Minho's House. *Wiggle Eyebrows*

Today's Homework Assignment: Choi Minho.

Minho led Yeunhae to the front door. Yeunhae felt her heart jumping out of her chest. He could see the anxiousness in her eyes, which made him laugh a little.

Taking the key from his pocket, he opened the door, and held it open for Yeunhae. With a flushed face, Yeunhae stepped inside.




Seeing the amazed look on Yeunhae’s face, Minho smiled. This was very special to him, since Yeunhae was the only girl he had ever brought to his house before. The only other people who had stepped foot in this house was SHINee, and his maids & butlers that his parents insisted Minho should have.

Minho removed his shoes, and so did Yeunhae. After removing their light jackets, he had led them into the kitchen for beverages. Even though neither of them was thirsty, Minho wanted to be a gentleman, and Yeunhae didn’t want to reject him.

“What do you want to drink?” he asked.

“Ehhh, water?” Yeunhae suggested.

“Don’t you ever break the rules?” Minho laughed.

“What do you mean?” Yeunhae tilted her head.

“Have you ever had wine? Beer? Soju?” Minho asked.

“I accidently drank wine once, have you?” Yeunhae asked.

“Jonghyun dared me to back in middle school.” Minho laughed.

Minho took a bottle of wine from the cellar in the basement. “Want some?” he asked.

“Umm… I’m good, no thanks.” Yeunhae said.

“Alright.” Minho smiled. “I can get you some juice or water if you want.”

“Juice is fine.”

While Yeunhae drank her juice, Minho had a tiny portion of wine. Not enough to make him dizzy and drunk, but just enough to make his mood lighten up. He was seriously nervous, and he thought maybe the alcoholic contents of the wine would calm him down a bit.

Minho knew when to have fun, but he was still a smart cookie. He knew alcohol was bad, and that he was underage. So, he gave himself only a little bit, before putting it back.

Yeunhae was also done with her juice, and once they cleaned up, Minho started leading her upstairs.

‘Crap… Where is he taking me?’Yeunhae thought to herself. ‘OH MY GOODNESS! HIS BEDROOM?!?!?!’

Minho also had his share of worries. ‘Crap. What am I supposed to do after I bring her in my room? Just talking would be weird, and pathetic. Aish… What do I do?’ Minho’s mind was running in circles, while his heart was jumping in place. They reached his bedroom, and he opened it with ease.

He let go of her hand when they were both settled on the bed, sitting.

Yeunhae decided to speak first. “Soooo…”

Minho started the actual topic, though. “So you’ve never had your first kiss?”

“Nope. Truthfully, I find it quite boring that kids these days are making-out before they even turn thirteen.” Yeunhae stook out her tongue in disgust.

“Now, Yeunhae. You’re a senior. That was five years ago when you were 13.” Minho said.

“So what…” Yeunhae mumbled. “People still kiss people they don’t even care about. They just do it for the action, and because they’re just bored.” She said. “Who was your first kiss?” She asked Minho.

“This one Noona, named Krystal. I never even knew her that well. I was at a party in middle school, and Krystal was drunk. Then Krystal’s crew locked us up in a bedroom. I swear, she was about to me.” Minho chuckled. “It’s really disgusting to think about it.”

Yeunhae was taken aback. Krystal?! HER?! Yeunhae tried not to hate anyone, because she just isn’t the type to hate anyone, but Krystal, she was an exception. Krystal was a , , druggie, alcoholic, she has even sold herself for a few times. Yet, nobody bothers to tell any of the teachers, or the police.

Better yet… This gorgeous man right in front of Yeunhae, was a man who almost got by her. His delicate-looking lips were attacked by… by an orangutan monkey named Krystal.

Yeunhae moved a good inch or so away from Minho. He noticed this, and raised his eyebrows.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“…You… Krystal… Monkeys…” Yeunhae couldn’t form a proper sentence.

“Yeun? You okay?” Minho got a bit concerned.

“What? I’m fine…” Yeunhae lied.

Minho laughed, as he could tell she was lying. “You’re a really bad liar.” He scooted closer, making Yeunhae give him a look. He smirked, and moved a little more closer.

Yeunhae laughed, because she thought he was just playing around. She stopped laughing as soon as he pinned her down on the bed.

“Yah! Minho! This… this isn’t funny anymore!” Yeunhae said… warning him.

“Bwoh? Why not? Are you nervous? Afraid I will do something to you?” Minho raised his eyebrows, teasing her.

“No.. I just…” she said.

“Just what~” he cooed. He drew his face closer to hers.

Yeun got more and more sure he was drunk or something… “Minho. Get off me. Now. Please.” She said, slowly losing her patience.

“Beg more.” Minho said.

“No!” Yeunhae pouted.

“Yes!” Minho said, and smirked.

“No.” she shook her head.

“Kiss me then.” Minho said.

“Fine…” She paused. “WAIT WHAT?! KISS YOU?!”

“Yeah, you heard right.” Minho reached over to grab a remote that controlled the lights. He pressed one button, and the whole room went pitch black.

“M-M-Minho… I told you I don’t know how these kinds of thing go…” Yeunhae said.

“And I told you I’d teach you.” Minho kissed her cheek.

 Yeunhae could feel his warm and minty breath against the silky smooth skin of her cheek. She continued to feel it as the heat traveled down to her neck.

All the sudden she felt his lips gently kiss her neck. About a minute later, he softly bit her, then the area he bit with his tongue.

‘Oh dear… I’m getting a hickey from Choi Minho… How am I going to cover this up tomorrow?' Yeunhae said to herself, even though she knew that she wanted more than anything for him to continue.  

Author’s Note: Okay, I know I seriously at PG-13 scenes… BUT HEY! IM ONLY 13 ANYWAY, SO YOU GET WHAT YOU GET! :DDDD I don't know if I have the guts to write rated stuff... O_O

Tell me what you guys want... Do you want rated? OR NO? CAST YOUR VOTES, PLEASE!!


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Anyway, welcome new subscribers (: I’m super happy that I am getting this far with this story >:D


OH AND BTW: I’m stopping the “Question of Chapter” permanently, or just for a while, because I’m fresh out of ideas. xD 

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xxHardcoreShawolxx #1
Chapter 24: Gr8 story!!:) i feel sad 4 jjong(sry cant help it, im a blinger!^^) luv ur writing skills, plzz update soon!:D and btw can u plzzz plzzz make a jjong+oc fic?... Plzz!! Thxx so much!! Hihi^^ <33
Kekeke~ -block! Update soon!~
Update PLEASE! !!!~^^
choiminhosunsun #4
new reader! LOVING IT!
saranghae!!!luving it!!!!!
m0zarts0nata-- #5
such cute!!!
SHINee_Key #6
IHOP? A new apple thing?? LOL. LOL interruption! -block
levilia #7