She told me to, so I did.

Today's Homework Assignment: Choi Minho.

Author's note: OMG, this chapter is lie 4,233 words, so ENJOY :D           

            Yeunhae woke up to the feeling of her cellphone vibrating.

//Incoming call from: Jonghyun//

            “Yoboseyo?” Yeunhae answered the phone in a sleepy tone.

            “Oh, Yeunhae-ah, want to hang out after your done with school today?” Jonghyun asked.

            “Mmmm... sure.” Yeunhae said, lying back down on the bed. She felt something underneath her and sat up again. It was an envelope. “Jonghyun… I’ll call you back later…”

            “O-okay.” Jonghyun stuttered.

            “I creeped her out, didn’t I?!” Jonghyun said, ruffling his hair in embarrassment. “Oh well, once she finds out, she is going to need company to take her mind off that heartbreak.” He said, going to the bathroom to take a morning shower before work.

            Yeunhae picked up the envelope, stood up from the bed, and walked into the bathroom. She set it on the counter as she grabbed her toothbrush. A couple seconds after she started brushing, she let the toothbrush hang in as she picked the envelope back up. Ripping the end, she took out the paper. The words were written in Minho’s handwriting.

            Yeunhae’s toothbrush fell out of , and onto the floor. Her knees felt weak, and she fell down into a kneeling position. She had that terrible feeling inside her eyes and nose when you’re about to cry. It kind of stings, and tingles. Pretty soon, her face a wet, and her side bangs were matted on her face from the tears she shed. Making a few gasping sounds, she wiped the tears away, and put all her effort into standing up. Leaning against the sink counter, she looked into the mirror. Messy hair, eyes blood-shot, arms slightly shaking, whole body shivering, heart shattered and traumatized.

            She was not just about to accept the fact the Minho had left. She turned the sink on, let it run for a while, then cupped her hands and brought some cold water to her face. Wiping her face with a towel, she sighed. “Kyuhyun must be just pulling a prank on me… Minho wouldn’t do this to me. He was just fine last night when I texted him. Haha. This is just a joke.” Yeunhae said, fixing the tiny knots in her hair.

            Before leaving the bathroom, Yeunhae threw the toothbrush, which was lying on the floor, into the trash. “It’s dirty anyway.”

            She went downstairs after getting dressed. Kyuhyun was sitting at the table drinking hot chocolate. Yeunhae slapped the letter on his head, and put it down next to his mug.

            “What kind of joke are you playing now?” Yeunhae questioned him with a tone of voice, which obviously showed that she was annoyed. 

            “What? I didn’t do anything.” Kyuhyun scoffed, picking up the letter and read it. “Yah… My handwriting isn’t even near as good as this! You should know! Clearly it’s real, and Minho left.” Kyuhyun stated, putting the letter back in her hands, and drank more of his hot chocolate.

            “What are you talking about? Minho wouldn’t just up and leave, he just wouldn’t.” Yeunhae said, refusing to believe it.

             Kyuhyun thought of an evil little plan. “And how long have you known him? How can you just believe that he would stay by your side forever? You said you had no interest in guys, why him, huh? What’s so special about him? Why do you even care if he leaves?!” Kyuhyun said, pretending to be annoyed also.

             “Yah! It’s none of your business! I never bother you about the girls you bring home sometimes! Why do you even care if I have a boyfriend?!” Yeunhae retorted back.

             “Because I’m your Oppa, it’s what Oppa's do! And I’m family, you should believe me, instead of clinging onto some dude you just met.” Kyuhyun said.

             “How come only now you want to act like a humanly brother? Any other time you wouldn’t care.”

             “That’s ‘cause any other time you didn’t dare even talking to guys! So I didn’t have to worry! It’s only with Minho that you seem like a regular girl, but holy , you’ve gotten so attached that you can’t even think about him not being by your side.” Kyuhyun said.

             “What do you want then? You want me to never be in a relationship? Would that make you happy?” Yeunhae asked.

             “No, I mean, any guy who makes my younger sister cry, should not be able to have her back. Forget about Minho. Go to Jonghyun, he would never ever think to hurt you in anyway.” Kyuhyun said, testing Yeunhae. He actually didn’t mind Minho; he just wanted to see how far Yeunhae was willing to go with this conversation.

