An Almighty Key, And A Clueless Minho .

Today's Homework Assignment: Choi Minho.


They held hands as they entered the main entrance. Several people stared, took pictures, or whispered things to the person next to them.  

          The two of them continued walking on until they reached Yeunhae’s locker. Minho released her hand, and leaned against the locker right next to her’s.

          “It’s showtime, you know. People are staring.” Minho said, making sure only Yeunhae could her him.

          “I know.” She said as she placed her stuff into her locker, and grabbed her items necessary for her first class. “Don’t you need to go to your locker?” Yeunhae asked as she closed her locker.

          “Nah, I had nothing to bring home. I didn’t have any homework.” Minho stated as they began walking towards the gym, which was their first hour class. “What do you think we’re doing in gym today?” Minho asked.

          “Probably more endless workouts.” Yeunhae sighed.

          “Yeah, Probably.” Minho agreed. They reached the gym, and they got into the place where it breaks into two locker rooms: Boys and Girls.

          “See you in a few.” Minho said, kissing her cheek, and turning around to enter the boy’s locker room.

          When Yeunhae got into the girl’s locker room, all the girls tried to talk to her at once.

          “Are you two dating now?” “Is Minho a good kisser?” “I heard you guys went on a date… How was it?” “Has anyone seen my deodorant?” All these questions were being asked at once, and Yeunhae was lucky enough to be pulled out of that little crowd by Hamin and Sanghee.

          “Seems like your little plan with Minho is working.” Sanghee said. “They are completely buying the story. It’s obvious that you two do actually look good together. A person could just guess that you’re going out.”

          Yeunhae thought to herself, ‘If our relationship ends soon, it would be better. Then I wouldn’t be lying to people anymore.’ “I guess they did buy it. Good. Then we can end this soon.” Yeunhae said.

          “EHH?!??!?!” Hamin and Sanghee asked together. “WHY?”

          “I had no intension from the beginning to get into a relationship, better yet, with Choi Minho, the guy who practically could have girls wrapped around his finger for just saying “Hello” to them.” Yeunhae said. “Although, he does seem pretty clueless that he has that power.”

          Sanghee nudged Hamin, noticing that Yeunhae was smiling to herself. “Yah, Cho Yeunhae, I have a question, and you have to tell the exact truth.” Hamin said.

          “Alright.” Yeunhae said, sitting down on the bench, and opening her gym locker, and retrieving her gym uniform.

          “Do you, or do you not, like Choi Minho?” Hamin asked.

          Yeunhae was in the middle of taking her regular school uniform shirt, (Don’t worry, she’s wearing a tank-top underneath, LOL) but she stopped once the question was asked.

          “Well…?” Sanghee poked Yeunhae.

          “Ummm… well…” Yeunhae slid her shirt off, and slipped the gym t-shirt on. “Well, I don’t hate him, but I don’t love him to death.” Yeunhae exaggerated.  

          “So you do have some feeling for him?” Hamin raised her eyebrows.

          “I don’t know…” Yeunhae changed into her gym shorts. “I guess, like as in a friend.”

          Hamin sighed. “That’s nothing though.” She sat on the bench right across from the lockers.

          “What do you mean?” Yeunhae shut her locker, and sat next to her.

          “What Hamin means, is that we really want you to be happy, and we really did think you would like Minho.” Sanghee said.

          “Well… I do see the regular things that any girl would see.” Yeunhae said.

          Hamin and Sanghee looked the Yeunhae. “Like what?” Hamin asked.

          “Like how handsome he is. He’s really cute, actually.” Yeunhae sighed. “Oh, who am I kidding? Minho is stinking HOT. And also I noticed how determined he looks when he’s driving; he looks like a movie star when he’s driving hehehe. He’s really funny, caring, strong, oh, and by the way, his hair smells really good.” Yeunhae said.

          “Haha, you sound like a girl helplessly lost in love.” Sanghee said.

          “I do?” Yeunhae asked.

          “Yeah! And wait, you smelled his... hair?” Sanghee asked.

          “Oh, yeah. We were kind of just like hugging in our sleep, so I could smell his hair.”

          “YOU SLEPT TOGETH--?!” Hamin and Sanghee yelled, with Yeunhae covering their mouths.

          It was way too late. People heard it. They knew where it came from.


----Boy's Locker Room----


“Yah! Minho! How was she, eh?” “Was she any good in bed?” “Minho finally grew up, and became a man! WOO!” “Who stole my pants?!” Questions circling around Minho’s ears, and he didn’t like it. He was mainly offended that they thought that Minho and Yeunhae were doing… let’s say… nasty… things last night, when really, it was just a harmless hickey.

