My First Boyfriend.

Today's Homework Assignment: Choi Minho.

Yeunhae was so confused. Everything usually came easily for her. Not this apparently.

“But I’ve never had a boyfriend before.” She stared down at the floor, afraid that Minho would laugh.

“You’re joking right?” Minho smiled.

Yeunhae shook her head. Then Minho’s smile disappeared. “Really? Why not?” he asked.

“I don’t know… I always thought dating was sort of… pointless.” She said.

“Well you at least had a crush before, right?”

“Not really.”

“Wah… Yeunhae, you’re really something. I’m guessing you still haven’t had your first kiss?”

“Not yet.” She looked up at the door hoping she could run away from this awkwardness.

“Then how about it? Let’s go out.” Minho said.

Yeunhae gave a dried laugh. “Are you some type of player?”

“Actually, no. I don’t really take interest in girls. Like you, I find no pleasure in dating, but I’ve had a girlfriend before, I’ve kissed before, I just never really had a crush before. I dated those girls out of pity. I stopped doing that after Middle School.”

“You had your first kiss in Middle School? Wah… So young.” Yeunhae said.

“Well, you’re a senior in High School who hasn’t done a thing with boys.” Minho laughed. “I think we both know which one’s worse.”

“Me, I know.” Yeunhae sighed.

“I can fix that if you want me too. After all, I am your boyfriend now.”

“I never agreed to it yet!”

“Yeah, yet.” Minho smirked. “Plus it’s for a cause. It’s not like I like you or anything.”

“Fine. But for the record, I don’t like you either.” Yeunhae stuck her tongue out, and quickly walked to the door, exiting the room.

Alone on the bed, Minho laughed. “She doesn’t even know that her aegyo’s kill me.” He lay down on the bed. “She’s the most popular girl in the school, yet never even kissed, or even had a boyfriend. She’s the smartest girl, yet she gets confused by just seeing my face.” Minho sighed. “She’s different. She’s… real.” He smiled. “For some reason… I actually want to try.”

[A/N: I like how Minho talks to himself. xD Like they do in all those K-Dramas (: ]

Yeunhae walked downstairs, and went to the backyard of Seohyun’s mansion, right next to the hot tub.

She sighed, leaning against the wall of the house. “Minho. The nerve of that guy…”

“THERE SHE IS! GET HER!” Some boys were yelling, running towards Yeunhae.

“Oh crap!” She started running away. She ran all the way to the front yard, to the driveway, bumping into Seohyun.

“Oh Yeunhae! Why are you..” Seohyun looked up to see boys running towards them. “Oh crap. They’re getting closer. Yeunhae, you should start running again.”

Then, all the sudden, Minho came up, and took Yeunhae into a hug-like thing. “Don’t worry. Don’t talk, whatever I say… don’t argue.” He whispered so only Yeunhae could hear it.

The boys that were chasing her finally caught up. One of them walked right in front of them. “Yeunhae, come with us.” He said… trying to be seductive.

Minho put on an angry face. “Stay away from my girlfriend.”

Seohyun gasped. “GIRLFRIEND?!” She was smiling like an idiot. “Yeunhae! Congrats! Text me about it later, okay?” Seohyun said, and walked back into her mansion.

The boys all scoffed. “Girlfriend? Yeah, we don’t think so.” The front boy sighed, rolling up his sleeves.

Yeunhae, who was sensing a fight was about to happen, lifted her head up. “Please don’t fight them, Minho. You could get hurt.”

Minho just kissed her cheek. “I told you not to argue. Now, just sit still for minute, okay?”

Yeunhae just nodded slowly.

Then, one of the boys took a strike at Minho, who quickly dodged it, and kick him to the floor. “One down” he said to himself. “Five left.”

Another quickly attacked him, only for Minho to swiftly punch him. “Another down.”

Two went at him this time, and Minho used his long legs as an advantage. He kicked one, and used him as a shield, the other punching his friend by accident. Minho dropped his human shield, and took out the other one. “Two left.”

Seeing that they saved the best for last, he had to think of a plan, fast. Taking out one easily, the other walking towards Yeunhae. Seeing this, Yeunhae thought back to Minho’s words: “Just sit still”. She sat still, and Minho noticed the last guy, coming towards her.

“Yeunhae!” Minho yelled, and kicked the other guy in the back, sending him to floor. Minho got on top of him, and gripped his shirt. “I told you to stay away from my girl!” Minho yelled, punching his face one last time, leaving him unconscious.

Minho got up, and went to Yeunhae. “Are you okay?! Why didn’t you run away when he came after you?!” he asked.

“Because you told me to sit still!” Yeunhae said, with tears forming in her eyes.