             “But… Jonghyun’s just a chingu… CHIN-GU” Yeunhae said, breaking the word down into syllables.

             “So what? At least Jonghyun's still in Korea.” Kyuhyun said.

             Yeunhae just frowned.

             “Do you really like him that much? What’s he got that Jonghyun doesn’t have?”

             “Well, first, Minho’s in my grade, his birthday is in November, so he’s a little older, not a whole year like Jonghyun.”

             “Age shouldn’t have to matter.” Kyuhyun said, sipping more of his drink.

             “Well, I see Minho more, well I used to.” Yeunhae said.

             “So…” Kyuhyun started.

             “Yes?” Yeunhae asked.

             “Would you be willing to go after him?” Kyuhyun asked.

             “OFCOURSE! HE LEFT WITHOUT A GOODBYE! IF I HAD THE CHANCE TO CHASE AFTER HIM, I OFCOURSE I WOULD!” Yeunhae said it like it was the more obvious thing in the world.

             “Then, it’s clear that you guys didn’t like each other.” Kyuhyun said.

             “What do you mean? He even wrote in the letter saying that he-”

             “What you two had wasn’t just 'liking each other'. You guys were in love.” Kyuhyun said, leaving Yeunhae awestruck.

             Yeunhae decided to skip school today, and made Kyuhyun call the school saying she was sick. She knew she couldn’t handle Minho not being there.

             She pulled out her cell phone.

// To: Sanghee/ Hamin

Message: Mianhe, I’m not feeling good at all today, so I won’t be at school. //

             Yeunhae closed her eyes, and sighed. Few moments later, she got 2 texts at the same time. “God, how do they do that?” Yeunhae asked, grabbing her phone.


// From: Sanghee

Message: Okay, get better soon! ^-^ //


// From: Hamin

Message: Okay, get better soon! ^-^ //


           Yeunhae slightly laughed at her friend’s dorkie-ness.

//To: Sanghee/ Hamin

Message: Okay, okay. Bye (: //

           With that, Yeunhae got dressed, and went downstairs. Kyuhyun already left to his university, so he wasn’t nagging her anymore. She grabbed her car keys, and got into her car.

            *knock knock*

            “It’s open.” Jonghyun said plainly while signing some contracts.

            “Jonghyun-sshi, here’s the other half of the investment agreements.” Jiwan handed him a five-inch thick stack of papers.

            “Ah, thank you, Jiwan-sshi.” Jonghyun said, grabbing the papers.

            “And also, you have a visitor.” Jiwan said.

            “Bwoh? Who?” Jonghyun asked, looking up from his desk, facing Jiwan.

            Yeunhae entered the room as Jonghyun asked who it was. Jiwan left his office now. Jonghyun’s eyes grew wide as he saw Yeunhae.

            “Oh, Yeunie-.” Jonghyun said, getting up and hugging her gently. “So, what brings you here? Why aren’t you in class?” Jonghyun asked, letting go of the hug.

            “I don’t feel like going today, something kind of… happened.” Yeunhae said.

            “What? … What happened?” Jonghyun asked. “Are you sick? Hurt?”

            “I’m not physically damaged, Umma, stuff just happened. Nothing, really.” Yeunhae said.

            “Yeun, I know very well that it’s not nothing, you miss Minho, don’t you?” Jonghyun asked.

            Yeunhae looked up at him in surprise. “You know he left?”

            “Of course. We’re best friends. SHINee will always be in close contact. Of course he’d tell me.” Jonghyun said.

            “You don’t seem that sad about it.” Yeunhae said.

            “Well, I am sad, disappointed actually that he had to leave. But think about it, he doesn’t even know if his own Umma is alive still. Plus, he told me he went to see you last night, so didn’t you guys like say goodbye?” Jonghyun asked.

            “No… Kyuhyun told me that I was asleep, so Minho didn’t bother me, and he just left a note.”

            “Ooo… Ouch. That must’ve to read.” Jonghyun said, speaking without thinking. “Oh, sorry. That slipped out.” Jonghyun said, covering his mouth.

            Yeunhae softly giggled. “It’s okay.”

           “Hey, I got an idea.” Jonghyun said.

