Expose me

* * *


“Baekhyun,” I screamed and threw my arms around his neck in a bone-cracking hug. He laughed and hugged me back. I had gone early from school today, since I knew Baekhyun would only be home until tomorrow morning and I wanted to make the most out of that time.

I have to say, I felt kind of honored that he rather spent this precious time with me than with his family.

He had gone straightly to my house from the airport, where we had decided he’d pick me up and we’d go wherever he wanted to take me. I had had about half an hour to get ready, and since I wasn’t the very obsessed-with-looks kind of girl, that was quite enough.

Baekhyun took my hand and laced our fingers together, “Shall we?”

I blushed and let him lead me out of the house, “Yeah.”

He opened the car-door for me and I happily entered while he went around the car. I don’t know, there was something with the atmosphere. It didn’t feel quite as usual. It was more tensed and unexpressed feelings in the air.

“How was Japan?” I asked a mile ahead on the way.

“It was good,” he replied, “Busy and tiring, but good. We had the opportunity to meet a lot of fans.”

I nodded, “That’s nice.”

He suddenly smiled, “Tell me about your fanpage! Are you planning on having a fan meeting yourself?”

I laughed, “Yeah, as if. It was Hongbin who showed it to me. They apparently find me a great mystery.”

“Well, you are… It’s kind of exciting.”

I gave him a look and he added, “Or well, I suppose it is, if one doesn’t know who you are.”

I chuckled, “Sure. Hey, where are we even going? Don’t tell me we’re going to your grandma again.”

He raised his brows, “Why? Didn’t you say you liked her?”

I smiled, “I love her, but it’s not that romantic for a date.”

“Who said this was a date?”

I suddenly blushed like madly. He hadn’t said anything like that, I had just assumed. Not knowing what to retort I just opened my mouth, “I-uh, um, well…”

He laughed at me, “Don’t worry, we’re not going to my grandma,” he then took me by surprise by grabbing my hand again and only steering with one hand. He looked down at our hands and smiled a little, “This time it’ll definitely be something more romantic.”

I once again blushed and looked out the window.


* * *


After a while he pulled over and I eyed the huge building, “The theatre?” I asked. Baekhyun nodded proudly and then took my hand again. He swayed our hands between us as he led us inside.

“I saw that they’re putting up your favorite musical,” he confessed, “So I thought you might enjoy it.”

My mouth dropped, “You serious? Thank you!” I squealed and quickened my footsteps. He chuckled and followed.

“Tickets,” the young man by the entrance said and curiously looked at us. His eyes stayed a little longer on Baekhyun but then nicely smiled at me. Baekhyun handed over two tickets and we could proceed inside.

I looked around, just to be clear and relaxed a little bit more when I realized that there was almost just old people in here. And it was a good thing it was dark, so no one would recognize us anyways.

We took our seats in the second row and Baekhyun didn’t let go of my hand. I leaned over on his shoulder and whispered, “It’s nice.”

I then let my head stay on his shoulder as the music started and the curtains rolled up. A lost girl then appeared on stage and I was soon too into the musical to keep my head on Baekhyuns’ shoulder. I was leaning forward in my chair not to miss anything.

I sometimes remembered Baekhyuns’ presence and carefully squeezed his hand, to tell him I appreciated it.

I sighed as a very intense scene was over. The two lead roles had just sang on the top of their lungs about their love for each other, but the second male had interrupted by stealing her away and it all was just so dramatic!

I turned my head slightly, to see if Baekhyun was enjoying this as much as I was when he suddenly caught my full attention. He was looking so beautiful in the dark. And on top of that, he was staring at me.

I slowly turned more to him, while trying to catch as much as possible of his looks. He didn’t say a word, just gazing warningly into my eyes. His lips then parted slightly and he unconsciously his lips. I looked down at them and felt a sudden urge to kiss those perfect, plump lips, so I had to bite my own not to do so. When I moved my eyes back up to his eyes there was a small eye smile threatening to show. He then grinned fully at me and squeezed my hand. Then I heard something sounding very interesting on the stage again and had to tear my eyes off him. It was with great willpower I did so, though.

The musical continued on and soon it was halftime break. We got up and decided to go grab something in the café.

“I want a brownie,” I said while checking all the delicious things out, “But it’s too big…”

Who am I kidding, I could’ve eaten two of those alone, but I had this idea of a date, which included sharing food, so here we were.

“Wanna share?” Baekhyun asked with a half-smirk, probably figuring what I planned. I shyly nodded and he chuckled, “Sure. Go grab a table and I’ll be there soon.”

On the way pass I quickly kissed his cheek, “Thanks, oppa.”

I swiftly caught the sight of Baekhyun blushing before I made my way through the crowd of people, leaving him there.

It took a while before I found a table due to all the people. But when I finally had found one and was sat I took up my phone to waist some time. I went on to my fan-page and checked what entertaining stuff people had wrote today. The most was just boring stuff that made no sense, and some were so out of logic that I just couldn’t help but laugh.