          And really, it wasn’t really their business if Yeunhae and he were doing that kind of stuff last night. It was only for Yeunhae and himself to know. Then all the sudden, Key, Taemin, and Onew, who were already in their gym uniforms, pulled him aside.

          “Yah! Did you two really do that right after your first date?” Key asked.

          “No! I can’t believe you guys would think I’m that erted!” Minho said.

          “Hyung, please if you going to do that stuff, wear protection. I don’t want Noona getting pregnant. She would go through a whole lot of stress.” Taemin said, sitting on the bench.

          “I just said we didn’t do anything!” Minho said, opening his locker, and changing into his gym uniform.

          “We find that really hard to believe; when some girls from the girl’s locker room just told us you two were sleeping together.” Onew said, crossing his arms against his chest.

          “Hyung, you know I still am able to judge what’s right and wrong.” Minho said.

          “So you were sleeping together, right?” Key asked.

          “Yeah, we were. But like I said, nothing happened.” Minho pointed out.

          “Wait so let me get this straight; You’re still a , right?” Onew asked.

          Minho roughly, but not too hard, punched Onew’s shoulder. “Of course I am!”

          Onew chuckled and rubbed his shoulder.

          “Yay! Noona won’t be pregnant!” Taemin smiled.

          “Hey, Taemin. Even if something did happen, I’m not stupid. I wouldn’t put a girl through that kind of pressure at this age.” Minho laughed.

          “Yah, Minho, do you even have any condo-” Key started, but was cut off by the bell that signaled it was time to enter the gym.

          Everyone headed out towards the gymnasium where class would be held. They were entering from the opposite sides of the gym. Minho went to Yeunhae.

          “Somehow they know you stayed at my place.” Minho whispered.

          “I figured.” Yeunhae sighed, pouting.

          “You know what’s funny?” Minho asked.

          “Hmm?” She replied.

          “They think we did gross stuff.” Minho laughed.

          “Yeah I know. They got the wrong idea when they thought of us sleeping together. But hmmm…. I wonder who knew that we were together.” Yeunhae said.

          “That’s what I’m wondering. I’m guessing someone followed us?” Minho said.

          “Maybe.” Yeunhae said.
          The gym teacher, Mr. Park, blew his whistle, and everyone hurried over to him to listen for instructions.

          “Alright, now I know every day we usually start with warm ups, but since it’s Monday, and everyone’s very tired, we’ll just have a class-long game of dodge ball. Whether you play or not is up to you. Any one not playing should just sit on the benches and talk.” And with that, Mr. Park blew his whistle again, and went to his office. The boys went to the lower gym to play, and the some of the girls did too. Most of the girls went to the upper gym to chill out and talk.

          Yeunhae, Hamin and Sanghee sat on the bench beside a basketball hoop. They sat there and kind of watched Minho’s team dominate the others. Yeunhae could see Minho, Key, Onew, and also Taemin.

          “Kyaaa! Minho’s so cool!” a girl shouted.

          Minho heard that girl, and smirked. Yeunhae saw the smirk and got mad. She didn’t know why she was mad though, because she knew she isn’t the type be mad without a reason. Why was she getting mad over this? More and more girls started cheering for Minho, and he seemed to be getting more energy from the girls cheering him on. She saw super mad now. But why?

          It suddenly hit her- and hard.






          Never before has she really been jealous of any girl, because they didn’t really bother her. Now, she wanted to punch their faces out.

          “Yah, you okay?” Sanghee asked.

          “What?” Yeunhae asked, coming back from her little trance she was in. “Oh, yeah, of course.” She said.

          “You seemed a little… dazed.” Hamin asked.

          “It’s nothing.” Yeunhae ensured them.

          “You know… those girls are cheering for you man, and he’s enjoying it.” Hamin said. “You going to do anything about it?” Sanghee added.

          “NO, WHY WOULD I?” Yeunhae said in a stubborn voice. Hamin and Sanghee just laughed.

          “Admit it, you like him. We can tell your jealous.” They said together.

          “I am not jealous!” Yeunhae crossed her arms.

          “Yeun, you don’t know what being jealous feels like!” Hamin said.

“You wish it were you cheering him on, you wish it were you he would smile for, am I right?” Sanghee asked.

          Yeunhae just blushed, and shamefully hung her head down, and nodded shamefully.

          “Aigoo! See? That wasn’t so hard to admit, was it?” Hamin asked, putting her arm around Yeunhae’s shoulder.

          “Yes it was.” Yeunhae said, still facing down.

          “You just have too much self-pride.” Sanghee said, putting her arm Yeunhae also.