           “Really? What is it?” Yeunhae said.

           “Let’s make this depressing day a little bit less sad.” Jonghyun said with a smile, taking her hand in his, and pulling her out of his office, and down to the lobby. “I’m taking the rest of the day off, Jiwan-sshi!” Jonghyun shouted towards her desk, and left with Yeunhae.

            “Yah… where are we going?” Yeunhae asked.

            “You’ll see, just be patient.” Jonghyun said, focusing on the road in front of him.

            Yeunhae muttered to herself, “Wahh... Even Jonghyun looks so serious while talking and driving at the same time.”

           “Hmm?” Jonghyun asked.

           “Nothing…” Yeunhae said, still staring at his face. There were a couple strands of hair sticking out of place, so she reached over and fixed it.

            As soon as her hand touched him, Jonghyun looked over at her. Their eyes met, and stayed that way for a while.

            Jonghyun cleared his throat, and looked back at the road. “Thanks.”

            Minutes later, they arrived at Jonghyun’s house. “Yah… Why are we at your house?” Yeunhae said, getting out of the car.

            Jonghyun smiled. “You’ll see.” He said.

            Once inside Jonghyun went into his room for a little bit, and came back out with his wallet. “Let’s go?” He asked.

            “Aigoo, now where are we going?” Yeunhae asked. “No, wait, you’re just going to say ‘You’ll see’ again!” Yeunhae pouted.

            “Actually, I was going to tell you where, but since you brought that back up… You’ll see.” Jonghyun smirked, and shifted his body until it was behind hers. He then put a blindfold around her eyes so that she could not see a thing.

            “Yah! What are you doing?!” Yeunhae squealed.

            “It’s going to be a surprise! You’ll love it, trust me.” Jonghyun said while guiding her into the car, and making sure she doesn’t hit her head on the side of the car.

            Jonghyun made a stop a place, but Yeunhae couldn’t tell since she was blindfolded. “Stay here, and don’t you dare peep.” Jonghyun giggled. “Arasso?”

            “Deh, arasso.” Yeunhae pouted once again, and sat still obediently.

            Jonghyun smiled and left the car, and went into the small store. He looked around before he found the perfect one, and bought it in heartbeat.

            He went back to his car, in which Yeunhae was sitting silently in, and put the present in the back seat.

            “Yah… Jonghyun-ah… what did you buy?” Yeunhae asked.

            “Hmmm… I don’t want to ruin the surprise.” He smiled. Turning the key in the ignition, he started driving to their destination for today.

            A good half hour later, they arrived at the place. Jonghyun smiled to himself, sighing that they’re finally back. Back to the place of all their memories.

            “Are we finally where you want us?” Yeunhae chuckled.

            “Deh, we’re here.” Jonghyun said, grabbing the present, and going to the other car door, and helping Yeunhae out. Once Jonghyun locked the car door, they started to walk towards the place.

            “Yah, can I take this blindfold off now?” Yeunhae begged.

            “Arasso, just a few more steps… 1…2…3…” Jonghyun said, counting out the steps, holding her waist with his free arm so she doesn’t bump into anything. “Okay, you can take it off now.”

            Yeunhae smiled, and removed the blindfold. Her eyes widened at what was in front of her. “J-Jonghyun-ah… We’re… we’re…”

            They were in front of the cabin that they used to run away to when they were troubled. Or when their families were on vacation together, but wanted to be away from adults. But now, since they’re practically grown-ups themselves, many memories have been concealed in this place, never to escape.

            Jonghyun chuckled. “We’re home, Yeun.”

            “Yeah.” She smiled. “Wait, then what did you buy?”

            “I’ll show you once we get situated inside.” Jonghyun said, urging her inside.

            Once inside, they were both greeted by the all too familiar fresh scent evolved around the entire cabin.  You couldn’t really be able to tell what it smelt like- it just smelt good.

            “Deh, we’re inside now… What did you buy?” Yeunhae asked.

            Jonghyun was still holding the present behind his back, so that it was out of view point for Yeunhae. “Ah-ah-ah.” Jonghyun said, wagging his finger at her. “Patience, Yeun.” Jonghyun said.

            “Ahhh! Why do I have to wait?” Yeunhae whined.

