The First Date .

Today's Homework Assignment: Choi Minho.

(Holy Tatter Tots... I saw this, and I wanted to put it on her, so yeah. It's hot. I'm such a ert....)


Minho texted Yeunhae when he was outside her house to pick her up. They were about to go to the movies, on their first date, and Minho was inviting his friends, also. Yeunhae was ready, and she went outside. Minho got out of the car, and when Yeunhae was in arm’s length, he pulled her in for a hug.

With his arms still around her waist, he said, “Annyeong Jaigya!”

Yeunhae attempted to slightly break free, but Minho noticed, and held her tighter. “Umm… Annyeong.” Yeunhae smiled weakly. 

“Ready to go?” Minho asked.

“Yup!” Yeunhae replied cheekily.

Minho opened the car door for Yeunhae, and then let himself in through his door. It was about a ten minute drive to the movie theater, and Minho was cracking jokes the whole time, which Yeunhae laughed at all of them because they were so dorky.

When they arrived, Minho bought tickets, popcorn, and one soda. Yes, I repeat, ONE SODA. That meant they had to share. Yeunhae was kind of nervous about that part, but she soon forgot all about it when Taemin arrived, holding a girl’s hand.

“I suppose that’s Taemin’s girlfriend.” Yeunhae said in her head.

“Taemin, you’ve met Yeunhae. Yeunhae, you know Taemin.” Minho smiled. “Taemin, why don’t you introduce us to your date?” Minho suggested. 

Taemin smiled. “Ah, this is Sanghee. Kim Sanghee.”

Yeunhae gasped. “KIM SANGHEE?!” She got a better look at the girl who was holding hands with Taemin. “Woah! Sanghee! What are you doing here?” Yeunhae smiled and hugged Sanghee.

“Uhhh, well.” Sanghee pulled Yeunhae away from the boys so they could talk in private. “Right after you told me and Hamin that you were dating Minho, Taemin kind of asked me out…” Sanghee blushed.

“Oh? Really? I always knew he had a soft spot for Noonas…” Yeunhae said, giggling.

Sanghee playfully and gently punched Yeunhae’s shoulder. “Aish.” She laughed. “It’s only a year difference.”

“I know. Let’s go back now?” Yeunhae said.

“Okie Dokie.” Sanghee skipped back to Taemin’s side. Yeunhae took her sweet time coming back, though. She looked around for a while, and looked at the other people. She kept looking until she heard Minho called her back.

“Yeunhae!” Minho called out.

Yeunhae turned to face his direction *epic hair flip*, and to her horror, Jonghyun was with Minho. Of course, like Taemin, Jonghyun also had a date. This time, for real, Yeunhae didn’t know that girl. Yeunhae quickly came back to Minho’s side, and whispered into his ear.

“Umm… I need to… Uhhh...” Yeunhae looked around again. “Go to the bathroom… I’ll be right back.” Yeunhae mentally hit her head. She yanked Sanghee away from Taemin, and dragged her to the bathroom with her. Once inside, she let go. 

“What’s wrong?” Sanghee asked.

“Jonghyun…” Yeunhae said.

“Yeah, about him… Who’s he with anyway? I thought you guys were pretty close?” Sanghee inquired.

“That’s just the point…. He has no idea who I am!” Yeunhae whispered.

“What? How could he forget you?” Sanghee paused. “Well, you did get taller, you errrr…. body has… uhh… transformed…. and your face looks a bit different than like when he last saw you, about a year ago.” Sanghee giggled.

“Yeah, I guess so… Ah, whatever. Let’s just go back, and forget about Jonghyun!” Yeunhae laughed.

The two girls went back to the group, and saw that Key and Onew had arrived with their dates, also. They introduced each other, and then they went the theater, since the movie was about to start.

Minho daringly took Yeunhae’s hand, and held it as they were walking, and their fingers were intertwined. For some reason, to Yeunhae, it felt like the most natural thing she had done that whole entire day… it felt good. It sent butterflies throughout her entire being, and heat filled her cheeks.

They entered the theater room. It was dimly lit, and Jonghyun tapped Minho’s back. Minho let go of Yeunhae for just a second.

“Minho, what’s your girlfriend’s name?” Jonghyun sneakily asked, since Yeunhae never did tell him.

“Oh.” Minho smiled. “Her name is Yeunhae.” Minho turned around and sat next to Yeunhae, putting his arm around her. “Hey you!” Minho tickled her side, making her giggle.

“Yeunhae… That sounds familiar.” Jonghyun sat in the row behind Minho and Yeunhae. Jonghyun looked at her face for a while, ignoring his own date. “Yeunhae…Yeunhae.” Jonghyun grabbed the picture from his pocket, and observed the picture, then her face, then the picture again, and he saw it. The resemblance. That was definitely her, his best friend that he had a crush on for so long. “Yeunhae.”

The movie started, and he kept on watching Minho and Yeunhae. They seemed like the sweetest couple in the world. Suddenly, Minho whispered something in Yeunhae’s ear, and he wished he could’ve heard what he had said. Jonghyun thought it was probably something like “I love you” or “You’re my everything”.

Little did Jonghyun know that Minho actually said, “Can I have a sip of the soda?”

Jonghyun’s date was waiting patiently for him to give his attention to her. Waiting for him to him to do what Minho was doing to Yeunhae. She sat there in envy. Minho seemed like the perfect boyfriend. Jonghyun was too, but his attention was also on Minho and Yeunhae.

Minho took a little sip of the soda. “Want some?” He asked Yeunhae. He placed the straw an inch away from her lips. Yeunhae hesitantly accepted, and drank a little bit of the soda. She could’ve sworn she saw Minho smile brightly down at her.

