Hardest Thing We Humans Do- Saying Goodbye.

Today's Homework Assignment: Choi Minho.


Jonghyun was sitting in his office looking over Yeunhae’s school records that she had given to him when she was looking for a job here.

            “Pretty impressive, but I wonder how awkward it would be.” Jonghyun said to himself, placing it down on his desk. He took out his cell phone, and went to Yeunhae’s number. Pressing on the “call” button, he had a slight smile. But after the first ring, he hung up.

            He sighed. “If I hire her, Minho will be on my case. If I don’t, Yeunhae will most likely be surprised and mad.” Jonghyun placed his cell phone back in his pocket. He was starting to feel a little pain in his forehead. “Aiisshhh. I’m getting a headache” He said, rubbing his temples gently.

            There was a knock on his office door. “Come in.” He said.

            His secretary walked in with a folder in her hands. “Here’s the statistics you asked for. Our company went up by two percent.”

            Jonghyun smiled. “Perfect. Now we can improve our investments. Thanks for your hard work, Jiwan-sshi.” (Jiwan was his secretary’s name)

            Jiwan bowed down and turned to leave.

            “Hold on a minute.” Jonghyun said, standing up. “Can you see if the health office has any pain relievers? I’m getting a headache.”

            “Yes sir.” She bowed again, and left to the health office.

            Jonghyun sat down and groaned. He turned his computer on, and looked at the papers in the folder as he waited for the computer to boot up.

            “Two percent, huh?” Jonghyun asked himself. That was a pretty big increase for a short amount of time.

            The computer was now on the desktop, so Jonghyun placed the folder away into the filing cabinet.

            Once on his computer, he opened a new word document, but didn’t type anything. Instead, he grabbed his coat, and went down to the main level of the building.

            His secretary was entering the elevator when Jonghyun was exiting. “Oh, Sir, here’s the pain reliever you wanted.” She said handing the case of pills to Jonghyun.

            “Thank you. I’m taking a break. I’ll be back later.” Jonghyun said, leaving the elevator.

            He got into his car, and started driving. Once he arrived in front of a place, he took out his cell phone again, and began to text a message.

 ( LOL, I wonder who he’s texting… )

            The rest of the school day was just plain awkward. Minho still walked with Yeunhae to class, but there was a bit of distance between the two.

            By the time school was over, they were pretty silent. Yeunhae went to her locker to go home, and Minho came to her a couple minutes later. He already got his backpack ready.

            “You want a ride home?” Minho asked quietly.

            “Su-” Yeunhae started, but her cellphone started vibrating. She checked the message.

// From: Jonghyun

Message: Hey, I’m at the back of your school. We should talk. //

“Ummm…” Yeunhae said. “I think I’m getting a ride home from a friend.

            Minho raised an eyebrow, but he decided that would probably be best. There was enough awkward situations today. “Alright. I’ll see you later than?”

            “Yup.” Yeunhae said.

            Minho gave her a quick hug, and went to the parking lot.

            Yeunhae on the other hand, went to the back of the school. She could see Jonghyun sitting on a bench next to a tree, playing with his phone.

            She walked up until she was about two feet away from him. “Jonghyun?”

            He looked up, and smiled. “Oh, Hello. Umm... you can sit down if you’d like.” Jonghyun said, motioning her to sit beside him.

            Yeunhae sat down next to him. “So… Did you need to talk about something?’’

            “Yeah.” Jonghyun said, putting his phone away. “My company has been expanding lately, and we might need new workers.”

            Yeunhae looked up at him.

            “And I think it would be nice to have you work with me.” Jonghyun smiled.

            “Really?!?!” Yeunhae jumped in her seat, with a really big smile on her face.

            “Yeah, it-”

            “Oh my goodness, thank you!” Yeunhae said, hugging him.

            Jonghyun felt a bit weird inside, but he did hug her back.

            Yeunhae let go of the hug. “Seriously, thank you so much.” 

            Jonghyun shook his head. “No need to thank me. But hey, we haven’t really talked ever since I graduated. What’s been going on?”

