I Can't Believe How Pretty His Eyes Are.

Today's Homework Assignment: Choi Minho.

Minho took all of them out to eat. He was a little disappointed that Jonghyun didn’t come with, but he’ll just give him a call later. He has a date to impress. (:

Jonghyun’s date left with anger, jealousy, and sadness boiling up in her blood. Right after Jonghyun left the theater, she tried to follow him, but Jonghyun was speeding off with a madness of his own. She gave up, and went home to consult with her sister, Krystal. *Dun dun duuunnnn*

Yeunhae was having a really nice time with Minho, Sanghee, Taemin, Key, and Onew. Key’s and Onew’s dates both left after the movie. With the exception of Sanghee, Jonghyun, and Yeunhae, it was a SHINee hangout.

At the table of six, there was laughter, giggles, and regular chit-chat. Minho and Onew played rock, paper, and scissors to see who pays for the dinner. They kept playing until Key stopped them, announcing he would pay. Minho smirked, and then thanked Key. So did Onew.

Yeunhae and Sanghee were talking about how Taemin had pretty eyes.

“They kind of sparkle if you look at them if you look at the right angle…” Sanghee stated.

“I’ve never really took a good look at them.” Yeunhae said, drinking a bit of the water that the waiter brought over.

“Oohhh, you have to! You’ll be in a daze!” Sanghee said. “Unless… You get dazed by looking at Minho’s...” Sanghee wiggled her eyebrows, and gently elbowed Yeunhae.

Yeunhae giggled. “It’s not like that with us.”

“Then how is it? Have you guys ever hugged before?” Sanghee asked.

“Well, once. But he was protecting me from the creepy guys.” Yeunhae said, remembering that event very vividly.

“Oooooohhh…” Sanghee cooed. “Sounds very manly of him.” Sanghee laughed with Yeunhae on that remark.

Minho came back to the table with the menus. Everyone took one, and glanced at the food choices. Minho leaned in closer to Yeunhae.

“What do you want to order?” Minho whispered.

“Well, I’ve always liked Bulgogi…” Yeunhae turned to face Minho, but stopped talking when she saw that twinkle in Minho’s eyes.

“Do you want rice with that?” Minho said, also lost in Yeunhae’s eyes.

Yeunhae just nodded her head. Taemin broke the trance that Yeunhae and Minho were by talking to Minho.

“Hyung, hurry! I’m hungry!” Taemin said, puffing his cheeks out for an aegyo show. Sanghee laughed slightly at the sight.

“Okay.” Minho said, telling the waiter everyone’s order. Yeunhae just moved the straw around in her water glass.

The food arrived, and everyone started eating. The talking never did end, but there was just a bit less. Key was trying to get a hold of Jonghyun by texting him, but Jonghyun was not answering. He even called him, but it rang once, then Jonghyun dropped the call.

“Jonghyun’s acting weird.” Key said.

“Why’s that?” Onew asked.

“I texted him, no reply. I call, he hangs up on me. Did something happen that we don’t know of?” Key sighed.

Yeunhae sat there, feeling guilty. Was she the cause of this? She wasn’t hungry anymore, but she slowly ate, so no one would worry about her.

Of course, Sanghee noticed her change in appetite.

“Yeun? You okay?” Sanghee gently poked Yeunhae’s arm.

“Yeah.” Yeunhae smiled, and took another bite. “I just don’t feel that hungry anymore.”

“Oh, well try to finish what you can; I hear this restaurant is very expensive.” Sanghee glanced at Yeunhae’s plate. “And they do give you a huge serving.”

After another twenty minutes, everyone was just about done eating… except Yeunhae, that is. The waiter came over with the bill and fortune cookies. (Sooo Asian. xD)

Yeunhae was the first to take a cookie, while Key took the bill.

Yeunhae took the slip of paper out of the cookie without breaking it. She heard Minho giggle, so she didn’t read it quite yet.

“What?” Yeunhae asked.

“Add “In bed” at the end of your fortune.” Minho said, laughing.

Yeunhae giggled. “Okay.” She read it to Minho. “A secret admirer will soon send you a sign of affection… in bed.” Yeunhae started laughing as soon as Minho did. They probably look like idiots, but hey, that was pretty funny.

“Now read yours.” Yeunhae told Minho.

“Haha, alright.” Minho read his to Yeunhae. “The one you love is closer than you think… in bed.” The two cracked up again. “Yours is funnier.” Minho said in between laughs.

          The laughter was finally subsiding, and they were heading out of the restaurant.

“This was fun. We should hang again sometime soon.” Taemin said, seeming very happy.

Minho faced Yeunhae. “Yeah, soon.”

While the rest of the group was saying their goodbyes and were leaving, Mino and Yeunhae sat in his car for a while. They were both still thinking about the fortune cookies.

All the sudden, Yeunhae starts laughing.

“What?” Minho asked.

“In bed… Hahaha. That’s so weird and funny.” She said.

“You’ve never heard of that joke? Everyone does that.” Minho said, laughing along with her.

Yeunhae just shook her head. She now knew her thoughts of Minho being cocky and so boring were completely wrong. He was actually a very funny and lively guy. And if she was to fake date anyone, she was happy it was Minho.  

Minho turned the key in the ignition, and started driving towards his house. Yeunhae, not knowing this route, was confused.

“Minho, where are we going?”

“My house.” He smirked.

“W-Why?” Yeunhae stuttered.

“Well, what do you think?” Minho chuckled.

“But there’s school tomorrow.” Yeunhae tried to reason with him. She wasn’t exactly ready to spend the night a Minho’s house.

“We’ll go together.” Minho said.

“But what about your parents?” Yeunhae tried one last time to knock some since into him.

“I live alone.” He smiled.

“Oh.” Yeunhae gave up.

Minho pulled up into a gigantic house’s driveway. He pressed a button built into his car that opens the garage.

He parked the car, sigh with relief, and unbuckled his seatbelt, before reaching over and unbuckling Yeunhae’s too.

“Thanks…” Yeunhae muttered. Minho just smirked.

Minho got out of the car, and Yeunhae stopped right before she opened her car door.

“I’m about to spend the at night Choi Minho’s house... I’m about to enter Choi Minho’s house… YAH! CHO YEUNHAE! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! ARASO? ARASO!” Yeunhae said to herself, and did a little fist pump, which Minho saw. He smiled. “Omo... Did he see that?!?!?! Yeunhae, Inhale…exhale…inhale…exhale…” Yeunhae fanned herself, before opening the car door.


Author’s Note: Hello My lovely readers ^^. I am super happy since, this is only the 8th chapter, and yet I have like 55 subscribers! :D ANYWAY, I wanted to ask if this story is going by too fast? Or too slow? LEAVE COMMENTS PLEASE >:D


Question Of The Chapter: How’s life, eh?

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xxHardcoreShawolxx #1
Chapter 24: Gr8 story!!:) i feel sad 4 jjong(sry cant help it, im a blinger!^^) luv ur writing skills, plzz update soon!:D and btw can u plzzz plzzz make a jjong+oc fic?... Plzz!! Thxx so much!! Hihi^^ <33
Kekeke~ -block! Update soon!~
Update PLEASE! !!!~^^
choiminhosunsun #4
new reader! LOVING IT!
saranghae!!!luving it!!!!!
m0zarts0nata-- #5
such cute!!!
SHINee_Key #6
IHOP? A new apple thing?? LOL. LOL interruption! -block
levilia #7