Morning With That Dude With A Face .

Today's Homework Assignment: Choi Minho.

( This picture has absolutely NOTHING to do with the story, it's just cute xD Anyway, carry on readers! )

Minho felt how stiff Yeunhae was, and released his tight grip on her, and got off, sitting beside her. He pulled the covers over both of them, and lay down.

          “We have school tomorrow… We should sleep.” Good thing it was dark in that room, because he didn’t want Yeunhae see him blushing like mad.

          Yeunhae was shocked that he stopped. Minho wasn’t the type of person to stop when he was in the middle of something. However, she was glad that she could finally get some sleep. She was so tired.

          Minho was not pleased with the distance between the two of them as they lay next to each other. He brought his body directly to hers, making contact. His next move was to wrap his arm around her waist, and turn her body around so she was facing him.

          “Good night.” Minho whispered.
          Yeunhae mumbled something into Minho’s shoulder, but he assumed it was a “good night”. He chuckled, and kissed her sweetly on her forehead.

          Minho was the first to “fall asleep”, but Yeunhae was wide awake. It didn’t matter how sleepy she was two minutes ago, right now, she is completely awake now.

          She tried to wiggle a little bit, but even in his “sleep”, Minho held her close to his body. Yeunhae could feel the heat radiating of Minho’s body. She was a little cold before, but now she felt warm.

“I guess it’s true that blankets don’t warm you up, your body warms them up… Or in this case… Minho’s body warmed them up.” Yeunhae said in a whisper.

Minho opened one eyed to see if she was talking to herself, and she was. At least she thought she was. He was actually pretending to sleep. He smiled and closed his eye.

Yeunhae looked at Minho’s “sleeping” face. There was the gentlest smile on his face just the moment. She placed her free hand on his face. His skin was super smooth and touchable.

Although, she barely had any time to examine his face long enough, because Minho couldn’t take it anymore, and hugged her.

“Stupid. I’ve been awake this whole time.” Minho let out a cute boyish laugh.

Yeunhae felt herself go red with embarrassment, but it soon evaporated into the air when Minho gently her hair, and she fell asleep in his arms.

Minho looked down on her and smiled. He soon fell asleep.

          -Hello, Hello nareumdaero yonggil naessoyo. Hello, Hello jamshi yaegi hallaeyo. Hello, He-

          Minho groaned and reached over to turn off the alarm clock. He sighed and finally opening his eyes too to see the angelic sleeping face of Yeunhae. He laughed at himself, because they fell asleep while hugging. He smiled, sat up, and looked at the clock. They have an hour before school starts. He heard a slight knock on the bedroom door, and Minho got off the bed to answer it.

          “Good morning Mister Choi, breakfast will be done in ten minutes, please be down by then.” The maid bowed down.

          “Is there a lot?” He sluggishly asked, still dazed from waking up.

          “Yes.” She answered. “Oh, and would you like your bed made?”

          “Sure, when we leave.” Minho said.

          “We?” The maid raised an eyebrow.

          “No, I! I said when I leave!” Minho stuttered and blushed, and slammed the door in her face.

          Yeunhae woke up to the noise of Minho slamming the door. She sat right up.

          Minho turned around and smiled. “Sorry, did I wake you up?”

          Yeunhae shook her head. “It’s fine.” She gave him a sweat smile.

          “Okay.” Minho walked over and sat next to her on the bed. “Good morning.” He moved his face so it was just inches away from hers.

          “What are you doing?” She asked.

          “What? No good morning kiss?” Minho pouted.

          Yeunhae put her hand on his cheek, and then kissed her hand, giggling.

          Minho pinned her down on the bed. “Aniyo! That doesn’t count!” He then smirked, and kissed the tip of her nose, and got off her. “In about 5 minutes, we got to go downstairs to eat.

          Yeunhae instantly got up, and straightened out the knots in her hair. Right then, she noticed another thing. “Minho…” she said, and Minho faced her.

          “Yes?” He asked.

          “I don’t have my uniform with me…”

          “Don’t worry, I have one.” Minho said, going into the other room, which was his closet, and handing her a uniform that would fit her. “Here.”

          “Why do you have a girl’s uniform?” Yeunhae hesitated to reach out and grab it.          

