Yelling, Screaming, and Taemin crying.

Today's Homework Assignment: Choi Minho.


          “…W-W-What?!” Yeunhae's eyes practically bulged out.

          Minho let out a soft chuckle. “I asked you to marry me”, he said.

          “M…Minho-sshi… I…” Yeunhae stuttered.

          Minho stood up to gaze at her, taking a gentle hold on her shoulders. His right hand moved north to the back of her head and kissed her. Breaking the kiss, he breathed out, “Please”, his lips just barely grazing against hers.

          Yeunhae’s slim fingers grasped onto his shirt, right around his collarbone.

           Minho smiled again. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to ask, but since we’ve been apart, I never got the time.” Minho whispered.

          “But, Minho, we’ve only just gotten into college. Aren’t we a little young?” Yeunhae asked.

          “That’s not anybody’s choice but ours.” He smiled. “There’s nothing wrong with college freshmen getting married already.” Minho said, resting his forehead against hers, using his left hand to brush her side bangs behind her ear.

          “You really think we can do this?” Yeunhae asked. “What about SHINee? Or your fans? Your family… I’ve barely met them! And-”

          “It’s okay; I know they would all accept you. My fans are really understanding. My family loves smart people, beautiful ones at that.” He said softly pinching her cheek.

          “Aigoo, I swear you’re too cheesy.” Yeunhae said. “Minho, I love you, and… I think I can spend my life with you.” She said, shuffling her feet a little closer. “But you know I have absolutely no experience in this area.”

          “And I said I’d teach you.” Minho smiled brightly. “Which means you’re going to have to spend the rest of your life loving meeeee.~” Minho joked.

          “I can’t believe we’re getting married.” Yeunhae started crying from happiness. “I just cannot believe it.” She said, sniffling.

          Minho laughed and wiped her tears away. “I’m sorry my proposal wasn’t as fancy as most girls would dream of.”

          “No, no. It’s perfect. I like the reality of it all. I love it. And you.” She giggled out of embarrassment.

          “And I’m the cheesy one?” Minho laughed, picking her up bridal style and running downstairs.

          “Where are we going?!” She squealed as he ran around the house.

          “We are going to make-out in every single room in this house.” He chuckled.

          “EWWW.” Yeunhae joked, knowing that Minho was exaggerating… hopefully.

          “Minho’s back?” Onew asked. “Yeunhae too?”
          “NOONA’S BACK!~~~~” Taemin shouted, running towards where the four of them (all of SHINee except Minho) were gathering.

          “Yeah… Minho just texted me a while ago, saying they just exited the airport.” Jonghyun stated.

          “Why does he tell YOU everything first?! I mean, out of all of us, YOU… It makes no sense at all!” Key whined, making a big deal out of it.

          “Yeah seriously… why you?” Onew asked looking at Jonghyun.

          “I don’t know, maybe because I know Yeunhae more than all of you guys?” Jonghyun slouched in his chair.

          “NOT TRUE! I have Noona’s number!” Taemin defended, frowning.

          “Nice try, Taemin. Yeunhae and I practically grew up together.” Jonghyun sighed.

          Taemin blushed. “S…Shut up! Nobody asked you!” He said, running to the kitchen.

          “I never understand him.” Onew laughed at Taemin.

          “Only infants do.” Key retorted.

          Jonghyun and Onew both chuckled at Key’s remark towards Taemin’s child-ness.

          “So what’s been up with you and Krystal anyway?” Onew asked, bringing up a new subject.

          Jonghyun shifted in his seat, and cleared his throat awkwardly. “Why do you ask?”

          “Just curious.” Onew shrugged.

          “Nothing much… just talked basically.” Jonghyun lied.

          “Pffft. YEAH RIGHT!” Key laughed. “I heard you guys were getting it on at the club like two days ago.” Key said with his annoyed voice. Jonghyun opened his mouth to object, but Key beat him to it. “Taeminnie, plug your ears!” Key shouted to Taemin, who was still in the kitchen. Returning his attention back to Jonghyun, he frowned. “Just how drunk were you? I know for a damn fact that you do not like her one bit!” Key mocked Krystal’s facial expressions that he absolutely hated.

          “Well… I can’t remember much after she locked us in the room…” Jonghyun silently said, awkwardly scratching his neck.

          Key jumped up from his seat and glared at Jonghyun. “I told you! I told you she was horrid! But Noooooo, you just had to hang with her, didn’t you?!” Key yelled, and stepped closer to Jonghyun.

          Onew stood also and made an attempt to restrain Key from attacking Jonghyun. “Taemin! Run up stairs, HURRY!” Onew shouted towards the kitchen. After about one second, he heard Taemin running up to his room. “Come on Key, calm down.” Onew tried.

          “HELL NO! You see this? I bet you a million dollars he’s not even a anymore!” Key screamed, trying to get out of Onew’s grip.

          “YAH!” Jonghyun said, getting up from his chair. “I told you I don’t remember!”

          “SO? Then how would you know if she you or not? You don’t remember !” Key cried out.

          “Come on guys, please stop! Please!” Onew begged.

          Jonghyun breathed in and out slowly, trying his best to not get angry. “Kibum,” He said.

          “DO NOT ‘KIBUM’ ME! ONEW,” Key said, struggling to get free, “LET. ME. GO!” He grunted, finally getting out of Onew’s grasp.

          Key pulled up his sleeves and fixed his hair. “Jonghyun, you dirty little bastard!”

          “Here we go…” Jonghyun rolled his eyes.

          Onew just ran to Taemin’s room, not knowing what to do anymore. He decided to just comfort Taemin. Taemin, on the other hand, was in tears and did the only thing he could think of.

          Called Yeunhae. 

Sorry! Kind of a SUPER SHORT chapter for now. LOL And I didn't take a whole month to update!! YAAAY! ONLY 25 days! I'm so excited! ONLY 10 more days left of school!!!!!! YUSH! And for those of you wondering why I haven't been updating a lot, is because believe it or not, I have depression, and I have to deal with a bunch of medical crap, AND I'M ONLY 13. So yeah. Sorry for the inconvenience.!

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xxHardcoreShawolxx #1
Chapter 24: Gr8 story!!:) i feel sad 4 jjong(sry cant help it, im a blinger!^^) luv ur writing skills, plzz update soon!:D and btw can u plzzz plzzz make a jjong+oc fic?... Plzz!! Thxx so much!! Hihi^^ <33
Kekeke~ -block! Update soon!~
Update PLEASE! !!!~^^
choiminhosunsun #4
new reader! LOVING IT!
saranghae!!!luving it!!!!!
m0zarts0nata-- #5
such cute!!!
SHINee_Key #6
IHOP? A new apple thing?? LOL. LOL interruption! -block
levilia #7