            “Because you’re hungry.” Jonghyun said.

            Just then Yeunhae’s tummy growled and Jonghyun cracked up. “Aigoo... Told you.” Jonghyun said, taking her into the kitchen, and placed the present in a hiding place before Yeunhae could see it.

            Jonghyun was going to cook something very delicious to take her mind of the heartbreak of Minho leaving.

            “Excuse me; I have a reservation at this hotel.” The young man said to the check-in lady in English.

            “Name please, sir.” The lady said.

            “Choi Minho of Choi Enterprises.” He said, lifting his sunglasses a bit so that she could recognize him.

            “Oh! Mr. Choi, yes, here’s your key. Penthouse, right?” She asked handing him the room key.

            Minho slid his sunglasses off, and smiled. “Yeah, thank you.” The check-in lady almost fainted at the sight of a famous person smiling at her.

            Minho went into the elevator, and went to the top level to the penthouse. He scoffed at the sight. “I love New York.”

He slumped down on the bed, and sighed. “Aisshh… I wonder if Yeunhae read my letter… I wonder if she even cares if I left.” He buried his face in the pillow beside him. “She probably doesn’t… She never once gave me any signals that she liked me.” He mumbled into the pillow.

            He grabbed the remote which controlled the lighting in the room; adjusting it so the room was dimly lit. “I can’t believe it… I’ve gone almost a whole day without any Yeunhae at all… How did I manage to get this far?” Minho sat up, and stared down at the city below him through the window, watching the cars go by, in an effort to drown away his depression of being jam-packed with emptiness, and being alone again.

            It was true, he felt different when he was away from her, but it was not a good kind of different. It hurt; and there was this feeling in his gut that did not feel good at all. He missed her so much. “I won’t last long here, better find Umma quick.” Minho said, climbing underneath the covers, and drifting off to sleep.

            “Yah, eat slower so you don’t get the hiccups.” Jonghyun said.

            “Too bad. You said you’d show me the present once we’re done eating.” Yeunhae said, allowing more food into . “But hey, it’s really delicious!” Yeunhae said excitedly.

            “Really? Ahahha.” Jonghyun laughed. “You always did like food.” He said.

            After they were both done eating, they put the dishes into the dish-washer thing, and went in the room with the fireplace, where Jonghyun stashed the present. He lifted it up, and brought it towards her.

            “Okay… Surprise!” Jonghyun said, giving her the large box.

            Yeunhae smiled, took the box into her hands, and placed it in front of her. She opened the lid and…

            “JJANG!!” Jonghyun shouted, doing jazz hands to make the scene more dramatic.

            Yeunhae gasped and threw the lid behind her. She lifted the present out of the box and cuddled with it. “OH MY GOD, JONGHYUN!!! YOU GOT ME A PUPPY!!!” Yeunhae said, hugging the tiny cute dog that Jonghyun had bought.

            He smiled and laughed at her reaction. “What do you want  to name it?” he asked.

            “Hmmm… Roo!” Yeunhae said, raising the dog up, and back down, then back up, and down.

            Jonghyun chuckled. “Arasso,” Jonghyun said “Roo”.

             Yeunhae put gently Roo down on her lap, and hugged Jonghyun tightly. “Thank you so much Jonghyun! Thank you for bringing us back here, feeding me, and buying me Roo!”

            “Y-Yeun.” Jonghyun stuttered.

            “Hmm?” Yeunhae asked, still hugging him.

            “You’re chocking me.” Jonghyun said, laughing.

            “Oh! Sorry!”

            Jonghyun and Yeunhae chased Roo around the house for a good three hours until they were all tired of running around. They both knew they were going to spend the night here, so luckily, they still had clothes here from previous escapes to here. Most of the clothes were still a bit big on them, but hey, they’re just pajamas.

            In the past, they would share the same bed, since they were so close and best friends. But it’s been awhile, and they definitely have changed quite a bit mentally and physically. Mostly physically.

            Jonghyun jumped onto the bed first. “I’m so tired.” Jonghyun groaned into the bed sheets.

            Yeunhae also got on the bed also. “Me too.” Yeunhae said, petting Roo who was in between the two of them, who were laying down facing each other.