They turned their attention back to the movie, but Minho removed his arm from around her, and instead just held her hand.

There was a kissing scene in the movie, and Minho once again whispered to Yeunhae. “I think this is the part where you put your head on my shoulder.” He was trying so hard to make this whole thing look real.

Yeunhae gently and slowly placed her head on his broad shoulder. Minho adjusted, lowering himself so it was comfortable for her. Then, he let out a sigh of relief.

Jonghyun’s fist clenched up, and his head was full of steam by now. Why was he acting this way? He has a date to look after! Jonghyun took her hand, and held it tight, putting on a fake smile. Trying to please her, he let go, and put his whole arm around her. She smiled, and shifted closer. Jonghyun himself lighten up, and his fist was no longer pulsating. But, yes, he was still angry.

The movie was coming to the end, and there was yet another kissing scene. Minho was thinking inside his head, “How could someone make out with a fake like her? She’s not… not pure. She’s not pure like Yeunhae is. Wait, what am I thinking? My relationship with Yeunhae is not to go serious. I am not allowed to like her more than a friend. We’re just fake-dating. Nothing more… Nothing more.” His grip on Yeunhae tightened. His mixed feelings were causing him to grow frustrated.

Yeunhae felt him tighten, and turned to face him. “You okay?”

“What? Oh!” Minho forgot about Yeunhae, and let go. “I’m sorry for squeezing you.” He gently caressed her hand with his thumb.

“It’s alright.” Yeunhae smiled. By this time, the movie had ended, and the end credits were on screen. Minho stood from his seat, and held out his hand for Yeunhae. She gladly took his hand, and stood up also. Minho kept hold of her hand, and led them out of the row to meet up with the others.

Once out of the theater room, and into the main room, Jonghyun pulled Minho aside. “Hey, can I have a word with Yeunhae?”

Minho smiled. “As long as you don’t steal her.” He joked.

“Cool, alright.” Jonghyun walked away from Minho, and tapped Yeunhae’s shoulder. She turned around, saw Jonghyun, looked at Minho with worried eyes, but Minho was talking to Key. Her attention went back to Jonghyun as he spoke again.

“Can we talk?”  

“About what?” Yeunhae asked.

“Yeunie-… Why didn’t you tell me it was you?” Jonghyun asked, as he crossed his arms across his chest.

“Nobody has called me that in a long time…” Yeunhae protested. She was thinking in her head, ‘How does he know me now?!?!’.

“So what? I used to call you that all the time.” Jonghyun said. “Now, why didn’t you tell me? You should’ve known you can tell me anything.”

“I was too shocked that you forgot me. That’s why. You really couldn’t see the resemblance? I haven’t changed that much, you know.” Yeunhae stated.

“Well…” He looked Yeunhae up and down, making her blush. “Yes, you have.” He stuffed his hands in his jacket pockets. “Yeunie-… listen… I missed you… a lot. There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t look at this picture.” He held out a picture of them smiling and hugging on Christmas night.

Yeunhae took it out of Jonghyun’s hands. “This was five years ago.” She smiled as she remembered that great night. Jonghyun’s family and Yeunhae’s family went on a vacation for Christmas. For specific reasons (A/N: That will be revealed later on…) her and Jonghyun ran away to get away from their parents. They were having a really fun time, and they asked a stranger to take a picture to always remember that night.

“Yeah. I will never forget that night.” Jonghyun said.

Minho caught a glance at you and Jonghyun looking pretty sad. He walked over to see if everything’s alright. “You guys doing fine?”

“Yeah, of course!” Yeunhae said, giving the picture back Jonghyun.

“Yah, Jonghyun Hyung, we’re going out to eat, want to come with?” Minho asked, putting his arm around Yeunhae’s waist.

Jonghyun saw, and fired up again, clenching his fist. “No, I got business to attend to.” Jonghyun said. “Maybe next time.”

“Alright, Mr. Impressive, we’ll catch up later, okay?” Minho smiled.

“Sure.” Jonghyun smiled, patted Minho’s shoulder, and walked out the door. His footsteps were growing heavier with jealousy with every step he took. “I can’t love her now, she has a boyfriend. Better yet, her boyfriend is my long-time best friend. Screw my life.” He said to himself, driving off to the cabin house where he and Yeunhae used to stay at when they wanted to get away from their parents a while.

Once he arrived, he went to the room where he and Yeunhae sat near the fire in the fireplace. Where they snuggled together. Where they accidently slept together. Where he kissed her while she was sleeping. Where he fell in love with her.

“I won’t ever forgive myself for letting her go.”



A/N: OMO! So that means Yeunhae HAS had her first kiss… but she just doesn’t know about it!!!! O: Anyway, thanks you guys for being so supportive and leaving comments! :D Comments are LOVE ~~~

Question of the Chapter: What was your first kiss like?

** I am going to start doing these "Questions of the Chapter", so I can really interact with my reader & subscribers! 

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xxHardcoreShawolxx #1
Chapter 24: Gr8 story!!:) i feel sad 4 jjong(sry cant help it, im a blinger!^^) luv ur writing skills, plzz update soon!:D and btw can u plzzz plzzz make a jjong+oc fic?... Plzz!! Thxx so much!! Hihi^^ <33
Kekeke~ -block! Update soon!~
Update PLEASE! !!!~^^
choiminhosunsun #4
new reader! LOVING IT!
saranghae!!!luving it!!!!!
m0zarts0nata-- #5
such cute!!!
SHINee_Key #6
IHOP? A new apple thing?? LOL. LOL interruption! -block
levilia #7