“Maybe there is no daughter. Maybe there’s a son?”

“Yeah, and maybe he’s an alcoholic living on the moon with a monkey as a pet. There is proof she’s a girl, moron. Didn’t you see the clip from when she was born? That is probably the only evidence publicized to the world to watch.”

“Urg, sometimes I just want to become an trainee, just to see who she is.”

“Yeah, I envy EXO.”

“Speaking of EXO. I heard Baekhyun got home early from Japan and not to visit his family. What do you guys think?”

“Maybe he’s just at the dorm chillaxing?”

“OR maybe, he’s spending the time with someone else. Maybe they’re on a date!”

“OMG! That would be so cute!”

“Here are the orders. You didn’t tell me what you wanted to drink so I just took the liberty of ordering what I thought you wanted,” Baekhyun came and placed a tray on the table. I put away the phone and looked down in the cup.

Caramel frappe. My favorite.

“It’s just perfect!” I smiled up at him. He placed himself opposite to me and smiled warmly back.

“You had to pick the table at the farthest away, didn’t you?” he teased, “It was really hard to find you.”

“How did you find me then?” I asked teasingly and leaned a little bit closer over the table. He smirked and flicked my head.

“I searched for the scent of missing me and just went the way it smelled the strongest.”

I blushed slightly, but then got a little bit more serious, “I really did miss you. Why do you always have to be away? You should just stay by my side all the time.”

Baekhyun gave me a sad smile. Then he shoved a spoonful of brownie into my mouth and snickered, “I’ll try,” he snickered.

The brownie melted on my tongue and I rolled my eyes of the taste. It was incredibly good, “Oh my God, this was so delicious. You taste too!”

I took another spoon and handed it to him. Baekhyun tasted it and his eyes widened, “No kidding! It’s magic!”

“We should defiantly go here again! Even if just for the brownies!”

Baekhyun nodded in agreement.

We finished the brownie while chatting along, laughing now and then and just as I took the last spoon the bells called out, signaling the pause was over.

Baekhyun got up first and reached out a hand to me, “Shall we?” he asked with a y smirk. I smiled and took his hand.

“We shall,” I said and got up too.

I loved how no one gave a damn about us, they just walked by, in their own worlds, not thinking twice about whom they passed. Thought maybe never hit them that a guy like Baekhyun would spend his free time catching a musical with a normal girl.

Or maybe, they were just too old to know who he was.

We went back to our seats and placed us. Then to my surprise Baekhyun grabbed my hand. When I turned around to question him he just smiled sweetly at me and I just melted before giving him a smile back. He then leaned his head on my shoulder as the show started again, and soon, I was hocked, not noticing Baekhyun on my shoulder anymore.

As the curtains ran down a tear escaped my eye. I tried to stop them but they just kept falling.

It all ended with that jealous guy poisoning the main leading man and he died. Then after that the girl was fooled into marriage with the jealous guy and it was just all so wrong.

I then felt a warm embrace as Baekhyun wrapped me into his strong arms. He didn’t say anything, he just waited out my tears. I took a moment before collecting myself again and sighing into Baekhyuns chest, “It’s an amazing musical.”

I could feel his head nod, “It really was great.”

I tilted my head up to look at him, “Thank you,” I then said and placed a kiss on his cheek. He smiled warmly at me.

“It was a pleasure taking you.”

We then got up from our seats and he wrapped an arm around me again as we begun to walk out, “I actually didn’t think it would be so good, but it was really capturing!”

“It was, wasn’t it?” I agreed, “That’s why I love it. It’s so dramatic, even from the first scene.”

He nodded, “It really was.”

We then reached the car, “What time is it?” I asked as I opened the passenger door.

Baekhyun checked his watch, “7.21 p.m.,” he said.

“Wanna go to my place?” I hesitantly asked, fearing he was probably too tired and wanted to go back to the dorm to sleep. But instead he nodded.

“Yeah, sure,” he smiled.


* * *


Mom and dad were just eating as we entered. I could hear mom scream from the kitchen with full, “How’d the date go, honey? Did he kiss you?”

With a burning face I placed myself in the doorway to the kitchen with Baekhyun next to me and stared intensely at her, “Mom. Baekhyun’s here,” I said with my teeth clenched.

She quickly realized her mistake, but then decided she didn’t care and just ignored my glare, “How lovely. Are you kids hungry? How was the musical? Did everything go well?”

“It was perfect,” I said, still glaring. Then I took some of the food that was over, “We’re going up to my room.”

Grabbing a plate and glass each I dragged Baekhyun upstairs, he slightly flustered. Mom and her stupid, big, insensitive mouth.

Baekhyun took my armchair and I placed myself on the floor next to it. Grumpily I started to eat my food while Baekhyun just amusingly watched me.

“What do you want to do?” I then asked. Baekhyun shrugged. I sighed and picked up the remote and begun to zap through the channels.

“Have you packed?” he then asked and I froze, thinking about us sharing room.

Does he know?