          “It’s my sister’s. She never wore it though.” Minho laughed. “She always broke the rules.” Minho started to think about his sister who left Minho after she graduated. She went to go study in France. She is a really awesome big sister, though.

          “Oh, thanks.” Yeunhae grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up a little, up to her belly button. She then felt Minho’s eyes staring at her.

          Minho noticed that he was staring at her while she was undressing, and blushed. “Sorry, I’ll go into the closet to change…” Minho said, grabbing his folded uniform sitting on the desser and went into the closet.

          Minho shut the door of the walk-in closet, and leaned against it.

          “Stupid… Stupid.. Stupid…” He hit his head a few times. “Why was I staring at her like that… I probably creeped her out.” Minho flipped his hair, getting it out of his eyes, and got dressed for school.

          Both of them headed down stairs to eat. Minho ordered everyone to leave the dining area, and to go clean something, even though they all knew he just wanted to be alone with Yeunhae.

          There was a wide variety of food to eat, and Yeunhae just stared at it all. Were they supposed to eat all this? HOW? They only had about half an hour before school started, and Yeunhae was guessing there was going to be a lot of left overs.

          They sat down beside each other, and starting eating. Minho looked over at her noticing that she was staring at her plate, which had a huge amount of food on it. He snickered, taking a sip of his orange juice.
          “You don’t have to eat it all, you know. We have to leave soon anyway, so eat what you can.” He flashed her a smile.

          Yeunhae sighed in relief, and Minho laughed.

          After fifteen minutes of eating, they both cleaned up, and the maids took care of cleaning the table as Minho and Yeunhae left.

          While entering Minho’s shiny blue sports car, Yeunhae’s phone was vibrating. It was a text message
// From: Kyuhyun Oppa

          “Wow, Oppa. You’re so stupid.” Yeunhae laughed. 

          “Hmm?” Minho asked her.

          “What? OH! Not you! I meant Kyuhyun!” Yeunhae explained.
          “Oh, haha.” Minho laughed, and ruffled her hair. “Okay.”

          Yeunhae decided to text him back.

// To: Kyuhyun Oppa
Message: Sorry Oppa, I spent the night at Minho’s house. //  

          Minho started driving to school, and Yeunhae got another text.

// From: Kyuhyun Oppa
Message: YAH! You better still be a , either wise I will smack the ity right back into you! >_< //

          Yeunhae starting laughing out loud, and couldn’t stop. Minho looked at her funny.

          “You okay?” he asked

          “My brother is so stupid.” Yeunhae said while laughing.
          Minho smiled at her, and continued driving.

// To: Kyuhyun Oppa
Message: Don’t worry, Oppa, we didn’t do anything bad (: I’ll see you later, we just arrived at school. Have a nice day! //  

// From: Kyuhyun Oppa
Message: Hehe ^-^ Alright. Bye bye! Your big brother loves you <3 //

          “Haha, he must be drunk.” Yeunhae laughed as Minho got out of the car, and opened the door for Yeunhae. “Thanks.” She said as she got out.

          Minho locked his car, and took Yeunhae hand in his own. “Ready?” he asked, smiling down on her.

          Yeunhae nodded in response, and they walked into the school.

Author's Note: Hello, Hello! I realize I'm not updating as frequent as I would to, but ugghh... I really hate school! >_< And Thank you to all who voted! You can still vote if you haven't (: A lot said yes, and some said No, so right now, I'm soooo torn idk which side to chose. So for now, I'll keep it PG-13 (:

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xxHardcoreShawolxx #1
Chapter 24: Gr8 story!!:) i feel sad 4 jjong(sry cant help it, im a blinger!^^) luv ur writing skills, plzz update soon!:D and btw can u plzzz plzzz make a jjong+oc fic?... Plzz!! Thxx so much!! Hihi^^ <33
Kekeke~ -block! Update soon!~
Update PLEASE! !!!~^^
choiminhosunsun #4
new reader! LOVING IT!
saranghae!!!luving it!!!!!
m0zarts0nata-- #5
such cute!!!
SHINee_Key #6
IHOP? A new apple thing?? LOL. LOL interruption! -block
levilia #7