            “School has been the usual. Senior year is pretty nice, though.” Yeunhae said.

            “How about you and Minho… You guys doing good?” Jonghyun asked.

            “Yeah, I guess.” Yeunhae said.

            “You don’t seem real happy about it.” Jonghyun said. “You okay?”

            “Hmmm… Yeah. It just feels a bit weird now.” Yeunhae said.

            “Why?” Jonghyun asked.

            “I don’t know… there’s a lot of people putting pressure on us. I don’t even know why.” Yeunhae said.

            “Like what kind of pressure?” 

            “Like… Well, I stayed at Minho’s for the night last night, and somehow, people found out. And now they think gross stuff.”

            Jonghyun chuckled. “Like  what?”

            Yeunhae cleared . “Well… They think that…”

            Jonghyun broke out into laughter. “They think that you two did it?”

            Yeunhae just sighed. “They do think weird things.”

            “Well, think about it. A couple in their Senior year of high school, sleeping together, and nothing happens? That’s not what people think. People would think you two did something.” Jonghyun said.

            “I’m sooo behind on this sort of stuff.” Yeunhae pouted.

            Jonghyun laughed. “That’s because you never had any interest in dating. Speaking of that, you really must like Minho for you to date him, huh?” Jonghyun asked.

            Yeunhae processed the question. But deep inside that question, she could feel a bit of pain and betrayal. What exactly was Jonghyun asking?

            “Umm… I guess.” Yeunhae said.

            “Come on, give me a straight answer.” Jonghyun elbowed her gently. Secretly, Jonghyun was wishing she would say that she did not like Minho, but then again, that would be mean to Minho. Yeah, Jonghyun still loves Yeunhae, but he didn’t want to take her away from Minho. And if Minho and Yeunhae were really in love, he shouldn’t get in the way of that. He was ready to hear the truth. The truth that Yeunhae really does like Minho, and that he should just move on.

            “Actually, to tell you the truth, my feelings are still unknown.” Yeunhae said sighing. “I mean, there are times where it does feel like we’re really going out, but at other times, he’s more like a guy-friend.”

            “Really?” Jonghyun asked. “Have you guys ever kissed?”

            “Nope.” Yeunhae said, but she was thinking of that hickey.

            Jonghyun smiled. ‘I’m still the only one who has kissed her lips.’  He thought to himself.

            “Hmmm… Well. Do you think you can work on Saturday mornings?” Jonghyun asked.

            “Umm.. Yeah, sure.” Yeunhae said, thankful for the topic change.

            “Great. Well, do you want a ride home?” Jonghyun asked.

            “That would be nice, thanks.” Yeunhae said.

            They both went to Jonghyun’s car, and he already knew where she lived, so he did not need any directions. When they reached her house, they said goodbye, and she went inside her house. When he saw her bedroom lights turn on, he purposely hit his head on the steering wheel.

            “Damn it…” Jonghyun cursed. “How am I supposed to let her go when she say that her feelings are unknown?” He put the car into reverse, and backed out of the driveway, and drove back to his house.

            Yeunhae slumped down on her bed. “Aiissh, what to do? I know that Jonghyun’s my best guy-friend, but should I really tell him the truth about me and Minho?” Yeunhae said to herself. “But… Sanghee and Hamin both know that I do like Minho. They know that I don’t just like him… because I think I love him. I just doubt that Minho loves me. I can’t tell Jonghyun that.”

            Kyuhyun busted into Yeunhae’s room, pointing his finger at her like she did something bad.

            “Yah! Don’t just barge in like that!! What did you hear?” Yeunhae asked.

            “I heard nothing.” Kyuhyun said. “I’m just hungry. Go make some food.”

            “Arasso.” Yeunhae checked the clock. 6:30 PM.


---- Three hours later ----

            Yeunhae just finished changing in pajamas for bed, when her phone started ringing. It was a text message.

// From: Minho

Message: Good night, Jagiya. Saranghae. <3 ^^ //

            Yeunhae smiled, and silently giggled.

// To: Minho

Message: Good night. :D //

            A minute later, she received another text.

// From: Minho

Message: Yah, aren’t you going to say “Saranghae” to? T_T //

            Yeunhae chuckled at his cuteness. Just a few hours ago, she and Minho were so awkward. She guessed that this means that he didn’t want that to get in the way.

// To: Minho

Message: Arasso, arasso. Saranghae. :P //

// From: Minho

Message: Hehehehe >:D //

“If only Minho could say that he loves me in real life.” And with that, Yeunhae fell asleep with a smile plastered on her lips.

Minho smiled as he put his phone down. He stared up at the ceiling, but then his caller ringtone went off.

            “Who would call at this hour?” Minho asked himself.

// Incoming Call: Mommy //

            He answered right as he saw it was his Umma.

            “Yoboseyo?” Minho said.

            “Minho-ah!” He heard his mother say in a worried tone.

            “Umma? Is there something wrong?” Minho asked.

            Minho heard a sharp scream that he knew would only come from his Umma. “Umma?! Yoboseyo?!”

            A bang was heard, and he assumed that she had dropped the phone. Soon after, her screams were muffled, but they were still could be heard. Someone picked up the phone.

            “Minho-sshi” A distorted voice said, so that it could not be recognized.

            “Who is this?” Minho asked.

            “You don’t need to know. What you need to do is get your to the bank and pull out 1,120,130,300 Won, and bring it here to America. Since you’re in Korea, you’d have to come here. Or else.”

(1,120,130,300 Won is approx. one million dollars in United States Dollars)

            “What?! What are you doing to my Mom?!” Minho asked.

            “I’ll be waiting in New York…” And the caller hung up.

            Minho clenched his fist around the phone. “Dammnnn itttt!!!” He shouted, and threw his phone at the floor, breaking it.

            “What the hell am I supposed to do about Yeunhae? I can’t just tell her I’m leaving, and then leave.” He said to himself. “. I wonder what’s happening. What the heck just happened to my mom?!” He sat still. Then he gasped, and sat up straight. “DID THEY HER? I’M GOING TO KILL THEM!” Minho stood up, and grabbed his jacket.

            After a few minutes, he got into his car, and drove to Yeunhae’s house. It was already 10:13 PM, but this was important.

            He rang the doorbell, which Kyuhyun answered. “Ah, Minho-sshi.” Kyuhyun said, letting Minho in.

            “Is Yeunhae awake?” Minho asked, stepping in.

            “Umm.. I don’t know. You can go upstairs and see if you’d like.” Kyuhyun said.

            “Oh, thanks.” Minho said, walking past Kyuhyun, and going up to Yeunhae’s room.

            The door was unlocked, and when Minho opened the door, he saw Yeunhae already sleeping.

            “Hmmf. She’s already asleep. Darn it.” Minho sighed. “Time for Plan B.” He said, taking out  an envelope, which had a letter inside.

            “I’m so sorry, Yeunhae.” Minho said, leaning down to Yeunhae’s level, and kissing her gently on the lips. “Saranghae.” He whispered, and with that, he left for the airport, a tear falling from his eye.

Author’s Note: OMG! They FINALLY had their first kiss! AND He admitted that really does LOVE her! SOOOO SADDD!!! o(T_T)o   And this is the part where they do notice their feelings, and that both of them do love each other. But will their feelings still last after Minho leaves with only a letter as a good-bye?

(That was me trying to build suspense… Did it work? xD)



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xxHardcoreShawolxx #1
Chapter 24: Gr8 story!!:) i feel sad 4 jjong(sry cant help it, im a blinger!^^) luv ur writing skills, plzz update soon!:D and btw can u plzzz plzzz make a jjong+oc fic?... Plzz!! Thxx so much!! Hihi^^ <33
Kekeke~ -block! Update soon!~
Update PLEASE! !!!~^^
choiminhosunsun #4
new reader! LOVING IT!
saranghae!!!luving it!!!!!
m0zarts0nata-- #5
such cute!!!
SHINee_Key #6
IHOP? A new apple thing?? LOL. LOL interruption! -block
levilia #7