Should I tell him? Should I just be casual about it?

“Yeah,” I then said as cool as I could while keeping my eyes on the TV. He nodded and I for a moment thought he had dropped it until-

“I heard we were going to share room.”

I froze again and I could feel my face staring to heat up.

“Yeah,” I tried to sound as confident and casual as possible, but I fear I failed, “Dad thought it could be good for moneysaving.”

“Aha,” Baekhyun said and I closed my eyes, just wanting to sink through the ground, “Well, it sound real fun to me.”

I opened my eyes, “Really?”

“Of course,” he blinked and punched my arm teasingly. My heart beat so rapidly and I tried to smile back at him, but truthfully, I was blushing too much to do so.

I then realized I had accidently stopped zapping and we were currently watching a real romantic movie.

“Clark… I didn’t know how you felt…” the female lead gasped and I couldn’t tore my eyes off Baekhyun, for some reason.

“Now you do, and there’s no one other in this galaxy I want to be with more than you. I love you.”

“Oh Clark, I love you too. And I have since I first laid eyes on you.”

You could suddenly hear from the sound that they no longer talked, instead their mouths were busy attacking each others. Not until then I realized how awkwardly I was still staring at Baekhyun and he was staring back. I cleared my throat and turned by eyes back to the television.

“A-Are you watching this, or can I switch?” I asked stiffly.

Baekhyun swallowed before responding, “No, it’s fine. You can switch.”

I quickly nodded and turned off the TV completely. It was silent for a while until I decided to speak up again.

“What do you feel like doing?”

“…We could rehearsal?”

Rehearsal? Rehearsal what? Kissing?

I dumbly stared at him, confused weather I should understand what he’s talking about or not.

“Peter Pan,” he then said with a small smile tucking on his lips.

My mood took a 90 degrees turn and I groaned while hiding my face in the armrest.

“Please, anything but that!”

“Come on,” he left the armchair and placed himself next to me on the floor, “I thought you said you wanted to blow those peasants off the stage.”

“Yeah. I’m awesome as I am.”

He chuckled, “Sure you are. But we’re not looking for awesome. We’re looking for extraordinary awesomeness.”

I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, sure.”

“Now get your up and show me what you’ve got.”

I glared at him for a few seconds, hoping that would make him spare me, but noooo.

“Fine,” I then groaned and got up, “I’ll sing. But only if you promise to buy me food sometime.”

“Idiot, I always buy you food.”

I glared again and prepared to sing.

“But hey, what’ll we do about the rapping-part?” I then asked as it hit me. I hadn’t figured that part out yet.

“You won’t let Chanyeol rap live right?” Baekhyun offered and I shook my head, “Then how about we just play it in the background?”

I thought about it and then nodded, “But what should I do in the meantime?”


I gave him a look and he just smiled innocently, “I don’t know. We can throw a dance break!”

I actually laughed at the idea, “Yeah, no,” I sighed, “Whatever, I’ll just figure something out.”

Baekhyun nodded, “Now get to the singing! I’m really excited here, you know! I’m actually your biggest fan.”

“Really?” I chuckled, “Are you a member of the fanclub then? Haven’t seen you there.”

“Of course I am. What do you take me as?”

“A stalker maybe?”

He smiled cutely and I chuckled again, “Now be a good idol and show me some fan service,” he then demanded and I took my place again and begun singing. 


* * *


Hey guys, long time no see. Firstly, I'd like to apologize for being so late but I belive all of you can understand that I've been very busy lately and unable to update. Thank you, though, everyone who's stayed. I love you all. <3 <3

Hope you liked the chapter :). Me myslef loved writing it, IT'S SO MUCH FLUFF!!!! hihihihihihi. 

Please leave comments, I love reading them.

Love // me <3

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bamma_watsons #1
Chapter 19: chapter 18: omg this story as a whole just totally blew my mind away. please write soon i really need this. omg the story i so good !!! can't wait until the reveal !!!!!
nurind #2
Chapter 18: Nice story there!! I love reading it during my spare time. Please update soon!! I wanna know whats going to happen when she reveales herself in public!!!
LilNamJoonFan #3
Chapter 18: I'm soooo happy to see an update and I liked the chapter very much!! Can't wait for next chap tho :D Hwaiting authorniiiim ~~ ^^ <3
whatmakesyoublush #4
Chapter 17: OMG I hope you enjoyed your stay in Korea :) Please update soon authornim~~~ :)
Chapter 17: have fun in korea!!!so lucky :)
Omuiyuni #6
Chapter 16: I wish she would just reveal herself already to watch those hoes at her school burn
Aleera-chan #7
Chapter 15: Such a cute story ^^ I'm suscribing! I wouldn't want to miss any update.
Chapter 15: omg, i can't wait for the next chapter!
TeaCow156 #9
Chapter 15: Thank god! I was worried for no reason. Also, they slept in the same bed!!!!!! Yay!!!!!
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: You DID NOT just do that Hanna! CLIFFHANGERS WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME.