Be His WHAT? O_O

Today's Homework Assignment: Choi Minho.

Yeunhae felt her blood run cold. There he was, the guy that she didn’t want to see at this moment. Choi Minho. That’s convenient.

“H-how long were you standing there?” Yeunhae asked, since Hamin and Sanghee were too shocked to speak.

Minho tilted his head a bit to the right. “Long enough.”

Yeunhae just said, “Oh.”

“Well, you said my name?” Minho asked. “Did you need something?”

Yeunhae shook her head. “No, just talking about that party that’s going on tomorrow.”

“Oh, I guess I’ll see you guys there?” Minho asked.

“I guess.” Yeunhae said, and then Hamin and Sanghee started dragging her away. Minho walked away also. Guess the parted their ways… for now.

Once the reached an outside bench, they let Yeunhae go. “Yah! Cho Yeunhae! What was that?” They asked in unison.

“I don’t know! He scared me…” Yeunhae defended herself. 

“Well, you totally lost your coolness once you turned around to his face.” Hamin said. Sanghee nodded.

“Ahh… What do I do?” Yeunhae ruffled her own hair.

Sanghee smirked. “Go to the party, that’s what you’re going to do.”

“Bwoh? Why should I go if Minho’s going?” Yeunhae asked.

“Because this is your chance to actually get to know him. We’ve been judging him from afar, without even talking to him before. It’s wrong.” Hamin said.

“Come on Yeunhae! You can do it! Fighting!” Sanghee did a fist-pump into the air.

Yeunhae sighed. “Araso. But you guys will be there too, right?”

Hamin and Sanghee looked at each other. “Uh… Yeah. Of course.”


At home, Yeunhae was sitting on the roof of the house, reading.  Then, she received a text message. From Seohyun.

// Annyeong, Yeunhae! Unnie’s house is at 3501 Lockwood Street! TOMORROW!~  //

// Araso (: What time? // Yeunhae replied back.

// Uhh.. Late… Like eight o’clock ‘till whenever. ;] // Seohyun texted.

// Okay. See you there, Unnie! Annyeong! //

// Deh, Annyeong. //

Yeunhae slipped her phone back into her hoodie’s pocket. She stared at her swimming pool. Then at the garden. Then, she went back down, into her house again.

It was seven o’clock right now, so she went to the kitchen to eat. Luckily, her food was already prepared by her mother, and was still quite warm.

After eating, she went to her room. She received another text message. From an unknown number.

// You’re going to the party? See you there! :D //

Then she got another one from a different number.

// YEUNHAE! Thank GOD you’re going to the party! //

Then another…

// Minho is going to make-out with you, I just know it! Lucky girl! //

Yeunhae deleted that one as soon as she read it.

She got a text from Sanghee and Hamin at the same time.

“Geez, how do they read each other’s minds? They even text at the same time!” Yeunhae said, opening the message. Not to her surprise, they both sent the same thing. 

// Yah! Cho Yeunhae, you can’t back down now! You ARE going to that party! Okay? Okay. Annyeong!~ (: //

Yeunhae groaned, and put her phone into the charger. Then she slumped down on her bed.

“Why me…” She thought of Minho. He isn’t exactly cold, or mean…. But he isn’t exactly friendly… He’s in the middle. Or how Goldilocks would put it, ‘Just right.’

Yeunhae eventually fell asleep, at around 2:00 A.M. She had this weird dream where Minho was chasing after her…. Yeah. Weird.


Yeunhae was asleep for a long time. For 14 hours… she was sleeping. It was already 4:00 PM. When she went down stairs to eat, she realized nobody was home. Not even the house maids.

“Bwoh? Where is everyone?” Yeunhae said, looking around. She gave up, and went to the kitchen.

She about to attempt her only flaw- cooking.

The sushi she made wasn’t too bad… At least it was edible.

It was just about 5:30 now. Two hours and a half left of time. 

Yeunhae decided to take a quick swim in the pool, which turned out to be not quick at all. She was in the pool for a whole hour. Meaning, she still had plenty enough time to get ready. She showered, and got dressed, wearing no make-up. Yeunhae barely puts on make-up, because her face is already practically flawless. 20 minutes left.

Yeunhae grabbed her car keys, and entered the address into her GPS, and the car practically drove itself to Seohyun’s mansion. She parked in the driveway, and locked the car, noticing 10 other cars were already here.

“Did I get the time right?” Yeunhae asked herself. She rang the doorbell, and was immediately let in by Seohyun, who was looking beautiful as always.

“Yeunhae!” Seohyun said, and hugged Yeunhae, pulling her into her house.

Many, many people were already here. Maybe 70 people? Maybe 80.

All the people there turned to see Yeunhae. Whistles, howls, and just plain gasps of envy filled Yeunhae’s ears.

Seohyun let Yeunhae go around the house by herself. Yeunhae went upstairs, to find a bathroom. She found one, and went in right away, locking the door.

“Where are they?!” Yeunhae said to herself, pulling out her phone and texted Hamin and Sanghee.

// Where the heck are you guys? There’s like 80 people here, and I’m here all alone! :( //

She waited five minutes, and got a text message from Sanghee.

// Sorry, me and Hamin got stuck in a situation. We can’t make it. But don’t worry about it! Just go have fun with Minho! OKAY?! FIGHTING! :D //

“AISH!!!” Yeunhae yelled, putting her phone back into her pocket.

"Yah, Sanghee, should we be doing this to Yeunhae? Lying about how we can't make it..." Hamin asked.

"YES, of course! Everybody knows that Minho and Yeunhae make the PERFECT couple. It's just they're too stubborn to try it!" Sanghee said. "We're doing Yeunhae a favor, we're bringing her to her true love!~ Plus, we it's better if they are alone, so that's why I lied about not being able to come."

Hamin smiled. "Our Yeunhae is so lucky."

Yeunhae angrily came out of the bathroom, to find a boy waiting outside of it.

“Who knew Noona could be sooo loud when using the bathroom?” A boy said.

“BWOH?!” Yeunhae whispered loudly. “I just found out my friends couldn’t make it to this party. That’s why I was yelling… Not because…” Yeunhae stopped talking.

“Oh. Mianhae, Noona.” He said.

“It’s alright.” Yeunhae said.

“Wahh... Noona is so pretty and so kind.” He gave a dried laugh. “I can see how you and Minho make a good couple.” He said.

“What? We’re not dating. I don’t even know him that much.”
The boy looked surprised, so Yeunhae just smiled gently. “What’s your name?” Yeunhae asked.

“Taemin. I’m a friend of Minho’s.” he said.

“Oh, really?”

“Deh!” Taemin said

“Do you mind telling Noona where Minho is so Noona can solve this problem?” Yeunhae asked.

“I would love to, Noona, but I lost track of him about ten minutes ago. Mianhae.” Taemin pouted.

“Aigoo, it’s okay. He’s bound to show up somewhere…” Yeunhae said ruffling Taemin’s hair.

“Noona, what’s your cell phone number?” Taemin said.

“Here, give me your phone.” Yeunhae said.

Taemin pulled out his phone, and gave it to Yeunhae. She entered her number.

“There you go.” Yeunhae said.  “Text me when you have something bugging you. Araso?”

“Deh. Thank you Noona.”

“Okay, I’ll see you around? Annyeong!” Yeunhae said.

“Bye Bye!” Taemin said in English.

Yeunhae and Taemin walked separate ways. Taemin went downstairs, and she remained up here. She heard a group of boys shout her name, and they started to make their way up the stairs, scaring Yeunhae. She started running away, down the hallway. She needed to find an unlocked door to escape. She finally found one, and went into the room quickly and silently, losing the boys.

She locked the door, just in case they start checking room. She sat on the floor, her back against the door, eyes closed, breathing uneven from the running.

“Funny how people think we’re dating.” A familiar voice said.

Yeunhae shot her eyes open, to find Minho sitting on a large bed.

( WHHYYY? Why out of ALL places to be, Minho HAD to be in this room, at this EXACT moment? ) Yeunhae said in her mind.

“Yeah… Funny.” Yeunhae said, standing up, ready to leave.

“Why are you breathing hard?” Minho asked.

“Boys were running after me.”

“Same here. Well, girls, not boys.” Minho laughed a bit. Yeunhae did also.

Maybe Minho isn’t that bad. Maybe he isn’t a cocky jerk she thought he was all these years. Maybe Hamin and Sanghee were right about getting to know him.

Minho cleared his throat, bringing Yeunhae back to her senses. “Back to the rumor.” He said. “Why do they think we are dating, anyway? Let alone, sleeping together in hotels…”

“I don’t know. Seohyun said it might just be someone who is envious.” Yeunhae said. Minho motioned her to sit next to him on the bed. She hesitantly sat next to him.

“What are we going to do?” he looked at her. “Tell them it’s a lie? We’ve been saying that for a year, and they still don’t believe us.” Minho said.

“I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it. I thought it would just drop sooner or later.” Yeunhae.

“I think I know a way to make the rumors disappear.” Minho said.

“What is it?” Yeunhae asked. If there was a way to make them go away, she’d do practically anything.

There was a long, awkward silence filling the room. Yeunhae guessed that Minho was wondering if he should tell her his idea. Finally, he looked deeply into her eyes. As if he was in love with her.

“Cho YeunHae.” Minho said.

(This can’t be good…) Yeunhae said in her head.

 Be my girlfriend.” Minho said.

“W-what?” Yeunhae said. “What?” she said again.

“We can make the rumors go away by making the rumor real. It’s highly logical, actually.” Minho said, staring right into Yeunhae’s eyes. “What’s the worst that could happen? Let’s just try it. Be my girlfriend.”


Authors Note~ I originally had Chapters 1&2 as ONE, but it was WAY too long. xD Anywho- Welcome new subscribers! ^^

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xxHardcoreShawolxx #1
Chapter 24: Gr8 story!!:) i feel sad 4 jjong(sry cant help it, im a blinger!^^) luv ur writing skills, plzz update soon!:D and btw can u plzzz plzzz make a jjong+oc fic?... Plzz!! Thxx so much!! Hihi^^ <33
Kekeke~ -block! Update soon!~
Update PLEASE! !!!~^^
choiminhosunsun #4
new reader! LOVING IT!
saranghae!!!luving it!!!!!
m0zarts0nata-- #5
such cute!!!
SHINee_Key #6
IHOP? A new apple thing?? LOL. LOL interruption! -block
levilia #7