          The three of them just sat back and enjoyed this little moment they got to bond. Times like these, you truly know who is a friend and who is not. Friends like Hamin and Sanghee will be with Yeunhae forever, and that, she was sure of.

          On the other hand, she had no idea what she was going to do about Minho. When she finally raised her head to look, those stupid girls were still cheering him on. And he was still smiling like a goof-ball.

          “Come on, fight for your man!” Sanghee and Hamin said, giving her a little push.

          Yeunhae looked back at them, smiled and turned around. ‘If I do this, it means I do like Minho. So I guess, maybe just maybe I do like him.’ Yeunhae thought to herself.

          She was about one step away from the girls cheering for Minho, but then Mr. Park blew his whistle.

          “Time to stop! Minho’s team wins! Everyone go get changed now!” Mr. Park said.

          Everyone started to leave, but Yeunhae just stood there, until Sanghee and Hamin went up to her. “Man, he really blew the moment away.” Hamin said. “You were so close!” Sanghee said.

          Yeunhae spoke slowly, “I guess God didn’t want me to stop those girls from cheering. Maybe we weren’t meant to be.”

          “Hey don’t say that. That was just a coincidence! Nothing to do with fate, okay? It was our fault for making you all excited about it.” Sanghee said, and Hamin nodded.

          “The worst part of it all; is that he has no idea of what’s going on through my mind.” Yeunhae said, as they made their way back into the locker room to change.


----Boy’s Locker Room----


          Minho was a little sweaty and tired from the game. He went to his locker and cleaned his face with a towel, and sprayed some good-smelling axe on his bare chest. (Not the strong kind that make you feel sick)

          After he was done changing, he sat on the bench across his locker. Key, Taemin, and Onew came and started changing, also.

          “Good game, Hyung!” Taemin said, opening his locker while trying to take his shirt off.

          “Yeah.” Minho said.

          “Hey, you had those girls screaming your name, bro!” Onew said.

          “Hahaha, you should’ve seen the stare Sanghee gave me, they were like freaking daggers. She must’ve been mad.” Key said.

          “Why?” Minho asked.

          “I don’t know. She and Hamin were putting their arm around Yeunhae. It looks like Yeunhae was crying or something. I would’ve gone up there to ask what’s wrong, but we were in the middle of a game.” Key said

          “HYUNG!” Taemin said, hitting Minho with his clean towel he was about to wipe his sweat with. “What did you do to hurt Noona?!”

          “I didn’t do anything!” Minho said.

          “Well, whatever it was, it made Yeunhae upset.” Onew said, closing his locker after he finished changing.

          “I wonder what it was…” Minho started thinking. “Oh hey, was she watching me? Was she cheering for me?” Minho asked.

          “Pfffft! Hyung! She was sitting at the far corner in the upper gym! She had her head hanging down and everything. I think my Sanghee and Hamin were comforting her.” Taemin said.

          “What? Man, I was totally showing off and she didn’t see it?” Minho said, disappointed. “I wonder what happened…”

          Key rolled his eyes. “It’s so obvious.” He said.

          “What?” Minho asked.

          “It obvious why she was upset.” Key repeated.

          “Why was she upset then?” Minho said.

          Key sighed deeply. “I’ll give you a hint: I bet you my life it had something to do with those girls who were cheering for you.” Key said, and Onew and Taemin agreed.

          Key was always so understanding of girls. It was really helpful for Minho sometimes. But still, he didn’t get why those girls had anything to do with why Yeunhae sad.

          “Man, I hope this isn’t going to affect you guys.” Onew said.

“Yeah, but the worst part of it all; is that she has no idea of what’s going on through my mind.” Minho said.



Author's Note-

This is my VERY LATE Christmas/New Year gift to my lovely readers \(^o^)/ Oh my goodness! That was a long chapter! LOL. Leave Comments Please! (No Silent Reading! ^o^) Please Subscribe if you like my story :D I am hoping to write long chapter like this every time now, so here's your heads up! (:

I ' L L   U P D A T E   S O O N !!   (:



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xxHardcoreShawolxx #1
Chapter 24: Gr8 story!!:) i feel sad 4 jjong(sry cant help it, im a blinger!^^) luv ur writing skills, plzz update soon!:D and btw can u plzzz plzzz make a jjong+oc fic?... Plzz!! Thxx so much!! Hihi^^ <33
Kekeke~ -block! Update soon!~
Update PLEASE! !!!~^^
choiminhosunsun #4
new reader! LOVING IT!
saranghae!!!luving it!!!!!
m0zarts0nata-- #5
such cute!!!
SHINee_Key #6
IHOP? A new apple thing?? LOL. LOL interruption! -block
levilia #7