            “Good night, Yeunie-.” Jonghyun said with a smile, and dimming the lights.

            “Good night.” Yeunhae whispered.

            Roo curled up into a tiny little ball, and fell asleep first. After about five minutes of utter silence, Yeunhae was the one who spoke.

            “Jonghyun?” she asked.

            “Hhmmm?” He hummed back.

            “I don’t think I can sleep.” Yeunhae said, tickling the sleeping Roo’s ear. 

            “Are you stressed out?” Jonghyun put his arm up, so his head was leaning against it, while facing Yeunhae.

            “I don’t know, I just feel sort of empty inside…” Yeunhae said, clutching the area on her chest where her heart hurt.

            Jonghyun chuckled. “It’s called heartbreak.”

            “How do you know?” Yeunhae said, looking at Jonghyun. Since it the room was dimly lit, they could still barely see each other’s faces.

            “I know because I’ve had a lot of experience in heartbreak.” Jonghyun said, sighing.

            “Omo, who broke your heart?” Yeunhae asked.

            Jonghyun smirked. “Well, I used to be good friends with this one girl, and we would have good times. Then one day, I realized that I did truly love her.” Jonghyun said, referring to Yeunhae, while also petting Roo. “But soon after, I graduated from High School, and my parents put me to work right after, but she was a year younger, so she was still in school. We lost contact, but we met by coincidence one day, but what she told me was she already has a boyfriend.” Jonghyun sighed. “And her boyfriend is one of my best friends. So, out of respect to my best friend, I didn’t try to restore our relationship to where it used to be. I mean, I can’t even hug her without having a feeling of guilt in my gut, because I’m pretty sure they were in love.” Jonghyun said.

            “Waaahh… Does this girl know you love her that much?” Yeunhae asked.

            Jonghyun smiled, seeing that she didn’t seem to catch on that he was talking about her. “I don’t think she ever noticed.” Jonghyun said.

            “You should tell her next time you see her. You said you love her right? Well, if you love her, you should get the chance to at least tell her. Because… what if she was only dating that guy because she missed you, and had to get you out of her mind?” Yeunhae suggested.

            “Yeun… I don’t know, I think she already has enough stress pushed on her.” Jonghyun said, rubbing Roo’s belly.

            “Oh, come on. You’ll never know her feeling towards you if you never even talk about it with her. In a relationship, there should be communication between the two people, so they are comfortable with each other, and know each other well.” Yeunhae said.

            “Yeunhae, you don't really have experience in relationships, and I’m taking dating advice from you? Aigoo, you sure try hard.” Jonghyun said, ruffling her hair.

            “Whatever.” Yeunhae said, sticking out her tongue playfully. “Just tell her. I’m telling you this from a girl’s perspective. If any guy left my side, of course I would want them back. Whether it’s just a guy-friend, or and actual boyfriend, it applies to all.” Yeunhae said.

            Jonghyun sat up. “So you really want me to tell her?”

            Yeunhae sat up also. “Deh. Tell her.”

            Jonghyun thought back to last night… The night when Minho left.

----Flashback (Jonghyun’s POV)----

            Minho called me, and asked me to come to the Banpo Bridge.

            I came, and we were on top, watching the water shoot out of the sides. “So… What’s wrong?” I asked Minho.

            “Jonghyun, you know… if anything happened to me, I would leave everything to you… Everything.” Minho said to me.

            “What do you mean? What happened?” I asked, flipping a coin over the bridge, into the water.

            Minho was staring out into the distance, watching the water lap around at the sand beneath us, under the bridge. “My Umma got abducted, and some crazy person wants me give him 1,120,130,300 Won, and bring it to New York.” Minho said, being straight to the point.

            “1,120,130,300 WON??!?!?!” I shouted/asked. “Yaah… Isn’t that like 1 million dollars in U.S.A. currency?”

            “Yeah, just about.” Minho said.

            “And are you actually going to give him that much money?” I asked.

            Right then, Minho showed me two suitcases full of cash… exactly 1,120,130,300 Won. “Oh my god, Minho, are you really doing this without contacting the police?” I asked.

            “My mom could be dead for all I know… I can’t just sit here around and do nothing about it.” Minho said, throwing a lone rock over, and into the water.

