!”

He laughed, “It’s fine. You’re right. It’s creepy,” his smile disappeared, “But are you stalking me? Just because I talked to you once.”

“Twice actually,” I corrected him. He raised a brow at me.

“Ready to tell me your name then?”

“Don’t you already know it?” I asked. Of course he did. Everyone at school knows whom the bullied one is.

“Sure I do, but I want to hear your version,” he cracked a smile again. I rolled my eyes. I don’t know, I somehow recognize him…

“Tell me yours then, since you already know mine,” I challenged him.

“You first.”

“That’s unfair.”

“Life’s unfair.”

“Fine,” I said and stood up, “then I’ll leave.”

I begun to walk home but he caught up with me, “Where do you live?”

“Wow,” I stopped, “you really do stalk me.”

“Hey, you’re the one who stalks me! You even came to my house!” he said pointing at the house the bench stood in front of. I cried on the inside. Of all the benches and it had to be that one? Faith’s cruel.

“Didn’t know you lived there,” I said with a shrug.

“Sure you didn’t,” he smiled. We began to walk again, next to each other, without saying a word.

“Are you planning on accompany me all the way to my house?” I asked after a while and he just nodded.

“Since you already know where I live, I don’t think it’s more than fair for me to know where you live,” he reasoned.

Something then hit me and I stopped, only to lean in closer to him.

“Wanna know something?” I asked and he nodded, “Life’s not fair,” I whispered and then ran for all I was worth. I did it for many reasons. One, I still didn’t trust him. He was nice and didn’t have that mean sparkle in his eye, but I couldn’t be sure he wasn’t going to use me yet. It was bad enough he knew I lived nearby, but I really didn’t want him to know exactly where I live. Plus, it was fun.

I haven’t been running in a very long time and I feel so free. Plus it felt nice serving him his own words.

Life’s definitely not fair.


“Sweetie? Sweetie, come here for a moment,” dad called me from his study when I came back. I panted heavy from all the running but was pretty sure the boy hadn’t been able to follow.

“Yeah?” I asked as I entered his room.

“Hi, sit,” he pointed at the chair next to his desk. Together we looked at the computer and I saw he was currently booking hotel for the Shanghai trip, “We figured we could use some moneysaving at this trip. Are you ok with sharing room with Baekhyun? There was a room for eleven and booking the one for twelve would be far more expensive, so one of them have to stay with someone else and you and Baekhyun are pretty familiar with each other so…” he gave me an innocent look with big eyes smiling at me.

“Why me and Baekhyun? I’m okay with sharing room with the other members…” I tried. Honestly, I was scared it would be way too awkward spending three nights in the same room as him. Not that I was more comfortable with anyone else but…

“I don’t trust the other guys,” my dad said simply, “Please Soo-na. He’ll be out late practicing anyways and you’ve never hesitated sharing room, or even bed, with him before. Do this for my company’s economy,” he begged and I seriously couldn’t refuse that. Plus, what could reasonably have changed between Baekhyun and I.

“Fine,” I said, “but I’d really prefer not to share bed.”

“I can fix that,” he said lovingly, “Now go up to your room. I have some important calls to make.”

“Yeah, sure.”


Young-min looked after his daughter as she ran out of the room and listened as she ran up the stair.

“Yah, honey. Kim Tae-hee!” he whispered and his wife came in from the kitchen, “She said yes. Now, let’s just book a room for them…”

Young-min clicked a little on the computer while Tae-hee watched, but suddenly she stopped him, pointing at the screen.

“No, no, no, they need to share bed,” she said as her husbands’ eyes widened.

“What! But honey we can’t do that! What’ll happen?”

“That’s the point! Something needs to happen! Better put more light to the fire then let it burn out.”

“But I promised her…”

“God, you’re so stiff. Just tell her they were out of rooms with two beds.”

“We can’t…”

“Of course we can. I’m your wife and you don’t argue with me and just do as I want.”




“Now!” she sent him a death-glare.

Knowing his wife he sighed and clicked some other buttons and soon, a room booked for two were fixed.

“Maybe we should’ve gotten the smallest one… Or the most romantic one…” Tae-hee argued with herself for a while, biting her lower lip.

“NO! This one is just perfect!” her husband assured her, trying to convince her with a smile. She looked unsure for a while, until she nodded.

“You’re right. We don’t want to over do it…”

“More like over-over do it,” Young-min muttered under his breath.



“Soo-na, what are you doing?” Jong-joon had called me.

“Nothing,” I replied, stretching out my legs on my bed.

“I was thinking about taking Shinee on a fieldtrip, wanna join?” he asked.

I thought for a moment, “No… I’m just gonna stay home today. Baekhyun has prepared something for tomorrow and I don’t know what, so I want to rest early,” I lied. Phft, go to bed early, my .

I could hear his disappointment from the other line, “Oh, okay! I understand. Maybe next time then?”

“Yeah! Next time. Say hi to them from me!”

“I will. Good night,” he said.

“Good night,” I said, “sleep tight.”

“Yeah,” he smiled, “You too.”

And so we hung up. It was always this awkward ending his calls because he always asked me to come with him to something, and I almost always said no. But that didn’t stop him from continue trying.

I put my phone in my pocket again and went down the stair. I found my parents where I had left my dad, tenderly kissing each other. I puked a little on the inside and closed my eyes.

“Gross… I’m going out for a while. Please continue what you’re doing.”