Minho hugged her. “Babo.” He released her, and wiped her tears away. “Don’t cry. Let’s get you home now.” He said, motioning to his car, which looked extremely expensive, like hers was.

“It’s fine, I can drive myself.” Yeunhae said.

“You think I’m going to let you go by yourself, with erts on the street?” Minho asked, opening the car door for her, and making her sit down. Quickly walking to the other side, he also opened the door, and sat down. “I’m sure Seohyun won’t mind if you leave your car here for today.” He said, turning the key in the ignition. “Now, where do you live?”

“So you can stalk me?” Yeunhae laughed a little.

Minho chuckled. “No, so I can drop you off.”

“OH! Yeah, I forgot.” Yeunhae pouted.

“Obviously.” He said buckling his seatbelt. He noticed Yeunhae was having a hard time finding hers. He reached over her, helping her.

Yeunhae blushed. “Thanks.” She said, seeing that Minho buckled it for her.

“She’s cute when she blushes.” Minho whispered.

“What? Did you say something?” Yeunhae asked, wondering if he had said something.


“What did you say?”

Minho was scrambling to find something to say. “I said: Where do you live?” he said, backing the car up, and driving down the street to the first stop sign.

“Take a left.” She said pointing to the left.

Minho took a left, and continued to follow Yeunhae’s directions until they reached her house. “This is my stop.” Yeunhae was distracted by her bedroom lights on. “My lights are on…” She said. “That’s weird. I locked my bedroom door.” She looked at Minho.

Minho looked up, and yes, he did see a room with the lights still on. “Does anyone else have the key to your room?” he asked.

Yeunhae dug in her pocket to grab the key. “Nope.” She said showing Minho her key. “This is the only key.”

Minho parked the car, and got out. He opened the car door for Yeunhae to get out.

“Thank you.” She said. “Wait. Minho walk me to the door, please…”

Minho smiled. “Why? You scared?~”

“No! Just to be sure…” She said.

“Fine, let’s go?” Minho said.

Minho was leading the way to the front door, and Yeunhae was hiding behind him. “Isn’t this your own house? Why are you scared?” Minho asked when they reached the door.

“Who knows… Someone could’ve broken in…” Yeunhae said.

Minho laughed. “You just admitted you’re scared.” He said, opening the door. “Want me to walk you to your bedroom?”  he asked.

Yeunhae thought for minute… Her room was always clean.. but what if one of her underwear was laying on the floor?!

Minho smiled. “Come on. Let’s go.” He said, pushing her forward.

She walked up the stairs, and got the key to her room. She unlocked the door. “Wait a second.” She peeked her head in. Thank goodness, it was all clear. No underwear. “Okay.”

Minho’s protective side kicked in just then. “Hold on. Someone could be hiding in your closet or something.” He said, and went in first.

When he saw it was all clear, even checking the closet, he sighed in relief. “Nobody’s here.” He said.

“Huh… I guess Kyuhyun Oppa must’ve picked my lock for something…” Yeunhae said.

“Kyuhun?” Minho asked.

“My older brother.” Yeunhae said.

“Oh. Will you be okay now?” Minho asked.

“Yeah… I think so.” Yeunhae said nodding.

Minho smiled. “I’ll be going then. Sleep well, Jagiya.”

Yeunhae couldn’t help but laugh. “Jagiya? We just started dating and you’re already calling me ‘sweetie’? Thanks, you sleep well too, Jagiya.”

Minho chuckled. “Remember, we got to make this whole dating thing seem real.”

“Yeah. I know. I just don’t really know how these things go…” Yeunhae sighed.

“Don’t worry.” Minho said. “I’ll teach you.”

“You’ll what?!” Yeunhae asked.

Minho quickly kissed her cheek, and ran out the door, laughing.

Yeunhae got dressed in her pajamas and went to bed. Before falling asleep, she thought about Minho. “Aishh. Teach me? Ahahaha, I don’t need teaching! I know exactly what to do!” Then she fell into slumber.


[ A/N: Hello Subscribers! Hehehe ^__^ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY STORY! :D ] 

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xxHardcoreShawolxx #1
Chapter 24: Gr8 story!!:) i feel sad 4 jjong(sry cant help it, im a blinger!^^) luv ur writing skills, plzz update soon!:D and btw can u plzzz plzzz make a jjong+oc fic?... Plzz!! Thxx so much!! Hihi^^ <33
Kekeke~ -block! Update soon!~
Update PLEASE! !!!~^^
choiminhosunsun #4
new reader! LOVING IT!
saranghae!!!luving it!!!!!
m0zarts0nata-- #5
such cute!!!
SHINee_Key #6
IHOP? A new apple thing?? LOL. LOL interruption! -block
levilia #7