            “Well, how long are you going to be gone? What about SHINee, man? We’re a group of five guys, not four” I said, taking out my wallet, and showing him a picture of all five of us at a waterpark last year.

            “I don’t know how long I’m going to be gone. But SHINee is SHINee, we’ll always be the same.” Minho gave me a reassuring smile.

            “But… do you have a general idea of how long?” I asked.

            “My biggest fear would be about three years, because I don’t even know where this bastard is. He could be anywhere. Then, I also have to get this whole problem into court, so he will go to jail… and then I have to deal with the press and the constant interviewing people from the news channels.” Minho said.

            “Man… Three years? I don’t think I can-”

            Minho cut me off, “I know, but I have to. I don’t have a choice. This is my mom we’re talking about.”

            “Then why don’t I help you?” I asked.

            “I don’t want you to get involved in this.” Minho said. 

            “I am involved! You’re my best friend, so of course I am involved! Plus, I’m the one you told first, right? You always come to me instead of Onew hyung or Key or Taemin, because we’ve always been closer, right?”

            “Y-yeah… but-”

            “Then, listen to me: YOU ARE NUTS TO GO THERE BY YOURSELF! And if Key knew about this, you better believe that he would be going all motherly on you! Like going with you, making sure you eat, and crap like that.” I said.

            “I’ll tell you what. Once I get to New York, and I feel like something will go bad, I’ll give you a call.” Minho said, picking up the suitcases.

            “That sounds better.. but what if you can’t contact us fast enough?” I asked.

            “Hyung, don’t worry. I’ll be fine. But, I have to go, my flight leaves in a bit.” Minho said, and gave me one of those brotherly hugs. (We’re not gay) One of those hugs where you are saying goodbye to a family member.

            “Arasso… Be careful. And call me if anything, I MEAN ANYTHING, goes wrong! Arasso?” I pestered him.

            “You’ve been hanging out with Key too much.” Minho chuckled, and said good-bye, and he turned around and started walking away.

            I stood there, watching him walk. But her turned around.

            “Hyung!” Minho called out.

            “Deh?” I asked.

            “Do me a favor?” He asked.

            I smirked. “Sure, what?”

            “Take good care of Yeunhae. I don’t expect her to wait for me for three years, so… I’m trusting you to keep her in your arms.”

            “Arasso, Arasso! You’ll be late for you flight.” I said.

            Minho smiled. “If you ever make her cry, Jonghyun, I will personally make sure you won’t be able to have children.” Minho said, turning back around and leaving.

            I chuckled at his last words to me. “I can’t believe he just gave me permission to take Yeunhae into my arms.” I said, smiling, and running in the opposite direction the Minho was going.

----End of Flashback/ End of Jonghyun’s POV----

            “Okay… I think I am able to tell her.” Jonghyun said, breathing deeply.

            Yeunhae smiled. “YAY! Okay, I’m super happy for you.”

            “Okay… here goes.” Jonghyun inhaled, then exhaled. “Yeunhae, I love you.” Jonghyun breathed out.

            “See? That wasn’t so hard was it?” Yeunhae breathed out in happiness. Then she froze up. “WAIT. WHAT?!”

Author's Note: Sorry for not updating for a while, so I wrote this HUGE- chapter that took all day to write. xD ANYWAY, don't hate on Jonghyun quite yet ... 'cuz the drama's just getting started. ;]]

Hey anyone got a youtube account? Subscribe to my channel (:

A L R I G H T Y   T H E N ;  C H E O N N Y  O U T (:

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xxHardcoreShawolxx #1
Chapter 24: Gr8 story!!:) i feel sad 4 jjong(sry cant help it, im a blinger!^^) luv ur writing skills, plzz update soon!:D and btw can u plzzz plzzz make a jjong+oc fic?... Plzz!! Thxx so much!! Hihi^^ <33
Kekeke~ -block! Update soon!~
Update PLEASE! !!!~^^
choiminhosunsun #4
new reader! LOVING IT!
saranghae!!!luving it!!!!!
m0zarts0nata-- #5
such cute!!!
SHINee_Key #6
IHOP? A new apple thing?? LOL. LOL interruption! -block
levilia #7