They shortly took a pause when they both looked up, nodded and then back to each other. When I was at the door I heard my mom yell through the house,


I rolled my eyes. Sometimes I got the feeling she didn’t care at all and then, just as I doubted her, she yelled in the most indiscreet way how much she cared. And that could be about the most embarrassing things, among a number of other human beings. But that was my mother. My mother in a nutshell.

I slammed the door after me and went straight the way I was planning. The walk took a while but when I finally reached the village I felt that it was worth the effort.

Reason for me to be here? It’s not to stalk that boy if that’s what you though. No, I was just going to… look at him a little?

Anyways, don’t judge, I was curious about him.

He seemed to have people over. Not necessarily his friends, but it might as well be. I couldn’t tell an exact age by the view I got from the street outside.

Wait! There I saw some other people, probably his parents. They were just busy welcoming new people by the door. They all looked happy. I wonder what’s the occasion.

Right then a car came driving in my direction and I turned away from the house, pulling out my phone. I focused my stare down on it as the car parked on the other side of the road and a family got out. They all shattered about what birthday song to sing and those kinds of ridiculous stuff my family never bothered with.

So they were celebrating a birthday party.

One of the kids seemed awfully much my age and he stared pretty obviously at me as they passed. They entered at the door and I watched from the outside. It never hit me how creepy I was being.

I could see clearly how the familiar boy came running down the stairs to greet the new comings.

He went straight for the kid in my age and then exchanged some words until I could see the kid pointing out the window –in my direction- and the boy following where he pointed. I remembered almost in the last minute to dodge and threw myself onto the ground. When some long painful seconds of embarrassment had passed I dared to look up again, and luckily, they weren’t there anymore.

I sighed and took a seat at the bench. I pressed the middle button on my phone and it light up, exposing the time. Crap, it was time to go home.

Well, at least he seemed like a guy whom spent time with family/friends of family.

Let’s do this again sometime, Soo-na. Stalking people is a great hobby to brag about.

Maybe the kids in school aren’t so wrong about you.

I chuckled lightly at myself and dragged my feet away, when I suddenly heard a wolf whistle and turned around. On the balcony on the second floor five boys stood and smiled at me, the boy from the bus in the middle.

“You really do stalk me,” he said amused.

“I was taking my usual night walk,” I lied.

“Sure you did. Wanna tell me something?”

No… “What?”

“What do you think of me now?” he asked with a smirk. What the hell do I response now?

“I think you’re too self centered for your own good,” that’s true, “and annoying. I’m going home.”

“So you confess you spied on me?”

“Never, good night,” I said and turned around to walk home.

“Good night… Soo-na.”

I flew around. I knew he knew my name, I just never thought he would say it out loud. And I didn’t like him saying it either.

“What?” he smiled teasingly, “That is your name, isn’t it?”

“It’s not fair you get to call me by my name. I don’t even know yours.”

“I thought you didn’t care?”

“I never said that,” I stated. Those other four guys who just watched got more and more amused. We talked to each other like we’d known each other for years.

“Fine,” he answered after a while and my hopes built up. Just one name and I could go home and look him up. Not to stalk –god, I’m starting to wonder what you guys really think of me. I only stalk in person- only to see if he’s trustable, “I’ll tell you my name if you come up and hang with us.”

A challenging smile played on his lips. Never. I would never go to his territory. Not while he was surrounded with an army of friends. I snorted.

“As if. Nope, sorry, I’m not that desperate,” I once again begun to walk home.

“So you’re scared?”

“In your dreams. I just have plans for tomorrow, so good night.”

“Good night, babe!”

“Moron,” I whispered under my breath. To him I didn’t reply, I just walked away, suddenly longing for tomorrow when I got to meet Baekhyun again. Now I was going to go home and watch their last episode of EXO next door –which I had been on set on when they shoot-. 


* * *

It's one month anniversary today! Yay! No double update though, I'm saving you one a few chapters ahed! My summer vaccation is soon over... T.T so I'll try to write the rest of the story so quickly as possible, so that I can focus on school later on! I really want to finish this one for once! *saint*

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it! Subcribe and upvote! <3 ^^ 

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bamma_watsons #1
Chapter 19: chapter 18: omg this story as a whole just totally blew my mind away. please write soon i really need this. omg the story i so good !!! can't wait until the reveal !!!!!
nurind #2
Chapter 18: Nice story there!! I love reading it during my spare time. Please update soon!! I wanna know whats going to happen when she reveales herself in public!!!
LilNamJoonFan #3
Chapter 18: I'm soooo happy to see an update and I liked the chapter very much!! Can't wait for next chap tho :D Hwaiting authorniiiim ~~ ^^ <3
whatmakesyoublush #4
Chapter 17: OMG I hope you enjoyed your stay in Korea :) Please update soon authornim~~~ :)
Chapter 17: have fun in korea!!!so lucky :)
Omuiyuni #6
Chapter 16: I wish she would just reveal herself already to watch those hoes at her school burn
Aleera-chan #7
Chapter 15: Such a cute story ^^ I'm suscribing! I wouldn't want to miss any update.
Chapter 15: omg, i can't wait for the next chapter!
TeaCow156 #9
Chapter 15: Thank god! I was worried for no reason. Also, they slept in the same bed!!!!!! Yay!!!!!
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: You DID NOT just do that Hanna! CLIFFHANGERS WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME.